Masters Running

Thu Sep 18 Runs and Workouts (Read 512 times)

    The healing process is a slow one when you are older, and particularly after very invasive surgery.
    Older than what? Probably "dirt" in your case. Don't worry, you'll be back soon with a faster pace and lower resting HR, just like always. A good 8-miler by Lou (faster than mine today), and wow, Tim -- that's a good HM time for just a "workout". Glad to see Mary taking it easy, and I see that Peter makes three of us doing 8. OK, it's officially Fall here: we went to the cider mill yesterday for some fresh-pressed cider and cinnamon-sugar-coated donuts. Mmmm. The only thing missing was color in the trees and crunchy leaves on the ground, but that'll be coming in a few weeks. I ran another 8-miler this morning, taking a slightly different route. It was a "utilitarian" run as well, as I carried a DVD with me the first couple of miles and dropped in the book return at the library on the way past. I was a little slower than Monday at a 9:45 average (must have been the weight of that DVD), but my leg felt even better. Believe it or not, my 16 miles this week makes it my longest week since January (when I was in denial about my injury). I took yesterday off, but did 24 miles on the bike on Tuesday afternoon. Good running and other workouts, everyone!

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

      Older than what? Probably "dirt" in your case.
      Is it just my imagination or has Doug been feisty as heck lately? I'm loving it. Big grin

      Be safe. Be kind.

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        OK, it's officially Fall here: we went to the cider mill yesterday for some fresh-pressed cider and cinnamon-sugar-coated donuts. Mmmm. The only thing missing was color in the trees and crunchy leaves on the ground, but that'll be coming in a few weeks.
        Oh, that sounds So good! Nice to see you out there getting in some quality runs Doug! Tim - you are doing so great and don't apologize for your long post - I enjoy reading it and I know others do too. I'm surprised Ribs hasn't called me Lazy yet.


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


          Another wild-eyed lunatic fringe post from that provocateur Tramps. And he insults me again. I'm outta here! Angry At least until my next post. Dark Horse
          I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

          Marathon Maniac #3309

            Ribs, everyone one knows you ARE the creator of my workouts, and if I do bad in my's your fault Big grin I actually owe a debt of gratitude to Ribs taking me under his wings (although his arm pits smell funky), and helping me be the best runner I can I have said before, you are a class act Ribs. I think my heel will be fine, so if you want harder...give it to me Cool I really can't imagine being where I am at now, with the goofy training plan I was doing on my own before you started helping me. I know especially at first, Ribs thought I was extremely stubborn and wasn't following his plan as he was sitting before me. I have always been an over achiever, and even in High School track I always tried to run faster than everyone, and run the paces faster than prescibed...but back then that was considered a good thing. Maine, I agree racing together would be cool as we seem to be close in our training - paces - and such. But this is my first Marathon, so I am not making any predictions really. I am going to settle into an 8:00 minute pace, then see what I have the last 10K or so. Hey, if we did run a race together, we could have DickyG be the referee as we Championship Wrestle to the finish line Big grin Tim

            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

              Is it just my imagination or has Doug been feisty as heck lately?
              Tramps, in case you haven't noticed, "roch" and "grouch" sort of almost rhyme. I think that's significant. OK, I'm outta here again! Angry Dark Horse
              I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                Even though Holly & Tim didn't take offense to my remark about the power outages, apparently God did & he decided to punish me. As Dave Barry would say, "I am not making this up." Yesterday evening at about 6:30, we heard a loud pop and the power went out. A squirrel had climbed a tree at the bottom of my driveway and ran out onto the transformer which serves 3 homes...mine and those on either side of me. The power guys came out in about 45 minutes and reset the thing but this was just too much of a coincidence. I really got to watch what I say around this bunch. BTW, the squirrel survived, although I don't know how...he lay in the yard for a minute or so, then got up & waddled into the woods. Holly: First of all, very nice 8-miler yesterday...way to gut out that last hill. Second, thank heavens for electricity..computers, stereo, lights, food storage, TV..we just don't appreciate it enough. #1 son was living in Fort Lauderdale 3 years ago when Rita (I think it was Rita) hit & left him without power for a few days..he was just climbing the walls. NoNo: Wildwood? When I was in college, the love of my life was from there...flaming red hair...Bonnie Hayman...sigh... Erika: I've heard lots of folks comment on the benefits of pool running. Apparently there are two ways to do it(?)...running actual laps and running in place while somehow being tethered to something or other. Is this correct? Tramps: Too cool, man! Ever see that old episode of I Love Lucy when Lucy & Ethel were stomping on the grapes? Tim & Karin: Top runs for both of you! Peter: I think you do more hillwork than anyone in the group... Maine & Ribs mentioned Bill Rogers yesterday...that got me to thinking...does Frank Shorter ever compete anymore? He was a Florida Gator through & through. I usually don't run on Thursday but I did 4 miles today...36:35 (9:09)..for some odd reason, I really ran out of gas early & had to walk 9 times...still covered the last 2 in 17:42. I'll try to run some tomorrow but Saturday I have the first round of the city-county golf championships in the morning and a double-header later that afternoon (make-up for a rainout a couple weeks ago). I'll miss Bill's posts...hope he returns soon. For what it's worth, I hate politics. I think our discussions should be limited to stock car racin', rasslin', and the Beach Boys. DickyG

                The Jogger

                  Lou, thanks for opening and nice run, btw the reset on the garmin worked so thanks for that, Tim cracking speedwork, Karin sounded like you were in England, Essex girl, Doug just another 8 Smile Tramps, your posts are excellent sent that link to MrsRoy who prefers politics to *** no not quite (i hope). DH mad as ever. ((((mary))))) DickyG take it easy.... Did a 5 miler yesterday but today went out for a 19 m bike ride, longest to date and very hilly. #19m AHR 146 04:54 pace (wish it was running) 12.3mph Good Runs All Roy

                  i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                    Lots of confidence building runs today as we near marathon time. Lou..Nice MP run Tim.. peaking at the right time.. nice repeats! Tramps.. I clicked on your link to a free pool of money and I'm still poor... This leg injury seems to be coming around.. after running 6 miles yesterday it was cranky off and on during the day and felt really good yesterday evening. So I ran 9.2 miles this morning in 1:24:59 (9:14 pace, AHR 152) and it was feeling better as the run progressed so I could do some powerful strides which really helped untangle the nerves and tendons. Afterwards it felt prety good. Knocking on wood... One part of the run, around mile 6-7, I noticed that I was barely breathing at all and it seemed effortless at 8:40 pace. That was wonderful. oh.. and it was IRC, 57F.

                    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



                      Roch is slowed down by a DVD and Tramps is slowed down by spiderwebs - what next? Big grin At least Tim had no excuses, and ran really fast! Way to go, TimBo! I ran the 3rd in my trail series races last night: 6.5 miles in 1:03:59, for a 9:51 avg pace. This is a PR, as it's my first 6.5 mile race. We ran over Mt Carbon in the first mile, and it was basically a big grassy hill. I started at the back of the pack, as I've learned that this is a fast group at these races, and it was cool to see the line of brightly-colored runners zig-zagging up the switchbacks ahead of me. I walked a little on the hill, but was keeping up with the guy ahead of me who was jogging slowly. I think it takes less energy to walk fast than to run slow. Mile splits: Mile 1: 10:51 up over Mt Carbon Mile 2: 8:44 down the other side Mile 3: 10:59 uphill again, over the end of a dam Mile 4: 9:40 down the dam to the creek Mile 5: 10:22 getting tired - slight uphill along the creek to the turnaround at a bridge Mile 6: 9:25 feeling good again- downhill along the other side of the creek - cool and shady in the woods! Last half mile: 9:09 finished strong The race was almost all on single track trail, very pretty, especially the part in the woods along the creek. The last race in this series next Wednesday is only 1.3 miles and is all uphill on a jeep road. Shocked But the RD said after the race next week we're invited to meet for beer at a local restaurant. I met a guy at last week's race who passed me on the last hill, but said he'd been following me the whole way and it would be bad Karma to finish ahead of me, so he encouraged me to pass him. So I gave it a good kick at the end, so I could actually "earn" finishing ahead of him, and he was right behind me. Nice guy - we chatted a bit, and introduced ourselves by first name. He's Scott. So last night I saw him again, and met his friend Charles. We started out together at the back of the pack, and he was right in front of me going up Mt. Carbon. He slowed down at mile 3 and needed a porta-potty stop, so I passed him. At the end of the race he was handing out free water bottles with his name and "State Farm Insurance" printed on them. Turns out he's my insurance agent! Small world. I might have met him when we got our homeowner's policy 15 years ago, but don't remember. But I recognized his name. I personally love the political discussions and would welcome a separate thread. I'm also very interested in environmental issues and would like to discuss ways we can stop destroying the planet (if its not too late already.)

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        I'm also very interested in environmental issues and would like to discuss ways we can stop destroying the planet (if its not too late already.)
                        wildchild, don't worry, ecosystems have a way of sorting themselves out, when the population of one species gets out of control. Of course, when you're a member of that species, it's not pretty. Dark Horse
                        I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.

                          Great job Carolyn on your trail race last night. WTG sistahh. Nice story about your insurance agent. I too would like to see a separate thread about politics and environmental issues. Like Carolyn is not too late to save the planet. Taking another rest day today to help the crying right foot to stop complaining. The foot is feeling much better today so I think I will be OK for Portland.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                          The Jogger

                            Carolyn, nice work on that trail race and the next one looks tough! Roy
                              Separate threads would be great. But I still don't understand why someone who doesn't like political discussions or has very strong emotional opinions one way or the other can't just skip over the posts they don't like. For example, I HATE DISCUSSIONS OF BASEBALL. There, I said it. So I skip them. No harm done. There must be folks that HATE DISCUSSIONS OF WHAT CUTE LITTLE JUNIOR DID TODAY. Skip them. So I just think it is unfortunate that a tiny bit of politics has run two people off the boards. Tiimbo - you were in the ZONE! My foot hurts, yada yada yada, will do some XT today.

                              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                              King of PhotoShop

                                As all of you are well aware, there was a post by one individual on this site yesterday that seems to have upset the group, and as de facto (Latin for "I appointed myself") great one of the group, I am forced into the uncomfortable position of commenting on it, so that it won't reoccur and upset people further. Of course you know by now I am referring to Tramps' post when he asserted that his run was hindered because he ran into some spider webs, which apparently snapped him backwards several yards on the trail and took several minutes to wipe from his face before he could continue. The rest of us just say we had a good run or a bad run, but never do we try to pull the spider web trick on our good friends. So Tramps, I implore you, you will feel better about yourself if you just post truthfully here. (Tramps, thanks for that link re the financial crisis; I agree that if people aren't in this business it would be useful to learn what happened.) Oh, and as for Roch? He has been bullying me on this site for years, another enemy I forgot to mention yesterday. Here is another Ron Daws story for you. In January of 1987 I wanted to run Boston because my brother in law Joe had asked me to do it with him. I talked this over with Ron on the phone about how I could qualify and still run the race well in such a short time. Well, he said he would write to me with his ideas. I have in front of me a single spaced one and half page letter, dated 2 Feb, 1987 in which he lays out two plans, one if I have to qualify, and another if the BAA would waive the qualification based on my prior times. Then this is followed by a one page table of every workout I would have to do over ten weeks with qualification and without. Do you think the guy cared about helping others? He was a devoted disciple of Lydiard, understood his teachings better than anyone and was a great inspiration and coach to me. As I reread the letter the other day I thought, "there aren't five people on all the running sites in 2008 that I would give this schedule to; it's grueling." One day I may transcribe the letter and post it here for anyone who is interested. It is a very valuable possession of mine. DickyG, Frank Shorter still runs, but he barnstorms like Rodgers does. He announces the Dallas White Rock Marathon for TV now so he doesn't run that race, but in 2005 one of my biggest thrills was having my chip removed just after I finished and hearing the race announcer say, "And here comes Frank Shorter..." I walked 4 miles today slowly and it didn't feel so hot, but it was four miles more than that slug Mary ran today. Spareribs