Masters Running


Garmin 305 - HELP! (Read 417 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    I have been trying to aquire a satellite lock for over 45 minutes now. I've turned it on - off - moved it - you name it and nothing is working. It is cloudy out, but I have it in an open area. Geez, I've been ready to run for almost an hour now and I'm getting mad!! Angry Thanks in advance for any advise!! ~Mary


    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Never mind - I finally got a signal after keeping it in the house for a little while. I'm off now for my first heart rate run. WooHoo!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        I do not have a Garmin but I have noticed in my car GPS that when it is really cloudy or when Southern California had the wildfires(I am in LA) that I could not get a lock on my GPS.


          I've noticed that it takes a long time to get a lock if it is moving at all! If you take it off and set it down, it locks on faster.


          Runners run

            Clouds hurt a lot! I have had to just shut the thing off move it, put it down at the new spot, turn it on, walk away, and hope for the best when I come back a few minutes later.

            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

              The 1st time the 305 tries to acquire it'll take longer than what it'll take after that. But most importantly, as Ilene mentioned, take it off and set it down somewhere. It picks up a signal really quickly when it is not moving around. Bill

              "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                Make sure your unit has the latest software and satellite firmware. My 305 picked up better (even though it was pretty good before) after I upgraded the GPS firmware. If mode to "settings"/"general"/"about Forerunner" you should have software version 2.80 and GPS version 3.00. If your unit isn't up to date you can get the latest downloads here:
                  If mode to "settings"/"general"/"about Forerunner" you should have software version 2.80 and GPS version 3.00. If your unit isn't up to date you can get the latest downloads here:
                  The Garmin "Web Updater" program can also do all of this for you. With your device connected, it can find it, check the installed and available versions, and do the download and install. Mine is up-to-date as hup shows as of a couple of weeks ago. There are also Training Center updates that go along with the newest firmware versions.

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                    While the 305 does get a lock faster if you are not moving around with it, I have often just turned mine own while it is on my wrist and I'm driving the car along winding roads up to mountain trails. It still gets a lock within 5 minutes even on those days including when it is overcast. 45 minutes is way too long. If the firmware is up-to-date this shouldn't happen unless you happen to live in a place surrounded by tall buildings or mountains. While on vacation in Chicago a couple of months ago I could not get a lock downtown until I got out to Lakeshore Drive away from the buildings. The Garmin needs to be able to get a line of sight with 3 satellites to get a lock. On very rare occasions the black bar will go across and peg at the right end but sort of lock up. I found turning the Garmin off for a minute or so then back on tends to clear that up. It only happens once in a blue moon, however.

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      I think mine took so long to lock because I was messing around with all the settings inside the night before and it was the first time outside which I know takes a bit longer. I upgraded the software version to the 2.80, but it will not let me upgrade the GPS unit and has erased what was on there!! So I downloaded the Web UPdated and tried it that way - no go. So, I'm going to take everything into the office so I can try from my computer there(DSL) as I have dial up here at home and cannot call and talk to Garmin and fix it at the same time. The saga continues . . ..


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                        - Download the latest version of software using Webupdater. - Take the Garmin off and place on a surface before trying to acquire a satellite. - Try and tune it in in an area clear of trees and buildings. - Tune it in as close as possible to where you last turned it off. - If that doesn't work send it back. They will replace it without question (if its still under warranty). Mine normally takes 2 or 3 minutes to lock in, however yesterday it locked in in seconds as I RAN through a built up area under scaffolding!

                        Certified Running Coach
                        Crocked since 2013


                          Sorry that you're having trouble, hopeful. It took me two attempts with the GPS firmware, as well. You might save the firmware download to a jump drive or CD at the office, then take it home so that you can fiddle with it while enjoying a nice glass of wine Big grin Wink Let us know how it turns out hup BTW, how did your run go?

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            SUCCESS!! Everything is up to date. When I get home I'll let it acquire a satellite lock again and then I should be good to go. My run went great yesterday HUP - thanks for asking!! It'll be a while before I have it all figured out - but this is what I did yesterday: Mile 1 - 10:31 - 156 bpm Mile 2 - 10:15 - 169 bpm Mile 3 - 10:06 - 172 bpm Mile 4 - 10:33 - 173 bpm Mile 5 - 10:24 - 174 bpm Average pace - 10:22 Average bpm - 169 Thanks again for all they help everyone!! ~Mary


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              One other thing that I have works a lot better if I have it fully charged. A couple of time when I did not have it resting on the cradle and charging, it took longer to get the satillite downloads. As well, in new areas when traveling, it takes a while to "find" the new location. ON a funny note, I tried to download the satillite links while in an airplane. After a long search a message came up on the little screen asking...."Have you gone a long distance in a short time?" Pretty smart technology. Enjoy the 305 !
                                ON a funny note, I tried to download the satillite links while in an airplane. After a long search a message came up on the little screen asking...."Have you gone a long distance in a short time?" Pretty smart technology.
                                Sure is. Last time I downloaded my long run data it asked, "You call that a run?"

                                Be safe. Be kind.
