Masters Running


Sunday March 16 Runs (Read 455 times)


    Good morning Boomers! I kept looking for the Sunday forum and quickly realized there wasn't any. I don't think I've ever been the first to post! Big grin Just a quick 4 miler in 34:30 today to get the stiffness out after yesterday's long run. Only 20F here this morning and many icy spots, but the sun is out and there's a beautiful blue sky. Mary - you go girl! What a great long run yesterday. How are your legs today? Holly - open house today? You're right - the bad thing about having your house on the market is you always have to have it ready to be shown at a moment's notice. That's hard with kids. DH is officially 63 today, and thinks he's entitled to yet another party. I told him this one would have to be at a restaurant because I did the special dinner thing yesterday. (The carrot cake with cream cheese frosting was delicious!) Good Sunday runs to all. Jeanne
      good work on the long one yesterday...and the recovery run this morning. Sounds cold, apparently you managed the icy spots without incident. Happy Birthday to your DH...carrot cake and cream cheese favorite! I don't know which I like best the cake or the frosting! Pair that up with a cup of coffee or a glass of milk..... Big grin I'm planning a 9-12 miler later today. Good running to all!
      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

        Resting today...back kept me up all last night (very hard to get out of bed this morning and going downstairs was interesting) in spite of taking a total of three Oxycodone. I'm icing it now and have taken 2 Motrin. Need to be somewhat coherent since we are celebrating GD's 2nd birthday today. Guess Tuesday I need to ask the Oncologist for different pain medication. Sorry to whine so much. Hope you all have a great week! Yes, I'm still going to Knoxville...will make a decision later today as to whether to do the half of 5K. J -- Wish your DH a Happy Birthday for me!

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          Thank you for all the congratulatory remarks yesterday, and again this morning!! I feel good - went out for a 4 miler this morning just to loosen things up a bit. I was on a defiinte runner's high yesterday - every time someone came home I said "aske me how far I ran today!" Smile And I thought it only fitting that MrHopeful take me out for dinner - a request he was happy to fulfill. Thanks for starting us off Jlynne - that was definitely a quick 4 miler for you this morning!! Sounds like we are having the same weather too. Good luck on your long run today Evryday!! Cheers!! ~Mary


          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


            Great runs all.. Take care Munch. Today...42 degrees, out at 7:30 Am for an easy 6 mile recovery run.. NOw off to Dallas... Bye all...have fun and be safe...

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Erika – I’m hoping your 20-miler today went well for you. Mariposai – nice fast finish LR yesterday! Tammy – I agree with Hermosaboy – 17 miles on a TM is amazing! Jlynne – happy birthday to your DH. Any carrot cake left? {{{Munchkn}}} Well, we sold the house yesterday. Of course, there are inspections to pass, and we don’t close until 4/28. I feel stressed by the fact that we don’t see a single house that really seems to be what we’re looking for, but we don’t have to be out until 5/16, so we have some wiggle room. 20 miles for me today, in temps of 35-37. Ave pace (not counting potty stops) was 9:47 – fastest ave. pace yet for one of these LRs, with mile #14 at MP (8:47) and mile #19 at a fast tempo pace (8:09) – woohoo! ‘Bout killed me of course, but there’s definitely some improvement happening here. Now just one more long, long, long run, and then taper time….

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Nice run Holly, that last split is fantastic. Boston is yours, jjj
                Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                The Jogger

                  Afternoon Gang Well I went out for a 14 miler today, I was going to do a 4 miler with Woody on a reasonable flat trail then another 10 on an undulating road. got on the trail did a hilly 7 dropped Woody off at the house then did another 7 on the road. Now, Jeanne thanks for starting us and 2 good runs, good luck to hubby on his BD, congrats to my mate Mary on her longest one yesterday, Tim, enjoy Dallas, everyday, hope you have a nice run, congrats Holly on the house sale. Anyway: 14m 02:38:44 @ 11:21 pace AHR 149 60% WHR Good luck with all the races and GO PETER Good Runs All Roy
                    20 miles for me today, in temps of 35-37. Ave pace (not counting potty stops) was 9:47 – fastest ave. pace yet for one of these LRs, with mile #14 at MP (8:47) and mile #19 at a fast tempo pace (8:09) – woohoo! ‘Bout killed me of course, but there’s definitely some improvement happening here.
                    Now that's a good LR!
                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                      Best Wishes to our racers! Way to get it started Jeanne, You've had a great weekend. Did you play the lottery? Big grin 13.2 miles with DW her longest run ever Big grin Big grin Big grin Sub 11:00 minute pace was a surprise. Training her for her 2nd half, she did wonderful, only 2 brief walk breaks to drink. Weather was almost perfect for it ,31F with gentle breeze about 34F when finished.... Off to a baseball umpire meeting. Hard to believe high school baseball scheduled to start 2 weeks tomorrow.

                      Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                        Way to go Holly. Bill

                        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                          Sunday, Sunday…a day for long running, reading the newspaper at a leisurely pace and holding my legs under the coldest stream of water I can stand. Guess which activity I enjoyed most? Actually the run was pretty awesome. All four of the Js and one K (me) met up at 8 AM---partly cloudy after some snow spitting in the earlier AM and 33F----Two of us went for 23 miles, two for 18 miles and one for 10 miles of the whole she-bang. We started off with a very peppy pace since the daughter of one of the Js is a member of the Northampton high school girls basketball team and as of last night---the newly crowned Division I State Champions (Northampton 50---Andover 37). Woo Hoo! We are all so excited and thrilled for our friend and her daughter. It’s a great feeling and the daughter is a senior---way to go out on top. They played at an arena in Worcester (about an hour away) so the fire trucks and police from Northampton met them at the exit and escorted the team bus back with sirens blaring. Cool. Anyway….23 miles in the can with miles 14-18 at mp---the whole deal in 3:27.32 (9:02 avg. pace) We all had moments of dragging during this run and still finished strong. Life is good. We ran out into Haydenville where the sap buckets are plentiful and this year’s sugaring is going well---pancakes anyone? The birds were twittering and the sun broke through at the end with temps by then at 41F. My legs are only mildly achy after some ice water torture and re-fueling. I am going to try and wedge in a 45-minute nap and then spend the afternoon with my grandmother. Jlynne---any leftovers? That dinner sounded awesome and good running yesterday. High five hopeful4ever…..longest ever. I hope you are still smiling. You too nonoruns…..good deal on a longest run without injury issues. Tammy----17 on a treadmill?? I bow to you—no way could I do that. Hoping hard that your foot is truly on the mend Spareribs and that yours behaves, runningindc. Munch! You rock! 11 miles and I hope the pain eases. JJJ---you always amaze me with your runs. Incredible. Holly---I’ll show you the photo when I see you. I am in a group and it doesn’t really scan well. Way to go on the 20 miler and selling your house. JJJ is right—Boston is yours. Thinking about all the racers now and hoping for some great report reading in the next days. CNYrunner

                          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                            Missed postring yesterday.. life got in the way Smile But.. great longest run ever Hopeful.. 15 miles!! Nice running this morning! Nice 20 Holly! Today I decided to just do it. Schedule called for 17 mi with 14 at MP. I wanted to incorporate the big climb (250 ft or so elevation delta with a 9% grade in there). Since Boston is downhill and then a few miles of up then down again, I have no idea how to pace it. So I decided to try to maintain 160 bpm on the flats and downs and up to 165 on the ups. This worked out well but the final uphill portion sure was tiring! WU: 3.2 mi in 25:17 (7:59 pace) 14 mi MP: 1:51:02 (7:56 pace AHR 160!!) So 17 mi a bit sub MP (8:00).. woohoo Big grin. Nothing sore after. Still have a cold. Elevation Splits for the miles 3-17 MP portion (mile 13 is the hill at mile 16 above!)

                            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                              Nice runs -- perch 17@MP is a hard run, well done. I did yet another progression for 17. Target(distance) w/u(1), 9:25(4), 9:00(4), 8:35(4), 8:15-7:50(4). Actual(HR)9:08(142), 8:51(141), 8:28(148), 7:44(157). Workout: 16.2 mi, 8:32/mi, AHR 146 Overall: 17.2, 2:27 Have a great day. We're getting kicked out of the hotel soon and will be on our way home this evening.

                              Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                                Stopping back in to say----Sweet running at MP perchcreek! Way to go to you too WRFB. CNY