Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 03/26 (Read 466 times)


    ~ Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ~ unknown


    Doesn't look like Leslie caught a break with the weather. Good thing she's tough.


    3 tens today. As in 10 miles this morning, an hour of tennis this afternoon, 10 miles this evening.


    Good week all.







      Tough she is.


      Joe, three tens......very clever (Wally and Beaver who?)   But a very nice day for you....a double run and a bunch of running and stopping and running again. 


      6er for me this was hot.  and the Kansas hills showed up again.

      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

      Queen of 3rd Place

        Thanks for starting us, Joe. Nice day of running and cross-training for you.


        Ev - hot? Wow. I could use some of that right now.


        19 in the rain, was supposed to be 20 but I miscalculated my loop and was ready to quit when I got home  - the rain got kind of old, I was thinking of Leslie dealing with the same but for a trail ultra! Again!


        Looks like rain the rest of the week, guess I'd better get used to it!

        Ex runner

        flatland mountaineer

          I got 12 today on a warmish windy day, 25 and change for last week.


          Sounds like a rather miserable day to run an ultra or a 20 miler for you west coasters.


          Ev KS hills showed up here also.


          Joe nice triple.


          Kelly glad to catch up, good luck with the knee.


          Hey to the rest of the gang.

          The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

          Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

          Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

          Top 'O the World!

            KS hills here also....'course we have regular hills to go with 'em Roll eyes...10.28 for me today. A tad more for Doug (overachiever that he is!) we're shooting for 20's tomorrow....need to start quite a bit earlier as they're forcasting MUCH larger KS hills kicking in about noon! & higher temps - 75 for here - mean's Ev better run early too!  Sure hope they get our wildfires under control by then!!  Been doing shorter runs w/Mairead still - gosh she's been a hoot!! Got about 4" of fresh snow day before yesterday (close to 70*F today!) & we got to make 1st tracks in it...she's all kinds of funny about fresh deer tracks in the fresh snow! kept sticking her face deep into the tracks & coming back up, snow to her ears! THEN, of course she doesn't do scarey & one can never really tell what it is that they a rabbit 200 yards out that I haven't gotten until it moves a bit more, or the broken end of a tree facing the road/trail looks somehow creepy weird (we need to swing wide around that)...fresh snow requires large, previously ignored boulders to need a cautious approach, bark & sniff! Something about a VW bug needed a closer look-see earlier. she was.this.close to catching a taste of one of those evil bunnies but then almost stepped on a mouring dove that was napping on the side of a lawn...def NOT a bird dog!


            Still waiting to hear from Leslie.....??


            Hey! Everybody else!! Smile

            Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group


              Nice temps there Ev, and handling those wicked hills. And while I'm thinking about it, NFL 2011? I still think that it will happen. The owners and players have to be smart enough to figure out how to split $9-10 billion dollars profit ? Right? Please tell me I'm right?


              Kicking up some trails Arla. Way to go roughing it out. You can go anywhere with your running now.And I think you will.


              Nice 12er and 25mw Jim. Some major kicking going on by you too.


              Funny Cindy about Mairead! I confirmed on Saturday what I have suspected of Buddy for some time. He has been very adamant about his "advertising campaign" lately. That is, spread Buddy's scent (2 drops at a time) across our whole county. I have thought that maybe he's out of shape. Or doesn't run so fast anymore. Well, during mile 3 of 5 around the reservoir on Saturday, along comes a big beautiful brown horse ( beautiful woman rider too tho the look was quick) doing about 8:10's on a mostly uphill course. Don't you know that he locked onto that horse and chased it nonstop for 2 miles. I held on for the ride. That proves it. I just knew it. Hate to say it but I have to. He's been dogging it.







                Hey Everyone - It's late here, I'm really tired, and I just had a chance to scan through your posts.  Thanks for all the good luck thoughts.  Guess what? 


                This was basically the same course as 4 weeks ago, except the previous one had a couple of changes that, I believe, made it a little bit easier than this one.


                It rained hard right before the race started.  About 15 min in, it hailed like crazy for about 5 minutes, and then it continued to rain off and on the rest of the day, sometimes a drizzle, sometimes a downpour, and lots of wind.  Suffice to say, Mother Nature forgot to take her Midol.  Wink


                So what happened, you ask?


                Feb 19 - 7:44:06


                Mar 19 -  . . . . . . . . . . . .




                7:20:10!!!!!!  4 seconds short of being a full 24 minutes faster than 4 weeks ago!!  WOO HOO!! 

                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                Trail Runner Nation

                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                Bare Performance


                Queen of 3rd Place

                  Leslie - WOW!! So, so impressed...all that and hail, yikes. You're gonna kick some butt at Leona.


                  Ev. I finally figured out what KS hills are. Duh.


                  Cindy & Joe - funny dog stories!

                  Ex runner

                    Hate to say it but I have to. He's been dogging it.


                    Big grin    

                    About the's funny that when people have nothing, there grateful for anything.  But when they have it all, they just want more.  Very generalized, I know, but let's just share a play nicely, OK? 


                    nice 19er could use the hot, I could use the rain.  I think it was Mtnchck that coined the phrase "Kansas hills" referring to the wind.  I thought it was pretty clevr.


                    Nice 12 spot Jim.  You still in for the sand hill half? 


                    Mtn....good run for you and Doug.  Nice story about Mairead.


          're awesome!  Congrats!   

                    Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                    Mike E

                    MM #5615

                      Congratulations, Lesli--I'm looking forward to reading the whole story on your blog.

                        Morning, Gang - Now that I'm a tad more with it, I can actually absorb what you all have been posting.


                        Arla - So the rain musta been stretched all the way through CA.  I managed to avoid the worst of it yesterday for my 10 miler (which was "ugh!"), but it rained on me pretty good the whole drive home.


                        Mairead and Buddy need to get together.  I think they'd have a blast running with one another.


                        I had no idea what Kansas Hills were until Ev explained it.  That phrase had left me scratching my head.


                        I'm pooped this a.m., and am very glad my boss doesn't work on Mondays.  I contemplated getting up and doing my core workout, but my eyelids refused to cooperate.  I think it's going to be a long day.


                        Have a good week, peeps ~

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Queen of 3rd Place

                          Ev - KS hills was as clear as mud, to me, guess I'm just getting slower   Joking  ... about the NFL, I was under the impression that some of the rank-and-file guys don't make out very well, and of course their careers are awfully short.


                          Leslie - I can't even fathom that you are entertaining the idea of a core workout!


                          OK, so I bought the Boudreaux's Butt Paste that Leslie suggested. Dumb question - is this just for, um, between the cheeks, or for all-over chafe protection? Currently I use a combo of Body Glide (arms and thighs) and SportShield (for the girls).  Maybe TMI but hey we're all runners and like family.


                          Easy three today, slow going...but at least no rain or monster puddles...

                          Ex runner

                            OK, so I bought the Boudreaux's Butt Paste that Leslie suggested. Dumb question - is this just for, um, between the cheeks, or for all-over chafe protection?


                            Big grin   Just for between the cheeks - ye ole butt cheeks, that is.  Don't be shy on usage.  After 50 miles, it'll wear off a bit.  A good swipe-worth'll do ya. (But then again, don't go usin' the whole tube at once, either. Wink )  Use Body Glide - or whatever your choice - for the other tender areas. 


                            I ended up a tad raw where my arm warmers sat this weekend.  Strange spot for me.  Without them, it's usually my underarms or where my arms might rub against the edge of my sports bra.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                                ... about the NFL, I was under the impression that some of the rank-and-file guys don't make out very well, and of course their careers are awfully short.



                    're right about that.  I still stand by my assertion that they should share and play nicely.  I mean...where's the love, for crying out loud?  Now, if  they start messing with my Sunday afternoon, somebody's gettin' a letter.


                              And I'll let you ladies discuss where the chafe protection should go.   I know where mine goes and we don't want to go there. 

                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM


                                7:20:10!!!!!!  4 seconds short of being a full 24 minutes faster than 4 weeks ago!!  WOO HOO!! 


                                Way to go Leslie!! 24 minutes is HUGE!!!






