Masters Running


40s 50s 60s+ On the Run - w/e 03/26 (Read 466 times)

Top 'O the World!

    Yay, Leslie!! & in miserable weather too!! 


    "Kansas Hills" are running into a Kansas is sooooo friggin flat & the only thing of height they have is wind..... Wink  & I didn't coin it, I borrowed it! I do think it's common terminology out here.


    My back to back fell just a little flat as I came into my wknd under rested & under fueled. Made the 10 on Sunday okay. the 20 on Monday came apart after 12 or so. I called it by 16...feel mostly fine today...cross training looks a bit more like house work & errand though! Ah well, C'est la vie


    I am finding new chafe spots on this round of longer runs that I didn't experience before!? I have no idea what may be different....maybe gravity!~

    Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

      I swore I wasn't going to get in on this chafing discussion.......


      Mtn.....maybe diffrnt......If I can be so bold......under garments?   I got a new pair of running underwear, same brand and size as what I've been used to, and now I'm getting chafed at a lower mileage.   Used to be I could go protection free up to about 6 miles.  Much more than that and I'd lube up.  But now evn the sixers are in the chafe zone.   It couldn't be gravity......could it?  


      This subject really chaps my butt!


      Nice weekend of running for you. 


      Hey Mike E.  I see you posting ovr on the daily.  Welcome to the weekly  weakly 40s 50s 60s+ On the Run.

      Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

        Chafing - A very sensitive issue, indeed.


        I slept in today.  Got up to feed the cats, sat on the couch waiting for feral Hairy Kitty to eat - fell asleep.  Guilt - however ridiculous it may be - is making me go home and workout this evening, not to mention the French fries I had at lunch.  30 min of EZ stationary cycling, followed by core and upper body strength training.  There.  I said it.  Now I have to do it.

        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

        Trail Runner Nation

        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

        Bare Performance


        Queen of 3rd Place

          Hah - a chafing thread...sorry, ev.


          This stuff works better than body glide for me:

          Some people use it PLUS body glide all at once.  I was having one major problem area, it was chafing after shorter and shorter runs and the skin was discolored (darkened). Ever since I switched not only is there no more chafing but the normal color is back.


          Mtn - I'd say 10 + 16 is pretty darn impressive, and way to hang in there after feeling crummy around 12! Hope you can get some rest before another double-long.


          Leslie - you, of all people, deserve some fries once in awhile, relax! Roll eyes


          Mike E. - another welcome. (waves)


          Was supposed to be an easy 8 but the weather was beautiful and there was snow on the mountaintops and I started chatting with another lady who was running behind me and next thing I know we were trotting along at just under 9 min/mi - whoops! It was only for a couple of miles and was good fun. Heh that was my 5 k race pace not too many years ago.

          Ex runner


            This thread seems to be rubbing me the wrong way. Ow.


            Skipped yesterday after a 12hr workday. Today was a 2.5m Buddy warmup, then really kicked some assphalt with a 7.5m @ 7:57 ap. Last 2 were 7:30's. Traditionally, my spring marathons have been 2 min pr's , but i'm feeling pretty good leading up to 5/1.

            Snow is forecast here for tomorrow but Spring is here my fine running friends!







              . . . then really kicked some assphalt with a 7.5m @ 7:57 ap. Last 2 were 7:30's.


              Day-um!!! Shocked


              Arla, Arla, Arla!  You're in taper mode.  Don't be goin' crazy on us now. Wink


              Ugh!  The fries were so good!  They were those perfectly crisp, crunchy ones.  By the time we got to the restaurant, waited for a friend to show up who was half an hour late, put our order in, and got our food, three of us had been sitting there for almost an hour.  I practically inhaled my food, I was so famished!  They give you this HUGE serving of fries - seriously, HUGE - and I ate most of them.  Later, it was like Dead.  They sure were good at the time, though.


              Okay - Got my workout in.  Very lackluster, but I burned a few calories and got the blood pumping through the ole legs again.  Tomorrow's strides should be interesting.


              Off to do transcription ~

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


              Queen of 3rd Place

                Leslie - ah, the too much of a good thing deal - some fries are good, too many bleh, oh boy I know what ya mean. And no taper for me until the Bataan Memorial Death March this Sunday. Just one more 60-ish mile week. I am feeling really, really good though, much better than before my Vegas goal race, heck I had dead legs the day before Vegas. All due to stupidity. Black eye


                Joe - holey moley man, you are getting fast. FAST!!! 7:30 was just about my last 4 mi race pace and was all I could hang on to for a race situation, ain't no way I could do it on a training run - maybe track repeats at best. Again, I'm seeing a monster marathon PR for you, choose your race wisely and go kick some booty. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it!


                So a confession. Leslie warned me that I'd get hooked on trails. I thought she was nuts. Too technical and all those darn hills. But she was right, I'm smitten!

                In that spirit, here's my new favorite video


                Ex runner

                  Heh, heh, heh   I told ya so!  So, uh, when do you want to come up and run with me and Karen, or join me at a trail race?  Maybe we'll have to look at next year's calendar and figure something out.  And I'd forgotten about the Bataan Memorial Death March.  I'll be very interested to hear about that.


                  Oh - if you like running in the desert, check out the Desert High 50k in Ridgecrest.  It's run in early December every year.  It's a fairly easy course with some beautiful views.  Last year the thing that killed me was the wind.  Whoochee!  It was awful.


                  My 10 miles this a.m. got derailed about half a mile in.  Stopped for my regular use of the Safeway bathroom and well, well, well!! [close your ears, men] A freaking little visitor I haven't in something like seven months! Evil  Being as I was unprepared, I had to go home.


                  Sooo - right now I'm trying to decide what to do.  I came in early (since I was up Evil) and could leave early to get my 10 in tonight.  Or I could give my achy ankle a rest and run the 10 tomorrow a.m.  Either way, we're expecting a big rain storm through here and it's blowing like crazy outside, so . . . . decisions, decisions.


                  On the bright side - It's Wednesday!  Halfway through the work week.  Yea!

                  Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                  Trail Runner Nation

                  Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                  Bare Performance


                  Top 'O the World!

                    Ohhh, Arla! I'm gonna get you out here for TRR someday!!! Wink except, we don't have that much snow to run through in August.


                    I'm having an ADD day...caged energy, can't sit still...didn't bring my shoes with me...can't stand the dreadmill today!!?? hanging out at the spa for a bit more, then off to pick up race packets...


                    Dang, Joe!!!! ~kewl Wink

                    Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                      Hi, Cindy!


                      My friends' podcast, 3 Nonjoggers, is really taking off.  They were recently featured on another running podcast, Geeks in Running Shoes, as well as an online "beer magazine", Draft Magazine.  I'm very excited for them.  To think I will soon be able to say, "I knew them when . . . "  Wink



                      MTA:  Came home early with every intention of running.  Barely got out of my driveway and turned around.  My ankle just isn't happy.  I think I may have strained something Saturday a little bit.  So I decided I could be really stupid and ruin my run in April, or I could pull my head out, stay off my foot, ice it, and see how it feels over the next couple of days.  Tomorrow's a stationary cycling and strength training day and Friday's a rest day.  We'll see how it feels come Saturday. Undecided

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        Leslie- eh hm, you just ran a 50k on Sunday, 24 mins faster than your last. I think you can take a little rest eh?


                        Hey Cindy has the snow melted enough on your roads/paths yet?


                        Arla- thanks for the video and I'm coming to that side soon myself. You are in really fantastic shape and attitude going into this one.


                        Some of those Kansas hills were out for tonight's 7 miler @ 9:13ap. Accompanied by a 38* driven rain, things were not quite so zippy tonight.







                        flatland mountaineer

                          Congrats Leslie, 24 minute improvement, smokin' !


                          Little late to the party, tis the season now, 12 sun and nuthin' but work since, gotta run in the morn!

                           c yas

                          The whole world said I shoulda used red but it looked good to Charlene in John Deere Green!!

                          Support Ethanol, drink the best, burn the rest.

                          Run for fun? What the hell kind of recreation is that?  quote from Back to the Fut III

                            Hi, Jim!


                            Joe - You're "not quite zippy" is my regular pace, if I'm lucky. Smile


                            More snow, more rain - I thought winter arrived last Sunday?  For us, if this rain continues, I'll have to build an ark.  It's been absolutely pouring since about 7:00 last evening.  Huge winds, thunderboomers.  I haven't listened to the local news yet, but I'll be surprised if there aren't mud slides around the area.  If this doesn't ease up, we'll have to pump under our house again.  Everything is so saturated around here, there's nowhere for the water to go anymore.  It's suppose to rain like crazy through the weekend.  Should make for a couple of interesting [read: less than desirable] runs. Roll eyes


                            30 min of stationary cycling, followed by 45 min of core/upper body, then 20 min of icing the ankle.  I had planned on about 45 min of cycling, but it's akin to treadmilling to me - pure torture.  Plus my butt doesn't like it.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Queen of 3rd Place

                              Joe - heck, that's close to 4 hr marathon pace (9:09, and I should know!). Yeah, the trails call. Who knew? But it's a different sport than road running altogether in my opinion. OK, so I can do two sports!


                              Leslie - we're getting POUNDED here, too! Thunder, lightning, flooding, my friends in the Yosemite area have been without power for a few days and just found out that it might be two more weeks! Hope the ankle sorts itself out, and that you keep your house as dry as possible. ALSO - maybe when I'm up in your area again you can show me your amazing trails, although you'll have to slow down, I'm still a trail and hill newbie. Mark was commenting on our last run that he thought it was odd how slow I run trails vs. how fast I run on the road. Like I said, two different sports.


                              R2 - your boss is a jerk. Roll eyes


                              Blew off my run today, yeah so I wimped out with the rain/wind, but two long runs in that this week (19 and 12) was enough! I'll get those miles in tomorrow and Sat/Sun in New Mexico where it's sunny and warm. Maybe I should turn in my HTFU ID bracelet. Joking


                              Flying out tomorrow at 6:30 - have a good rest of the week/weekend everyone!

                              Ex runner

                                 12 sun and nuthin' but work since,


                                took me awhile, but I think this means Jim got in a 12 mile run on sunday but work has kept him from getting anymore runs in since. Smile


                                Arla....thanks for posting that trail running video....that was great!


                                Leslie, stay off the foot till it heals up.  You'll thank yourself after you KICK TOTAL BUTTOCKS in April.


                                Arla...your comment on Jim's boss...Big grin    


                                I'd like to see it rain at my house.


                                I got in a 6er along the shores of Lake Holdercloser on Wed.  Hope to get in a 3 spot latr today.

                                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM