Masters Running


Wed Sep 30 Runs and Workouts (Read 516 times)

    Good morning, everyone!

    Rose - that was a scare with your sister, but sure was funny in the end.

    Schedule called for 2 at marathon pace.  Ok, so I went a little faster. 

    7.1 miles, 57:38, 8:09/mi, AHR 150 (77% MHR)

    2@8:16(146), 2@7:53(154), 3.07@8:16(148)

    I figure I will decide on the pace to run this first marathon sometime before I finish. 

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good morning Lou and all to follow!    Nice pace there Lou.


      Out for 3.5 with Brinkley this morning.   Started out and not even 1/2 mile into it knew that I was going to have "issues", so I ran back home to use the bathroom and then back out again.   It was quite brisk to say the least but the winds have finally died down.     My hips are pretty tight after tone zone last night - she sprang a new one on us.    It was our teacher's anniversary yesterday too.   Thanks again for the nice comments.  DH hand wrote a very nice note to me. 


      Happy Hump Day!


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



        It's always a good morning when Lou and Mary start the daily.

        Nice "marathon pace" there this morning, Lou. Mary, aren't hand-written notes better than cards any time?

        Wow - it was brisk this morning. Had to pull out gloves and a long-sleeved shirt. Only 36° at 4:30, but at least the wind died down. 5.5 miles at a peppy 9:21 pace. The starry sky was absolutely beautiful. On my usual early morning route, I always pass a guy walking in the other direction and he's always carrying a big cup of coffee. It looked pretty inviting this morning!

        Have a great day everyone.


        ETA I've been meaning to tell Holly what a great mom she is. Those kids won't remember their win/loss record this season, but they WILL remember the positive experience and encouragement they received from you, Holly. Too many coaches get too caught up on the importance of winning, and some of them rant and rave like lunatics.  There aren't many parents who will come forward to coach, either. Nice job there, girl.

          Jlynne, I hope you got my latest Message.


          My workout this morning was 10 miles with 3 miles at Marathon Pace (8:19 to 8:35 depending on who's predicting).  The MP miles came in at 8:35, 8:30, and 8:31.  They felt okay today - not easy, but okay for cruising.  I'm just looking forward to cooler weather.  77° and 79% this morning which is okay.  About three more weeks of the rainy season here.



          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Renee the dog

            8 miles this morning.  Condensing my week to give my sinuses an extra day off yesterday. Sinuses are glad. Legs were cranky.  Oh well.  I threw in a MP pace mile or two.  Gotta go upload my data to see how the HR responded.



            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


              Brrrr....gettin chilly Jlynne. I love these brisk mornings. Very nice run. Bill and WRFB also had very nice runs this morning.


              My 3rd day off from running. I went back in my old school notebook log 24 months and haven't found that much time off. Never more than 2 days in a row. The shin is fine by the end of the day but still has me limping slightly when I get out of bed in the morning. I also noticed a "Knot"down low above the ankle that is tender only to the touch but is not where the sharp pain is coming from.


              So.....I went to the pool again today. No planned workout. Just a liesurely swim.


              Trails are hard!

                Good morning, all.  A train-wreck sort of run this morning--I felt a little frisky in the nice cool morning and did my fastest mile that wasn't downhill in a long time.  then while relaxing a little for the second mile, I got a tickle in the throat, which led to major coughing, which led to...(TMI zone).  Let me just say, I had imagined my first RTYP at the end of a brilliant PR 5K.  So I sort of walked, than jogged until the tickle came back, then walked etc.  Hope it's not the sign of things to come.  On the positive side, not pain anywhere in the legs


                Much nicer workouts for everyone else I see.



                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Jlynne – thank you!  I admit I get a little insecure about it, since I never played soccer myself, and I worry that I’m not teaching them something I should, so I especially appreciate encouragement.


                  Slo_Hand – a little alarming, but not unusual to have something crop up right after a marathon.  Still, better to get it during or after the big race, rather than before.


                  Stumpy – usually, for me, RTYP has a different meaning for the P....


                  Rosie – funny but scary – I agree that it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Even if you get embarrassed by finding it’s nothing, that’s certainly better than the alternative.


                  Fatozzig – your dream - too funny! 


                  Erika – I always forget to tell you that I am impressed by your garden, even though the moose sometimes get your crop.  Do you can your produce?


                  6 easy-paced miles for me today in a breezy 49°.  Didn’t seem like that should be very cold, but I wore a long-sleeved tech shirt and was glad I did.  My pinky toe blister is still a little sore, but the groin tenderness is gone, so hopefully I will be ready for tempo day tomorrow.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Good morning. No workout yet... off to get fitted for orthotics later this morning. Yesterday was a 1500 yard swim and 45 mins of pool running. Maybe a cycling class later while DS is at soccer.


                    Last evening I tried short bursts of running while taking a walk, mabye half a mile total. Foot is not ready.. a bit sore this morning.


                    Lots of good running and tapering!

                      Started out for a 6-miler around the lake at the park. I wore long pants for the first time this season, but the wind was still pretty nasty so I took off into the woods for some sheltered trail running. Good thing I did, as I met a couple of friends coming the other way, so ran and chatted with them for a while. Finished with a strong-feeling 6.8 miles, ready to taper off for the weekend’s HM.



                      NRR: A good friend just finished his year of raising a puppy – a beautiful black lab – as part of the program for our local Leader Dog School. Seeing how emotional he was about turning Magic over to the school, it struck me that even though he and his wife never had children of their own (or previous pets), he has had a taste of the entire parenting experience compressed into one year, from the first sleepless nights with a “new baby” in the house, to the “rambunctious teenager” stage, to the mixed emotions of sending your one-and-only off to college. He might even get to experience a “boomerang child” if the dog washes out of the training program, which some do. At least he now has an idea of what I’ve been going through the last 24 years!

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                      One day at a time

                        Kevin, sorry to hear about your run.  It took me a second to figure out the acronym!  Eek.


                        Slo_Hand, I hope you feel better soon!  That's no fun.


                        A good 4 miles with my RP this morning. We ran 2 miles at 11:06 pace, and then walked a trail down to the river.  I've lived here 13 years and didn't know about this trail until a friend mentioned it to me!  Then we ran the 2 miles home, for an overall 4-mile pace of 10:51.  We were flying, lol!  Felt good.

                          Jlynne – thank you!  I admit I get a little insecure about it, since I never played soccer myself, and I worry that I’m not teaching them something I should, so I especially appreciate encouragement.



                          Holly- you are teaching kids the value of exercise, having fun, working together and what good things happens when an adult shows that she cares enough to coach them. I think that you are teaching them EVERYTHING you should. Kudos to you and the team for a GREAT season!

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                              We were flying, lol!  Felt good.



                            I love that feeling...



                            ETA - thanks Craneium!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Rose Colored Glasses

                              Good morning Lou and everyone!

                              0633. 53° F. 83% RH. 10 miles. Average pace: 9:33.

                              Mile one was 9:53 and mile ten was 9:00.

                              The schedule called for some tempo miles... I think the last 7 were quicker than MP, so I am quite content.

                              I love this part of training, or as Aija would call it, "Tweaking".

                              Thanks for reading about my morning yesterday.  It was unusual but, it just shows how interdependent families can be.  I think not running yesterday paved the way for an excellent run today.

                              Mary, this struck me funny but, I am sorry for your troubles.

                              ... Started out and not even 1/2 mile into it knew that I was going to have "issues", so I ran back home to use the bathroom and then back out again.   It was quite brisk to say the least but the winds have finally died down. 


                                i ran intervals at the track last night, and I think it was speedy.   I felt greta the whole time!!  Big grin


                                Runners run
