Masters Running


Two for Tuesday workouts (Read 642 times)


    Hello.  6 feel good miles for me this morning.  Winter storm warning posted for tonight. 


    (Too lazy and self-centered to comment on all the good running and stuff from everyone else..... Roll eyes )



       It's my goal to be on the 1st page when DB and A1 break the 2k mark...Those are some crazy miles.

       Yeah, getting those crazy guys off the top of the list is my only chance of advancing. Joking

      Be safe. Be kind.

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Hopeful, good for you for listening to your body! and besides, you get a butterfly hug every day your REST! 



        Thank you!!   That butterfly hug just released all my guilty feelings.  


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




          Hi everyone, I've missed a few days and it's hard to catch up. 

          Some awesome running and racing going on! 

          Jeanne, congrats on the home sale/purchase.  Good luck with the move!

          Tramps, good luck this weekend!  It'll be your DW's first marathon, right? How's she feeling about it?


          We had a couple inches of snow last night, which was great because there's a big wildfire at the bottom of my canyon.  Too bad it didn't snow that far down, but it was a relief for those of us higher up. I had to take a different route home last night because my canyon was closed, but the road was open this morning so I hope the firefighters are getting it under control. Scary stuff.


          MTA;  I forgot to say that today's my DD's 18th birthday!  How time flies. She's on a spring break trip with the University Choir in Canada.

          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

            Tramps, good luck this weekend!  It'll be your DW's first marathon, right? How's she feeling about it?


            We had a couple inches of snow last night, which was great because there's a big wildfire at the bottom of my canyon.

             I saw this on the news last night and wondered if it was close to you.  Hope all is okay.


            She's getting a little nervous, understandably, but will be fine, I'm sure.

            Be safe. Be kind.

              Good morning everyone. Like a lot of you, I tried to stay ahead of the nasty weather predicted for later today. Out for 7 miles, ran 5 of them at a decent 10:04 pace. Came home and jumped rope for 4 minutes - thought I'd get good and sore for my last PT appt this morning Wink

               Derrick - do you always get up in the middle of the night or are you working?


              I work all night long and have since 1993.  I can run mornings or evenings usually, I am working till noon for the last couple weeks getting alittle ot.

              i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                 Yeah, getting those crazy guys off the top of the list is my only chance of advancing. Joking



                Tramps... we're neck and neck... I haven't entered today' run yet but I hear your footsteps

                Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


                MM #6177

                  A 10er on a Tuesday for me. I'll be catching up to that pace bunny soon enough! Smile

                    I cannot believe how many posts there are already!  Now snow here this morning!  So off I went for my 12 mile run.  I am not sure what my PT does, but during my last run my left hip bothered me in the flats.  Yesterday I told her.  She had a theory as to why and basically said see what happens the next few times.  Well no pain at all today!  Tomorrow the pain will be the rain and snow that are coming.  The good news is that since I ran today tomorrow it is elliptical day!  Cool  Hey, there is a bright side to most things!

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    MM #6177

                       Cool  Hey, there is a bright side to most things!

                       Indeed there is Smile


                        great runs being recorded.  just finished our last run in paradise - bit the (pine)apple and will be exiled this evening.  today we continue to support the sunblock industry.  henrun and marjCool

                        Renee the dog

                          Hi folks! I'm behind as usual!  You are too interesting to skim, so I'll read up fromt he weekend on later today!  Got 8 miles in -- 5 outside and then 3 miles of hill simulation on the TM. This follows my 16 mi. on Sunday afternoon.  I have swim team tonight for an hour, so that should be a good recovery from the hill work today.  Since I put the coming weekend's Ocean Drive 10 Miler on my schedule, I didn't really have another place to put the hillwork, and 4/18 is looming.  Surprised

                          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                          Mike E

                          MM #5615

                            Hey Tramps--or anybody else who has an opinion--I had always wanted to do the Marine Corps Marathon for my DC marathon--how would you compare it to the National Marathon?  Good luck this weekend!


                              Good afternoon. Running rest day; legs are still oddly sore for no good reason. Maybe I skiied harder than i thought before my long run?? So just a swim today, 1500 yards. that felt good.


                              Nice recovery for Perch and lots of other good runs. And Holly, size 14?? he will be a big boy.   My Ds has not hit the big grwoth spurt yet; he is relatively long and lean but still built like a little boy.


                              Happy tuesday! 


                              Is there something happening on April 18??Shocked

                                henrun and marj, nice half for both of you with AG placements.  Too bad you have to leave paradise.  dove, amazing 24 hour race with 50 mi. PR and 100K PR.  lame, sorry to hear about the car mishap but glad the people are ok.  fatozzig, great 50K with big improvement and PR.  breger, congrats to your son on his fellowship offer.  holly, glad to hear your son and his big feet are doing well in track.  wild, happy birthday to your daughter.


                                Nice long runs for Twocat (a couple), evan, lame, CNY, stumpy, OM, PBJ, OM, and nono.  Good job on the speedwork for Tammy and holly.


                                This morning, it was in the mid 30s and there was just a light wind.  I got in 8 miles in a little over 1:25 for a 10:39 pace.


                                Tomorrow is a scheduled walking day.  With the weather forecast mentioned by derrick, hopeful, and Dave, it may take place on the TM.  However, I can walk in nastier weather than I'm willing to go out for a run.  Also, a TM walk is not as miserable as a TM run.


                                A good day and good runs for all.


