Masters Running

Marathon Monday, April 21 (Read 821 times)


    dg - where do I find the bib list for all the RA people?

    King of PhotoShop

      Can't believe I am flying out of here in an hour and will miss everything. Of course when it comes right down to it, my 3.3 mile run this morning is far more important than this Boston thing. I wonder why no one asked if there was a video link to watch me! I hope everyone has a good race today, and by that I mean that there are no injuries, they run within themselves and execute the way they planned to and finish strong. This is a very exciting day for us all. Spareribs
        Yay...I get to experience the Boston Marathon again on line today with you as a great crew. I just want to put in a complaint: Why do this years runners get such great weather when I had to slog thru torrential rains and winds and cold last year???? You guys and gals are so lucky Big grin Enjoy... I will be online later my other office, although it's a crazy day Tall

        Recent Best times: None recently


            oh yeah, thanks for the reminder Doug. gym this morning, 4.07 miles on the track, 2.8 was running. pace etc was skewed because I forgot to turn on my foot pod until i checked my pace & it was 0.00. one good thing, i overdid a little over the weekend & my hamstrings were pretty sore yesterday. I still did the 'explosive running' running exercises because that was my plan, (iced twice) . sore this morning so I iced before I got up. little small voice was saying maybe skip the gym this morning but I just couldn't. The good part is that I don't think I set myself back. Yes maybe boston day gives us a 'stupid protection' bubble. nono, I like your plan.

              Good luck racers ! !

                thanks vista. jlynne, there it is. missed your post, sorry. do we get points for the number times we post today? ribs, you can give us a play by play tomorrow. Tall, you cleared the way for them this year. what a guy.
                  Oh MY! This is for PDR (help me with that link, I haven't learned yet) ANYWAY. I.....R....C.... for Boston today! Ideal Running Conditions Yippee SKIPPEEE

                  Marathon Maniac #3309

                    Yay...I get to experience the Boston Marathon again on line today with you as a great crew. I just want to put in a complaint: Why do this years runners get such great weather when I had to slog thru torrential rains and winds and cold last year???? You guys and gals are so lucky Big grin Enjoy... I will be online later my other office, although it's a crazy day Tall
                    Oh yeah....great race and report Tall....what a speedy age group Shocked Tim

                    Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                      Thanks, DG. I'm going to try to follow our friends from my computer at work, and DH is taping the race for me as well. Deena looked so strong yesterday, didn't she? Like everyone else caught up in the excitement, forgot to post my workout this morning. Intervals: 1 mile warmup at 9:41 followed by 30 minute intervals alternating 2 minutes work, 2 rest with 9:41 rest and 8:01 soeeds, and a mile cooldown. I tried to get the jump rope going but my legs wouldn't hear of it. Enjoy the race, everyone. Jeanne

                      King of PhotoShop

                        Just a reminder that I hope Eliz' great 8-miler from last night's posts doesn't get lost in the Boston chatter today. Well done Eliz. Spareribs
                          Name............Bib.........Latest check point with time............... Finish Rbbmoose.........1260...............................................................2:46:01 Hermosaboy.......1575..............................................................2:55:43 Jjchaney............1617.............................................................3:50:38 PBJ...................2650 Btb...................3010..............................................................4:59:20 Busiman............ 4652..............................................................3:06:17 Bheam.............. 4700..............................................................3:09:51 Johnmaas...........5921..............................................................3:09:50 Mercury.............6383..............................................................3:19:51 Dtoce............... 7120..............................................................3:33:37 Twocat..............9302 Markfive.............9509..............................................................4:03:14 Aamos...............9542..............................................................3:35:22 Mainerunnah......10289..............................................................3:48:25 Doctor Wu.........10399.............................................................3:42:33 CNYrunner.........11548.............................................................3:26:37 Willrunforbeer.....12326.............................................................3:38:25 Wa7yom............13285.............................................................3:48:47 Perchcreek.........14360.............................................................3:42:36 Ironmike............14406.............................................................4:02:25 Fortunate One.....17280.............................................................4:14:36 Rtravers............18112.............................................................3:43:30 Ultrachick...........18150.............................................................4:00:12 PJH..................18203.............................................................4:29:32 Holly S...............18622.............................................................4:15:27 Runbill...............18758.............................................................4:21:41 Gin79................18759.............................................................3:52:03 Evanflein............19179.............................................................3:38:48 Dove.................20115.............................................................4:26:22 Maddamay..........20584.............................................................4:14:19 Predawnrunner....20639..............................................................4:27:58 Flyingfinn............20686.............................................................4:03:12 Ilene.................22565.............................................................4:55:02 Arrojo................22782.............................................................4:22:54

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            WOW - is excitement in the air or what!? Today is a rest day for me after my longest distance week to date. I wish it were a day off for me too so that I could watch it on TV. That photo yesterday of BTB and Amy is absolutley priceless. Cheers! ~Mary


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                              I'm excited for all our Boston runners and look forward to updates and reports. The weekend has gotten off to a fantastic start with all the boomer meetings and gatherings. teresa, nice run with your daughter on Sat. Congrats to her on her PR distance and you on your PR week. Dave, congrats on your "Loons" race. For all you've gone through lately, I'd say you did great. prfiese, congrats on your AG win in the 5K. breger, congrats on your AG award in your 5K. roch, glad to have you back from a great vacation and to hear your leg is much better. seemom, sorry you had to cut your run short due to you foot. I hope it isn't serious. teresa, that sounded like quite the birthday dinner for your daughter. btb, thanks for more pictures of Amy. hallar, it sounds like you had quite a going away party for your son. My best wishes go with him. hopeful, congrats on a PR week. vista, you've started us out with some great thoughts several times this week. Nice long runs for Jlynne, LaVitaDolce, breger, enke, Eliz (distance PR), and hallar. Good job on the speedwork for Jlynne. This morning, it was in the high 40s to 50, calm and clear. I got in 8 miles in about 1:15 for a 9:23 pace. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                                Nice to see a good weather Boston for a change. I got out for 4 miles this morning. Early enough so I could get home and work with the race on TV.