Masters Running


Tue Jun 3 Runs and Workouts (Read 513 times)

    Good morning, everyone! It felt nice and cool at 58F -- I guess there was little or no humidity today. No time to chat... Workout: 4.1 miles, 8:30/mi, AHR 147 Overall: 5.1 miles, 43:20 Have a great day today.

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

      Good Morning! Thanks for starting us off Lou! Plenty of humidity up here . . . . I wasn't going to run today, but the rain held off and I was awake, SO off we went. 4 miles, 9:44 Avg Pace, and 153 avg. heart rate! Smile It was work though, my legs are tired so tomorrow I will rest. (I think) Happy 2s'Day! Edited to add my current favorite pic:


      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


        Nice run Mary! Way to go! A good one for me too. 8 miles at MP pace in 1:09. The temps were down some (73) and the humidity was bearable (84%) which made things a little easier. Avg HR 147. I've had a very tiny left hamstring since Eugene. Not an ache really, more like I just notice it. Today while I was running at MP, I began to notice it. I shortened my stride on my left side a hair and it started feeling okay. Perhaps I have subconsciously been over striding a tiny bit. I WILL make 40+ miles this week (finally). Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Humid here Lou..90% Mary.. nice workout! 74? I ain't complaing anymore. Tempo day. After 2.2 mile warm-up with Tory (yea), 5 miles averaged 7:29 pace then cool-down mile at 8:25 8.2 mi in 1:06:16 (8:04 pace) 63F, 90% humidity Have great runs!

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

            wow - i missed a lot yesterday -- i think it was the first time since I can't remember when that I didn't even log in to RA to read the dailies..........Vista - your start was awesome - thank yoU!! late post - monday did 20 minute run 5 minute walk x 2 - felt ok but sluggish- think i should start off with a 5 or 10 minute walk to warm up next time - garmin is dead and needs to go in for repair............then did some stretching and squats today - can feel that tugging/pinching in the left buttock -- didn't ice after my run last night - that'll teach me-- so today maybe just some PT exercises or a quick 30min on the elliptical if i drag myself over to the gym it's graduation week here - son #3 is graduating from h.s. - ceremony is thursday, followed by the all-night graduation party then i'm having his party here saturday - will be a busy week!! HAPPY TUESDAY!!


              Nice runs to start the day. Lou you must have been speedy to beat Vista to the post these days. Perch would you rather have the humidity or the hills you were dealing with? I was getting ready for my bicycle commute this morning when I noticed the sky getting darker. Thought about trying to beat the weather until a huge flash of lightning and rumble of thunder decided my fate. Hoping lightning leaves the area so I might go on a lunchtime run instead of waiting until after work.

              King of PhotoShop

                Planned day off from running today, so I will go to the Y instead and get some stretch/core work done. Spareribs

                  good morning! not much time for me either... nice runs so far! Bill, ugh! still sounds just the way we like it to me. Deez4, I'm so glad you're making progress! be careful today. helps me a lot to keep icing too.. on the way home this morning i sat on one & had another wrapped around my knee. Roll eyes i've missed some dailies too... have had to seriously avoid typing. will try to catch up soon. did want to say thanks Doug... & yes it will be fun if we are ever all functional for the dexter-aa run.. ( you know i'll be the challenge!) this new version worked pretty well. will tell you more later. And thanks TomS! hope your hamstrings are ok & acts of wisdom prevail. it can be slippery. Smile. I bring my dh coffee before I take off. This morning he just said "Don't be stupid". Now why would he say that?? I've been doing the usual crosstraining, too much yard work again this weekend, & runs have gone pretty well, just unreported. This morning was really hard again, but still ok. I was surprised that (for me!) the pace was much better. total was 4:67, run was 3.38 M., ahr 166, max 179, ave. pace 10:33, max 8:09. I hope you are all well or getting there. Cranium, i hope the weather cooperates.

                    Got an earlier than usual run in this morning. 3 miles at 6:30am. Included 2x4 minutes at (what I wish was my) 10k pace. Saw a physical therapist for the first time ever yesterday. Tight hips and lower back that have got worse over the years is causing the discomfort. They are going to work with me to try and loosen things up. I go back tomorrow to get started on the full plan and will go Mon-Wed-Fri for at least a couple weeks.




                      Good Morning , Congrats DZ4 on pavement 1.12 walk 3.00 run 11:06/145 0.81 walk stretches 1x3 planks jjj
                      Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                      Hill Runner

                        Good morning all, Has anyone one had problems wearing their HR monitor chest strap? Mine has been irritating me from DAY 1 and I don't think that I'll be wearing it anymore, I hate that thing so much. I've got scar marks across my chest. Can't anyone make a simple wrist strap that does the same thing?...OK, enough ranting.... 10.11 miles of hills @ 9:03 pace on a beautiful sunny morning followied by 1/2 mile cooldown walk and 10 minutes in the pool. Everything felt great this morning except for the welts on my chest. Good running to everyone today.

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                          Good Morning, Pace run day for me today----dial in a pace and work on form, holding it steady and really feeling the pace (Coach's notes). I look at my watch after the warm-up portion and then not again until the very end of the run. It's hard to do at times, but helps me feel a pace groove and stay in tune with what my arms and legs are doing. Coach wants me working on keeping my shoulders relaxed (you can see in my profile picture how my arms are creeping up as I finish a race). Anyway, it was a good run overall---9.2 miles in 1:14:42 (8:07 pace overall----first 10 minutes at 8:30 pace and then 60 minutes at 7:55-8:00 pace and last few minutes back up to 8:30 plus walked up my street). Left hamstring is a bit sore from the banking of the roads on Sunday, but nothing awful. Nice runs out there and healing vibes to deez (congrats on the graduation) and Dave59. Glad the runs have gone well Dg....yeah! JJJ---I need to respond to your amazing run/bike reports---marvelous photos! Time to greet my desk--more later.... CNYrunner
                            Am I the only nut who stayed up for triple overtime? I feel okay now but come mid-afternoon.... 7.6 miles @ 8:56 with some hills and strides..but not at the same time.

                            Be safe. Be kind.

                              Bill good luck on getting to 40 this week! perchcreek nice tempo run. Dave59 keep at it and it may yet be your 10K pace! Peter NC what model do you have? I must admit to never having any issues with one. How tight/loose is the strap on you? CNYrunner what can I say other than I am impressed! Just two days after the race you ran most of 9 miles at a sub 8 minute pace! Another reason I am so impressed with CNYrunner's workout today is that I had scheduled a 17 mile run with 14@MP. But when I got up I realized my legs were still too tired from Sunday's HM to pull this off. So I swapped my scheduled Thursday run of 15 miles with no pace goal with today's. Today end up with 15.23 miles @ a 9:09 pace. I was pretty happy to just manage sub-9 minute miles for the last 5 of the run. Sub 8's like CNY? Fagetta about it! Tongue Good runs all today.

                              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                       was there to the end of the hockey game at almost 1 AM. Then this is being followed by a busy day today. Thanks to each one for the kind comments regarding yesterday's post (many of my daily posts). Those thoughts had been mulled over in my mind all over the weekend and I am glad they encouraged you. As in many parts of life, our attitude and motivation plays a HUGE part in our success. Most humidity seems to be the forecast for today and the next few days. We will certainly need to remember to use water and hydrate well. Have a great day everyone.