Masters Running


Tue Jun 3 Runs and Workouts (Read 513 times)

    Lunch time in the east indeed.....eating some chicken salad ala Mr. CNYrunner---chicken, carrots, peas, green and red peppers, celery, onions, mixed up with plain yogurt.....last night's post baseball game dinner also tastes great as lunch. The kiddo wanted to stay up late like Tramps and Vista and watch ice hockey. He was happy about the outcome when we told him this morning. We saw "Sid the Kid" play in Ottawa a few years ago. The kiddo was enthralled. I am so glad you added the puppies picture Mary. They are looking right at all of us (well at least two of them are). Cute! Thanks for the props Twocat. You are running higher mileage than I am though and I just ran 3.5 easy yesterday...didn't you do 11 and then 15 today? You did the right thing by swapping out the workouts. Hang tough. Thanks also for the concern Ribs. I'll be fine and I'll listen to the twinges. I'll probably skip the later in the week workout. At this stage in marathon training I know I have to guard against the desire to do too much too soon. As for chatting away with Holly when we run, that's exactly right Stumpy! We'll be running together on June 16 in fact. The runs go by so quickly and we rarely finish one topic---we run and move from one topic to the next with ease. The time is always too fleeting. Salad's gone, tea cup empty.....time to get back to the desk CNYrunner

      Am I the only nut who stayed up for triple overtime? I feel okay now but come mid-afternoon....
      I watched the first OT and then set-up the DVR to record the next 5 hours so I could go to bed. It ended up being a disappointing outcome so I'm glad I didn't lose any more sleep over it. The good news is, there is at least one more game to watch. And then we go into a sports blackout because there is nothing left to watch. The choices are people hitting a little white ball into a hole, people driving around in circles for hours, or people standing in a field watching 2 other people play catch while hoping that someone eventually hits the ball so they can move around a little. Eventually football and hockey will return!



      Marathon Maniac #957

        ....eating some chicken salad ala Mr. CNYrunner---chicken, carrots, peas, green and red peppers, celery, onions, mixed up with plain yogurt.....
        (...furiously scribbling down recipe...) Thanks, Karin - that sounds like an tasty idea for my packed lunches at work!

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

          Congratulations to the following for reaching the indicated plateaus: CNYrunner..........1,000 miles for the year and 1,000 miles lifetime Biketm...............1,000 miles lifetime Hermosaboy........1,000 miles for the year TanyaS..............1,000 miles for the year and 3,000 miles lifetime This is for the year 2008 and are taken from profiles of those made public. Congratulations. All of you are on track for 2,000 mile years.
            Good afternoon, all! My there are lots of posts already! Puppies!!!!!! dg - welcome back - you've been missed! Roy - the new moniker threw me off for a nanosecond. Nice 10 miler! Clapton kept us up late last night - didn't make it to bed until 11:30, and then Jesse decided she had to get up at 3:30. I was a bit bleary-eyed this morning and skipped the morning run. I ran 5.25 hilly miles with DH over my lunch hour. We very, very seldom run with each other because I'm too slow to suit him. He let me set the pace, and I was surprised to hold a 9:47 average pace given the heat and humidity. I really don't enjoy running in the heat of the day. Good runs to all!

            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous


              Mary, awwww. jjj, yay. Peter, I have the same problem; I've been meaning to ask if anyone else did! Mine's a polar. It's only been a problem for about a month... no answers, but i'll rant with you. Wink. Thanks CNY! I think I'll try focusing on pace. I focus on form a lot. think i'm leaning too much, it's not intentional. I'll add my voice to those encouraging you to pay attention to your hamstring. good intentions sometimes aren't quite enough.. you need lots of nagging. Wink. yummy salad. I just had peas & gr.onions w/black beans. Perch, thanks for what you said about the push off & how it helps. made sense to me. Also, for the running times suggestion a few days ago. Have you looked at their web site? Holly, thanks. Smile. I've always wanted to do that. In fairness I do have to say, his motives were good. He saw me hobbling around Sunday night... neighbors gave us many wheelbarrows full of sandstone, I had them dump it in the driveway. I got tired of it there, & carried it all to the back corner of the yard. (my wheelbarrow has a flat tire). Still, it was 5:00 & had coffee in my hand.. Dave59, great quote. good luck with your pt. RosieBarb, I was surprised by that too. No need for sorry. Your threads are always worth bumping. Hi Roy! Kevin, me too. (puppies). So glad you're running again! .. just read thru the end as of now. Sue, thanks so much. I'm with you as far as running in the heat of the day. I pass people running later & just think, why??? evening has been tempting lately, though. good job today. I'd love to see Clapton. which reminds me (as I'm behind...) Erika, how was Elton John?

                Deb, the Elton John concert was absolutely wonderful. I've been a fan of his since I was in Jr. High (I think... hard to remember back that far?). It was just him and his piano, and lots of popular early hits and some not so well known that only fans of his early albums knew. It was great! No run for me yet... I was thinking of getting up early and going this morning, but was out kinda late in the garden last night so needed my sleep. I'll get in some miles, probably on my TM, tonight after work and before the boys' soccer game. They both play at 8, and that go me to thinking... how many of you would need lights to play from 8 to 9:30?? We won't... I love summer up here!
                  The good news is, there is at least one more game to watch. And then we go into a sports blackout because there is nothing left to watch. The choices are people hitting a little white ball into a hole, people driving around in circles for hours, or people standing in a field watching 2 other people play catch while hoping that someone eventually hits the ball so they can move around a little.
                  Big grin

                  Be safe. Be kind.

                    I envision that this is what CNY and Holly are like when they get together and go off on their runs.
                    Are you referring to the chatting or the view? Big grin
                    Am I the only nut who stayed up for triple overtime? I feel okay now but come mid-afternoon....
                    My DW and I were standing up in our living room along with the crowd and watching the final countdown to the hoisting of the cup. Then that puck went in with 35 seconds to go and we were unbelievably bummed out. I just said "I know how this is going to turn out!" and went to bed. Unfortunately I was right. Sometimes I hate playoff hockey! Angry Now to go through it all again tomorrow night

                    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"



                      WOO HOO! I GOT THE JOB OFFER! ...Sorry for shouting, I'm excited! They have a couple of projects they want me to start on right away (as in, tomorrow!) so my first day of work will be my daughter's last day of school. Perfect timing. Sad But I couldn't say no, when the company seems like such a good fit for me! It's a 17-person environmental consulting firm specializing in air permitting and monitoring. I've done some air work, but that hasn't been my focus, so I'll be on the steep part of the learning curve for a while, which at least is not boring. Their office is pretty far from home (50 miles, 70 minute drive) but they said I could work at home part time. Seemomgo, I'll be in your neck of the woods - it's in Inverness business park, near I-25 and C-470. Mtnchk, are you near there too? I'll have to scope out good running routes in that part of town. One key thing I forgot to ask them at the interview was if they have shower facilities at their building. I'll find out tomorrow... Although this time of year, it's too hot to run at lunch, but during the winter it's essential, as flatland winter weather is much better than mountain winter weather. I'm planning on a run later this afternoon/early evening. Yesterday I took the dogs for a 7 mile hike in the state park, and everything's getting so green! Hey, have we heard from Aamos and Tim about how the Steamboat Springs marathon went last weekend?

                      I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                        Three cheers for Carolyn! YAY WILDCHILD! Congratulations!
                          "Hey, have we heard from Aamos and Tim about how the Steamboat Springs marathon went last weekend?"
                          Female 50 to 59 Age Group Results 2. Aamos Rapid City SD 54 3:44:23 Male 50 to 59 Age Group Results 17. Wa5yom Ardmore OK 55 4:24:00

                          "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                          Marathon Maniac #3309

                            Heck, forget about my run....CONGRATS TO CAROLYN Big grin Tim

                            Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


                            One day at a time

                              Congratulations, Carolyn! You'll do great. I think every engineering job I've ever gotten has been in a "new" area for me - hydroelectric, paper mills, precast concrete... There are just so many things that need doing! It was hot and sunny this morning, but my running partner and I ran 8.7 miles (7.3 miles running, a little walking since she requested it, and then another 1.4 miles running). We were both very sore from our Nazi instructor at the Y yesterday. Now it's hard for me to get out of the chair! I guess my leg muscles aren't in as good of shape as I thought. I AM happy that the warm temperatures didn't stop me - I could have kept going. This was my cutback week for long runs, anyway, so it worked out fine.
                                Wildchild, WOOHOO!! It was a downpour today, and about 52F. I wanted to do a MLR of 12 miles. I went to the gym, got on the TM, stomped out 3 hot and stuffy miles and couldn't take it anymore. Screw it, so I went outside to greet my hour-long cold shower and ran 6 miles. Guess which part of the run I enjoyed more? Of course! The rain rocked! I intentionally added several extra cooling drenchs on my head by running into low hanging tree foilage. The best part of running in a downpour is that normal people think you are crazy! Everyone was smiling at me, and the cars that were trying to pull out of their driveways all backed up to give me extra room. That almost never happens on sunny days! Then I went back inside to do 1 more mile on the TM for a total of 10. Seemed like enough. Then I did 15 min on the bike at level 7. I think I am a foul-weather runner. 52F and rain is better than 65F and sunny.

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
