Masters Running

Newbies - the new thread (Read 905 times)

    Laurie--So sorry the leg is flaring again. You have been so diligent and I have to believe that you can be back on the healing path soon.

    My sometimes tempo training partner won the Tri today at the Wilbraham Y (Scott Green). Since he lives up here, he returned the top prize which was a free family membership to the Y. Sweet prize. His strength is cycling, but is working on the running lately. I raced in VT today, but he sent me a report from the Tri. and it sounded great.

    Thanks for volunteering!


      Karin, your guy friend had a huge lead. Especially finishing up the bike. No one was anywhere close. Congrats to him. I love working those events.


      That lake looks familiar.



      Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

      Beginner all over again

        Hi Newbies!

        Good report  from me.

        I think I am getting the hang of Running.  It's still not too difficult and no pain, no soreness at all. (knock wood)

        So far so good. I'm going to try to get my Tues/Thurs runs to 4 miles and or 60 minutes, whichever is shorter.  Keep the Saturday run to be the one to stretch into Long Run, increasing it every other weekend. Well that's the plan for now. See how my shins and tendons, etc., hold up.  My goal race is Half Marathon in 10 months but I'm running a 5K for training run in a few weeks

        Good effort everyone!  Keep it up.


        Dg ......  glad to see you enjoying your pace getting generally better over same course previous runs. That can be fulfilling I'm finding.


        Linda… are you breathing better now? I hope so.  Best wishes with that.


        Laurie….oh, how to get to my log.  On my screen I see a little icon of a bar graph under my name to the left there. Do you see that? Click on that.  If you view my log, it will probably explain why I was asking so many questions before. You'll see I am a Way-Beginner.  Hope that leg improved on you with the revisit to the heating pad.  Working that event sounds fun.  One of my short-term goals is to volunteer at a local race.  Soon.





          Good afternoon Everyone,


          I'm cooling my jets a little right now.  My foot is sore.  I found out that I have old shoes.  And I let some kid talk me into buying some wrong shoes.  So I had to go buy some new shoes.  I went to Fleet Feet in Knoxville and they set me straight. (And I now have some new kicks )


          Laurie, working the Y tri (I think I heard someone say you worked it) sounds like a lot of fun.  What did they have you doing?  Sorry your leg is sore again.


          Linda, How are you?  Hopefully this latest set-back isn't too bad.


          Francis, Have you signed up for the half yet?  If its an expensive one, there is some incentive for you.  Which one are you planning on running?  I'm running the Va Beach Rock n Roll half again.  That was my first half, and it'll be my second.


          Teresa, when you get back, you'll need a vacation from your vacations.






            My dr is a marathoner herself so doesn't discourage my running at all, so when my shin splints developed I took her advice: take a break from running, ice and stretch, not to ramp up any training. Well, I don't think she meant a four-month break, so today I began C25K (about week 3) again. Didn't do too badly either, feel great now, and need to stay with it. DD registered both of us for a Labor Day 5K for motivation. She's getting in shape after pregnancy #2.

            I've been running for 2.5 years now, and both times that I've tried to speed up, increase the incline, do more, foot/leg problems have developed. So, I'm back to slug-slow and little incline. So what if I have to put a big orange triangle on the back of my running shirts to designate "slow-moving" vehicle.

            I've been reading your posts and keeping up with everyone's progress, just not posting.

            Happy running everyone!



              Happy birthday Laurie.

              Trails are hard!

                Hi Roberta--I guess you'd look like one of the Amish horse and buggies   WTG that you're sticking with the running. 


                out this morning in my new Adrenaline 8s.  I've been wanting to get them in service for the past 2 weeks or so, but I didn't want to make my first run in the rain, so the way June went, I had to wait.  1st 2 miles in 9:34/mi, then the stoopid feeling like a-fib might start, but doesn't.  after 1/4 mile walk I came in the last almost mile at 10mpm.  Speeds better, but I have a followup with ablation doc next week and hope he can lend a little explanation.




                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                  Is anyone noticing the board acting strange? I hit join this group button so I can reply and log in. Then it brings me back to the page 5 screen and makes me join this group again. I got to this text block by going back to page 4 where the reply button finally showed up. Strange.


                  L's nice to hear you are sticking with it. Are you cross training? Are you ramping up slowly? It might take you longer to ramp up but cross training will help a lot.


                  Frances. glad to hear you are doing well. It clicks after some time. Took  me about a year before it clicked. I was struggling so much that I was about to quit. Then I took a chirunning class and learned  how to run and it got a lot easier after that.


                  2000 yds on Tues in the pool. It was a struggle and legs felt like rocks. Massage yesterday helped a bit. I think the demon is sitting. If I sit at a 90 degree angle for more than a few minutes I pay for it in pain for days. So from now on I pay my bills and do computer stuff standing up.


                  Thanks Mike.



                  Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.

                  Beginner all over again

                    Happy Birthday, Laurie.   




                      Happy Birthday Laurie!    did you do anything fun? 

                      Sitting it the worst thing for me too.  At work I end up on my knees, bought a pillow for it.  But just this morning I got one of these...  .. more or less.  I give up trying to find a picture.  I have one of the older versions,  a friend found it on ebay.   I'm going to use it at home, & really think it might help.   At work I do have a good chair, it might not be adjusted right.  One thing I'm trying to do consistently is notice when it starts to hurt & get up immediately , if it's at all possible.  I stand a lot too.   good luck.



                      Roberta it's great to hear from you!   congrats on your 5K restart.      I'm glad it's going well so far.


                      Kevin, I've been meaning to ask what was going on since your carpy run report.   sorry.  unclear carp reference. Wink.   I hope everything is ok!   can't wait till you see the doc.  bet you can't either.  let us know what he says.     do you think the heat could have anything to do with it?


                      Teresa, I agree with Kevin.  It sounds exhausting but fun.  


                      Linda.....    what's going on with you?


                      Frances, thanks, that was nice.   encouraging too.   I need to remember that, & not grouse (is that a verb or just a bird?) because I'm still playing catch up.    It sounds like your plan is working.   yippee! 


                      Well hi MIke.  How is your foot?   grrr about your shoes.  


                      I'm still doing ok... today is a rest day.     as of tomorrow, 3 weeks no trips or falls!   (yes I know how weird that sounds).   I did 6.18 Monday, & 5 yesterday,    (still being really careful Linda,,,,  )  nice & slow.   I had other things planned for today but decided against it... I was a little sore yesterday & now my lower abs hurt.. do not know what that is.   So rest seemed like a good choice.     

                        Hi, all,


                        Following all of your exploits regularly, as I'm able to read on my IPhone.  Haven't figured out how to post that way yet, though, so my posts are limited to my library time.  Good news is that I have my own laptop, so I'm not limited to 30 minutes, but, hey, it's summer vacation and I want to be outside!


                        Ankle was acting up a little after last night's beach walk.  Doc told me to avoid walking in the soft sand.  No way to do a beach tour just by the water, though, especially at high tide.  Will have to stretch diligenty after tours as well as after running.  Slept in this morning, so paddled for about 2 hours instead of running.  Ankle felt awesome when I first got back, but it's a little tight now, so will stretch devotedly this evening.


                        Happy and safe 4th, everyone,





                          Well hi MIke.  How is your foot?   grrr about your shoes.  



                          The foot's doing ok.  I may try to get a run in this weekend.  As far as the shoes. . . Its not that bad, I think I got a date out of it. 

                            Whats the deal with Linda? Anyone heard anything?



                            Shamrock marathon March 2016. Burlington full or relay if I can find a partner May 2016. Wine and Dine half Nov. And a tri or two thrown in just for the hell of it.


                              All I know about Linda is what's on Tammy's thread.

                                Hey guys -


                                I'm alive & home on the 4th of July Smile   I just put a description of what happened on the hospital thread, if you guys want to see. 


                                Debbie - thanks for the call Smile  it was nice to talk to you.


                                I am resting & hoping for not too much pain in the next couple of weeks before surgery...