Masters Running


Fri Mar 7 Runs and Workouts (Read 528 times)

    Roy: Welcome to your 2nd half-century! Now you're an official 50+ poster. Dave: I'm afraid you may have a couple more days of the crud to go through. Get well soon. nono: A belated welcome to the forum. Just wait until you're 60 with an 18-year-old to deal with. Shocked Bill, Tim, Sue, perch: Good runs for the end of another work-week. Mary: Did it stop snowing over there, or have you just had so much you're tired of talking about it? That's the way we feel by now (with another storm coming tomorrow). Holly: Here, they cut part of the old license off and then give it back to you in case you want to keep the picture. Did the 2.1-mile loop this morning in breezy 20F temps at an easy 11:00 pace. Started off really well, then had some pain off and on, but no lasting soreness when I stopped. But a definite improvement (or at least that's what I'm telling myself!).

    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

    King of PhotoShop

      No running today but lots of work. I am unexpectedly home. Weather that you would only laugh at can shut down DFW airport, which it did yesterday. I sat in the plane for 5 hours before they kicked me out. So my Chicago trip will be next week. What is stranger about this is that I am so used to it that it didn't bother me. I have 4 million miles on American Airlines alone, so nothing is new to me. Gee whiz! I write volumes of good running content and no one says a word, but I make one joke about dogs, wives and car trunks and it's the talk of the day. No, for the record I don't like dogs but it's because I'm allergic to them, same with cats. And I don't like them jumping all over me or licking me. So there! (Guess I just lost Soundie, Mariposai and a few others.) Happy birthday Roy! Spareribs
        And I don't like them jumping all over me or licking me. So there! Spareribs
        I'm assuming you're still talking about the dogs?! Wink
        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
          Happy Birthday Roy. Some great running out there today!!! Doom Doom Doom, the snow is coming, 2 feet of snow between this afternoon and Sunday morning....Yowza...the all time record may fall soon...but we will still be a couple of feet away even after this snowstorm. Will call my doc as I am going stir crazy from not running, so hopefully I will get a clearance to at least do some light exercise. It's been my only constant for the last 4 years, so I need it (like a junkie). Take care guys and gals. Off to mediation. Do something special for someone today and do not tell anyone about it. I did this recently and it was an amazing feeling! Give it a try. Tall

          Recent Best times: None recently

            “Roadrunner, The Coyote’s after you….Roadrunner, if he catches you you’re through….” I saw a roadrunner last night on the way to dinner at a phenomenal home in the mountains. Couldn’t get the tune out of my head during the run today. Another eight-ish miler along the Canal Park path in Phoenix for me. Today was tempo day, so I ran the first 10 minutes easy and then ramped it up for the next 50 minutes and jogged it in for another 10 minutes----1:05.23, 52F at 6:15 AM. Felt strong and worked on form and running with quick feet----on top of eggshells. Vista---thanks for your thoughtful post about the various roots of competition yesterday. I think you are spot on. I also hope your brother keeps on having better days. Healing vibes to all who are dealing with injury and/or family health issues. My brother continues to spiral down into a seemingly bottomless pit of drug abuse and entanglement with the law. Running helps clear my head when I feel powerless to help him in any way---although crying while running makes for such a mess, bleh. Time to get into the execu-drag for full on presentation mode while the endorphins are working their magic. Flying home mid-day and hoping to roll into the driveway before midnight. I am sorry I don’t have more time here to really enjoy the area—I’ll have to come back with my guys some day. The storm heading our way is supposed to express itself as rain---3-5 inches of it. I’ll have a deluginous weekend of running. Happy Birthday Roy! Holly….your turn tomorrow! TGIF CNYrunner Oh my goodness Evryday, I spit my coffee out at your post…..I like it when my husband wags his tail and jumps on me when I get home. Spareribs…I read every word of your running advice, but like your jokes even more. Wink

              We made it to another Friday! from yesterday... Tammy- Hi, and Tongue back atcha. Smile Four day weekend! Nice! Enjoy! wildchild- it rains in Seattle? Wink If I'm ever in Colorado, I'd love to take you up on one of your runs for the company and to see some of those awesome trails you have. Tall- good luck with the meeting today. One day, one step at a time. Cmom- you, along with all the women runners here, are on that list! Greatness isn't always measured by how fast you run... Regarding the Denver marathon, a friend of mine ran it last year, so I got the lowdown on it. I like your suggestion of going shopping! dromedary- Smile No such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes, right? Thanks for the well wishes with the weather, and the very kind words. Thank you. JJJ- welcome home! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Maybe it was all that mountain climbing, rock stacking, and water carrying you did the other day. WRFB- I thought his mudder was on first? Or was I don't know on first and who on second? PJH- great workout! Tempo's are hard enough without steep hills in them besides! Great job! deez4boyz- oooh, Maggiano's! One of my favorite places to eat when in Boston. Good thing you got your run in earlier! Teresa- Smile nice story about your son! Good job mom! evanflein- life's little pleasures with the oven feature! Gotta love coming home after a run to a house that smells that great! With your next oven, there is a feature on mine that I love, and that's a built in temperature sensor probe. It's like a meat thermometer where one end sticks into your meat, the other end plugs into your oven, you set the temp that you want the meat to be, and the oven turns off automatically when it's done. Nice run in nice temps that you had. Thanks for checking in! from today... WRFB- love those recovery days. dtoce- you certainly earned your recovery day today. That was pretty incredible what you did yesterday. Careful with the PF, I know you will be. Your run sounded like those that Dean Karnazes takes, where he runs into convenience stores as needed during his runs. Do you own a foam roller? Sounds like the legs could use one. perchcreek- how is the back today? You didn't mention it so hopefully that means all is well. Now you just have to lick that cold. Dave- March has come in like a lion for you! Feel better. Craneium- along with beauty often comes danger. Sounded like a great run. Roy- I hope the 2nd half of your century is as good or better than the first half! nonoruns- Hi! Sorry to hear about junior and his aches and pains. Kids aches and pains become parents aches and pains. I hope you can catch up on some of that sleep this weekend. If anyone can figure out how to sleep while running, you'd have it made. breger- Another awesome run by Mr. consistency. I think 14 miles before work is about my limit too. No worries about coming in late, rather I'd be worried about falling asleep in the job. Have a great trip. Drink more than usual, the elevation seems to dry you out more. biketm- sounds like your footpod needs better math skills! I don't know the first thing about them, but in answer to your km-miles question, 8 kilometers is pretty darn close to 5 miles, I think it's about 150 feet shy. So run 20 laps and stop 150 feet short of the finish line on the final lap. Holly- remember to smile for the camera! Nice run today given the heavy duty workout you did yesterday. You're coming along nicely. Careful in that storm. hopeful4ever- stay awake at work! Jeanne- I hear you about just being able to swing the legs over the bed in the AM. Thank goodness for gravity's assitance with that. Man it's cold by you, be careful if you venture out. PeterNC- spoken like a wise runner. SueT- don't you love it when there is no wind? You can get by in almost any temp as long as the wind isn't blowing. Lot's of black ice here too this AM. Good thing you didn't have to go into work early. I'll let you know about the oars, thanks! Rochrunner- thanks for checking in! Definitely an improvement for you! Just keep taking it slowly as you have been. Good luck! Ribs- the snow in Texas was in the news here this AM. What a waste of 5 hours though. Tallrunner- good luck with everything today. Give us some good news! CNY- no coyote is gonna catch you the way you are running! Hugs to you regarding your brother. Just keep supporting and loving him as best you can, he needs to do the rest. Safe travels getting home. SteveP- I'm wondering how your trip is going. 6+ easy miles this morning, in awesome conditions. It was about 26*, NO WIND, and a heavy ground fog. That meant lots of frost. What surreal conditions, running in the darkness, with visibility made even less by the fog, yet you are aware of everything being frosty white around you. It really heightens the senses. With not much to see, you focus on how you feel, and the sounds around you. Lots of birds. Crows cawing. A far off hawk screeching somewhere, its sound echoing through the silence. Woodpeckers hammering away, looking for their morning meal, sounding like a construction zone. Once the sun started to peek up, the frost really glistened, making the fields, the grass, the trees, the houses all look like they were made of crystal. I was never more thankful to be a runner that I was today. I did come across something on my run that I have never come across before, a virgin 12 pack of Bud Light beer, sitting smack in the middle of the road in the middle of nowhere, right on the center yellow line. Reminded me enke finding a GU on her run the other day. Mmmm, I was tempted... the box was all covered with frost so you knew those babies were nice and cold.... but I stuck to my rule of no beer before sunrise, and moved the box to the side of the road. I'd like to find out the story behind that one. I'm watching the clouds move in, and the barometer plummet. Gotta head off to build my ark and gather up the animals. Enjoy the rest of the day, gang. Feel better everyone who is under the weather or hurting. Careful with this wild weather system, those that are getting it. Good running and everything else to everyone. Smile

              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                Quote from dtoce on 3/6/2008 at 4:29 PM:
                ran to and from my main office/hospital today-much easier running in the light of day. 16 miles in the pm total for the day=31 miles a new PR for me!
                I remember once being so proud of my 24 mile total once (for the month) and a certain goddesses did 30 miles in a single day too but I've never heard of such non-event megamileages for a non-ultra runner. Are you? Maybe you better meet her at the Leanhorse 100 miler in August! As for me, still tapering for this weekend's 3-goddess half marathon after Tuesday's four miler. <>meet at start 15 min before gun time for secret magic good luck charms)>>

                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Breger - that VRAA forum is more than I have time for. Can you tell me, do I get a point for stretching for 5-7 minutes after a run?

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    BTB you went above and beyond this morning. It took me a cup of coffee and a bagel with honey almond cream cheese to read your wonderful post. But I'm not complaining! Keep it up; we love it.
                    "Have a great trip. Drink more than usual ..."
                    Oh, I intend to. There's this great local brew up there ... oh wait, you were talking about water aren't ya? Oh, Okay. I guess I better drink some of that too. Bill

                    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                      but I stuck to my rule of no beer before sunrise, and moved the box to the side of the road.
                      I'd have been tempted to move it to the side of the road, hidden under some bushes, and come back later in my car Big grin. Reminds me of one time on a bike ride when I saw a cell phone lying right in the middle of the path. I figured it would be easy to locate the owner, so picked it up and rode on. A few minutes later, it rang and it was of course the person looking for it (it was a kid's phone and her dad was calling). We made arrangements to meet and return it to them, but they seemed actually more annoyed than appreciative that I had picked it up and ridden off with it. But what was I supposed to do? I at least knew that I was going to do the "right thing" with it and didn't want to just leave it there.

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                      One day at a time

                        Happy 50th Birthday, Roy!! After my 8-mile PR run yesterday, today's 3-mile run was VERY hard. One of those days where I felt like I was moving through mud! I've got a blister on the inner side of my foot, too - ychh! I guess I'm a "real" runner because there's a little blood on my shoe! Shocked Do you guys have any suggestions for what to do with a blister?? I'm certainly not going to let THAT stop me! A new phenomenon is occurring that makes me happy - I've blabbered about running to so many people, that now sometimes an acquaintance will come up and say, "Teresa, I've started running a mile every day!" As if I'm the veteran, lol! What a turn around. Have a good weekend, everybody! More snow and ice for Maine both days, I guess. Tongue


                          Cmom - I'd like to join you for the Platte River half on April 6, but I'll just be getting home from spring break in Japan on April 2, and after two weeks at sea level with possibly inconsistent running, I don't think it would be such a good idea. I'm considering the slacker half marathon from Loveland Ski Area to Georgetown in June, though. Breger - where in Colorado are you heading for your ski trip? The snow's been good this year - have fun! Holly - your birthday must be soon if you're getting a new license! Did CNYrunner say tomorrow? Good reason to take tomorrow off! And have fun bowling. Tall - good luck with the mediation. I like your suggestion to do something special for someone today. Sweet idea. Biketm - btb was correct that 20 laps is about 8 km, but then it follows that 5 laps is 2 km. In fact, 5 laps is 2.01 km, or about 38 feet longer than 2 km exactly. Teresa, my DD wonders too why some of her friends don't get along with their parents. We're very lucky that we're close. Btb - you were TEMPTED by BUD LIGHT???? What's wrong with you???

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                            Remember when Dean K. was doing his 50 marathons in 50 days in 50 states? Well on the day that he was doing WA, it was the Seafair (Bellevue) route, that goes along part of my regular running route. I decided to time my long run so that I could hook up with him and his entourage for about a mille (at the time I could only run his pace for about a mile!). I spotted something unusual that day, that I have never seen since - a 6 pack of Bud Lite Tall Boys sitting beside a pole. It looked clearly planted there for someone. I was tempted, but not enough. I had the distinct feeling it was there for Dean and his entourage since it was at about the mile 18 spot, when a Bud Lite might go down really well. It turned out that he started his run about an hour later than planned, so I never did see him. My son seemed to be getting worse again after the doctor's visit, so I caved in and got the prescription filled. He really gets weak after several days of not eating. It sounded like it was developing into bronchitis again last night so I'm glad we started the antibiotics. I am personally not a big fan of medication but I couldn't stand to watch him suffer any longer. He is not whimpering today and is playing a bit. Now to work on getting him to eat. Smile ' Planning an easy 4 mile run tonight, unfortunately on the TM, as it is dark by the time DH gets home. nonoruns - I remember those days well, and am so glad they have passed! I was 38 with my second and was definitely feeling on the edge of being too old to be waking up every 2 hours. It is a good thing you are running to stay healthy. Get as much sleep as you can! Ok, Tet, now I'm curious...

                            "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                            MM #405

                              I'm assuming you're still talking about the dogs?! Wink
                              Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin Big grin P.S. I'm keepin an eye on yous guys...just not much time to post a whole lot. I'm doin' good - running lots....30 mile LR last weekend. Smile carry on ........ arf

                                The forecast is improving for tomorrows race. Roll eyes * RAIN WILL ARRIVE LATE THIS AFTERNOON INTO THIS EVENING. THE RAIN WILL END BY SATURDAY EVENING...BUT NOT BEFORE 2 TO PERHAPS AS MUCH AS 4 INCHES OF RAIN HAS FALLEN. SOME LOCALLY HIGHER AMOUNTS ARE POSSIBLE...ESPECIALLY IF THUNDERSTORMS DEVELOP ON SATURDAY. Big grin They neglected to mention the 20-30mph winds. Actually, I'm looking forward to the adventure. It's the poor volunteers I'm worried about, standing around in this stuff is no fun. There's day of race registration available, if anyone's interested...