Masters Running


August Masters Miles (Read 348 times)



    How can it be September already?  Where did the summer go???      Oh, well, cooler temps will be welcome for many of us. 


    Time once again to post your monthly mileage, plus any PRs and cross training you care to mention.  Awards will be given two deep  for most miles, fewest miles, average, and median, so you have 8 chances to win! Thanks for playing!


    The picture this month is from our recent backpacking trip in the Wind River range in Wyoming:

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Nice picture Carolyn!  Thanks for doing this too!


      August: 216.9 miles

      YTD: 1340.5 miles

      Knee feels good.... whew!

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

        Beautiful Photo! Thanks for that and for the tally

        324.5 miles this month

        All good so far!


          Firstly,  Thank you once again, Carolyn!!!

             61.1 for the month,  503.3 for the year.  Today is my father's birthday, he would have been 86.  Love you Harley!


            Thanks again, Carolyn.  You do find good photos!

            Aug: 225.6 miles

            YTD: 1518

            PR week of 62.0 w/e 8/9


            Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

              Thanks for doing this, oh wild one! I think I slacked off in the summer heat of August:


              Running: 77.8

              Biking: 146.3


              I'll try to do better this month.

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                Thanks, Carolyn! Beautiful photo you posted, thanks for that too!


                August was a PR mileage month for me!

                253.3 miles and 1,412.4 YTD.

                I had a PR week of 66.7 miles last week, too.

                  Many thanks to the Wildchild!


                  160.8 miles for August / 1067 miles YTD


                  Need a PR month in September for the marathon training. 

                  Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                    Thanks-yes, it is a beautiful photo.

                    Marj-85 (YTD-723); Cycling-244

                    Henrun-107.6 (YTD-852.5); Cycling-152


                    One day at a time

                      Thanks, Carolyn!


                      86.0 miles for August.  10K PR.



                        Thanks Wildchild.


                        August running miles = 183.6
                        YTD = 1251

                        I also had a new 5K PR of 22:29 (old PR 22:49).




                          No time for a run today, so my total is 101.3 miles for August.  If I was just short of 100 miles I would have found time to run, but since I went over yesterday, I didn't try real hard.  Guess I'm a slacker.


                          No races, so no PRs, but I've signed up for a trail race series in September (every Wednesday evening) so there may be some PRs next month.

                          I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                            As usual, another beautiful picture from RA's resident photographer. Nice, Carolyn!

                            August miles: 134.6

                            YTD: 974.9 - closing in on the 1,000 mile bunny.

                            Thanks for doing this every month Carolyn - we really appreciate it.


                              Thanks again Carolyn!



                              Aug:  124.0 miles

                              YTD: 958.2 miles

                              MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                                dear wildchild -


                                did you remember or pick up any new nihongo from your guests?

                                No matter where they're from in Japan, with such hosts and scenery, I bet they loved kororado takusan.


                                tetsujin - 36.6 miles (YTD - 389.6 miles)


                                still no training runs since 2/14 but three events for me in August as follows.


                                8/1 - 26.2 miles (Frank Maier Marathon - Juneau, AK)

                                8/15 - 4.3 miles (Beaver Lake Triathlon - Sammamish, WA)

                                8/29 - 6.2 miles (Shoes-for-Kids 10K - Seattle, WA)  (for some reason, I didn't have any running shoes to donate)

                                doumo arigatou gozaimasu.

                                "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
