Masters Running


Tuesday, June 10th Daily (Read 520 times)

    But with nothing to distract us in the warm, humid twilight, we were in no hurry and could just sit there enjoying each other's company. It made us both realize how lucky we are to have each other. And we both said so.

    Be safe. Be kind.


      Doug, that's so sweet... nice to have the forced slow down every now and then. I think I could sure use that. Tramps, I think they have relays so someone is always harassing you. I feel that way with the gnats... Sue, did you have to go to the 12's in the Nimbus X? If so... I might try the 11's. I've tried 11's because most stores around here don't carry 10.5, but the 11's are usually just a bit too long and I trip easily... Holly, I ordered 3 pair from Zappo's (I try them out there because return shipping is free), and one pair from Road Runner Sports with my VIP discount and free shipping. I figured those Asics would be a sure thing, but now I'm thinking they're too small... Rats. And yes, I sometimes dread running back up that hill, but I have to get home! I do sometimes call for a pickup at the bottom though if I'm going long. My hill isn't so very steep, it's just long... 2 miles and an increase of about 500 feet (I think...). And I do it every. time. I. go. out. I really want to run today, more time in the new shoes with different socks. But DH and the boys leave early early tomorrow for Hawaii and DS1 has a game at 8 pm. Apparently there's rumblings of discontent in his team so coach has called a meeting for 7 pm to "clear the air." Should be interesting... So, bottom line is it may not happen. I can't wait till I can just go running when I want to... but by then I'll have to be retired and the kids will be gone, and I'll miss them so much... I guess if life were perfect we'd be bored silly, right?

        Evanflein - are the Nimbus X out now? I've been patiently waiting...have almost 400 miles on my IX's. Jeanne

        The Jogger

          Jeanne, the weather here has been really nice, in the south anyway, about 25c and sunny. It will change over the next day or two but hope it returns real soon and your hubby gets nice weather for golf. Hi debs and thanks Sue Now back to work..... roy

            Jeanne, yes the X's have been out for a little while now... was all excited to try them, especially when RRS seems to be out of the IX's in my size (10.5). My current pair (the 4th or 5th pair of IX's I've had) now have over 500 miles on them and I think they might be partially to blame for my continuing metatarsal soreness. But the X's seem to run small for me. I'd be interested to hear how you like them. Here's what I watched a lot of this weekend... DS2 clearing the ball... Here's DS1 throwing in... not a very artful shot. I'm still learning how to time the action with this new camera. Froze in Anchorage. Was happy to head for home... I love Denali Park in summer evenings. This was taken from the car at about 9 pm... And I came home to see my Siberian Crabapple was in full bloom. Took this one this morning, sorta cloudy/rainy... Hope that helps cool off all you sweaty folks in the east...
              Tall, the answer is obvious, you are a masochist! Evanflein, like Holly I was wondering just how many pairs you buy at one time! Roch, that's the way we should all live from time to time. Unplugged. I am foolishly avoiding all wills, living wills, end of life questions. 50F, rain rain rain, go away, come back another day. 10 miles, with 5.5 miles at tempo speed, whatever that is. First, 6 on the mill (got my favourite machine!) 2 @ 10:43 2 @ 8:35 2 @ 8:35 Out into the rain. Never even took my rainjacket off, it was that cold, rainy, breezy. 1 mile @ 10:26 1.42 mile @ 9:00, roughly, then I ran out of gas 1 mile @ 11:04 0.57 @ 10:35 This may seem silly, but I have a burning question. Maybe the ladies can help me out with this one. How does that piece of grass get into my jogbra when I also have a T-shirt and rainjacket on?? (zipped up all the way!) I keep finding debris stuck to me after runs. What's the deal? Am I a dirt magnet?

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


              Trails are hard!

                Enke--does it have anything to do with registering on the radar? Wink a quick post of this morning's run before I head home from work and watch the Celts win another one from the Dreaded Lakers. Actually no one around Boston seems like they will be very surprised if LA wins--they all figure the league wants the series to go extra, so it will. Evil grin out at 5:15am and it cooled off a little--down to 65F. a little better pace: 28:50 for my 3.2 loop. Tried to stretch out my stride a little at times. Hips have been a little stiff after these slow runs, so wondering if my stride is getting too short and choppy. No soreness today so either it worked or I'm just getting used to running again Confused As I passed one of the regular walkers that I say Hi to each time I see him, said "Watch out for the snapping turtle" as we passed. about 50 yards farther on there was a good sized snapper very determinedly heading out of the lake in the direction of the main street. Hope he decided that he didn't really want to go across the road, even a big one like that isn't much of a match for a car. Kevin

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Great pictures, Erika Best wishes to your sons in HI jjj
                  Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.
                    Home sick again today. Stomach settling down a little, but definitely needed the rest. Carried a fan from the basement to the second floor last night, and my chest was heaving like I'd just run a 5K afterward. Grateful to have been in a/c all day at least. The friend who took me to the ER finally told me today just how scared she was when she first saw how sick I was on Sunday, so I feel like less of a wuzz for going to the hospital. I'm soooo glad she was such a terrific help to me. If all goes as planned, it's back to school tomorrow, and hopefully out for a walk tomorrow evening. One week until we say farewell to the kiddos. I only hope I'll know what I'm doing next year by then. Eliz


                      Boston dwellers I will be in Boston September 5 and 6th to race. I will be running a race I have wanted to do for a long time!!!! Totally crazy. It's the Big Man Run...You have to be a Clydesdale, you have to run 4.8 miles and make 3 stops along the way and drink a beer and eat a hot dog at each one. I am planning it as a road trip to rediscover my silliness. "Just have to show what a "Crazy Clydesdale Canuck" can do. Would love to meet some boomers while I am there. Will post in August to organize with anyone that may be around. Tall

                      Recent Best times: None recently

                        Just remembered something. Spareribs, you said your iPOD died or is dying? Well, my DH bought a new battery for mine, cost 15 bucks, and he installed it. He said it wasn't completely easy to do, but not terribly hard either. A lot cheaper than a new iPOD. That's my tip of the day.

                        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        King of PhotoShop

                          Too late Enke, but thanks just the same. I bought a new Nano for $200, but this one has eight jigawatts of storage instead of the four I had with the old one, so I can put more songs on it. Everyone I talked to has tried to convince me to buy a Sandisk for less than half the price, but like it or not, we are Apple people and so I am happy to have my music back. Thanks. Spareribs
                            As I passed one of the regular walkers that I say Hi to each time I see him, said "Watch out for the snapping turtle" as we passed. about 50 yards farther on there was a good sized snapper very determinedly heading out of the lake in the direction of the main street. Hope he decided that he didn't really want to go across the road, even a big one like that isn't much of a match for a car. Kevin
                            I sometimes wonder what the natural predator of the turtle was before the automobile was invented.....there must have been a gazillion turtles back in the day.
                            Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
                              O vista, I have thought about that for many years. I'm Catholic, so you know what that means, yet I don't have children and the thought of being warehoused somewhere just frightens the stuffing out of me. I admit, I've spent some time in the past reading about the Hemlock Society. My best to you and your brother, always. No running--but lots of cleaning! DH home late yesterday, so we are now over the 24 hour-at-home stage with no emergencies, YAY! We go to the Cardiac Rehab Center Thursday for intake, then start up 3 days a week there with increasing activity, and spouses go free. Look out treadmills--I'm taking one hostage! Meanwhile, we get to walk outside and so we do. Frank has been a charm. He was so totally excited yesterday when D got home, but never did anything to hurt him--ran over to his bed and speaked his toy, wagged is tail, then just glued himself to D. I took him out this morning--he peed, then wanted to turn back immediately for home, and I say no, we had more work to do. Finally, when we turned back, he just pulled at the leash, and if I trotted, he did too, increasing the pace (recall that I am a distance girl whilst Frank, who has never run a 5K in his life, can turn in a sprint at 40mph) until we were home and he could be sure his Main Human Alpha was still there. We all 3 go out together, slowly, and he just goes at D's pace, right at his side. It's so dear. Of course, Frank needs more exercise than D does, so I still take him out alone--and he unfailingly does what he needs to, then turns for home and beelines back. D's mom had bypass surgery and his dad got her a stuffed teddy bear as it's helpful to have something to hug up against your incision when you cough or move. Accordinly, D"s brother brought a stuffed teddy to the hospital for him. Well, let me tell you, Frank is most jealous of this thing. D. picked it up to cough and Frank was on his feet at his side staring at the teddy. They are most certainly Not Friends. I'm giving teddy about 3 days and then he'll be shredded. In the meanwhile, I really want to run, isn't that the most selfish thing? Now you know what a shallow excuse for a person I am. See, it's the Catholic thing, confession and all. Someone absolve me? grins, A
                              Masters 2000 miles
                                Hey there Aamos! I just got in from a day in NYC (last appt. in Purchase, NY actually) and my nerves are all jangly from trying to race a massive storm. I am amazed that our power isn't out and that Ronda the Honda didn't blow off of Mount Tom. Anyway.....I'll absolve you! I have no right to do so I am sure (I was baptized Catholic by a priest in Switzerland----significantly lapsed though), but you aren't selfish for wanting to do something that gives you peace, strength, solace and so much more. That strength is something D needs and loves you ever more for having. I ran many thinking and crying miles when my father had his stroke. He was only 60 and I was absolutely overwhelmed. There is a groove in the road leading from my childhood home to the hospital there with my name on it. The run time was the only time I could work out my fears, hopes, pain and rage too. I love the story about Frank. Mr. CNYrunner is the alpha dog here as well and our beagle practically kicks me out of bed when his alpha is sick. Amazing creatures. I am thrilled that all is going well and D is getting out there and moving. I feel sorry for that treadmill and send big hugs from Florence to you both. Erika, awesome photos! Enke....first the radar and now the debris in the running bra---we must be sisters. I get pebbles in there and grass and other flotsam and jetsam. Yeesh! Okay the thunder is moving further away now and Boogie just emerged from his whimper spot under the bed (the Alpha here is snoring away). G'nite Karin/CNYrunner