Masters Running


Tuesday, June 10th Daily (Read 520 times)

    Good Morning. Today is supposed to be the last of the intense heat here locally. That only improves the situation by a few degrees but is still a welcome relief. Because of my schedule yesterday combined with the high heat, I was not able to run yesterday and took the day off. This probably fits into my mileage requirements anyway as I was hitting more miles than what I had set for a goal. However, I will get back into running some good miles sometime today. Last night...Ken Griffey Jr hit home run number 600. I have appreciated this quiet baseball hero who has stayed out of trouble during a career that has been challenged with various medical problems. I wonder where his "numbers" would be if he had not faced so many injuries. Poor Cinncinnati fans. Griffey home runs #200, #300, #400, #500 and now #600 ...have all been hit while playing on the road. Today my brother is having a colonoscopy. Yesterday they gave him two units of blood and now they are going to search for the answer to why the blood is disappearing. Apparently he also had a talk with the doctor about what he felt was a good quality of life. This was in answer to the doctor's question of "If we face an emergency, to you want us to attempt heroics?" This is certainly an eye opening question when you are being required to provide the answer. Enjoy your day friends. Whatever tasks or opportunities you are faced with, they become easier with a positive attitude and a hunger to succeed. I wonder what difference I will be able to provide in the lives I come in contact with today? Let me now go and see. Have a great day.

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Morning everyone...thanks for the "positive" start off Joey, as usual with you. I hope and pray they find the cause of your brothers bleeding...will keep him in my thoughts and prayers Smile No run for me last night as another storm came through central Indiana and dumped another 2 to 3 inches of rain in about an hour and a half....really really didn't need that added to the severe flooding we already have. I am ok myself because I live on high ground, but feel sooo bad for the families that have lost absolutely everything...I can't imagine that. I have my first ever 10K race this Sat, so I am going to keep my runs shorter this week, plus I need to recover from last Sundays 22 mile bonk....legs still super sore this morning. Hey, just realized yesterday I have 1000 miles YTD after Sundays run...didn't even know I was that close Big grin Carolyn, I don't think I congratulated you on your 1/2 M where you rocked girl..along with an age group win...outstanding Smile Well, have a wonderful day all....and as Joey said, approach this day with a great attitude and make positive things happen no matter what you do. Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Enjoy your rest Vista. I'm thinking of you and your brother and pray that it all works out. I was suppose to go get blood work this morning, but forgot to start fasting last night! So, I'll do it tomorrow morning I guess. I got up this a.m. to pouring down rain. Said to DD#1 that I guess I"m not running today! By the time I fiddled around with Hailey and the pups, the rain had settled to a soft pitter patter, so off I went for 4 miles without the Brinkster. He didn't think I was going so went back to bed peacefully. 4 miles - 9:40 pace. Cheers!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


          Vista- that is certainly a sobering question to have to answer. I hope everything works out for your brother. For me a 9 miler this morning with 4 in the middle @ 7:15 pace. I am trying to get up and run earlier so I can beat the heat. today it worked although I started out with a heather grey dri fit shirt and it was charcoal by the time I finished (couldn't resist a fashion report). i saw another person on a bicycle today who left their good sense at home. 5:15AM, no lights, no helmet, sandals, ipod, riding against traffic. I just hope she arrived safely to wherever she was going. Be safe out there.

          The Jogger

            Morning Gang, Wow , what a question, I hope he said he wanted heroics..... I hope they sort out his problem soon, positive thoughts.... Tim, glad you are on high ground and don't get your feet wet..... Mary, good pace, you're flyin...Nice fast 9 crane..... Anyway, me and woody were up in the hilly wooded trail, sun shining and hot for a nice little 5 miler. I have a relay on Saturday and my leg is just over 5 on a very, hilly trail. 5m 54:25 @ 10:53 pace AHR 150 70% WHR Good Runs All Roy

            Renee the dog

              Vista, LOVE the question! (Not sure I love the timing though). I'm continually amazed how "unconscious" some folks are going about their lives -- if we were all asked that question periodically, pehaps we'd all live life a bit more consciously. Took an extra rest day last night to ice the knee and rearranged my schedule so it was only 3 mi this morning. Little uncomfy, nothing to worry about. YAHOO! Mr Nono was actually waiting by the door for my return. He really felt bad about knee and was hoping I didn't come back limping. Something so simple, but I felt so connected to him at that moment. Renee was benched due to weather, and she's not happy about that! All the other runners around town were asking for her this morning. I guess we've become a fixed running pair over the last year. Saw Mom yesterday -- she's getting better but she's aged probably 10 years through the last 5 weeks. But she's to be discharged from physical therapy on Friday. The sooner she's out of the current environment, the better. She's in the mid- to advanced- alzheimer's section ('cuase that's where they had room), and it's very lonely for her.

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                Prayers for your brother Vista, and for your mom, nonoruns. It was a rest day of sorts for me too, I went to low-impact aerobics and pilates class and worked out all of the soreness from the weekend that way. Cherish every breath!


                Runners run


                  Good morning Boomers. Vista, thanks for the great motivation to start our day. My best wishes to your brother - he's been through a lot, and I hope the doctors can help him. 6.5 miles this morning at a 9:30 pace, a little sproinkier than usual as the humidity broke yesterday, at least for a day. The southern part of the state is getting blasted - saw a picture of a house in Wisconsin Dells actually slide into a river. Frightening for the people living down there, and more heavy rain is expected for tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. Tim, after some of the runs you've done recently, I think you're entitled to a couple of easy ones! Rest up so you can set a PR at your 10K, and good luck. Nice runs Mary, Cranium and Roy. Roy - my husband is heading to Ireland in a couple of weeks for a golf vacation. They fly into Dublin but are going to try to do a couple of days in England as well. How's the weather been? Nonoruns, glad the knee is okay. Aren't DHs special people? Sometimes they really surprise you with random acts of kindness. Good luck with your mother. Ilene - pilates and low impact aerobics doesn't sound like resting to me! Resting is putting your feet up and drinking coffee and eating bagels with cream cheese. Enjoy your day. Off to help the bride-to-be get her flowers for the wedding Saturday. Big grin Enjoy your runs, everyone. Jeanne

                    good morning! Vista, good wishes from me too for your brother. Please let him know we're collectively pulling for him. I know it's hard on you too. {{{ }}} Nice run, Craneium! Mary, it's funny how they read our signals, isn't it. Nice run for you too, & Roy. (Hi Roy!) & Woody. & all. Tim, congrats on your 1000 ytd! be a little careful with yourself this week, might be a good idea... Nono, that must be so hard for her. What happens next? re your DH, that was sweet. I hope your knee heals quickly! hi Ilene Smile. how's your piriformis? how's your shoulder? I'm way way behind, but seem to remember as i frantically scanned trying to catch up that you recently rocked a race. wtg. SteveP, great picture, thanks. nice to have you around here a little more. hope things are going ok dealing with your mom's estate. doesn't pay to be absent, too hard to catch up. i was at least somewhat in sync ... Friday I joined a lot of you in a day off, & Sunday with a difficult & seriously sweaty run. Other than that, usual cross training & too much yard work again. This morning went pretty well. on the track again. 6.03 total, run was 4.97. ahr 170, max 194. average pace 10:36, max 8:43. pretty happy with this because I had one of those nearly sleepless nights. then woke up at 2:45. bleh. I think that's the Beers' typical wake up time. Added some movement prep things after walking before running, I think they helped. Holly & Sue, thanks so much for your Polar input last week! very helpful. hope you all have a great day.
                      Good morning, all! Vista - sending prayers and good vibes for your brother. I've been through that question with my Mom and her doctor - it is a sobering event in any case. dg - good track run in spite of the lost sleep! roy - good luck with the weekend relay! We're supposed to be getting a break from the sauna-like weather tomorrow. I did some landscaping work last night and came in totally soaked - had to take a shower before I could make dinner. The worker bees are laying asphalt around the new garage - I don't think they could have picked a hotter day for it. 7.4 hilly miles this morning. 5.4 on my own followed by 2 jogging with Jesse miles. We walked 2 miles to "cool down" after the run. If one can cool down with temps in the high 70's. I bought a pair of the new Nimbus X's over the weekend. Erika - don't feel bad about having to go up to an 11 if necessary. I tired a women's 12 and they were too small for me. I ended up with a men's 10.5 - yikes this running is sure making my feet bigger (when I started running I could wear a men's size 9). Good runs to all - stay cool out there!

                      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

                      Hill Runner

                        Morning all, 10.13 miles of hills @ 9:11 pace...the balck flies were after me the whole run. Good runs to all today

                        Upcoming Races:

                        Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                        Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                        Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13


                          (Thoughts are with you Vista and Nonoruns.) 5.2 miles @ 9:28. I took my first protein supplement of the season as I was sucking air heading up a hill. Speaking of which… …here’s my question of the day: Is the dense swarm of horse flies that forms instantly around my head when I step outside comprised of the same individuals who are swarming around my head 2.5 miles later at my turnaround point or is there some subtle transition that occurs over that distance? In other words, are these flies long-distance fliers or just short-distance sprinters? Discuss.

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            No workouts for me since we might not have power for a couple more days and I actually don't want to generate any more sweaty, smelly clothing to have sitting around in the heat. It was an interesting evening yesterday with everything dark and all the generators humming around us. My DW and I sat on our front porch drinking a couple of beers, watching some more thunderstorms roll through, and talking casually about a lot of things. We do talk all the time, but often there are other things that we want to be doing: watching TV, working on the PCs, catching up on reading, etc. But with nothing to distract us in the warm, humid twilight, we were in no hurry and could just sit there enjoying each other's company. It made us both realize how lucky we are to have each other. And we both said so. Have a good day, everyone, and enjoy your power and air conditioning (if you have 'em)! P.S. One decision was almost made last night: we're going to look in to getting one of those natural gas-powered backup generators as soon as this situation clears up!

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              I wonder what difference I will be able to provide in the lives I come in contact with today? Let me now go and see.
                              I love that, Vista! I need to print that out and paste it to my monitor. What a wonderful thought to start each day with. Your brother continues to be in my prayers. As to the question, well, my DH and I both have Living Wills. Ilene – aerobics class and Pilates class on your rest day? Shocked DG – nice running! Getting longer and longer. Erika - just how many pairs of shoes did you buy? Shocked My workout today: 3.25 miles outside on a new route that turned out to be EXTREMELY hilly (prolly should have driven that route first – not exactly the gentle warmup I intended it to be), followed by this on the treadmill in my garage (with a fan blowing on me – ahhhh): (5-minute slow-to-fast segments) x 4 (6.2, 6.5, 6.9, 7.2, 8.0 mph) 1 minute walk (1 min fast/1 min slow – 8.2, 6.2 mph) x 5 plus CD made it 7 miles total. It’s been about a month since I began adding some speedplay into my workouts a couple times a week, and today was the first time it felt somewhat easier. The 1-minute 8.2mph/7:19 pace segments (REALLY fast, for me) were arms-pumping-legs-stretching-exhilarating. I wish I could run like that all the time. Maybe just a good day, but I’ll take it. Smile

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                Thought provoking morning. My thoughts are with Vista's brother and nonorun's mom. "Easy" 5 miler in North Las Vegas turned into a GA run I guess. The lack of humidity was like a weight off of me, allowing my legs to stretch a bit. Workout: 4.1 miles, 8:19/mi, AHR 152 Overall: 5.1 miles, 42:28 Good runs, all!

                                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |
