Masters Running


Sunday, March 27 Out-Like-A-Lion Runs (Read 448 times)

Maniac 505

    Erika,  so sorry about the plumbing woes,  hope you get it sorted out soon.


    Mari  cool to hear about your last ski trip of the season.  Maybe in a couple of weeks I will tell you about the tip that helped my skiing the most.  I got it from a pro during a one week ski clinic in Taos New Mexico 35 years ago.


    Avenger    Don't stop posting,  Yours are some of my favorites.


    Holly,    So sorry to hear about your DD That must have been scary.  I guess I have to tell my recent finger story. about a month ago I dropped a knife and it sliced the back of my index finger.  after bleeding all over the house I got a  bandage on it Shocked.    The next morning (a Saturday) it was I removed the tape and it was still bleeding.  I didn't have a clue how bad it was, but thought it was worth having it looked at.   1/2 day in the ER, I learned that I had a nice shiney tendon, but didn't cut it.  missed any important nerves.  three stitches cost me $400.   (Thank god I have insurance Roll eyes)

      Holly - Ouch!  Sounds like your DD was a good sport about it, as best as could be expected.  She's a tough little gal.  I wonder who she gets that from . . .  Wink


      Some nice running yesterday and today!  Good job, Posie.  Especially after a long day of skiing.


      TomS - It was just a training run - logging road training run.  And thanks for the all the kudos, friends.  Unfortunately, today went bad . . .


      My run didn't pan out like it was suppose to.  I did something to the top of my foot yesterday and it  - well, it hurts.  There's a square-shaped bruise on top and it's swollen a bit.  It bothered me quite a bit yesterday during the run, like my shoes were tied too tight, but they weren't.  We got less than a mile into our run today and there was just no way I could do it.  It was killing me.


      My coach asked me if it hurt worse to pull the toes up or down (up), but I don't know why.  Haven't heard back from him yet.


      I tried alternating ice and heat, but about the 3rd or 4th round of ice, it hurt like an SOB.


      Sooo, tomorrow I'm first going to try to get into the orthopedist I've seen before.  If that doesn't work, I'll try to get in with my regular doc.  I've been trying to not get too freaked out, but I'm worried. Undecided 

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        So sorry Leslie, but I gotta tell ya, foot issues are the worst problems! Especially tendon problems because the circulation just isn't real strong down there to help move inflammation out. Hope it's nothing serious.


        So the plumbing woes continue, but we've made progress. They got through a small part of the plug, and water can drain but ever so slowly. Tomorrow they're bringing a camera on a snake like tube to take a look at what's down there. It's got them totally flumoxed, as last week it seemed fine and what they've done so far should've blasted through any "normal" clog. Totally scared to see the bill for this...


        I went to the gym with DH today, and tried to run on the treadmill. Didn't go so great. Made it 3 miles and collapsed into a coughing fit that left me shaky. It was bad... I might need to go see a doc tomorrow, but I feel ok now. Maybe just need another day to let things clear up. I don't remember the last time I had so much congestion and "crap" in my chest... Feels like stuff in my lungs but you never know how bad it really is. Next week will be an easy recovery week for me, and then I hope to get back into the thick of training. I've got lots of things planned for June so can't let up now!!
