Masters Running


Taco Tuesdaily, 9.19.23 (Read 39 times)


    Holly, way to go with you and your DH's determination to get one more trip this year. Enjoy your adventure.


    Enkie, ohh the memories of visiting your cabin still is so vivid in my mind.


    Tramps, how cool that you are working hard to keep the barn as part of your house.


    Today was only 2 miles walk plus a few weights reps for me. I am being extremely cautious with my training plan, not getting as many miles as I was used to before C, but getting 3 key workouts done a week. It is all the body can handle at this point.  More weekly miles opportunities are ahead of me each passing months, I am sure.



    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


      Doug--Nice pics!  Sorry about the COVID case. I hope it's a mild one. Anecdotally, despite all the air filtration supposedly in place, flying does seem to be a commonly-cited likely culprit...but who knows for sure. There are very few of us remaining who've managed to avoid it. (Are tet and I the last ones standing here?) Now I'm trying to think strategically about when to get the latest booster.



      Add me (and my DW) to the list that have been CoVid-free so far. My DW has other health issues which make her high risk for serious complications from CoVid or any other respiratory illness. I have now been working exclusively from home for 3.5 years even though almost all my colleagues returned to the office after the initial few weeks. We isolate as much as practical and I still wear a mask on my weekly grocery trip, even though I'm usually the only one doing so. I've not participated in any group runs or races since the pandemic started.


      I was surprised that Doug tested positive just 48 hours after when he suspected he was infected on the plane ride. My recollection is that the incubation period was 5-10 days when the pandemic started. Has it shortened as the variants have developed?


      Running wise, in May I conceded to DW and acquired a TM and have been using it almost daily - currently have a 63-day streak of 2+ miles per day. During the summer months it has also avoided my running in high heat & humidity, which is a blessing of sorts. Not sure I will be able to resist the temptation for some outdoor runs once the temperature drops a little further.

      Started running at age 60.

      AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

      AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


      Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


        5.2 trail miles after work this afternoon. a nice cool breeze on the trails definitely felt "fall like" instead of the usual furnace breeze we had just  a month ago


          Quickladder- I believe you can show symptoms within 2 days or so of exposure.  That’s been my experience with both of my cases.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



            Mr. 400 - Thank you for the start.  I hope your Garmin has learned its lesson with the hard restart.


            Rochrunner - I hope your recover is quick and complete.  Thank you for the pictures.


            Leslie - Of the high school buddies, 5 of 9 make an effort to keep in touch.  1 is on the fringe, but we could call each other in a pinch. 1 fella fell off the grid when he moved to Chicago.  Sadly, 2 have passed.



            Tet - Considering the amount of roots Tammy and I will be dealing with Saturday on the James Irvine, we'll be practicing our power hiking for awhile.



            Tramps - Good luck with whatever you decide with the barn.


            My PT was cancelled this morning because they still don't have the auth on file from my health insurance. 



            My insurance won't cover me until I hit the deductible, which won't be until the end of December.  So, I'll postpone until 2024.


            Tetsujin - Bless you for handling legal issues pro-bono.


            Mariposai - Love your dedication.




            Tuesday is supposed to be a rest day, so I picked my friend up at the hotel and took him to the airport.


            We're still discovering Weasel Boy (not his real name) clusters.  The new company he went to work for has already folded.  My boss showed me a picture of the owner in handcuffs and being helped into the back of a police cruiser.

