Masters Running


Sloshy Sunday, July (not June) 24 runs..... (Read 323 times)

    In Gatlinburg, TN. 94F


    Happy Birthday Opie!  Hope your day is special!  (Maybe last BD before becoming Judge Opie?)


    Answering the Qs - Tamster - no, I met Triple J at Umstead in 2009.  However, I was a tad busy running that day and only got to chat with him a couple minutes as I came thru the main aid station.  It was fun actually having several hours to chat while running & over breakfast.  He is just as pleasant as everyone sez he is!  Carolyn - no cairns this morning but I thought about that too!


    TomS - nice job in that humidity!


    Tomorrow's plan - up early and into the Park for a trail run on the Appalachian Trail from where Rt 441 crosses from TN to NC.  Not sure if I'll go south  from Clingman's Dome or north toward Charlie's Bunion.  (The Dome is the highest point in TN but I have big bunions and want to see how Charlie's compare.)  That will make for six hours on the AT in three days in four states (MD,VA, TN, NC).  After the run, I to drive to Charlotte - will try to post after I get in.



    Marathon Maniac #957

      Happy Birthday Opie!


      I wonder how the bufferfly lady and gang did today...


      16.05 miles for me today, slowly and with too many short walking breaks.  I don't think I fueled right yesterday, too much fried food that felt like a lump in my belly this morning.  Oh well, got the miles in, even if they weren't ideal.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        skip//.........we Hiked Clingman'sDome.


        ...go the other way........



        you're welcome.





        ...hotter that Skip at Gatlingburg here

          back from KY

        ......forgot my orthotics,

        had to drive  to my house

         and back to SoccerFields......


        knocked out 30min with canes


        came home

        absolutely SOAKED



        a year ago I couldn't have done that..........THIS IS GREAT///////

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        Mike E

        MM #5615

          Hey, Opie--welcome to the 50-54 year old age group. 


          Not much happening around here.  I went for a bike ride yesterday and lifted weights, today.  I was really hoping my heel would, at least, start feeling better, but it's not.  I was limping half way through mowing the lawn, today.  I guess, I'd better call somebody, tomorrow.  I've seen so many dang doctors about this, though, I really don't even know who to call. 


          Okay--I have to get over to my daughter's house.  We're having a little farewell barbecue for my son and his wife before they head back up to Alaska, tomorrow morning.

            Run number two at 4:00 pm---much hotter, but fun too. The kiddo and I ran the x-c 5k loop twice up at the community garden trails and Mr. CNYrunner and Hudson covered 4 miles. Fun to be all together and every time the kiddo and I passed them, Hudson would waggle and wiggle himself silly. He was tuckered out at the end though. Trying to find the zipper to his fur suit is tough! 16.3 miles on the day for me and the humidity is leaving---windows open tonight and temps going into the 50s. Ah!


            Wonder How Erika did? Maraposai and all the PNWers?  Come tell us soon!


            Skip! The AT crosses the Mass Pike near Becket, MA---not that far from us, coming this way at all? Seems like I just missed you in NC too.


              Just a real quick post to answer Karin... I did great! Got a new shiny PR on this tough course, final time was 2:09:20 so almost a 3 minute PR! Got 1st in AG and 7th woman overall. I couldn't be more pleased with this, except I was unable to catch my last target... she finished about 40 seconds before me and I watched her run into the chute. Frustrating! But the day turned out to be IRC if only a little humid, the trail was mostly in good shape with just a few puddles. Slipped but no falls. All in all, a good day! I'll catch up here with you guys in a bit, but now doing laundry and need to go shopping. Monday is just around the corner!


              ETA: Happy Birthday OPIE!! (and thanks)


              So cool that Skip had a Trips meeting! I miss JJJ too. Wish he'd pop in here and let us know how he's doing.


                I wonder how the bufferfly lady and gang did today...




                The gang did great.....they drank all my champagne and ate all my smoked salmon.


                Beautiful course that I will have to jog someday, even if just up the course from the finish line for a few miles.  I didn't even do that much today as my stomach was off.  "The Light at the End of the Tunnel" -- put it on your list for July.  Many runners saw a bear, and at the finish line we saw an elk, plus an SRLopez sighting, not sure which was more exciting!

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  And I hear Mariposai did wonderfully! Congratulations, Nancy! You've worked so hard for that and deserve to bask in the glory! Approve


                  The Dovenator

                    Happy Birthday Opie!

                    "it's just like having fun, but different"

                    MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                      Happy Birthday opes.  What did you do for it.

                      I ran the Light-at-the-End-of-the-Tunnel Marathon 26.2 miles jumpiing this year’s mileage past the 100 mile YTD barrier even though it's still just July with the fall marathon season still more than two months away.  However, even wearing shoes this time, the so-called trail "improvements" of loose, shifting crushed rocks underfoot  made it nearly impossible to ever have a sold foot plant and I'm as tried as I used to be in heel-striking days before shifing to the more light-footed midfoot landings mostly utilizing calf muscles that are necessitated by my favored barefoot running.

                      Didn’t have to wander here-and-there all over town looking for Divechief, Mariposai and her DS this time as in the June 25 Seattle Rock’n’Roll when posie's ds was running his second marathon faster than anticipated and I didn’t find them until mile 18.  Made up for it today and got to run all 26.2 miles with ds.  He’s got a lot of his mother’s running attributes, . . . . especially with doubling back now-and-then to see how I was doing.  I love that kid.
                      It turned out to be a good thing as my sun glasses (to say nothing of fading eyesight) made it impossible to see the black shape on the side of the trail as we ran from the bright sun of an open avalanche slope into the darkness of a thick forest glade blocking the sun into a nearly tunnel-like darkness again.
                      We’d been stopping to peer over the edges down into deep 400-500 foot abysses under various tressels along the rails-to-trail route and other scenery along the way such as the two mountains across the valley ds’d climbed in recent consecutive weekends.  Then, all at once he grabbed my elbow and yelled out “STOP!”   Scared the heck out of me. Even after stopping, I still couldn’t see it but a 200-or-so pound yearling black bear probably just released by its mother to fend on its own was eyeing us from the shady glen up ahead wondering what we were doing, . . . and what to do itself.  Fortunately, the bear went up a trailside tree giving us a chance to pass to the accompaniment of low keyed growling, eyes never leaving us. 
                      I’ve met some bears over the years but this one might not have ended as well. 
                      Thank you David.
                      I look forward to running with you for your next time too.
                      In the meantime, maybe shifting off those heel strikes to more of the midfoot landing you were doing at the end might help alleviate the quad cramps that showed up again in the later miles. . Cooler weather of a fall marathon too.
                      ps - how did your mother do?
                      pps - got to meet ks’s friend in splashly shorts and looking very fast even before he started running. I was volunteering at the start too when a city gal also from Texas asked me where the portapotties were.  I hope she figured it out when I pointed “over there behind those trees.”
                      Enki being at the finish area made it all worthwhile though. Thank you.


                      Snoqualmie tunnel from mile 0.5 - 2.5.

                      File:Snoqualmie Tunnel.jpg

                      "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                        HappyB'Day opie///////.......Beer and Nachos fer Ever'Body!!!!!!

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Happy Birthday, Opie!


                          Congrats on the AG win, Erika!


                          Glad you avoided that bear, Tet!  Great racing!


                          Nada for me today.

                          .....Nancy The road to hell is paved....... run trails!


                            Nice OM


                            Happy Birthday Opie!


                            Yeah Tom!!!


                            Great Enke! Way kewl


                            Amazing Tet.


                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              I did great! Got a new shiny PR on this tough course, final time was 2:09:20 so almost a 3 minute PR! Got 1st in AG and 7th woman overall.



                              Wow - excellent running!


                              Tet - great description of the course and I'm glad that bear sighting turned out all right - nice running yourself, too!

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                                Happy Birthday Judge Opie (So late with this, I'm wishing you this one for next year).


                                Yay tw!


                                My MIL and my grandnephew are visiting so my run waited patiently until after 9:00 PM.  We needed to visit John Boyd Thacher State Park and then have some softserve Twist ice cream cones first.  Thacher is the Must See destination when in these parts of Albania, with a view of the Berkshires in MA, the Greens in VT, and the foothills of the Adirondacks of NY.


                                I ran 3 recovery-jog miles with 6*100m strides; time was a little faster than I would normally run for a recovery jog, as I heard coyotes in the fields around the track and wanted to get it over with before I found out if they can jump a 42" fence, and just how aggressive they are getting.  I think I am supposed to carry a big stick when running at night - the coyotes around here go about 70 pounds, and are not afraid of people, according to reports


                                meep! meep!




