Masters Running


1-28 runs (Read 652 times)


    Steve: nice, very nice AAmos: I want some 56F too.... 3 mi in avg. 11:42 m/m...didn't mean to go that "fast" sorta just happened. Felt good, a bit hard, but not too hard, and HR supported that. Maybe the swimming is helping my overall fitness (or the 5 lbs. I have lost since the 1st??). Whatever it is I will take it. Now I just hope my foot will too.....

    Trails Rock!

      Afternoon, all! Steve - very nice urn - thanks so much for sharing. I could go for some 56 degree temps too! It was 25 degrees and windy yesterday for my 12 miler - I wanted to quit after 6 miles, but I kept at it. I was incredibly sore after my weight session Friday afternoon. I definitely used muscles I hadn't used in a long time. I could hardly lift my wrist to look at the Garmin during my run yesterday. I feel much better today - I did another weight session today during lunch. 6 recovery miles on the treadmill this morning. We're supposed to be experiencing a "warming trend" this week, so I hope to get some road runs in before the next round of ice and snow. Good runs to all!

      Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

        Just peeking in. Snow day here, and probably another one tomorrow. I live in a strange neighbourhood. Our street should really be called "no daddy alley" from the prevalence of single parent families here. Some of the raggamuffins are already out there playing in the snow in their pajamas and no coats. shovelling on tap today. drive safely. Steve - nice job Perch - I too did not know you could run that slowly. I thought it was a typo.

        "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


          As your moderator (of sorts), After much deliberation, I'll let the suggestive picnic tables stand. Given that they are well covered. Snorkin good post Steve. Rest day, JJJ
          Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

            Cross training day for me, which means stationary bike while catching up on magazines! I do have to put them down in the middle of that hill program though and just concentrate on getting through it. That 50 minute program really kicks my butt and a good quad/glute workout. Steve, nice job. I like the pine. We're basking in -5 temps now... could see zero or a little above a few days this week. But don't worry, forecast is for -25 by Saturday! Angry Just in time for my longish runs I'd like to do outside. Oh well.

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              My Garmin is here, my garmin is here!!! Big grin Big grin Big grin It seems to be perfect - acquired a satellite right away; the unit software was already up to date; the screen just looks clearer. I'll strap on the heart rate monitor this evening and get that in sinc - then wait until Wednesday to give it a go. It is a happy Monday indeed. Plus it is 47 degrees outside - but a hard wind blowing out of the south. Glad I got my run in this morning!! ~Mary


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                sheesh, mating season... flew right over my monday morning head... steve you're a genius. 1200 59 4.5 7:30 pace

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Hopeful, I'm so excited for you! Life as you know it (runningwise) will never be the same... Smile That warm weather is supposed to be here for my tomorrow-morning run. I was so excited at the prospect until I saw predicting rain and 10-30mph winds. That's no fun. I run in the rain, and I run in the wind, but I don't like to run in rain AND wind. Hard to see with sheets of water hitting your face. Hmm....maybe some of those ski goggles Erika was going to know, just in case I don't look dorky enough out there now.... Big grin

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                    Hopeful, I'm so excited for you! Life as you know it (runningwise) will never be the same... Smile That warm weather is supposed to be here for my tomorrow-morning run. I was so excited at the prospect until I saw predicting rain and 10-30mph winds. That's no fun. I run in the rain, and I run in the wind, but I don't like to run in rain AND wind. Hard to see with sheets of water hitting your face. Hmm....maybe some of those ski goggles Erika was going to know, just in case I don't look dorky enough out there now.... Big grin
                    That weather report is exactly why I got up to run today instead of tomorrow. Good luck out there - I hope you don't have to go too far! I also got my "sexy arms" video in the mail today. Hmmm - we'll see if it works or not!


                    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                      I agree on Spring almost being here. I have noticed that the longer evenings have started. Today is lovely with 50 degrees and sunny. I did a 4.92 mile run over my noon hour. That urn is neat Steve. Thanks for sharing the picture. Thanks as well, Holly, for sharing the picture of your cute little DD. How come when I fall, I don't have a nice smile on my face like she does? Mary, glad that Garmin is there. Watch out for the miles to be added up now that you have that baby. Something tells me that NYRunner does alright in her travels running because she is too fast for the types that would be trying anything. I do know that the attitude that one portrays has a lot to do with whether someone will attack. I would think that most runners would be showing an attitude that would not be "attacker friendly" (now THERE is a new term). I hope Breger is feeling better. That type of stuff is not fun when it hangs on and won't let go. Did Erika leave Vegas before the Monte Carlo had their fire? or was she so hot that they might be looking at her as a "person of interest" for the fire there? I am getting tired of this election process taking place. I don't remember in my early adulthood, this being as obnoxious and tiring as it is now. Has it changed? or have I become jaded in my view?


                        Mary, glad your Garmin came, and it works! I've been debating getting one, but kind of like the zen approach too. Holly, I know what you mean about wind and rain together. I dislike wind and cold together. Here, our rain doesn't come with wind so much, but comes with lightning, so I definitely skip running in that combo! Sue, way to stick out 12 miles in the cold wind! We've got the warm weather here today, but with severe winds. I went out anyway at lunchtime, and tried to pick a relatively sheltered route, but it was still tough when I had a headwind. Ran 3 miles - that's all I had time for before a 1 pm conference call. Yesterday I went skiing at Loveland Ski Area, and it was wonderful! Had a blast skiing with my cousins. Not too cold, and not too windy. It was only my 2nd time out skiing this year - I really need to get out more often, as that's one of the reasons we moved to Colorado in the first place!

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          I was just watching the evening local news and heard that a lawyer was running in his neighborhood and was hit and killed by a vehicle. The driver did not stop and the lawyer was dead on the spot. Be careful running everyone. Here is the article on a local news web site: "A man is found dying in a southwest Roanoke County neighborhood street just before 6:00 Monday morning and police are trying to figure out how it all happened. Police say a jogger was struck by a motor vehicle that subsequently left the scene. The jogger, Thomas Farrell of Roanoke, was pronounced dead at the scene. Neighbors tell us someone found the man "near death" lying on Springlawn Avenue. That neighborhood is just across the street from Cave Spring Elementary and Middle Schools. Witness say the man died in the street. Police are seeking assistance in identifying the vehicle and driver involved in the crash.

                            Note to self: LOOK at pictures before you comment on what you think you see! Sorry, Steve - your subtleness didn't penetrate my half-asleep body. What a beautiful job you did on the urn - I know your mother is "up there" bragging about your handywork. Wished I had waited to run until this afternoon. Sunny and 44F - unheard of temps for this area lately. Oh, wait - back to -25 for tomorrow. Mother Nature sure is fickle. Enjoy the rest of your evenings, everyone.
                              No running today...just plain ole' rest.... After this week, I will have to get serious about Boston training.....have yet to put my training schedule together.... Goof running to all...


                                Four inches of snow and having to pick up my wife at her work and daughter at the gym, I decide to hit the thing in the cellar. I had given my sister a birthday call yesterday as she lives in Vermont and she claims she opens her window and door to let the cool air cross ventilate so...I tried it and it was so much nicer! Anyway 5 miles at 1.5 % incline (9:38-9:21 pace) real easy. Steve, That urn is the nicest I've ever seen. Holly, your pic made me think back to when my kids were that size! She is adorable. Have a great evening!! Chris