Masters Running


Saturday February 21 master, boomer, gen-x runs and weekend activity (Read 457 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    funny Ribs! Ran my best race EVER today 12.4 miles hard! Check it out!

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

    Renee the dog

      Funny thing is, not even a mile into my run I had a car stop and he yells "Hey!, are you out for a jog?" Now I'm thinking to myself ??? what the hell does it look like I'm doing? ..... but simply say yes. He says, "Okay, I just wanted to make sure you didn't need a ride".
      Well, was he cute? That might have made a difference in my reply. Tongue Some good runs and jokes here today! Got 7mi in on the sand solo at Noon. Mr Nono stole Renee for his 4 miler this morning, and I want her for my 12 tomorrow, so I let her rest. Perfectly low tide -- had the beach almost completely to myself for the hour + I was out there. Ran the 7 in 9:26 -- one minutes slower pace then last night's 4 mi. I think that's about right, eh?


      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

        Went down to the A1A Expo. Scored myself a pair of the new Brooks Glycerin 7's at a nice 25% discount. They even threw in a free pair of Thorlos socks. A good day! The Brooks rep told me to watch my shoes in the future as he thinks my gait is changing slowly to a bit of a pronator. Been neutral forever. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          That's not a problem Bill..The Adrenalines and Trance are good shoes as well...I just picked up the Adrenaline 9s... That's a good one Ribs... PJ - If it was up to me you could have Sundin back...and his big contract...I don't know what the Canucks were thinking...What Messier not available???
          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

            Rats, Bill... wish I'd thought ahead to have you get a pair for me, too! The ones I got in NY and started using in December are quickly approaching retirement mileage. Funny story, Ribs. And nice mileage for you. Nono and Mr. Nono tussling over Renee. That's pretty cute. Maybe another dog is in order? Steve had an awesome race, as I knew he would. Big grin It's been a long time since we've had three threads for a daily around here. Eaney, Meaney, Miney, Mo.... (ha, have no idea on the spelling of that nonsense, and spellcheck didn't like any of 'em!) Today is clear and crisp after 2 days of snow and wind and general dreariness. High temp up to 15 this afternoon, so that's when I'll go out for 10. (Mary, I would've stayed in...)
              11.89 hilly miles for me today. Big grin 3 weeks til my first 1/2 since last year at this time. Ribs, that was a good one. Hopeful, you da woman! Perch - WTG! Going to take my tired legs down to Fleet feet now for some new aasics.

              Marathon Maniac #957

                Karin – 6am game – yikes! Deez4boyz – nice to see you progressing so well after your surgery. Peter – I’m painting today, too, the downstairs family room. So far this week I’ve painted two walls of the room 3 times, with primer and then 4 different paint colors, because I keep deciding I don’t like the color. Good thing I’m just buying quarts until I decide for sure, but we spend a lot of time in this room, so it’s important that the color is just right. Steve – yay! The forecast called for several inches of snow this morning, so I thought I’d get out early to get my scheduled 20-miler in before the snowfall. I did an out-and-back, knowing I’d be doing the return trip against the wind, but I didn’t count on how much it would take out of me. I had intended several speedy miles near the end, but after one fast mile at mile #15 (8:46), I was done for. Fighting the 15-25 mph winds most of the way back just sucked the life right out of me. I ended up taking several short walk breaks and barely made it to twenty before giving up and walking the rest of the way home. If I had had another 6 miles to go today, I would have walked most of them. I was that done in. This was my 3rd 20-miler, and I feel nowhere near ready for a marathon yet, but I have 6 weeks still, so hopefully I still have time to get some stamina. 20 miles (ave pace 10:05)

                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                  Yesterday's talk of boomers and being too young to be a boomer struck a chord with me. However, in my case, I'm too old to be a boomer. enke, it sounds like you got good news on your echocardiogram. jlynne, that's got to be a bummer with a whole school dealing with flu for two weeks. CNY, good job on your longest run since Dec. You'll soon be back to your normal runs. Nice long runs for jdmom, Evan (with speed), WRFB, Tramps, jlynne, hopeful (and most outside in the snowstorm that didn't get here until late morning), PJH, and fussy. This morning, I did the 5K I planned and did better than I expected after the flu stuff this week. I'll get to a report later. A good day and good runs for all. TomS

                  Renee the dog

                    Tselbs, from Wikipedia: In the famous 1991 book Generations, William Strauss and Neil Howe defined the birth years as 1943 to 1960. (instead of the usual '46-'64). In that case, wouldn't you be in and I be out? Surprised

                    GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!


                      way to go with that windy 20 miler Holly. You are ready for a marathon...look at those paces. hurray to perchhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to read the RR. good luck Erika on your 10 today...I don't know how you can do this 30 mile are a stud. I was thinking of tammy and her friend heart aches for the lady and the kids. Up at 5am to eat my SansSouci inspired power breakfast and sat down with a nice novel to wait a bit for daybreak before I headed out for my run. The 19F felt like 10, but the trees were so lovely with the white frost. Ran 6 miles to visit my eagle friends (the solace I posted in one on my skiing pics) I spotted 5 of them today. Left the place and started crossing the bridge to the other side of town...this practice will come handy come marathon day. Ran 2 loops in that area and headed back home. By this time the wind, the cold and my sweet sweat made my baklava totally wet and frozen.... . Needless to say that my layers were totally wet also (note to self...always wear breathable jacket) When I hit mile 11 I took a deep breath and started at marathon pace. So mile11 was at 9:20 with a nice little hill. Then miles 12-15 were at 9:12-ish I had to run back home to change clothes, eat a pancake with some homemade huckleberry jam and back out again for another 5 slow miles for a 20 miles total. I must admit that I am glad that this coming week is a cut back week.. now time to do some driving the kids around, a nap and then a nice Tikki party with friends tonight.

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                        Wow, some very very nice runs today! That was a great 20 miler Mari! I did not have the strength to suck it up and run any MP miles at the end of my run today. Like Holly, the wind sucked any energy I had out of me. That is the trouble with finishing those long runs into the wind. I probably ran too fast with the wind at my back too. 16 miles in 2:04:40. Congratulations to Perch on his best race EVAH! Mary, that sounds like one tough run! Too funny about that guy's comment, but it actually was nice of him to see if you were okay. Jlynne, you are a stud for running that long on the TM! My personal limit is one hour - after which I am about to go crazy. Holly, I feel your pain. I wasn't even trying to run 20 and wound up just sort enduring the last four miles of my run into the nasty wind. I am sure you will be fine come race day, though. Remember you will have that nice taper and the weather won't be so horrid (crossing fingers for you!) Tom, glad to hear that you are feeling better and had a better than expected 5K. I'm looking forward to the race report.

                        Once a runner . . .

                        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                          In the famous 1991 book Generations, William Strauss and Neil Howe defined the birth years as 1943 to 1960. (instead of the usual '46-'64).
                          - thank you very much nono. after all these years of believin' I was one, it's been very hard to accept I wasn't one after all after someone who isn't one either but at the other end posted over in CR a couple of years ago that it started in '46 and not '43. - happy barefoot boomer jon SmileBig grin

                          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Up at 5am to eat my SansSouci inspired power breakfast
                            Hey! I had a San Souci inspired breakfast today, too - her 7 grain hot cereal - excellent stuff! If you ever see her, tell her that I love that cereal, and thank you! ETA - excellent 20-miler, Mariposai!

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                              Holly....I've been sending Oklahoma's good weather up to you, but apparently it may take a few months. Smile After being roused from a restful slumber by CNY, I got in an 18 miler @ 11: It was a struggle, I tell you what. But it felt so good at the same time. Some of you may remember last year about this time I had a wonderful adventure to Atlanta. Met up with a runner (he's ran in 31 consecutive Peachtree races) who took me through the hills of that fine city. Well I'm going back this coming week. My running buddy has offered to take me on a running tour of the city. He has lived there for over 40 years and knows all the sites and history of the city etc. I'm really looking forward to this and will post about it upon my return. Later, my friends. Who is gonna make it? We'll find out in the long run (in the long run) I know we can take it if our love is a strong one (is a strong one) Well, we're scared, but we ain't shakin' Kinda bent, but we ain't breakin' in the long run Ooh, I want to tell you, it's a long run in the long run in the long run DH
                              Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                              Renee the dog

                                So, it's been bugging me today why some of us find TM running to be easier, while others find it harder. Then I thought about it while running outside, and duh, we're not all running on the same treadmill. Which made me accurate are they and how would you know? Quick search just now and I found this nugget: It's on how to calibrate a treadmill...Yahoo a project for me to do next week. Wink

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
