Masters Running


40's- 50's- 60"s On the Run (Read 472 times)

Queen of 3rd Place

    Leslie - yes, that trail race is near the southern Yosemite park gate, near the "town" of Fish Camp. Turns out I can't go because I'm running San Diego RNR marathon that weekend. The same couple suggested I try the American River 50, but I looked it up and saw that is was 50 MI, not 50K - no way...At any rate, they like the Fish Camp race, but they live right there so it's "their" race.


    Kevin - yeah the winners, even in my AG, easily get a shower, nap and lunch by the time I hit the finish line. I think it's mind-boggling and inspiring. If they can do that, surely I can crack 4 hrs someday.


    Finally did something that almost looked like running today, a whole two miles, whoopee.


    Ex runner

      Yeah, Arla!  Come up and do AR50 with me!!   If you're really interested in doing a trail marathon, check out Pacific Coast Trail Runs.  Sara and Wendell do a fantastic job, their aid stations are the best, it's low key.  I love doing their trail runs.


      This morning's run was an utter disaster.  The only good thing about it was I managed 8 of the 10 miles I was suppose to do.  From asthma to equipment problems to legs of concrete to needing a bathroom really bad at a most inconvenient time - it sucked.  I thought about doing the last 2 when I got home tonight, but my legs are saying, "Come one.  You're not that stupid, are you?"   I felt better at the end of my 28 on Saturday than I did this morning.  Haven't had one that sucky in awhile, thank goodness.  I was very surprised to see that I managed a 10:04 av pace.

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



         I wish I could come out and run in Yosemite. That must be beautiful.

        Interesting stuff ,you guys about ultra's and fueling and stuff. I am on track to have my biggest week and biggest month of miles ever, and I take in very little on my runs. Tonight I did a 14er with 4 or 5 Spearmint Altiods in my pocket, and that was it. No water. I just have not been that thirsty during these runs, but it has still been cool. The tm is a bit different, I force myself to drink. I have gone through almost 50oz on a long tm run. On my 3:15hr long run Sunday, I drank maybe 6 oz of water, and 3 gu's. The gu's seem ok while I'm running, but I feel weird when I'm done. Like Leslie said, kinda hungry, and not hungry at the same time. This marathon course in April is right in my backyard so I could stash all kinds of stuff along the way. I guess I will experiment on these last few long runs pre-race.







          I don't know how you run anything 10 or longer without fluids.  My first mid-week 10-miler I did without water and without taping my feet, and I regretted both.  I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone doing ultras who doesn't take in fluids and fuel during training.  The faster people, I think, use GUs more, but I'd much rather get my calories from real food.  Even taking in more regular food and fewer Clif shot bloks has helped my nausea issues.


          I especially don't know how you ran over 3 hrs with only 6 oz of water.  First, I'd die of thirst.  Second, my coach would have a cow.  He had a cow when I told him I'd run that first 10-miler without fluids.  You don't have any ill affects from not drinking, etc.?


          I'm really surprised by this.  Not just Joe, but anybody runs without rehydrating/refueling.  Seems like it would be hard on the body or that recovery would take longer.  Dunno.  It's curious how we are all such an experiment of one.

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance



            A couple of points Leslie. First, I eat like a pig the night before a long run. It's not unusual for me to eat a whole large pizza by myself. If I am running long later in the day (I can do that when it's cool) I'll have a Phelps-size breakfast.

            Secondly, you're going much farther/further  and since it's mostly trails, much longer times than me. My longest long run is about  3 1/2 hrs, which is quotidian for you. About the water, I just don't lik ethat sloshy feeling but I do have to do a better job of getting consistent sips in me to replenish. Working the tm has helped with this. As it gets warmer, I'll have to keep drinking more during my runs. Like we said before,it's all a learning process I guess.


            Twice during my run last night I had cars blatantly veer off the road to either scare me, or run me over. Each time I jumped up on people's yards to get off the road. I just can't believe that there are people out there so miserable that that would be enjoyable to them!?!? Back to the boardwalk and trails for me.







              (1) It's not unusual for me to eat a whole large pizza by myself. If I am running long later in the day (I can do that when it's cool) I'll have a Phelps-size breakfast."


              (2) Twice during my run last night I had cars blatantly veer off the road to either scare me, or run me over. Each time I jumped up on people's yards to get off the road. I just can't believe that there are people out there so miserable that that would be enjoyable to them!?!? Back to the boardwalk and trails for me.


              (1) Holy (or should I say "wholly") cow!  I'm good for two pieces, maybe three if I push it.  Not that I wouldn't like to eat more, I just get full fast.  Yes, a bit of envy here 'cause I do love pizza.  Re the fluids - I mark my bottles in 6 oz increments, and every 20 min drink about that much.  If I'm feeling particularly thirsty, then I'll take small sips more often, but try to not go over the 6 oz/20 min.  It helps with the sloshy feeling.


              (2) A--holes.   Grrrrr, that makes me so mad.  Had a van stay right on the white line yesterday until it went past me, then got over.  There is absolutely no way the driver did not see me.  If it wasn't for the fact that I prefer to not have broken bones or to be laid up in the hospital, I want to stand my ground.  With my luck, though, it'd be an uninsured driver.


              I was just plain ole tired this a.m., but a persistent  Wilson forced me out from under the covers (after he knocked my books and other stuff off my nightstand).  I didn't do my 30 min of biking, but I did complete about 40 min of core/strength.  I probably should've just taken an extra rest day, but I've already blown off 2 (3?) of the cardio/strength/core days this training round.  Tomorrow - scheduled rest day.  I'll feed the zoo early, then crawl back under the covers for awhile.

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance


              Top 'O the World!

                Greetings from the High Country (literally since "medical marijuana is now legal here!!) ....


                Beeeeoootiful Spring day up here!  ..heading towards 42* & bright sunshiney!  wish I could be outside today but, alas, spa duty calls...approx 3.5 weeks left of ski season then, I flip days to only working a couple days per week here whilst babysitting grandkids the other 5....we'll see which is more chaos!  But very ready to give up these 14-16 hr work/commute days!  & getting antsy to be getting back to some more regular workouts & runs!  Wouild love to start integrating some of our lovely trail runs/races into my itinerary but, will have to see what life spins my way I think.


                Yeah, I think everyone needs to dial in their own personal fuel & hydration system.  Which may change as fitness/endurance changes.   I don't go as far as Leslie but, sometimes I go nearly as long (not this week)  & only in my dreams do I go as fast as Joe!    my digestive tract can be a bit tempermental at times, but rarely as much as Leslie.  & I could never in a day consume a Phelps sized anything!!!  grazing all day long is what generally works best for me & depending on what I ate and how much, 1- 2 hrs out from food is my best run window.  I carry water on anything longer than 5 miles now - used to be on anything longer than 2 - but I don't always drink much of it. I also don't care for the sloshy feeling & try to minimize the RR stops. I do carry/use sugarless hard candies, my fav being the Jolly Ranchers.


                Well, the spa calls....Have a Great Day!



                Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                  Modified to fix link, thanks Leslie!


                  Wow, all this talk of hydration is making me thirsty!  What Leslie said about us being an experiment of one is so true.  Arla, hope the legs are feeling better.  I hear you on the downhill thing....very deceptive.  Still another great race for you!  Yikes, Joe, road rage in a car vs. runner scenario is a no-win situation.  I am very selective about my bike routes around here for that very reason, only on paved paths and roads with very little traffic and very wide shoulders.  Sounds like those drivers need a healthier outlet for all that mabye running.


                  OK, I've applied for something and wanted to ask for your help.  As you know, I wear an insulin pump to help manage my type 1 diabetes.  The maker of that pump -- Medtronic -- sponsors the Twin Cities Marathon and 10 mile race, which is Oct 3rd this year.  They have a "global heroes" program for folks like me who run and wear certain medical devices.   Medtronic sponsors your trip to that race, interviews you, and donates $1K to a related charity of your choice.  I have applied for consideration for the 10 mile race  (pausing to wait for the laughter to die down).  I have really enjoyed the occasions where I have inspired others, and see this as a platform to do more of that.  As you know, I'm not fast and don't really look the part of a runner, but I think that is part of what inspires others to give it a try themselves.  If I can do it, so can they.  Anyway, if you are so inclined, I need some folks to recommend me for this...just a short paragraph about why you think I should be considered submitted via the web.  Recommendations are due by next Wednesday 3/31/10, and I would be honored if any of you might consider doing it.  We all have busy lives, so no stress either way.  Here is the link and my identifying information:


                  Link to Submit Recommendation



                  My full name: Carol Ezell 

                  My e-mail:

                  Disease/condition: Type 1 Diabetes

                  Medical Device/Therapy: Insulin Pump

                  Progress Trumps Pefection
                    Carol - Something's wrong with the link.  Give it another try.  And you might give some thought to putting your request on a separate thread here. Bet lots of folks would go and vote for you.

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                    Trails are hard!

                      I mean, if we did it for Spareribs, we can surely do it for Carol   Just not this instant for me, as I'm not really supoposed to be even looking at non-work related internet.

                      Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.


                      Queen of 3rd Place

                        Carol - we need more info to recommend you - full name and email address. I agree with Leslie that you should post to the Master's in general and/or the list in general.


                        Leslie - I think since you're on trails you're working harder than most of us - not to mention the distances you're covering - which I guess explains both the need for fuel and potential battles with nausea. Surprised you mentioned water - I thought you were using an electrolyte or electrolyte/protein mix? Can't recall the name. I find I really need the electrolytes once it gets hot. On runs 18 and over I like to get some calories about every hour and would love to find a calorie source other than gels or blocks that packs light. Not sure about squishing a sandwich into my little waistbelt.  

                        Joe - yeowee, can't believe some drivers were aiming for you!!! What the heck??


                        Cindy - grandkids - definitely more chaos potential!


                        Well, the little cold that started last Friday held off it's full fury until after the marathon - last night it really hit. Finally made the decision to cancel my 8 am class but really have to make the 4:30 class. The sick thing is, I'd really like to get another short recovery run in today - I don't have a fever, but I feel pretty carpy. Ugh. Hope this passes soon, I'm supposed to go to Mexico for spring break next week!




                        Ex runner



                          Link to Submit Recommendation


                          My e-mail:

                          Disease/condition: Type 1 Diabetes

                          Medical Device/Therapy: Insulin Pump

                           This is great Carol. The link now works ok, but we need your last name. PM it to us/me if you like. I think you're a natural for that sort of thing and will tell them as much.


                          Oh boy Arla, rest up and get better. At least it held off until after your race. BTW, I really heart my new Kuusa's, thanks for recommending them! The are just like running barefoot. Also just like the five fingers,without the funny looks from others!


                          Cindy -another 3.5 weeks of ski season?!? I think the snow's mostly gone around here(New England). Jolly Ranchers sounds like a good idea,I think I will try that.







                            Thanks so much for your support!  My last name is Ezell and I'll edit the original post as well.  I'll give some thought to posting in the main forum, but since I don't post there much, just would feel presumptuous doing that.  And no rush at all.  Stumpy, get away from that computer monitor before we get you fired!

                            Progress Trumps Pefection


                              Done deal Carol- Good Luck!







                              Queen of 3rd Place

                                Carol - got it!

                                Ex runner
