Masters Running


Tuesday June 30 daily (Read 496 times)

Renee the dog

    Ahhhhh, bliss!


    4.5 mi in 72º F with 77%H, with Renee.  Not a cloud in the sky.  Beautiful. Simply beautiful!


    Make it a good one friends!


    GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

      Good morning!

      7.1 miles, 57:28, 8:04/mi, AHR 168 (86% MHR) after three weeks off (well, I did run yesterday).  Feels good to be out there, if a bit out of condition.

      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

        Nice runs Nono and WRFB.


        A nice and easy 3.2 mile recovery run this morning with some friends.  Avg HR 123.  I got it done before the rains came down.  Gotta love June in S. Fla.




        PS:  Dg. you were right.  Grrrrrrr ....

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

          Morning, gang!


          Nice kickoff runs, nono,Lou and Breger (and Renee).


          Amie - I am so jealous - you are going to love DC for running - great trails!!


          We had to take separate vehicles today, so I finally made it to the track.  It started off sunny, but shortly after I arrived the fog rolled in from the Thames River, and I was engulfed in the mist - very cool.  2 miles warmup followed by 3 X 1 mile repeats and 1.5 miles cooldown. Overall pace 9:37 and AHR 159.  I was supposed to be shooting for an 8:50 pace, but ended up with 9:05, 8:52, and 8:39.  The warmup was carpy, so I was happy to feel progressively stronger with each repeat. 


          Good runs all!

          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

            7.62 miles at home today (finally), 8:40's. I'm back to B'klyn on Thursday.

            It's DD #2's birthday today and I am soon to begin frantically cleaning house for the party here this afternoon.


            Good runs to all. Walt.


              Good Morning All ! I haven't been posting on the daily while I've been on vacation.....I've been a busy boy ! BUT....I REALLY enjoyed reading about the Seattle Marathon.....That sure sounds like it was a blast ! And more race reports are still to come. I'm glad everyone had a great time. My run this morning was a set of intervals. 8 x 800 at an average pace of 6:55 with 90 sec recoveries at 9:39. Very good workout. I took some vacation days starting last Wed.......Ending today. This is the reason I am enjoying the fruits of my labor.



              Patio Stats


              3 tons of sod and dirt removed

              5 tons of crused lime back filled

              96 18 x 18 blocks (47.5 lbs ea)

              57 edge blocks

              3 bags of concrete

              29 16oz bottles of water

              10 20oz bottles of gatoraid

              18 12 oz cans of beer

              2 hands and a strong back


                Good morning early posters. Some great runs already today. How's your fog these days, Nono?

                One of the best running mornings here in quite a while. Sunny, breezy, 54­° and my legs felt the best they've felt in a long time. 7.5 miles, 9:41 pace.

                We got some sad news yesterday. DS#1 and his wife are expecting their first baby in October - a little boy. They found out that he has "transposition of the great arteries," a congenital heart defect  in which the aorta and pulmonary artery are reversed. If the pregnancy continues to go smoothly, the baby will have to have open heart surgery the week or so after he's born. As you can imagine, the new parents are devastated. Please keep them in your prayers today.

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Slo-- love it!  At least you kept hydrated!  Nice job too! And great speed work.

                  Nice runs to non, RFB, Byll, Sue, Walt and Jlynn. A bit of cooler weater around.


                  6 miles in 49:23 (8:14 pace, AHR 157) included 4 mi fast/slow: 6:56, 8:40, 7:09, 8:17
                  First 2 miles with Tory and Sadie at 9:10 pace. Cooler and drier 62F.

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                    Well, my indecision on whether to run or bike this morning was decided for me by the weather. Just a steady drizzle, but a bit too chilly for it to be comfortable, so it was 4.1 downstairs on the TM. I've been rather short on running miles for June -- less than the last three months -- but made up for it in cycling mileage.


                    Sue, I must have missed where you are these days. Which Thames are you near? London, England; London, Ontario; or ???


                    Hoping for IRC for everyone today and always.

                    Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                    "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                    Marathon Maniac #957



                      WRFB – nice to see you posting again.  I meant to shout out to PDR the other day, too.  Are your tender spots better?


                      Slo_Hand – your patio looks beautiful!


                      {{{Jlynne’s DS and his wife}}}


                      7 low and gentle miles for me today (ave pace 10:52) in 64 degrees.  Feeling pretty good, just a little muscle fatigue, but nothing hurts except the blister I got under my middle toenail.  Ahhh, toenails are for sissies anyway. 


                      I looked through my photos from Seattle and will post some tonight on the Reminiscing thread.  Like I said on Aamos’s thread, I had such a blast this weekend and it was awesome to be able to spend some quality time with such quality folks.  Staying in a house together is the ONLY way to go, since it allows so much relax time together, sharing morning coffee or evenings on the deck. 


                      Happy Tuesday


                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      Marathon Iowa 2014

                        11 pleasure filled miles along the base of Talcott mountain in Bloomfield, CT this morning.  My run took me within 10 feet of a young buck that stared me down as I ran past him.   He was standing in an old cemetery.  My interpretation of the experience is that my young buck days are dead.  It was still a very enjoyable run.

                          Oh wow SLO, that looks awesome!  BTW, we could have run together today!  Of course I would have stopped and you would have continued on but still Smile


                          I had a run like that once PBJ (nice to see you post BTW), it kind of startled me at first but then as I went by it was pretty cool.


                          Sue, yeah, I'm especially looking forward to running the Marine Corps marathon while we're there.


                          Same wx as Holly (since we both live in Dayton, duh) ... 5.53 mi total, avg 7:46 due to 5 x 1/2 mi repeats in 3:27, 3:24, 3:22, 3:24, 3:25.  I was shooting to avg 3:25 and avg'd 3:24, I'm happy with that.


                          Pleasant Twosday runs to everyone!


                          Troy Strawberry Festival 10k - 6/7/09 - Goal 46:xx -->46:18!!; Americana 5k - 7/4/09 - Goal 21:xx-->21:12!!; Brookville 5 miler - 7/25/09 - Goal-->34:xx-->36:21; Crim 10 Miler - 8/22/09 - Goal sub-1:15-->1:14:14!!; Alter 5k - 9/5/09 - Goal 20:xx-->20:32; AF Marathon - 9/19/09 - Goal sub-3:38 (PR)--> 3:41 (BQ)
                            Caught up on my sleep, but paid the price when I didn't get out to run until almost 9:00 a.m.  Temps almost 80 and humid.  Couldn't help but wonder how the Bregster copes with this all year 'round.  

                            Ran 3.1, walked 1.0.  No ankle pain!  Whoo hoo!

                            Hangin' at the library now to do a little schoolwork, then off to the bay later - not sure whether I'll kayak or just hang out and do ankle stregthening balance stuff on the floating dock.  (But I have to go to the bay, doctor's orders!)

                            Just found out that my big brother and SIL are coming for a few days next week, so I have a deadline for the housework I've been slowly poking my way through.

                            Happy 2sday, all,



                            Top 'O the World!

                              poor sleep - neighborhood doggies narrating fireworks til wee early....gave it up after 5.1 miles....brains kept going back to sleep!


                              .....waiting for more awesome news & photo footage of Seattle.....?

                              Remember that doing anything well is going to take longer than you think!! ~ Masters Group

                                Hey folks.  I hope you all are well.  (Nice job, Slo!)  I’ve got some major catching up to do but have already peeked at that Seattle photo thread. Nice!


                                I’m back from a week of visiting family and hiking in NH’s White Mountains.  I thought I’d share a couple of pictures.  First, from the Mt. Washington road race last week.  We started out on a gray overcast day, ran up through the clouds, and ended up in bright sunshine at the summit (~6200 feet). It sort of looks like the edge of the world.  (That's me in the white cap, pretending to run near the finish.)

                                 Here's the road near the summit, cars are lower right.  This is a flat area; it kind of drops off there at the horizon!

                                I took it very easy, walked a lot in the second half, and just enjoyed the fun and unique experience.  You’ve got to love the elevation profile!  "Only one hill" indeed.

                                There’s limited vehicle access to the top so drivers arrange for other runners to ride back down with them.  One of our passengers happened to be affiliated with the weather observatory at the summit so we got an exceptional behind-the-scenes private tour of the work done there, including access to areas the public doesn’t usually see.  Very neat.  Unfortunately, our lingering at the top so long meant that I was unable to meet-up back at the bottom with Mainerunner (who had an excellent race!).  The best we managed was exchanging phone messages.


                                After a weekend visit with family, the bulk of the week was spent hiking in the White Mountains, not far from where I grew up.  I haven’t lived there in nearly 30 years but northern NH always feels like “home” to me.  We rented a cabin as our base camp and did day hikes, so this was pretty cushy.  The Whites are very rocky and feature some challenging hikes.  Some hikes are above tree line and some left us in the clouds.  Photos don’t do justice to the rugged panoramas and impressive sights but here are a few.  (I'm in the first, DW in the last.)

                                I got a few runs in during the week but quickly realized that 7-9 hours of hiking each day was about all I could handle—especially since the use of muscles that don’t usually get called upon left me good and sore after a couple of days! 


                                The only downside of the trip was that while walking barefoot in our cabin I managed to bang my little toe on a firewood log.  I’m pretty sure it’s broken.  I need to give it a rest for a few days before I decide what to do.  So, for now, I'm on the DL.


                                Be safe. Be kind.
