Masters Running


WEEKLY RUNNING & X-TRAINING GROUP w/e 01/09 (Read 414 times)

    "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. " - (Sign in Albert Einstein's Office)


    Happy New Year, folks!  Now get out there and show the rest of the world how it's done!




    Stumpy - 16.85 running miles, no yoga 'cause supposedly the gym was closed "due to weather."  Mm hm.  Likely story . . .


    Dutchie - 22.55 running kms and battling tummy and weather conditions and an unintentional nose dive . . .


    Evryday - 20 running miles  our Ev seems to be on the come back . . .


    pfriese - 51.2 running miles quietly hitting over 50 for the week.  Nice going . . . .


    Evanflein - 40.9 running miles, 3.7 walking miles, 1.1 ellipticalling miles and 45 minutes of weights/abs Nice week for ya.  Very nice, indeed . . .


    Mariposai - where'd she go???


    Orangemat - 40.9 running miles hmmm - that mileage sounds familiar . . .


    fatozzig - 40 running miles, 30 cycling minutes, 90 strength/core minutes, 15 core specific minutes


    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

    Trail Runner Nation

    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

    Bare Performance


      Mon Core/Rest     30 Min Core I need new core exercises
      Tues 3 OR 30; Strength/Core    30 min  cycling
      45 min TRX/15 min core specific
      Wed 10 Miles w/6 Steep 45 Sec Hill Sprints at End
       9.45 miles w/6 hill sprints
          Hill sprints were more like 20-25 secs, but I felt like puking at the end!  That deserves extra credit.
      Thurs 3 OR 30; Strength/Core      1.25 hrs of core/strength
       Slept in instead of doing the cardio
      Fri Rest        
      Sat 22 Mile Trail Run  22 logging road miles
      Sun 10 Miles  10 miles
           Crisp, cold, and slow
      TOTALS    41.45 miles
       30 min
       2 hrs combo/.75 core only
       Pretty happy with how the week turned out


      I have a feeling the hill sprints are going to kill me. Undecided

      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

      Trail Runner Nation

      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

      Bare Performance



        I was wondering where this was... thanks, Leslie!


        Ok, I guess last week was a "peak week," so not sure what to do this week. Guess eventually I need to get back on the horse and start getting ready for an early June Marathon! But... we'll start this week with a rest day. I was so tired Monday, I guess it was needed.


        Monday: Rest Day

        Tuesday: 12 minutes elliptical (1.35 mile), .25 mile walk, 15 min. weights, .25 mile walk all at lunchtme; 5.15 miles and another half mile walk on the treadmill after work.

        Wednesday: 9.15 hilly miles, 8:33 avg pace in chilly temps

        Thursday: 12 minutes elliptical (1.35 mile), .25 mile walk, 20 min. weights, .35 mile walk (sound familiar?); 6 miles with .25 mile intervals and .66 mile walk on the treadmill after work

        Friday: 17 minutes elliptical (2.2 miles, different machine), 13 minutes ab stuff, .5 mile walk all at lunchtime; 3.35 easy  miles on the treadmill at home after work

        Saturday: 10.5 miles, 8:34 avg pace; .4 mile walk cooldown.

        Sunday: 13.1 miles, 8:26 pace (too fast!)


        Totals: 47.3 miles run, 3.1 miles walked, 4.9 miles on the elliptical and 2 x weights/abs


        MM #6177

          Oh yes, I was looking for this thread too... thanks for reminding me, Erika. Wink


          Mon..... 3.1 miles

          Tues.... 8.6 miles (ladder w/o)

          Wed..... 8.55 miles

          Thur..... 3.1 miles

          Fri........ 5.5 miles (in the snow!)

          Sat...... 10 miles (treadmill PR)

          Sun..... 6 miles


          totals: 44.85 miles


          Trails are hard!

            I suppose if I had an actual plan, it might be easier to fill this in, but it got forgotten along with a whole bucnh of other stuff during last week's vegatative week.







             yoga done  


            miles 3.1 miles  


            miles  0 miles getting to bed at 1:15am is not conducive to gettting up early to run


            rest  1 mile

             wasted a beautiful running day with urgent call of nature.







            6 miles  6.2 miles  



            10.3 miles


            Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



            MM #6177

              I suppose if I had an actual plan, it might be easier to fill this in, but it got forgotten along with a whole bucnh of other stuff during last week's vegatative week.



              Plan, shman! Big grin


              Trails are hard!


                Plan, shman! Big grin



                The problem is, that's pretty much been my plan since I finished my half in mid_november.  It's probalby a bad case of engineeringitis, but I need to have something written down and be able to track the results. Roll eyes  I don't free-form nearly as well as you do. Wink

                Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                  Hi everyone Clown,


                  And thanks again Leslie.


                  Mon: 60 minutes of UB, LB and Abs

                  Did one of my new w/o dvds: High Reps. Liked it, but I prefer STS Total Body. Maybe because of the slightly slower pace?

                  Tue: 45 min intervals

                  Pulled out Runervals 1.0 and added 10 minutes to make it 45 minutes as planned. Really enjoyed it.

                  Wed: 35 min easy + Plyo Legs

                  Nice easy tempo run: 5.5 kilometers in 35 minutes precisely. Ran out of time for Plyo. Maybe tonight?

                  Thu: 90 min easy + 30min yoga

                  Half day in the office today. However, something went wrong with the awards for company award winners and I had to stay to straighten it all out. Ofcourse other stuff cropped up too. Didn't leave till 6Pm and I never got in my run.

                  Fri: 60 minutes of UB, LB and Abs

                  Too lazy to do anything, though I was up early.

                  Sat: 30 min doggie run + HiiT w/o

                  7 kilometer doggie run + 30 minute LB w/o + abs. Sort of making up for yesterday.

                  Sun: 2h30 long run, I hope

                  6K doggie run (43 minutes and change) + 15K on the TM (1h40 and change). Not quite 2h30, but I'll take it.


                  Total mileage: 40.8 kilometers = 25.35 miles

                  Run the day, or the day runs you.


                  shadow runner

                  The Shirtless Wonder

                    Thanks Leslie.  Told you I would be back!Wink

                      Core Free-weights Run Comments
                    M      SRD  

                    PM: 7.1 miles, Hills

                    easy pace


                    Total time 15 mins:

                    3 sets Push-ups [50,30,30],

                    3 sets of abds [50,30,10],

                    3 sets of Pull-ups [6,10,6]

                    mild stretching afterwards


                    PM: 5 miles, Hills

                    fast pace

                     Never made it to Fitness

                    center, worked late.


                    Total time 15 mins:

                    3 sets Push-ups [50,40,30],

                    3 sets of abds [50,30,30],

                    3 sets of Pull-ups [10,10,6]

                    mild stretching afterwards

                       unscheduled SRD  worked thru lunch;
                    F   30 mins post treadmill

                       5 miles on dreadmill,

                    7-7:40 Pace.

                     did dreadmill due to snow,

                    ice on ground/roads.

                    Sa      Easy run planned

                     Went to NYC to see

                    Pacino in Merchant of Venice


                     Race - 5.3 4.6 miles

                    warm-up 1.2

                     Race modified due to snow

                    on trails.  Predict your time.I predicted

                    35:35 finished 36:12 approx.


                     30 mins

                    Push-ups: 230

                    Pull-ups 52

                     30 MINS - UB Free weights  23.5 MILES  

                    Joe Suder

                    Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 



                    MM #6177



                      The problem is, that's pretty much been my plan since I finished my half in mid_november.  It's probalby a bad case of engineeringitis, but I need to have something written down and be able to track the results. Roll eyes  I don't free-form nearly as well as you do. Wink

                      I've never had a plan. But then again, I could never really run. So I just try to mix it up during the course of the week, try to hit all the crucial elements and then see how it plays out. Sort of like having all the varieties of foods on your plate for a meal in order to create a balanced diet. In fact, my biggest issue is that I don't take enough days off.


                        Thanks Leslie.


                        M - 8 miles

                        T - 8 miles

                        W -8 miles

                        Th - 8 miles

                        F - rest day

                        Sa - rest day

                        Su - 17.2 miles


                        Total - 49.2 miles









                          sun .............10miles



                          Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM