Masters Running


Leaving for awhile - Thank you my friends (Read 610 times)

    You guys and gals are the best. The most supportive group of people that I have ever known. I have been part of this community for close to two and half years and I have nothing but respect and admiration for all of you. But it's time (at least for awhile) to say goodbye. Life has been very hard for me in the last few years and running has been an excellent elixir and will continue to be. But I need some time off to heal from many things and to find myself again. I have to admit that life has been dissapointing for awhile...Don't get me wrong I appreciate that I have two gorgeous girls, health, good career, great friends and family, etc.. But I need to find what is missing...maybe it's nothing...maybe it's just the realization that what I have is enough, not sure but I need to search deeply into my soul so I can get it right in the near future. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about what will make me happy and about my readiness to be happy and I thought I was but my lady friend (Andria - now you know) disagreed tonight and we broke up over it...and it broke my heart but it was the right thing to do for the two of us. I have no fear that life will be good again...I just need some time for me to find it. So my friends I leave you by saying "Thank you from the bottom of my heart" and till we meet again. Good running Tall

    Recent Best times: None recently


    One day at a time

      I'm sorry to hear that, Tall. I hadn't gotten to know you too well yet, but I enjoyed your insightful comments and quotes. GOOD LUCK!! I hope you find what you're looking for. Teresa
        Tall, I've enjoyed your posts and lately your daily quotes. You'll find what your looking for... Take care and come back soon.
        Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM
          You need your on line friends right now Tall....I'm worried about you. Please keep us posted on your journey in healing.

            Peace and safe inward journey to you Tall. Please know that we will always be here for you. We will look forward to seeing you back with us soon.

            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

              I am not sure I understand why you feel you need to drop the forum from you life, but if you do then you do. We will miss having you around and will no doubt be here should you ever decide you wish to return. Best of luck finding what you are looking for. Be well.

              Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

              Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                My heart aches for you, Tall Runner. I wish there were words we could say that would take away your pain and guide you back to a happy life path. You're the only one that can make that happen, and I hope you will lean on the friends you have here to help you get through this difficult period. Please, don't stop posting. This is the time you need love and support more than any other. We're here always - God bless and keep you. Jeanne

                MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                  tall - thank you for your heartfelt message. you're a lucky man to have had lady friend help ease the transition away from mismatched wife and, though LF's absence will make it tougher on you for a while, it's okay because you can focus all your attention and love on your dd's who need you way more than you or LF need each other. However, sorry a little bit selfish here for me, the Around the Bay is one of those runs of my dreams that will never happen for real except through your guys' rr's so, even (and especially) if devotion to dd's, handling job and household by yourself, etc. make it impossible to train for a competitive race, I hope you can do it anyway for the fun of it and brief escape from everthing else. Beside, your rr's let a lot of us pretend we can run like you, at least for your famed last-stretch sprints. Good luck and keep us up-to-date on your running and we'll know you're okay. - jon

                  "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

                    Good luck Tall where ever life takes you. We will miss your posts. Running is the most awesome way to relieve stress. Stay the coarse and keep focused. Press on to the goal so that you might win the prize ... Phil. 3 Marathon

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Tall - sending you all my heartfelt hopes that you will quickly find the peace and happiness that lies at the end of this time of turmoil. It's a cliche I know, but just remember, "this too shall pass..." Don't feel like you need to stay away long, though. This community is here for you anytime you want to come back, even if it's just to drop in occasionally to say hello.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Tall, you're a good man and will be missed. From what we've seen here, you have qualities we admire. the female members of this forum will miss your avatar. ETA: If you ever want a warm welcome, pop in and say "Hi".


                          Don't stay away too long Tallrunner. Good Luck and best wishes as you work through some important priorities. You will be missed and we'll be thinking of you. CNYrunner
                            good luck in sorting out your life and priorities, Frank... See you at a race someday. Until then, be well. Best, Dale

                              Sorry about the breakup, Mr. Tall. I thinks Mariposai's philosophy for running can also be applied here... be strong, tall and beautiful. We will look forward to your return when the time is right for you.


                                Well, you know we will still be here logging our training, and describing our races and making goofy jokes, and flirting and being silly and profound, whenever you need to pop in and say hi. Have a safe and satisfying soul search. {{Tallrunner}} Cool Clowning around Blush Big grin


                                Runners run
