Masters Running


Sunday April 6 Boomer/Master Runs (aka Wet Rat Eugene Training ...) (Read 514 times)

    Today's plan was for 16 miles total with the last 6 at Marathon Pace. I woke up at 4:30 AM and it was storming bigtime. Lightening and thunder, rain, gusty winds, the whole bit. I'm not running in no lightening. So back to bed I went. Got up a bit over an hour later, and things were looking better. No lightening except way away and only a little drizzle, but still windy. "Well, it has been known to rain some in Eugene, so suck it up and get your butt out there". I put on my oldest pair of shoes, left all the electronics at home, and put on a light, sleeveless rain top. Anyway, without Garmin the paces were by feel, but I tried to do them as well as I could. 16.25 miles altogether in 2:29 minutes (by the wall clock), 9:10 min/mile pace overall. Got rained on good for extended periods. The drowned Rat look is in style right? Eugene cannot surprise me now. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Good morning Bill. I'd say you're ready for any conditions! It's sunny and 41F here this morning with no wind (sorry, Bil). Just did an easy 5 miles in 48:10 after yesterday's long run. Legs were a little stiff but you gotta take advantage of the weather when it's nice! Some great college basketball yesterday. Who woulda thunk that it would be Kansas and Memphis in the championship game? There goes my NCAA pool! Good Sunday runs, everyone. Jeanne

      Renee the dog

        Ah, more in-accu-weather here at the coast of NJ. 6 a.m., dog and I check the weather online, and it's cloudy and 46. Not supposed to rain until 8 a.m. Got out there, and it was almost sleeting. Hard. Hurt in the face. Luckily, it was only a 3 miler on the schedule due to my weird foot tendonitis. I wore my wind-suit for some reason, and I'm glad I did! Our regular route sent us straight into the weather, but when we turned, I put the hood up, and it was like I was a sailboat on the way back. Comfy, dry, and pushed along like it was nothing out there! Renee spent all her time running through puddles and trying to drink them without breaking stride. She convinced me to lighten up, and we spent the last 1/2 mi. running through as much water as we could find. FUN FUN FUN! Smile Not so much fun: whole house smells like wet dog still. Sad

        GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

        GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

          Hmpf....after running in 50+ degrees yesterday, I get up this mroning and see that it snowed last last night....and stuck. It's in the 20s. Frank was happy--one of us likes running in the snow. And you're right, Jlynne--not me, there goes my NCAA pool as well. I think I'm turning on NPR, taking the paper and coffee and going back to bed. I don't have bruger's fortitude.
          Masters 2000 miles
            Long miles today at 7 AM---19.4 miles with three of my running pals---39F at the start and 39F at the finish, cloudy and perfect. The whole run took 2:52:03 with miles 10-16 at 7:50ish pace. One of the pals went with me for the zippier miles (running a marathon in RI on 5/4) and then we doubled back to pick the others up for the final miles. It was hard to find my groove at first, but then it clicked in---all good. Steve---congrats on the job news! Excellent. Last hockey game of the season yesterday afternoon and the kiddo scored the winning goal. Lest we miss out on smelly equipment opportunities, he is at baseball practice right now and then we are heading to a Rock Cats game in CT. Looks like we will need mittens! Good day to all---rain or shine! CNYrunner
              Only 4 so far this is a beautiful day in Southern to the races soon....leave for OKC at 10:45 am..for the 2 PM Red Bud is gonna be a warm 75 or so won't be to run fast...just want to get through this without messin up this right shin ... the right shin splint just does not want to go away.... Good running to all...
                Only 4 so far this is a beautiful day in Southern to the races soon....leave for OKC at 10:45 am..for the 2 PM Red Bud is gonna be a warm 75 or so won't be to run fast...just want to get through this without messin up this right shin ... the right shin splint just does not want to go away.... Good running to all...
                Have fun, Tim....take care of that shin.
                Quit being so damn serious! When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. "Ya just gotta let it go." OM

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning! SteveP – let me add one more congratulations! Biketm – congratulations on your new mileage PR! As far as the clif bar, 2 gels and 20-oz water – that’s just about right for me, but I expect a man probably would need more water. Jlynne – nice 12-miler! Btb – maybe you could lay a folded towel into each foot well when you get on the elliptical…Smile I’ve had an increasingly painful blister under my middle toenail this week, bothersome enough that I wore sandals to the museum yesterday. Last night I was limping around the house, so I drained and disinfected it once again, only to lay awake for an hour as it throbbed. When Tylenol didn’t help after another hour I finally got up and took a pain pill (leftover from dental work last year). Is that wimpy or what? Taking a pain pill for a throbbing toe, but it was driving me nuts and keeping me awake, like a toothache. Because of this toe, I was dreading today’s LR, but actually I found that it didn’t bother me much at all during the run. 14.5 miles in 35-40 degrees, with miles # 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 at MP. I wanted to do 15 miles today, but my legs were ….just….too…tired……I don’t know why, could they STILL be tired from last Sunday’s marathon distance, even at the very slow pace I used? Not a big confidence builder that, 2 weeks out from my target marathon, I can’t even go 15 miles. (sigh) Oh well, the training is in. It is what it is. Either the taper and race day magic will work a miracle, or they won’t. Time to kick back, relax, and stop worrying about it. Happy Sunday!

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    Holly - don't worry. Your training is in the bank. That, and the taper and excitement will see you through on the 21st. We did the wet rat thing this morning at the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. Only the 12,000 rats were not only wet, they were pretty darn cold too. It was 46F, raining and a bit windy. It's kind of a shame - this is such a nice festival in Washington when the weather is nice. We didn't stick around at the end at all - just wanted to get back to the hotel and into a hot shower. Anyhoo - My unofficial Garmin time was 1:24:15, 9 seconds faster than my Garmin time for this race last year. Official results not available yet. Considering that I haven't been doing much speed work, I'm not displeased with this result. Now - onto breakfast!

                    aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                    Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                      Holly - no need to worry. You're going to do great! You've trained so hard and you ARE ready. Don't let your mind play head games with you. Maybe the fact that you didn't sleep well last night and you have an infected toenail may have something to do with it? I also wanted to say thanks for your idea about everyone taking a mile for Amy. What a compassionate person you are! PDR - congrats on what may be a PR for you at the Cherry Blossom, in less than idea conditions. Let us know when the official times are released. Off to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies... Jeanne
                        ...holly//.......the Old Timers' Version was to take a red hot unfolded paper clip (held in a folded cloth) and stick it into the nail, it melts the gelatin of the nail, and let's off the pressure........ ...........just a thought........

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Rainy and miserable morning for a tempo run at the DC Cherry Blossom 10M. 1 mile warmup, 2.1 mile cooldown, and 10 miles at tempo pace: Workout: 10.0 miles, 72:31, 7:16/mi, AHR 170 [updated with official results] Overall: 13.1 miles, 1:40 (PDR says I should call it a "race" rather than a "tempo run" because it sounds like I am sand-bagging a little bit)

                          Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                            11 miles with 3 x 1 mile moderate (~7:00pace) embedded... Congrats on the job BatmanSteve Congrats on the Cherry Blossom 10 mile race PR's-PDR and WRFB Congrats on the medLR Holly Congrats on the LR in the flood Byll Congrats on the even longer run CNY Congrats to anyone who is or isn't running today!!! Have a great day people
                              Beautiful day here in NE Ohio sunny 44F at 9am for club run. Hilly 8.1 miles at 10:00 pace, which was the goal. Kindda a cross between a easy & long run on step back week. Sorry to hear about the snow Amy I'm sure you've had enough already. Nice race PDR & Lou Smile Too bad about the weather it must be a beautiful course on a sunny day. BTB, DW & I are doing the half at Flying Pig on May 4th. Will be her 2nd & my 14th, first time at the Pig though.

                              Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.


                                Well, like Amy... I got up to snow... over an inch on the ground and it's still coming down! Yuk. I'm so sick of this. Oh well, I'll try to run in it later, but having coffee now. After yesterday's zippy little 8.5, I'm not in a rush to go out in the blowing snow again. And even after a pretty big dinner last night I feel hungry today.... hmmm. Gotta hand it to ya, Bill. I'd have stayed in bed... I'm not a rain runner, but I fully realize I may have to suck it up at Boston. I wonder how far out we can get a 50% reliable forecast? CNYrunner... 19+ miles two weeks out? Hmmm, ya know, you taper like I usually do. This time around I'm trying to do it a little more "to the books" though. But I do usually prefer a 2-week taper. Nice run... would be fun to run with a group like that. Sarge, you'll have to look up Holly at the Pig! She's planning on run/walking that with some friends who are doing their first. I'd like to do that one sometime, just because so many people say it's a good, well run race. My schedule says 12, but since I don't like such a steep cutback the first week of taper (there goes that following the plan thing), I'm going to bump that up to 14 or 15 if I can. The only thing in my way is the weather, so if it really sucks I guess I can finish on the treadmill. Leaving tomorrow morning for San Antonio. Bet there's no snow there.