Masters Running


Friday 2/18 Dailies ~ Keep it Going (Read 501 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    good job Tramps, especially the fig leaf.

    like when I told my 4-yo grandson I liked his bare feet.

    "tt's not bear feet, it's people feet." 


    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


    MM #6177

      He also told me to toss the orthodics because he didn't think all "that stuff" was necessary.

      I would say toss the doc because HE'S not necessary.


      Jlynne, I've been in your shoes, pretty much literally, so I know how it feels. Ten years ago I had a PT tell me that because of my cervical arthritis, I should never try to run again. And I had the same reaction as you did, tears welling up on this death sentence diagnosis. So at his suggestion I learned how to race walk, and was miserable. Eventually I eased back into running... and NEVER had any neck issues since. So don't let the word of just one medical professional make you feel you need to throw away your entire life.


      Wildchild, I'm of the same opinion, and that's why I do my wacky one-sided yoga, and see a zero balancing expert who also happens to be a licensed physical therapist. I won't go to anyone else. Twocat, I understand what you're saying, that piriformis syndrome may not exist as a real ailment, but the pain that people feel, that's real. And there's got to be a way to not be living in constant and still do the activities we want to do.


      Attitude, Alignment and Action. I really believe it all boils down to these three A's, and all three need to be present while pursuing the solution.



        Not quite the article I was looking for but close.


          Sorry about the lousy doc, Jeanne. At the very least his manner was poor and he did not think about things very deeply.    As for the orthotics, we are all different.  For some ailments perhaps they are overused, but after a very serious bout of post-tib tendonitis a  while back, I would not run without mine.  They are soft, take up some space in my shoes, but they don't bother me and    I think they help.  


          Not sure about an official syndrome, but piriformis pain certainly exists. My theory is that it usually stems from a back issue; the real diagnosis likely involves the lower back.


          Do have access to a sports medicine doc or a good PT?? that might be a big help.


          I hope things get better.

          i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

            I'll pitch in for you Jlynne..

            I find that if I'm injured I can't run or running sucks so I have to back off and do something else which, for me is water running, maybe some elliptical or spinning, what ever doesn't aggravate it.  Then I dig in and reasearch the symptoms and by the time I've read all the horror stories and am convined I'll never run again, the soreness goes away (typically 6th week). 


            I have never been healed by an X-ray or MRI. But.. the MRI of my PF showed alot of damage and my sports doc gave me a boot to immobilize it for a few weeks.  He said to treat it like a 3rd degree sprain.  That was the best advise. Only a sports doc would come up with that. 


             It is a bad situation to not be able to go to a sports doc due to a dummy primary doc not giving approval. I'd be more firm. I'd say, I want a referral to so and so sports doc. 


             On piriformis.  I just soaked in VERY hot baths for 20 minutes everyday.  That loosened things up. You can't stretch it out because it is already too tight.  In fact the muscles tightening and grabbing the piriformis due to overuse is likely what caused the pain.  More stretching is bad from my experience.  I know others who swear by piriformis stretching. It just never worked for me.


            I would:

            1. Not stretch (this is very controversial, but that's my opinion)

            2. Soak in hot bath 20 min each day (lowerback and legs)

            3. (if the PF is still there) sleep in "Night Splint" that holds foot at 90 degree angle

            4. Cross train by deep water running until not sore to run

            5. Start back running by a) brisk walking without pain working up to 1 hr b) walk/run like Byll just did until all running


            This whole process may take 4 months but worth it.

            Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


              I would never go see my primary doc for anything running related, but of course you have to do that first to get a referral.  All she ever says is "are you taking enough calcium?"  I could be complaining of anything and that would be her answer.


              Stupid dog is barking at some clothes on a chair....or maybe he is having a nightmare.


              Anyway, ran 5 sunny muddy miles on the mountain this morning.  I thought the ground would be frozen but it wasn't.  I was hoping for 7 miles but decided to quit before I started to hate it.  This is about enjoyment, not suffering, right?

              "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                Jeanne, many of us have been dealing with a piriformis. It is treatable. My primary referred me to PT and, after 8 sessions it improved markedly. Stretching and rehab (swimming, etc.). But I agree that the doctor's attitude was not helpful (I'm a retired M.D.) and he apparently doesn't or won't look at the psychological and physical benefits of running. BTW it's taken me 2 months to get back to running-it may take time (but I'm much older than most people on this thread and my recovery time is longer than it was 20 or 30 years ago-but I won't give it up-It's a very important part of my life).

                  Lots of great support and good advice for you here JLynne so I'll just add a big ((((((JLynne)))))). I know you are frustrated and upset and it seems as if you will never feel good while running again. You will get back to better running days, just wish I could tell you exactly when. 


                  Angry Bill! (((((Breger))))) not you too....shoot! Don't run too angry tempting as it is.


                  The melting continues here and the 4 feet of snow is maybe down to 2 feet. I won't see the lawn anytime soon, but temps. in the high 50s with sun today is a delight. Ran 11.8 easy paced miles just before noon today. Mr. CNYrunner is out of town and I wedged the run in between conference calls and the kiddo's return from school and it felt great to be out there. I ran to a nearby park and ran a couple loops in the park as other "Forget the (Cabin) Fever Friday" folks were out walking dogs, pushing jog strollers and just breathing it in. One of my former professors was in the park doing his regular walk laps---at 92 years-old now, he trucks along and always has a big wave for me. I get a bit stressed even though I did very well in his class and love seeing him---I can't help but think I've forgotten to write a paper or something. I guess once a nerd, always a nerd!


                  No long weekend plans for me. Hockey mom duty tomorrow. Hockey Day in America tomorrow people! 


                  Then a super granny visit and then fly to CA for work on Sunday. Of course, running miles will be covered too.


                  Sounds like a fun weekend Holly!


                    Afternoon all. Lots of good posts. Bear running. Snerk.


                    Jlynne - they practice medicine and some of them never improve either in their abilities of bed-side manner in spite of all the practice. 2nd opinions are a good thing. Hopefully you can find a Dr. that also runs. Perhaps the local running club can help point you in the proper direction.


                    Thanks to all of your well wishes for my Dad. All things are good. I even manage to get a couple of treadmill runs while with my Mom at her cardio rehab. It helped with the stress.


                    Beautiful day here today 60s and sunny with our typical 20 mph wind. Had a great 8 at 7:22 and felt smooth. Perhaps there is hope for some good racing this Spring. We will see tomorrow as I take on the Polar which is a 3 mile race immediately followed by a 5 mile race. Should be interesting.


                    Thanks again all. Have a great weekend.

                    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


                      Just my 2 cents for what its worth.

                      Last year, if you remember, I had 2 stress fractures in the same foot. I was told at the time of my first xray that sometimes you cannot see them until they start to heal and leave a trace. Sure enough I went in 6 weeks later and they showed up on the second xray bright as day.

                       Secondly I would never go to a doctor that did not at least respect my running. My doctor who is not a runner or even a sports doctor does nothing but encourage my running as he knows its my main excersize and that keeps me healthy. He always adresses anything that I say is keeping me from my running. As a matter of fact after my recent heart issues it was my primary doctor that was concerned about how long the cardiologist was keeping me from running.

                       I also go along with the 6 week rule on most running related injuries. It does seem to be the general healling time doesn't it ?


                      Good luck {{{{{{Jlynnn}}}}}

                      Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                        Sorry I have been "gone" so long.  I want you good people to know that my Grandson Ben, son of Econo, is now, after over two monthis in the hospital, home.  Yey!   He still has some porblems that are being treated, and will have extensive Physical, Occupationaly, and Speech Therapy. The biggest problem is a serious one - short term memory.  However, even here, he is starting to make a little progress.  Now the really good news: tomorrow is a 5K Race and Fun walk/run.  Econo and Lab Duck will run in the race, as will her DH, and a close family friend.  Ben and I will walk, and do the first loop, which I think is about 1 mile.  He can walk pretty well, and was my partner last year in the 5K.  I am a little "off" on my running time, etc., but not out of the picture yet, so hope to finish the 5K if one of the others are there to keep Ben company for the duration.

                           my Grandson Ben, son of Econo, is now, after over two months in the hospital, home.  Yey!   


                          FANTASTIC NEWS! Thanks so much for letting us know. Tomorrow will be a grand day. Good thoughts to all of you.

                            yay ben [[[[[[[[[[[[[ all 'conos ever'whar]]]]]]]]]]

                            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                            Maniac 505

                              Woods lady,  thanks so much for the update


                              Jlynne,   so sorry about the Doc with the poor bedside manner. as others have said,  an Xray usually will not show a stress fracture, but a bone scan is a relatively inexpensive procedure(much cheaper than a MRI) that will show one.  It is too bad you couldn't get a referral for one. 


                              Orthotics  in many cases are a little controversial.  podiatrists probably say 99% of the population could benefit from orthos.   I think mine help me a lot, but my insurance does not cover them.  if they were to break, I would try going back to not using them.


                              Good luck.



                                What a grand news about Ben!!!

                                Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting us know about the race tomorrow. We will all be thinking about the Econo team.


                                Well, I was able to get off work early and fit in 14 miles LR, 37 miles for the week and I think no running is in my horizon this weekend. I wish I have the time to describe the sunset I witness today as I was running. Aren't we runners so lucky? I would have missed the whole show if I was not out there pounding the streets. 

                                The posie family is going off to downhill skiing to  Canada for the weekend. It should be fun!!!


                                I can't wait to hear about the Econo clan race report.


                                Big grin

                                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard
