Masters Running


Thursday 12/6/18 (Read 38 times)


    RunnerKSA pounds on the treadmill for 4.8 because she fudged up her diet.


    Coastwalker rips an occasional fartlek. It helps fight the chills on 6.7 RW miles.


    Wilma Wonka has a brisk 4.95 windy miles and mixes up the core.

     What is your butt doing in your hands after all you do for that place? I hope you're still looking...


    Poor phrasing. It was incredibly hectic. And I'll see how things go after we get a manager.


    Stumpy's work out has gone to the dogs.


    HollyS stretches into 3 treadmill miles.


    Tramps has a 6.3 "Brisk-walk". As long as you enjoy it.


    Joe618 rests his ITB band as the rest of the world spins out of control.


    TammyinGP is dreaming of sunnier days sans dog hair.


    Tow White has what the folks up our way call a heat wave this time of year. He downs his sorrows for 40 min.


    Fatozzig makes a welcome appearance. There's three problems you have to master to have a stress free life:

    1) Gravity

    2) Numbers

    3) Idiots.

    After that, it's a piece of cake. Sometimes, I'm a number three.


    Dave59 levels up and doesn't cheat.


    Mrrun has a cool high 5. Henrun's cast is off and he's dusting off the work out gear!!!!


    TwoCat gets an hour walk in. We'd all rather he didn't have another surgery.


    Falconfixer gets six miles in after shopping cross training.


    Deez4boyz has 1.2 on the dark side. new car?


    Runr_nut gets in 5.5 miles and plans a beer run.


    Tetsujin209 relives his ride on foot. When I had the Map My Run App, I disabled the pause function.


    Spacityrunner has a fantastic over the mountain 4 miles.


    Surly Bill pushes out 5.5 miles and plans a random schedule.


    Evanflein knocks a unofficial 10Kish out of the park for 7.2 on the day.


    Avenger Doggie gets his internet access revoked again.


    3 on the treadmill. DW and I went to DD#2's for dinner and I was attacked by grandkids and dogs. I excused myself just a little early. When I got home, I called the kids in a Santa Claus voice. At first it was dead quiet, then Jude (4) and Josie (2) went nuts and started non stop yelling about what they wanted and how they've been good. Then I took Taggy out for a 2.6 mile walk. 5.6 for the day.


    One order arrived where the paperwork reconciliation took me nearly two hours to reconcile. The project was for the 1st level of an $18,000.00 deck. It was a for a new customer who spend a lot of but needs things to be precise. Written by the most casual sales person on staff (I've got a bad feeling) from a new supplier that made a great deal of substitutions. I always had the paperwork over to someone else to double check. Only a fool wouldn't. A gentleman that's much shape than me was very baffled and spent more time than I did re-reconciling and checking my homework.



      Mornin' everyone.


      I'm waiting for my Santa Clause call, Steve. Regarding that (or any) order - the devil is most certainly in the details!


      Lotta good workouts yesterday. Good to have Twocat walking more and Henrun castless. Have fun with the new car, Deeze.


      6.6 RW miles this morning in 27° temps. I started out the morning thinking I might go back to bed, but got outside, thinking I might go a little long, but then wasn't feeling it after I got started and thought 3 miles might suffice for today, but then went a different way than planned at an intersection and wound up with 6.6. I went EZ for the first 4, and then ramped up my pace for the rest of the way and finished with a decent workout. So much for going back to bed...


      Have a greta Thursday.



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


        BTY has sank his 2.5 mile swim. Holy Cow! Like any other person who ain’t right in the head....he’s looking to go longer.


          Great recap, Steve.    Way to nail the long swim, BTY.  Great job.     Good job turning long into short and back to long(er), Jay.


          Revised today's run plan while I was still in bed this morning.  We have bad weather coming starting tomorrow- maybe even the "S" word.  I planned to go outside this morning, but that clearly hasn't been working, so I decided to try another noon run and just do a couple on the treadmill this morning.  So- I did.  2.6 down and hopefully nothing gets in the way of an outside run at lunch.    Our department party is tonight at our boss's house, which should be fun.

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            BTY--Yowsa. Nice.

            Henry--best wishes on the recovery

            Twocat--you're a research guy so I assume you've read some of the literature on back surgery. Like Henry and Erika note, definitely last resort in most cases. TriBee explored all this a few years back with her herniated disk, decided to stick with PT, and hasn't regretted it, even though it's meant an end to her running. Good luck with whatever you decide.


            I'll wait until things warm up a bit before going out for a ride but I wanted to share this interesting Times article on women and super-long-distance running.

            Be safe. Be kind.


            Trails are hard!

              Kevin - how old is Maggie, and what kind of dog?  She looks beautiful!


              thank you, she is.  And if all three of us survive puppyhood, we're looking forward to a more sedate hound.  She's a lab/hound mix, about 4 months old.  Growing like crazy--she was around 16 lbs. when we first found out about her 3 weeks ago and after first vet visit on Monday, is now 27 lbs. 


              45 minutes walking last night at paces that varied from rock to vapor trail.  We need to work on the walking on a loose leash thing.  Phone said 1500 steps--may have to check some of these with the GArmin.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



              Rose Colored Glasses


                room temperature

                Daily mass


                Hope to get to gym later.

                But wanted to second Henry's physiatrist suggestion. A physiatrist is a medical doctor with extra education and practice in physical medicine and rehabilitation. My friend, Renee, is one. Also, my niece, Jen, is currently at Ohio State in residency for physiatry.

                With this doctor you get the best of an MD and PT.

                As for surgeons' success rate? I am skeptical. A surgeon can have a great success rate if his patients are compliant and good candidates for the surgery. If your anatomy is doomed from surgical success,  even a gifted surgeon will not succeed.

                Sometimes one doesn't know the odds of success until one's anatomy is explored surgically.

                Hence my reiteration of Tramps and Henry's opinion re: physical therapy versus surgery.

                Good luck.

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Howdy folks.


                  I had a 7:45 meeting across town, so just did about 30 minutes of PT and weights and core.


                  Tonight is our company Christmas party, and this year it is being held at a craft brewery/restaurant located at Carillon Park, which is a 65-acre open-air history museum of Dayton's history.  The park offers a selection of historic buildings that each contain amazing bits of Dayton's history, and many of the Wright Brother's memorabilia donated by the family.  All is decked out for Christmas, so after dinner at the brewery/restaurant, we will be turned loose to walk around and explore.  I am told it is quite amazing.  The website says it is "transformed into a winter wonderland of sparkle, magic, and holiday cheer.  The tower in the center of the picture is the historic Carillon Bell Tower, and the lights behind it are all the buildings that make up the museum.


                  Image result for carillon park christmas

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Went 4 miles this morning. My calf was a tired kind of sore, so I mixed in a good deal of walking.  Not the knife stabbing pain, so I think that is good.


                    I took a picture while I was out on my run.  (I turned off my headlamp first.)






                      Working from home today so got out and put in 3.5 before the rains set in. They are predicting 5-6 inches of rain between today and tomorrow, didn't want to break any rules.

                      Happy running all!


                        Good morning folks. Thanks for the great recap Santa. And I've been good. Well, sort of   Love Todd Snider too. "Beer Run" was one of DS #2's favorite songs before he got to legal drinking age!


                        Great swim BTY! I can't even fathom how strong of a swimmer you must be.


                        Have fun at the Christmas parties KSA and Holly!


                        Jay - isn't it funny how sometimes unplanned workouts turn out to be the best?


                        I might have missed it, but what kind of car did you get Deez?


                        Twocat - I've had back surgery. In 2011 a surgeon repaired a herniated disk. Since then, I've done a bunch of half marathons, 5 and 10k runs, 3 Tough Mudders and other races ran as part of a relay team. I have a lot of arthritis in my back, and the disk right above the one I had repaired is now in bad shape. In my opinion, if you find the right surgeon, you'll be pleased with the results. Maybe I got lucky with mine, but I think it's at least worth investigating.


                        21° and windy this morning. I opted for the Y. An hour on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the rower and 25 minutes of weights and core.


                        Have a great Thursday everyone.

                          Yes, for some reason they don't tell you that a spouse can elect to (1) receive their own accrued SS benefits or (2) receive 1/2 of their spouse's benefits, whichever is higher.


                          Even if the spouse is drawing his/her own SS?


                          I'm waiting for my call from Santa Claus, too.


                          Holly - That sounds really cool.  Have fun!


                          Tramps - Courtney Dauwalter is amazing and is, I think, an ambassador for women who explore long distance running.


                          I've been awake since 2:00, what with cat drama and crap running through my head, so I sucked it up, crawled out of bed (for the 4th or 5th time) and got in about a 40 min core/ST workout.


                          Off to the races ~~

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance


                            Re: SS - No, you have to choose your benefit or the spousal benefit.  This particular loophole that we are taking advantage of lets me take my spousal benefit on my husband's SS (he is drawing his own) even though it is less than mine and mine still accrues and I can get the higher amount at age 70 on my own account.   There was no reason to leave that on the table, even though there is still lots of earned income (mine) coming in.

                            Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



                            Rose Colored Glasses

                              Well there you go. Jlynne is living proof that disc surgery can be successful.

                              A fellow rec center patron of ours, Terry,  had the opposite experience. He used to run 5 miles a day. Had disc surgery and hasn't run since. He's still very fit but cannot run.

                              It all depends on your specific injury and anatomy and surgeon. Literally,  your mileage may vary.

                       was 17-degrees this morning......





                                ...35-min ARC Trainer........

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
