Masters Running


Wed Jun 25 Runs and Such (Read 472 times)



    Good morning! Lou, glad you have good reflexes. That must have been scary! Have a wonderful vacation with PDR! Vista, I think walking up the hills would be the best idea. Running up hills is obviously harder than running on the flats or downhill, so if you have to walk, do it on the hills to save your energy. Perch, I looked at the profile of the Grandfather Mtn marathon - sounds like your 350 ft hill in 4 miles is similar to miles 15-19! Yowza! Mary, the puppies are adorable! They look quite different from when they were born. Breger, you're not a wimp if you got up at the crack of dawn to run and it was already 80 degrees, and you still managed some fast intervals! Dg, its good that you're being wise and mature and listening to your DH! Also it keeps Spareribs from having to remind you! (p.s. Dicky G, take care of yourself!) I took the dogs for a 4 mile run when I got home from work yesterday. Its hot in Denver (90s) but nice and cool at home - about 60 at 6 pm. I tried running the hills fairly fast, and did pretty well, but still had to walk several times. I'm thinking its the altitude that's kicking my butt as much as the hills.

    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

    The Jogger

      Afternoon Gang Gosh Lou, you were lucky, the only motor I nearly bumped into today was a tractor, on the lane at the end of the trail, he pulled up the bank and stopped for me, as Woody was hi-tailing it the other way. I had to call him back to me and waved the farmer as Woody arrived, he then moved the tractor (nice guy for that). Mary, sorry I didn't really get the chance to read your posts, about the skin problem, glad to see you are ok. Ribs, good run today. I went out early for me 07:00 for a 10 mile hilly trail......then dropped DD & BF up to Wimbledon. She has literally just called to say, she just got hit on the face with a tennis ball Smile she is ok. Anyway 10m 01:47:28 @ 10:50 AHR 149 68% WHR Good Runs All Roy
        Always an interesting read here. Good training this morning. Lou's story reminds me of my own close encounter this weekend. My long run is usually done on a narrow road with minimal/no shoulders. It's too busy to run on weekdays but early on Sunday it has very little traffic. About two miles from my house there's a big S-curve with blind spots. Sure enough, this week as I was in that section near the end of my run I heard a car coming up behind me and then heard another engine coming the other way--revving way too fast. Without thinking or even seeing either car I stopped and jumped off the road straight into some bushes. The car going too fast--a small convertible sports car--came barreling around the corner well over the middle line, hit the brakes when it saw the oncoming car, and pulled sharply back into its own lane. I watched it fishtail a bit and just keep on flying down the road. The whole thing took just a few seconds but got my HR up. I bet the sports car driver never even saw me. It made me glad I didn't have an Ipod on; I would have never heard the engines in the distance. Be careful out there. Uneventful easy 3.6 miles today to be followed by some stretching and core work tonight.

        Be safe. Be kind.

          Vista: Good post...Yeah...I've run in lots of the Lynchburg about 75 miles or so from you. My first one was 1978 (which was won by Bill Rogers, BTW). Killer of a course...didn't they used to have a lot more runners than they do now?
          Those were the glory years of the race. Prize money dwindled and other cities in the state started their own 10 mile races. In recent years the Chamber of Commerce ran the race. Another year a "professional" race organizational company was in charge. The attendance greatly reduced in both cases. Last year the local running club took over the race and have made some positive moves to build the numbers back up. Their plan includes using other local races during the year to set up the featured Ten Miler. Attendance last year was up significantly with over 30% increase in entrants. If they can continue to add racers, it won't be long before it comes back to being a solid race again. Lou and Tramps have reminded us of the need to keep your senses about you when running. Drivers are not expecting to deal with us and they already have enough problems just handling their vehicles. Glad that both of you survived your little ordeals. Joey

            Holly, !!! rest & ice as much as you can today. And tomorrow. What part of your hamstring hurts? thanks Carolyn. Of course, I should also remember -- (re listening to my DH) moderation in all things Big grin. But he was right on this one. Thanks too for the wildflower + dog pictures the other day. How is your job working out? hills kick my butt too but I can't blame it on altitude. I do like them, so it's not attitude either. Roll eyes Twocat, how is your DW? Roy... hi! I meant to thank you for posted those pictures. sounds like you had a nice time. You & Tina look great. Poor DD. What are the chances for that happening? Glad she's ok. seems evryday hasn't been around much either. or SteveP. it might just me.. i'm a bit behind.

            Marathon Maniac #957

              Holly, !!! rest & ice as much as you can today. And tomorrow. What part of your hamstring hurts?
              Hard to describe, but the place where the butt meets the thigh, but on the inner side, pain coming right out of that joint and downward for several inches, almost on the inner thigh. Almost that sore spot you get on the joint when you've been riding a bike too long. I'm sitting on an ice pack even as we speak... Big grin

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

              The Jogger

                Thanks and Hi Debs, hope you are keeping well Smile
                  Be careful Holly. Sounds like you may need to build in some extra rest days. 7.2 miles this morning at just under 10:00/mile. I was going to do 9 miles, but despite getting up at 3:30 am, I was running out of time - what with packing and all. 4-5 more hours of work, and then a real vacation. Yippee!

                  aka Mrs. WillRunForBeer, MD, USA

                  Marathoning, the triumph of desire over reason


                    Tramps that's exactly the reason I do NOT run outside with my iPod. It's for the treadmill and other equipment only. Too many cars, dogs and bikes around here to not be in tune with what's going on. Lou, glad you escaped! Hope you and PDR have a great time. Yes, Joey, he's out of shoulders... let's just hope his knees hold out (already had one scoped years ago). Anniversary was quiet but good. After the memorial service for our friend, we went to our favorite restaurant and had a wonderful salmon dinner--shared everything to keep cost and quantities down--and then found out the owner (another friend, this is a small town!) comped our meal! Sure wish we'd been able to order a bottle of wine... Wink Holly, take care of that... I'll second the more rest recommendation... Also, I tend to get aches like that when I do too much speedwork. Just a thought. Mary, those puppies are so cute! And yes they do look so much different from when they were born. Sorta looked like little cows at the time... I bet you'll miss them (but I can also see it'd be nice to have the activity level drop a bit). Good luck with the skin thing. My dad has had lots of that and always reminds me to wear a hat... Ok, I need someone to kick me in the butt... or tell me it's ok and will all work out. I'm stressed, tired, always feeling late and behind on everything. I didn't run yesterday, just absolutely no time. I rarely even have my car because DS1 is so busy with work and soccer it seems he has it all the time. The house is a mess, the apartment downstairs is an unfinished shambles, I could do 20 hours of OT a week for a month and still not be caught up at work, my left ankle is still bothering me (still don't know what I did to it), and I just feel like a fat hopeless mess all the time. I really want to take a week off of work, but there's just no way I could. The worst thing? I feel like I can't ever get run in... and many times I just don't care! I don't remember ever feeling quite this copeless... Not normal for me at all. Definitely a "Calgon take me away!" time for me, but I wouldn't be able to relax enough to enjoy a hot soak anyway... No (sorry for the major whine... just needed to vent and nobody around here cares...)
                      Lou: Close call! I was almost bumped this weekend by a Prius that was backing out of a parking spot, simply because it was running on batteries and made no sound at all! In fact, this is being recognized as a danger to runners, cyclists, blind people, and kids. Someone's even proposed legislation to require some sort of noise-emitting device on electric cars. Roll eyes Mary: Aren't you now on some sort of marathon training schedule, or just about to start? How's that going? Which one did you go with? Deb: Your DH has the same attitude that I have, and it's almost the rule that I broke. But my cycling weekend somehow acted like physical therapy for my running injury, as it seems to have improved a lot. But I'm still not going to rush back into it until I'm 100% again (or at least 99.9%). I'm actually starting to not miss running so much, but I assume that will change when I start up again. <lurk> I'm still pretty busy at work since my boss finally realized that I really will be gone in less than two months, and he expects me to teach someone else everything I've learned and done over the last 10 years (if not 40 years!). So I've fallen behind in monitoring the forum here. I hope to find some time soon to catch up! June running miles: 6 Sad cycling miles: 227 Cool Keep up the good work, everyone! </lurk>

                      Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                      "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"



                        Erika, sorry you're feeling copeless... is that a word? You could follow PDR's example and get up at 3:30 am to fit more stuff into your day. Or not. Wink Sounds like you need a vacation, but you just got back from Hawaii! Seriously, I don't think you need a kick in the butt, I think you need some help. I'll bet it doesn't help that DH is recovering from shoulder surgery and probably can't help around the house yet, and DS1 is working, but what about DS2? What's he up to this summer? Can you set him to work cleaning the house or working on the apartment? Pay him if you have to. Or give HIM a kick in the butt. Don't apologize for whining - it helps sometimes, and we've all been there.

                        I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                          (sorry for the major whine... just needed to vent and nobody around here cares...)
                          I assume that the "around here" doesn't mean here as in the forum, because you know that ain't true! But I do know how you feel and I was also recently pushed over the borderline on feeling overwhelmed with what I had to do. All I can say is that there's always a light at the end of that tunnel (and it isn't an oncoming train!). By concentrating on just one thing at a time, I was able to quickly get enough things off my to-do list that I felt less behind and could relax a bit. Of course, I was able to take some days off work when I had to, and that does make a difference. Even venting helps some, so go ahead with it. And get out there and run it off! Cool

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                          One day at a time

                            Erika, I'll be thinking about you! I've been in your shoes before. I think I've gotten grumpy enough that DH knows he needs to do whatever it takes to keep me running/exercising. I hope things improve for you. Big news - I ran a mile today!! I gave it a try on the indoor track at the Y, and my ankle never hurt a bit. It took everything I had to not go farther, but I was a good girl. Then I did 30 minutes on the cross trainer. I stretched right afterwards, and put ice on as soon as I got home. I know I have a ways to go, but it was so encouraging to be able to do that. It felt so good! Smile

                              ERIKA!!!!!!!!!!!! Get yourself outside during lunch today and run....just one or two mile will do for now... Evil grin Evil grin ya sistahhhhhhhh. I know the overwhelming just need to go out for short runs and forget about the distance, speed, pace, etc.

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                                .....dg//........You are very Wise and Mature........ ..............94degrees.........120min hike.......30min eeeasy run....... Life is Good..... .............streetrun tomorrow....... ..............................good running guys...........

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
