Masters Running


Wed Jun 25 Runs and Such (Read 472 times)


    Takes Erika's "whine" and change 'ankle' to 'back', and 'son' to 'daughter' and it sounds like something I would write just about now. At least I don't have an apartment to fix-up, and Calgon sounds a little too feminine, but the "wish I could take a week off" hits it on the nose. At 6:00am today I had traction on my back at the PT, and a massage at noon. The massage is something new I am trying. I'm not in real pain, just tight and sore. I did a test at the massage and didn't say which side was worse, but the therapist sure figured it out on her own. I've only had a massage a couple times before and that was years ago for a right leg/knee issue. This one was a lot more intense. I'm pretty sure she climbed up on the table so she could put her full weight behind her and used her knee at one point. Normally I would run today, but too much going on so I'll get in a few miles tomorrow.



    Marathon Maniac #957

      {{{{...soothing, healing, calming vibes......Erika, Dave59, (anyone else who needs them),....soothing, healing, calming vibes...}}}}

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        Seven slow sluggish miles in the afternoon heat. Not happy about not running early this morning, but at least I got it in. Spareribs thanks for the kind words yesterday, it meant a lot!! Biketm I want to pick your brain some time about bicycle racing.

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          {{{Erika}}} We care! Priority #1=U so just add an R before and an N after.

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova


            I'm stressed, tired, always feeling late and behind on everything.
            Sorry to hear about this. Of course everyone here wishes you the best. In the short term, you probably need to carve out a little time for yourself and protect it fiercely. Maybe that's a 2-mile run; maybe something else. If this is a chronic condition, I'm a big believer in simplifying and doing less--which I know is very unfashionable these days. Hang in there.

            Be safe. Be kind.


              Thanks guys. I know YOU all care, which is why I dumped on you. Nobody here in my office cares... except my boss. He's really good about that, but not much he can do really. Nobody at home wants to hear my poor me story, they're too busy with their own! So, I bucked up and decided since I had to pay the dentist bill anyway, I'd run on down there and see where else I could go. Found out the dentist is 1.36 miles away, and I can easily do a 7:57 mile going down the hill! Then I ran back along the bikepath past the lake behind campus (I know this means a lot to you who haven't been here...), up the hill to the golf course, turned around and ran back down the hill, then back up hill to my office. Took a couple walk breaks there on that last mile. Those hills are much more fun on the way down... 5 miles in 41 minutes, and a hugh attitude improvement! Big grin Now let's see if I can translate that into improved productivity... BTW, I ran in my new Asics Nimbus 9's... (old model, new shoes). I finally feel like I'm running in my shoes again. I've liked the Nike Pegasus, but they never felt like "my" shoes. Anybody else feel that way about their favorite shoe? I don't know what I'll do when I can't find more 9's... I really hated the 10's.
                {{{Erika}}} I admire your courage to tell us the things that bother you. One day at a time. Life will get better. Carolyn, I think you got our So Cal weather now if it's up in the 90s where you live. I'm going out for a 5 miler after the beach where there are cops on 4 mile run on Monday was on the streets and some jerk in an SUV yelled at me to try to scare me but I kept going. I even gave him the bird. It ticked me off so bad that some idiot high school kid thought it was funny to do that. I was half hoping he'd turn around and come after me because I wanted to beat him to a pulp and vandalize his gas hog stupid SUV. Gentle readers, you may ask, why was I in such a hostile mood? Is it because I am from New York? Is it *just* hormones? I think it was this running skirt I was wearing. That thing ticks me off because I don't feel girly or goddess like. I just feel like I am in drag. Can a chick feel that way?

                  Dromedary, you are precious. Don't ever change.

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    I think it was this running skirt I was wearing. That thing ticks me off because I don't feel girly or goddess like. I just feel like I am in drag. Can a chick feel that way?
                    Actually, I just like mine because of the little mp3 pocket in the back. That, and all the running shorts I try on make me feel like I'm wearing a parachute.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    King of PhotoShop

                      I love Erika and Dromedary today. And of course Mariposai. You're welcome Craneium. You da man. Holly, cash out this week, seriously. Deal with this right now. No speed at all, and certainly no fiveK. Just throw the week away and count it as lost. You must let this recover, and if you get on it now and add no stress to it, there are good odds you will recover from it quickly. Roch, the solution to those quiet Prius cars is to add a gas engine to them. That will make them a bit noisier I bet. Spareribs

                        {{{Erika}}} I'm going out for a 5 miler after the beach where there are cops on 4 mile run on Monday was on the streets and some jerk in an SUV yelled at me to try to scare me but I kept going. I even gave him the bird. It ticked me off so bad that some idiot high school kid thought it was funny to do that. I was half hoping he'd turn around and come after me because I wanted to beat him to a pulp and vandalize his gas hog stupid SUV. Gentle readers, you may ask, why was I in such a hostile mood? Is it because I am from New York? Is it *just* hormones? I think it was this running skirt I was wearing. That thing ticks me off because I don't feel girly or goddess like. I just feel like I am in drag. Can a chick feel that way?
                        drom, i would feel ridiculous in a running skirt. probably good that i don't have one. Smile. (not that there's anything wrong with them!) hmm. along the lines of the other close calls talked about today... last year i also almost got hit. i had plenty of time to get through the intersection, but the driver ran the stop sign. i stopped just in time... if i hadn't hesitated before crossing it would have been even closer. sure looked like 'some idiot high school kid'. i expressed my displeasure to her, & she reciprocated. I was also, thereafter, in a hostile mood. go figure. Wink. Erika, wtg! dump share anytime. as has been said, we do care. thanks Roy. I am. I hope you are too. TW, thanks. I figured someone would see the humor in that. Big grin. So happy life is good! Teresa, 1 mile is definitely progress. Your patience is worth imitating.
                          Erika, You and Breger have the same bug. The tides of running I guess. Dromedary, Funny stuff Holly, Be careful please. My Wednesday run is usually a medium long run and so today was 5.5 miles as I build back up. mile 1...9:45 warm up mile 2 ...8:00 mile 3... 8:15 1/2.......5:45 rest not real sure on the distance but around 1/2 mile 4....8:15 mile 5....10:00 cool down Total ....50:00 Not sure what to call this run as I wanted some speed in the middle . It turned out to be around MP so I called it that. Tomorrow is supposed to be my hill day.Looking forward to that as its been a few months since i did hills on a regular basis. Good runs everyone Larry

                          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                            Back from Boston and a baseball game that we lost---we're out for the season but the kiddo still has all- stars. Just popping in to say---Erika----when I think of all that you do, I am always impressed. For real and not just blowin' smoke at you. We all do care and vent all you need to here. I try to pay myself first as much as I can and that means running in spite of the clutter, the dust bunnies with driver's licenses and the haircut appointment that is three months overdue. Your solution today was a good one. Scale it back where you can and try to do something for you too. I think of it like the announcement they make on the plane about the oxygen masks---put it on yourself first and then you can tend to the others. Dromedary--I laughed out loud about the running skirt. Oh my goodness....I tried one and the darn thing was up over my hips making me feel like I had a loose diaper on or something. I am sure you look rocking and not as if you are in drag. Just sayin' I would worry about that SUV driver...yikes, good thing you didn't see the driver again! Wink I have had a few double bird days and then I remember...ooops, I am on foot and 5' 2" and bonehead is in a big metal machine, time to run around a corner and disappear. Holly, that hamstring. Caution now will mean less pain later. My hamstring was pinging after the half marathon recently and I scaled back the speed big time. No pain now. The sudden nature of this pain you feel and its location makes me worry more than a nagging ache or pain that comes more naturally with running and age. dg--I never responded to your question before about Plymouth, MI and my trip tomorrow. I am flying in for a meeting and turning right around pretty much (thunderstorms permitting). No time this time, but some day I hope. I would love to meet you and others in the area! Tomorrow and July 1 are my last airplane work days before vacation. Can't wait! G'nite all CNYrunner/Karin Did you all see that Eric will be moving us to a new server with more capacity? It's good news, but means work for him and RA will be unavailable for a bit while he does this. Thanks Eric!

                              Nice 3.5 mile walk with Anne in her neighborhood. It was rather humid.

                              Renee the dog

                                I had 11 min in which to run tonight, so that's what I did! 1.2 mi. MY LIFE IS NOT MY OWN. blah blah blah. My knees have gotten seriously injured during this move...but I was glad I could put a mi. in without icing afterwards. I have to travel tomorrow, but will build on this when I get to FL. Been thinking of you all! From box hell, Nono

                                GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                                GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!
