Masters Running


Wednesdaily, 10.18.23 (Read 39 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    There were some questions yesterday about our well issue so, for those who are interested, here is the tale:


    Several years ago, the company that provides water for most of our town wanted to drill a new well about 2-3 miles from us. Because of the relatively-close proximity to that new well, we asked that they monitor our well for water flow and water quality before, during and after the installation. Unbeknown to us, to facilitate that monitoring, they replaced our metal well cap with a plastic one. In early September, the state of NH offered free well water testing in several communities, including ours, and we signed up. Based on the water samples we provided, they wrote back fairly quickly to let us know we had cloroform bacteria in our water. We called our well company and asked them to investigate. They found that the plastic well cap was cracked, enabling very small critters to get in, and that was the source of the bacteria.They recommended replacing the well cap with another proper metal one, and chlorinating the well to kill any remaining bacteria. We contracted with them to do both of those things. Once they put the chlorine in the well, we could not use our water at all for 24-36 hours, so we had that done just before we left town last Friday. When I got back on Monday, I had to run a hose from where the well pump fed into the house for 4 hours to ensure that all of the chlorinated water was pulled from the well. Then I had to test each faucet in the house to make sure there was no remaining water in the pipes. Those tests were all negative for chlorine, so then I could start using our water again. The well company is going to come back next week to do a retest, just to confirm that all is good again. Since the water company's monitoring contractor replaced the well cap and caused the problem, the water company has agreed to cover the costs of all this work to resolve the issue. FYI, anyone with a well should test their water at least every 3-5 years. After this, we might shorten it to every two years.


    In about an hour, I'm going to see the orthopod to get the results from last week's MRI, and to hear his recommendation for how to best resolve this issue. Since he is a surgeon, I won't be surprise if that is his first suggestion, but I'd be more interested in non-surgical options, so we'll see where we net out. My PT wants me to get the chart notes from the orthopod so she can also see what is going on, and help develop a plan to get me out of this mess. And I have a great sports massage therapist who is also focused on doing what she can on her end to resolve any muscle issues that may be contributors to the knee problem. I'll give you a full report tomorrow.


    DW is still away (till lat Friday afternoon), but I still managed a decent night's sleep last night, waking up on time at 3:59 this morning. I was out the door about 15 minutes later for 3.32 S&E miles, followed by 40 minutes of stretching and core work. Just as I was leaving the house this morning, a motion-sensor light went on and showed me a possum that was making its rounds. Nice to know that those beneficial critters are in the neighborhood.


    Have a greta Wednesday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      Good morning Jay. Thanks for the start. And good luck with the MRI results. I hope you can find a non-surgical path to help "fix" everything.


      Erika, and RCG, both posting on the same day 


      6.28 miles this morning. What started out as a run/walk mostly became a "walk." I tweeked my back at work yesterday and even Aleve didn't help. I came home and did 20 minutes of good stretching to see if I could work all of the kinks out. I'm not there yet...


      We're blessed with a beautiful sunrise this morning - streaks of pink and light clouds with just a hint of the sun peaking through. 45 degrees and no wind - perfect running weather! Have a great Wednesday everyone.


        Morning, Jay and Jeanne and those to come.


        Interesting on the well, Jay. I hope you get your knee figured out, non-surgically. I have found that PA's in ortho groups are great places to start, because they see just as much and aren't as quick to say surgery. But, it sounds like you know what you need to find out from your ortho, so I hope he is helpful.


        I hope your back works itself out, Jlynne. It's always something...


        3.5 run/walk miles for me this morning, also in 45 degrees with almost no wind 


        Our new windows are being installed yesterday/today. They are nice!


          Thanks, Jay.  I knew today was MRI results day.  Here's hoping for a good path forward.

          BTY- good swimming and good juggling all the family obligations, job etc.  It's not easy.  You, too, Dave.


          4.6 sunny and chilly miles this morning.  I am not bouncing back well from the Tuesday 8 milers like I used to be able to do.  Very tired legs today.  I need to now taper for my hilly 10 mile race on Saturday.


          Steve was up early!

          Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


            ..was gonna say ''Crap'' about jay's well water,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but given the testing, that seemed redundant.......

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              ..was gonna say ''Crap'' about jay's well water,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but given the testing, that seemed redundant.......



              Glad the well company is paying for the work that's being done to correct the issue with your well, Jay.  Fingers crossed on the MRI and a non-surgical resolution.


              I'm back!  A couple of folks hit me up wondering if I was okay after my DNF at the Rogue Gorge 50k on Saturday, and yes I am.  It's just been a whirlwind of tiring activity after we got home from vacation Sunday, not the least of which was The Hub's phone having issues and spending 2 hrs with technical support Monday trying to get it going again, which didn't happen, and getting back to work yesterday and going through the massive amount of emails that accumulated while I was gone.   And after years of being with TracFone, I'm done.  Their technical support sucks.  2 hrs, 4 different support people asking me the same questions, having me do the same things, and my usually easy going demeanor was sorely being tested by the end.  The problem was never resolved, and I ended up getting him (oh, and me!) new phones yesterday, and I'm going to look into a different service provider - maybe Consumer Cellular.


              Anyway, vacation was great.  The Rogue River area of Oregon is stunningly beautiful this time of year.  The RV park we stayed at was wonderful - small, clean, quiet, woodsy, and just a 5 minute walk to the river.  We did a lot of driving and sight-seeing, and I'm ready to go back to this area for more exploring when I don't have a race on the agenda.


              Tammy stayed with us Friday, and The Hub drove us the 11 miles up the road to the race start.  What I saw of the course is beautiful, and I will definitely go back for revenge and finish.


              My issue going in was my hamstrings, mostly my left.  I knew I had a 50/50 chance of not finishing, but that's why we were there, I'd paid my entry fee, and I figured I'd at least start and see what happened.  What I wasn't going to do was take things to the point where I screwed up my future plans.


              Well, what happened is I couldn't run enough.  I was literally the last runner, and not too long after leaving the first aid station, I kicked a root - not even very hard - and the reverberation up through my hamstring took my breath away it hurt so bad, so I knew I was done.  The sweeps were hot on my butt the entire time, so I let them catch up with me, told them what was going on, and power walked with them to the 2nd AS.  Actually had some really nice conversation with the female sweep.  Ends up she's from Portland, knows my buddy, Karen, and a number of other people there that I know.


              It sucked not finishing, especially since I had to wait 1.5 hrs for The Hub to come back to the finish line (no phone, no cell service).  I had a good 5 min PO'd cry over the whole thing with him, then that was that.  There were a couple of things that had happened over the previous month that were factors in the hamstring issue, so now I just need to get that resolved and get back on the horse.


              The other issue that I need to get resolved is my right shoulder that I injured when I fell last month.  My fear is I tore something.  I have an appointment Monday to get both my hamstrings and my shoulder looked at and we'll go from there.  I'm going to request an MRI of my shoulder, so we'll see.


              So that's sort of things in a nutshell.  I have no idea what's going on in here, but I hope everyone else is doing well ~~

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                Thanks for the start, Jay.  Boy, that's quite a well tale. PITA but I'm glad you caught it and got resolved.  We're about due for testing on ours. Good reminder.

                anneb--enjoy the windows. I bet that'll be a huge difference.

                Leslie--sorry to hear about the DNF but it sounds like wise decisions all around for you.


                Regular 5-miler for me this morning.

                Be safe. Be kind.

                  Definitely the right decision, Leslie, and I hope you can get both the hamstring and the shoulder resolved.  I know it is disappointing, but you gave it a shot.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    coastwalker paying for the fix is "nice", but they really should pay for all of the time you spent as part of the fixing up. I know that will not happen, but it should.


                    fatozzig that was a brave call to pull out. Better to live to fight another day. Good luck with the cell phone switch.


                    I saw a lot of posts yesterday about retirement pensions and savings. I am generally amazed when I see data on how little many people have saved for retirement. There is an area of finance that blames it on people using too high a discount rate with respect to their future selves. This has them ending up with an impoverished future self.


                    I ran just 2 miles today. Tomorrow DW and I leave for Kansas City. Saturday is the race. Post race we are going out with some local friends to a barbecue place that is apparently fancy enough to require a reservation. Barbecue and reservations? I did not think there was such a thing.

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      Oh Leslie, you were so brave to start, and sorry about the hamstring. That sounds really painful and definitely something is going on there.

                      2.6 mile run/walk. I did the Garmin suggested workout today. See, it's kind of fun not knowing what it will be until you wake up in the morning, like a surprise. And then if you say yes, let's do it, it is all set up with the laps and times it wants you to run or warm-up.

                      So today was another threshold, but only 1 x 15 minutes at a specific pace. Again, I didn't think I could run for 15 minutes straight, but I did! Not only that, but I came reasonably close to the target pace! Only got yelled at once or twice that I was too slow. And one time it said I was going too fast. Unfortunately it cannot take hills into account regarding your current pace, so best to kind of ignore those messages.

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                        [[[fatozzig]]]...........the GOOD NEWS>>>>>>>this time next year,

                        you'll still have the Shirt,



                        everything else will just be a horrible, vaguely remembered memory




                        60-degrees, still cool wind


                        .40-min at soccerfields.........trailboots



                        got home,


                        and our Red Hawk that lives in one of our trees had gone on a Murder Spree

                        ( or as he would call it ''Lunch'' )



                        I got to clean up a LARGE amount of feathers

                        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                          Sorry to hear about your 50K results, Leslie, but it looks like you're on the case and will be able to resolve things eventually if not soon.


                          An interesting article in Scientific American that addresses the finding -- known for a while by most runners -- that women are simply better than men at long-distance endurance running. This forum is not exactly a random sampling, but we have to admit that there's something special about our endurance runners like Tammy, Carolyn, Erika, Leslie, and others. Some may remember Aamos from CoolRunning days who would regularly run back-to-back marathons on Saturday and Sunday (and finish at or near the top of her AG!). From the article:


                          Man the Hunter has dominated the study of human evolution for nearly half a century and pervaded popular culture. It is represented in museum dioramas and textbook figures, Saturday morning cartoons and feature films. The thing is, it's wrong.


                          Mounting evidence from exercise science indicates that women are physiologically better suited than men to endurance efforts such as running marathons. This advantage bears on questions about hunting because a prominent hypothesis contends that early humans are thought to have pursued prey on foot over long distances until the animals were exhausted. Furthermore, the fossil and archaeological records, as well as ethnographic studies of modern-day hunter-gatherers, indicate that women have a long history of hunting game. We still have much to learn about female athletic performance and the lives of prehistoric women. Nevertheless, the data we do have signal that it is time to bury Man the Hunter for good.


                          Anyway, here's the link and I assume that you are entitled to a couple of free articles if this is your first time. It's well worth the read, with some interesting info such as the different effects that estrogen and testosterone have that relates to this:

                          The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong - Scientific American


                          No special workout for me today. This is the nicest day weather-wise that we'll have until next week so we wanted to get the final outside chores done while we could. I cleaned out the grill and covered it for the winter and then we took out all the window screens for cleaning and storage. And I think that about does it.


                          Not a great night's sleep last night so I'm off for a nap...

                          Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                          "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                            Leslie, thanks for catching us up on your week.  We've missed you around here.  Definitely not what you expected but I think you are on the right track to finding out what needs to heal before the next time.  Your attitude about the whole thing is so good!


                            As far as being on the right track to some healing....the muscle relaxer isn't doing much of anything so I called the doc today and he got me in for xrays.  The technician said she suspects it will take an MRI to get to the bottom of it but that we start with xrays.  I hope she is wrong.


                            It was most difficult to lie flat for the lumbar pictures.  I only hollered a few times.  My fingers are crossed for some insight into this.  I'm not good at sitting around and that is all I've done for 3 weeks.

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              Definitely the right decision, Leslie, and I hope you can get both the hamstring and the shoulder resolved.  I know it is disappointing, but you gave it a shot.


                              +1  What kind of phones did you get?


                              Re pensions - I do not have one, but DH, as a county employee, will get 66% of his five best years.


                              It was colder than I expected this morning and I was a little light on layers, so I cut it short at 2 miles. It always takes me a little time to get used to the colder temps.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                roch//.............Interesting Article


                                I guess



                                '' I Run Like A Girl


                                Try to Keep Up ''


                                t-shirts were onto something

                                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....
