Masters Running


Foot Update (Read 314 times)


    Hello RA'ers.  Last I left you I was going to the doctor on Tuesday.  After taking a look at the situation and seeing how bad it was, and getting worse even after starting on some antibiotics he had me check into the hospital (which is conveniently   attached to the doctor's offices.)   


    I was put on some stronger antibiotics with an IV.  The next day, a specialist came in to look at the situation and decided it would have to be taken care of in surgery.  That ended up taking place around 3:00pm.  I was rolled down to the pre-surgery area where they gave me something that felt real good.  The next thing I remember was Rocky and Bullwinkle yelling at me to wake up.  That was one strange drug induced dream I was having.


    Today I had some blood work that all came back good.  The podiatrist showed up to change the bandage and check things out.  They did some xrays, taught me how to use crutches, gave me a 3rd and final dose of antibiotics, and released me back into society.  A nurse will come by to change the bandage tomorrow and check the area.  Next week I have a follow-up with the podiatrist.  Until then I have to keep as much weight off the foot as possible.


    They are doing a culture on what they took from my foot to see what type of bacteria caused the infection. 


    Surgery took about 30 minutes.  The podiatrist said he made 2 incisions, one on each side a tendon leading to the big toe so I wouldn't have a scar where it could interfere with any future running.  I thought that was kind of him.  He used 2 liters of an antibiotic rinse on the area which he said should take care of whatever was there.


    I've been running on and off since my first days of high school cross country in 1973.  I've had a lot of blisters over those 37 years.  This is something I have never had or even heard of before.


    (I'm going on 4 nights of little sleep and on some very good pain meds, so I hope that the above was somewhat understandable.)




      Wow - sorry to hear about your surgery Dave. Aren't you glad you went to the doctor? So many times we blow little injuries off. Think of how bad the infection could have gotten if you didn't get medical intervention. Hope your recovery is speedy. In the meantime, enjoy the meds.

      Trails are hard!

        Dave--glad to hear it's taken care of.  Hope the recovery is as quick as the surgery.  Enjoy the pain meds in the meantime.

        Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



           Wow!!!  Take care my friend. I only hope I would have been as smart as you.

          Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down


            OOO, maybe you had some kind of hitherto unknown alien microbe!   The flesh eating bacteria from the black lagoon or something.  Maybe they'll even name it after you.  Big grin


            Get better soon!


            Runners run

              Dang, Dave!   That sounds a lot like an infection my brother got in his lymph nodes about 2 years ago. (I won't go into details).  However,  I'll will definitely have your post in my mind when running this weekend at SOB.  Guaranteed to get blisters, so I will take extra care to keep them clean.


              Stay off that foot and heal fast.   Oh . . . how're the crutches and the pain meds together working out?

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                Holy crap, Dave! Always gotta take a simple thing like a blister and make it just over the top, don't you?? Seriously, I'm glad you got it taken care of. Sounds like it could've gotten scary real fast otherwise. Let us know what they find out about the culture (really!). Like Ilene said, it could be something fascinating!

                  OOO, maybe you had some kind of hitherto unknown alien microbe!   The flesh eating bacteria from the black lagoon or something.  Maybe they'll even name it after you.  Big grin


                  Get better soon!

                   Dude! That would be so sweet!!


                  Oh yeah...Get better sooon



                  Maybe you can be on an episode of "House"


                  This is gonna be great!!


                    Golly, Dave, you've had quite an ordeal.  I hope the healing goes quickly and with no further complications.  Take care my friend.



                      Infections can be very dangerous if left unchecked.  I'm sorry you had to go through the surgery but really glad you took care of this.  And a little Rocky and Bullwinkle every once in a while is okay too!



                      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


                        Hi Dave,


                        It's a bummer that you had to have surgery to deal with this whatever-it-is, but it is good that you had it taken care of, and (hopefully) won't have to worry about it again. Rest up, enjoy the pain meds, and I hope that you'll be back on the roads, racing against Rocky and Bullwinkle again very soon.



                        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

                          Best wishes on your recovery, sweet dreams in the meantime.


                          Get well fast!

                          Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                            Holy crap,Dave! I have a new respect for blisters.  Have any extra of the good medicine to share.......???  Take care and get well fast!!

                            Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous



                              Wow, Dave, that blister sure turned into a big deal!  When I first read that your doc said you needed surgery, I thought they were going to amputate your toe!  Glad that wasn't it after all...    Wishing you a speedy recovery and return to running.

                              I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

                              Marathon Maniac #957



                                Maybe you can be on an episode of "House"





                                Let's hope not...


                                But seriously, it's good that you got it rechecked quickly.  I know two different people who got infections in their feet and had parts amputated.  Nothing to fool with.  Hope you heal quickly!

                                Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."
