Masters Running


TGIF - April 23rd Masters Daily Runs and Fun (Read 579 times)


    oh, no.   (((Erika ))).       come on over to the med tent.  


    Mary, Sadie says thanks.


    Holly,  Big grin.


    Trent... yikes.   please report later!  do they have internet access in Oz?


    that's TomS's DD's marathon, isn't it?


    Nancy, ok!   & thanks for the butterfly hugs, & words of wisdom.   I agree....   am working on it!   it's a bit of a slippery process.  most gardening is out right now, if I'm not diligent in head pruning I get pretty frustrated walking around seeing what should be done.   but that doesn't change it!  this morning I reseeded the front yard,  and that was fun.  :-).    the seed might be too old, but it's not going to do anything sitting in a bag in the garage. 

    I will gratefully accept a virtual massage & pampering.   oooh, & Nancy cooking.   yum. 


    Enke, that's tough about your DD.        .... still battles for you too.  sigh.  how long is it supposed to take for the thyroid stuff to work?

    Marathon Maniac #957


      Ok, I feel like carp today. Scratchy throat, sore stomach, back ache, headache. Bleh. More than just allergies, I'm afraid. Good thing today is a rest day anyway.


      I remember you had that sort of starting in Boston.  Amazing that you were able to run a PR race with that brewing.  Time for some rest for you..


      Dg - nothing special, just serving DH's favorites, prime rib, twice-baked potatoes, caesar salad, brown sugar baby carrots, crusty bread/goat cheese, Tammy's apple cake.  You'd think he'd want something new, but the three couples coming over are first-timers, so they won't know that I've served this before....


      Mariposai - the 50K is on June 5.  That gives me 3 weeks of recovery, then 2 big LR's before the race.

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


        ((Erika)) Hope you feel better. Marathoning and traveling take their toll... better now than last week though.


        I snuck in a 1500 yard swim at lunch.


        Hi Trent. You are the flying moneky guy, right?  What is they started the race earlier? Or is that not feasible with police, volunteers etc.  Nothing like Mother Nature to  add some excitement.


        Holly  good luck with the dinner ( you are brave) , and great job at Boston.

        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

          {{{Erika}}} feel better soon!   That is not the proper way to loose a couple of pounds - although I sometimes do wish for it.  Wink


          Holly -your dinner sounds fantastic!   


          10 more minutes until beer-o'clock at work.   I think I'm caught up on all the great race reports.   Being at work and bored with cute little puppies at home is torture!!     Hailey opted to stay outside for the afternoon stretch.   3 of the pups had escaped the whelping box and were bugging her all morning.    She has such expressive eyes, I can always read in them what she is trying to tell me.



          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




            OK, I lied about living and working in two different seasons. It's winter at home and winter at work.   The rain in Denver turned to heavy snow by 10 am.  I left at noon, and it took 2 hours to get home.  DD is spending the night with a friend from school, so I didn't have to wait to get her today.   So I'm "working" at home this afternoon, but really I want to catch up on the RRs. 




            Good luck to our weekend racers!


            I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.

              Checking in this late in the day, there's no way I can read & remember everyone's stories. Tim, it's the first time in a while that your posts are readable for me. Erika, I hope you didn't pick up a bug from your recent air travel -- not an unusual case, unfortunately.


              I got in another 4.8-mile run this morning and might do 8-10 tomorrow with a local group.


              The good weather this afternoon tempted me to get a bike out, but instead I put up the deer fencing around our garden patch before it's too late. We've got peas, lettuce, and broccoli planted already, and are harvesting some rhubarb today (gotta get that pie recipe out!). Definitely too early for tomatoes, though. The deer don't seem to bother broccoli or rhubarb (are rhubarb leaves toxic to deer, too?), but the tomatoes, peas, and beans would be gone in short order except for the fence. dg, seems like you must have extra gardening time this year -- what are you planting?

              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                Sorry to hear you feel cruddy Erika.  Could be from that travel and lack of sleep?

                Holly, geesh, when do you find the time and energy?

                I'm going to catch me a salmon down at the grocery store later, easy meal.


                The thyroid thing -  I was talking to a friend of mine, she had two friends try the same medication and get no results.  So they switched to the pig extract (isn't that a pleasant thought?) and one woman did a lot better on that.  My dose is super low so I suspect my doctor will raise it first then we will wait another 6 weeks.  In the meantime, I'll just keep chugging along...


                You are right, Eddie is not looking so hot


                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                  Enke - my DH switched to Armour ( the pig extract) about 4 yrs ago and has done amazingly well on it. He had been on synthroid and another synthetic (levoxyl?) prior to that and never felt right. some folks'  t3/t4 levels don't convert properly on the synthetics and the pig hormone seems to be far better with that. Plus, the fact that Armour is WAY cheaper than synthetics and not controlled by a major pharmeceutical is an A+ in my book as well.


                    No run today, resting and making sure all equipment is ready for my tri debut tomorrow. Now bring on the carbs!

                      Tammy, thanks for the info, duly noted.  I have heard that many docs resist prescribing the extract.  For some reason, I thought the synthetic would be cheaper, to crank out a couple kilos of a small molecule, but if you think about the number of pigs used in agriculture...


                      I forgot to mention my run.  IRC, 52F, hazy, 6.5 miles but I took two breaks.  I keep passing, or should I say get passed by the same group of 4 or 5 men out on their lunch hour running.  I'm jealous of their comraderie and the fact that I can't keep up!

                      "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


                        Enke - you know why so many docs refrain from recommending the pig hormone? because it's not from a big pharmeceutical. I actually started doing research on my own after DH continued having problems on synthetics and yet his doc (an internist) kept telling him his levels are right where they should be and his not feeling right was basically 'in his head'. . well, DH knew his body best and knew something was awry. It was actually a massage therapist/acupuncturist we know that suggested we look into armour. After lots of research, we gave it a go and after one month of being on it, he felt normal for the first time in years. The cost for 3 mos of Armour is around $20 and that's actually gone up in the last few months. It used to be about $11. Compared to around $25 per month for synthetic.  I could totally go off on my soapbox about pharmeceuticals and the great american rip-off but i'm sure you've heard it all before and this isn't the venue for it anyways. . .


                          Hey...speaking of pork products, has anybody heard from Ribs lately? Have heard from him here, nor at KR....what's up?


                          5.3 easy, 46:30.


                          Renee the dog

                            No run today, resting and making sure all equipment is ready for my tri debut tomorrow. Now bring on the carbs!



                            Good luck Craneium!  Have a blast!


                            Well got out for 3 mi today on the sand, and followed up with a bit of slideboarding.  Bod feels good, but I have nothing to train for yet, so I'm just using the time to chisel some lbs off me. 


                            Have a great weekend!

                            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                              I believe Ribs is busy trying to bribe the Medtronic people to make him a Medtronic Hero.  I think we heard in May last year, so the time is near!


                              Karin--I had that same woodpecker at my house when I lived in Florence (or his grandpa)--he loved the aluminum gutters on the garage, and early, too.


                              4 miles today--everything seems ok and no wheels coming off, for which I'm grateful.  Actually had a negative split by almost 2.5 minutes in Boston. 


                              What's next for everyone?  I'm doing Deadwood in June.


                              I have to go "do" my desk, as I am just now sitting af it after hearings and court all day. 




                              Masters 2000 miles

                                Tammy, no doubt you are right about the pharmaceuticals.  I like (meaning dislike) those packages they hand out as free samples at the docs, to try to get you hooked on the newest still patented expensive medicine.  Now that the pharmacies have to provide the generic if it is available, the synthroid I take (generic version) costs 5 dollars a month.  Ok, nobody cares about this non-running conversation so I'm outta here!


                                Craneium, good luck!!

                                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."
