Masters Running


sunday 17th runs (Read 524 times)


    Computer crashed at home but luckily staying with my wealthy daughter in Central London. Had a wonderfull Italian meal and wine last night and normally wouldnt run but the 1000 mile pace bunny is chasing me. Got up bright and early there was a heavy frost but very sunny ran though Kensington round Hyde Park and back about 6 miles in 50 minutes. I enjoy running through cities early in the morning but still prefer the countryside. Good luck to anyone racing today hopefully I will get back on line soon at home. My daughter and son in law are still aslep in bed.

    Old age is when you move from illegal to prescribed drugs.

    The Jogger

      Morning Gang Nice run Jules, I have done the Kensington - Hyde Pk area a few times when at work, were I'm off to in a minute. Did you notice other runners don't seem to acknowledge each other there. This morning I did an 11 miler on the South Downs Way, seen some walkers, mountain bikers, horse riders and everyone chats. It was bliddy freezing though but nice sunshine warming it up a bit. Anyway: 11m 02:02:54 @ 11:11 pace AHR 157 75% Right off to Kensington to work Tongue Good Runs All Roy

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Good morning....nice runs jules and Roy...and everyone else running or racing today. Got my 16.5 miles in yesterday in 2:35:05. I kinda bonked the last 1.5 miles, but made it home ok. The one thing that bugged me and was not right was my high HR. My normal HR ave for my long runs is usually about 128 to 135 bpm. Yesterday my ave was 156 and just couldn't get it down no matter how slow I ran. The last 2 miles in spiked to 169, but came down fast once my run was finished.....I imgine I wasn't recovered enough from last week. Also, when I wieghed myself, I lost almost 5 pounds on this run...which is not a good thing. Sometimes I don't drink enough when it's cold out...which is a lessen for all of us. Well, off on a EASY 6 miler which will give me 60 miles for the week....I thnk this will be a first for me...I never kept close track till I started using the training log here. Have a good Sunday all. Tim

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

        Renee the dog

          Morning! Home projects sucked up my day yesterday, so today I got up at 6 a.m. and went out with my running partner (see avatar) for 8.5 mi. PERFECT! Caught the sunrise over the Atlantic, ran up the boardwalk, down the beach, up the sea wall...and got to do it all again coming back. It felt close to effortless. Dog did great. It was her first time over 7 mi, and I was a bit concerned. Shouldn't have been. She came home and has been hurdling the kids back and forth through the house for almost a 1/2 hour now! Wishing everyone as peaceful and joyous a run as I had this morning!

          GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

          GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

            A1A HM - 5 miles before DNF. Perhaps it was too hot (71 degrees at 4:00 AM), too hoomid, or too windy. But most likely it was just me. Perhaps still sick? Not feeling right. Not mentally prepared, ate the wrong foods last night (ribs and waffle fries). And basically couldn't even hold MP without the HR going outta sight. Disappointed but No sympathy please. What I need is a swift kick in the behind (and in the head). Bill

            "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


              good morning everybody, jules, nice early run. I like getting home before others are up. morning Roy! I'm glad they were friendly, a nice run for you. congratulation, Tim! thanks for sharing that, nonoruns. what a happy start to the day. ok Bill. i'm not the appropriate place kicker, so I'll just zip my mouth shut. I tried to catch up a little on thread reading last night; I'll never catch up on posting. Hi Erika. thanks. on thing I remember from a week or so ago & still wonder about... BAP, what's going on wth your lungs? I'm doing a little better, was able to do 3 full pilates workouts last week. callanetics & , assorted exercises today. We're getting freezing rain this morning, the sidewalks are solid ice-- I thought I'd better put down some icemelter. DH brought some home last week from work. It looked a little funny but I assumed it was a different brand. smelled a little funny but I assumed the bucket had been used for something else. It was fertilizer! bleh. I've got to go out there & clean it up before it gets all over Sadie's paws.. or any other innocent travelers. Still raining, of course. Blush At least the neighbors already think i'm nuts. off to fetch my broom. happy Sunday. Smile

                Good morning Boomers. Got dressed, went outside and slid down the driveway. DG, where are you located? We're in the middle of an ice storm and 7 to 11 inches of snow to follow later today. Will have to can today's run and haven't seen a car on our street for over half an hour, so I believe the roads are too nasty to even head to the Y. It might just have to be a weight day down the basement. Is anyone else sick of winter besides me? Angry Tim - 60 miles in one week? That's incredible! Congratulations on your new record. Bill - sorry about the race yesterday, and we'll let it go at that. I always feel bad because I know how hard everyone trains for these. You'll get 'em next time. Nice runs Jules and Roy. Nonoruns, don't you love the times you get out and feel like you could go forever? Your run sounds near perfect today. We could use a little "sunrise and beach" here, especially beach that isn't burried under 3 feet of snow! Have a great Sunday, everyone. Jeanne
                  Bill you said NO sympathy so here goes -- get back on the wagon! I have not seen you complaining about Pfitz's weekly killer routines so that can only mean one thing . . . you are not doing them! Shocked More seriously, sometimes a race just goes bad. Of course, sometimes ribs for dinner the night before are not the best idea either. lol Today was an easy 7.05mi with DW. Holly, about the house. When my wife and I moved (wow nearly a decade ago) we rented out a storage locker and put furniture, records and all sorts of clutter in it. The condo looked great. Almost made me want to live there and I hated the place! It also made it easy to sell. There were several similar units on the market at (surprise) similar prices. Ours went first. Good luck with the sale this spring.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    5 mile in rain this morning. 11 miles in heavy fog yesterday morning 5 miles in light freezing rain on Thursday (or was it Wednesday?) Glad when February is over! Tag
                      14.2 @ 8:38 on a mostly flat course. Amazing number of birds today down near the water, including four big eagles, a few Great Blue Herons, and literally thousands of other smaller birds. Spring can't be that far away.

                      Be safe. Be kind.


                        Jeanne, I'm in Michigan. We're going to get snow after this, but nothing like you're getting. Yes, sick of winter. Tramps, the birds have been singing around here too. a very happy thing. Stevep, belated congratulations!!! Big grin Dale, how's your knee? how was your party?

                          Good morning! I sure am glad I did my long run yesterday instead of today - yesterday we had beautiful weather and today it is blowing and cold!! So, today it's my friend the garage treadmill - 4 miles. Bill - Interesting dinner choice the night before....just an observation. Consider yourself kicked. Wink Holly - as a real estate agent I have to agree with Twocat...get rid of stuff. I professionally stage my listings so that they have an edge over the competition. If you are interested, you can send me pictures of your rooms and I will be happy to tell you what to get rid of and what to move around! I am sure your agent can do the same thing. C-mom

                          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                            Well, I finally let weather conditions keep me inside. Due to freezing rain I dusted off the treadmill and went for a 3.5 mile run at 1% incline. Nice and easy with negative splits finishing at a 10 mph pace. Felt pretty good actually!! Have a great Sunday everone!! ~Mary


                            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




                              Nice to have the Brits kick us off today with a couple of crackin' runs! Hi Deb! I was getting worried about you... glad to hear things are moving along, even if not as fast as you'd like. Bill, I'll second what 2Kat said, to some extent... but I do think you had a more serious respiratory infection that took a lot out of you. Sometimes the head is eager to go before the body is able. Chalk it up to a crappy race you weren't prepared for (ribs, really?) and move on. Tim, good week, man! And you people with low HR just amaze me. I can get mine to 130 walking out to get the paper. Like Hopeful, I tend to run high. Nonoruns, nice run and I just love your running partner. What kind of dog do you have? Our old dog is barely able to go for walks of more than a couple miles. I'm trying to think of what kind of dog I want that could run with me. I don't think I've ever been up so far in the thread on a Sunday.... Smile but I also don't have a run to report yet. Fueling up now for my long run... I have 12 on my schedule as a cutback week, but I've been working all week as a peak week (switching weeks) so this would be long (19-20), and next Sunday would be the 12 before the relay the following week. Sort of a mini-taper. Not sure if that's needed, but before I run three more or less 10k distance legs around the clock, I figured a mini-taper wouldn't be a bad thing...
                                Wow, a lot of great runs in this morning. Bill - sounds like everything was conspiring against you, but next run get out there and kick butt! 17 miler for me today, a progression run: Target(distance) w/u(1), 9:25(4), 9:00(4), 8:35(4), 8:15-7:50(4). Actual(HR) 9:11(138), 8:54(140), 8:22(151), 7:37(157). Light wind (8 mph). Sluggish start, but no problems otherwise. Overall: 17.2M, 2:27, 8:33/mi

                                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |
