Masters Running


Wednesday, November 4 Daily runs and such .... (Read 453 times)


    I hope Nono doesn't tell her family that they are not as attractive as Mary's dogs.


     Now that's what I was thinking...


    Tammy, that's what's so strange. I did run on them. All summer. 3 marathons, an ultra, half of Boston, and the whole local series. Also had a mileage PR for August. He said it looked like stress fractures well on their way to being healed, and wondered when I'd done it. I had no idea. So, it's strange. And I think it's more a stress reaction than actual fractures. Evidence of healing damage was there though, we just couldn't pinpoint what it was.


    I do need to do something though. I wonder what I did for all those years where I seemed to eat whatever I wanted and didn't really work out? I don't remember gaining 2 lbs a week... but that's what's happening now. Grrr.

    I'm also glad to say he didn't say "stop running," just to take it easy and be smart about it. So, that's what I've been doing. Sounds like some treadmill running will be a good thing. I'd like to say I'll be on the elliptical, but that sometimes hurts my toe joint. I'm just a bundle of problems these days it seems.


       I do need to do something though. I wonder what I did for all those years where I seemed to eat whatever I wanted and didn't really work out? I don't remember gaining 2 lbs a week... but that's what's happening now. Grrr.


        unfortunately, that's just called "youth"


      Marathon Maniac #957

         I wonder what I did for all those years where I seemed to eat whatever I wanted and didn't really work out?



        For those of us who are 5'1.5", that was never the case.  I never had those golden years of being able to eat whatever I wanted, and envied those who could. 

        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

        i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

          Only Erika can say "stress fracture?, I don't remember any stress fracture".. geesh, these Maniacs.


          Reminds me of a story my brother told me when he was a Dental Technician in the Navy years ago.  This big sailor comes in and they X-Ray him for dental stuff.  They notice a bullet lodged in his head.  The deintst asked when he was shot? He said "I ain't never been shot?!"  They said oooookay. Didn't want to argue with this guy.



          3 mile walk on trails with DD2 and the dogs then 21 min elliptical in socks (no shoes that is Smile) followed by leg strengthening and 2 min plank.

          Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova



            For those of us who are 5'1.5", that was never the case.  I never had those golden years of being able to eat whatever I wanted, and envied those who could. 



                      I love this.  Also nono cracked me up today. 


                      Mary, I love the photos of your doggoes, too.  I have to lay low--one of the court clerks is trying to get me to adopt a dog she's located at the shelter.  She thinks Frank needs a dog friend (we have 2 humans, 2 cats, and Frank.)


                    Erika, it may be carpy now, but imagine how speedy you'll be when you are NOT running on stress fractures!


                   Glad to see you , Tammy--I was just wondering this am about you. 


                    Bergar, try running with someone slower.  Seriously--you get to chat as you're going slower than you are able and a lot of folks like running with someone who will keep up a pace for them. 


                    Netflix, got it  Tramps.




            Masters 2000 miles

              Erika - Bummer about the stress fracture, but I can just see the Dr's face when you told him everything you'd run.  Too funny! 


              Nono - The remark from your neighbor are the witness protection program -


              Perch - Not sure how someone can NOT know they'd been shot in the head.  Talk about tuff!


              My first mid-week 10-miler this a.m., and it was a study in what not to do.  First of all, it was 10 miles with strides every 10 min, which took a lot out of me.  I deliberately only took water and didn't do certain things with my foot taping to see what would happen.  What happened was the last 1/2 mile was a bit of a stinker with me feeling slightly nauseated, and the spot on my big toe that I usually have problems with is quite sore.  Oh well, now I know what I need to do next week.  Finished in 1:39 with a 9:59 av pace.  Darn those hills that I forced myself to climb!  They really screwed with my pace.   But I did burn over 1,000 calories!!

              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

              Trail Runner Nation

              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

              Bare Performance



                 You have been having problems for a while now and a mere mortal would not have continued to pound on their feet like you did because of the pain. You are tough but you are also smart so take it easy lady I still have not got to run with you  and that is one of my secret running goals.


                3.5 miles on a sunny but crisp day in 32:30 I was going for a real easy day and that felt about right.


                Great runs to everyone


                Chumbawamba: I get knocked down But I get up again You're never going to keep me down

                  Still at school at 5:00 <sigh> and have a rehearsal tonight, during which I'll track a ball game on my iPhone for the third week in a row.  We're singing Christmas stuff I've done a million zillion times before and I could just show up at the dress rehearsal and be fine, but my momma raised me to be just too darned responsible for my own good!  Too committed to skip rehearsal altogether, but not too dedicated to not at least follow the game online.  

                  Right AT and left glute (go figure) were really tight today, so I'm calling it a rest day and will walk after rehearsal on Friday night.  

                  Yikes!  Just looked out the window from my desk and realized that it's pitch dark outside.  Hope the taxpayers driving by are grateful at the long hours I'm putting in on behalf of their children.  (Only the last 5 minutes of which were spent on RA!)

                  Good runs, etc., all!  Happy almost-weekend.

                  GO PHILLIES!!!!!!!  (Win just two more game this year, please?)  

                  Oh, thanks for all of the sympathy about the 76ers and encouragement about the Iggles, but Philly-related sports ends for me either today or tomorrow until spring training starts in February. 





                    Tramps, congrats on the mileage PR that snuck up on you!


                    Nono, my family travels well together too, but we're not as photogenic as your family!  Maybe that's because you've got two cute kids and I've only got one cute kid. Oh, and I never believed that rumor, either. 

                    Deb, I hope the doc has good news for you about your knee.


                    Hi Tammy!  Don't be a lurker - we like to hear from you!


                    Erika, I agree with Leslie that I'd like to have seen your doctor's face when you told him how much you run.  I think tough is an understatement - how about maniac?


                    Leslie, nice midweek 10 miler!  Where do you find the time for it?


                    I went for a very muddy trail run at lunchtime, 4.25 miles at about 11:13 pace which was pretty good considering the conditions!  The trails are still muddy and there's some lingering snow from the big storm last week, and there were a few places that were so slick I had to walk.  My shoes felt like they weighed 10 pounds each at the end, and I was an inch taller!   I just really love trail running, and really don't like running on pavement, so I opted for the mud today.   Beautiful day, 50° and sunny. 

                    I hammered down the trail, passing rocks and trees like they were standing still.


                    Half Fanatic #36

                      After 2 days off to rest up the legs, slow 5.5 miles on the trail today. Still beautiful weather in the PNW, rain is on the way though.


                      I signed up for a local ,very small ( 20/30 people) half marathon on Veterans Day. It will be a good training run with lots of familiar faces, my favorite type of event!!   The plan between now and the Seattle Marathon is to help my training partner put in some good  miles so we can have a fun day all the way to the finish line!


                      Good runs and a good evening to all,


                        My DW and I had dinner tonight with Maraposai and her DH.  She seems to be totally recovered from the race and looks great.  Well, actually she just looks great race or no race . . . but . . . errr . . . I digress.    This is the first time we have met in person.  She and her DH are simply wonderful people!  It is an honor to have had the chance to meet them and get to know them a little bit.  I hope there is a repeat opportunity in the not too distant future.


                        For those that are keeping track, we ended up at Cuban restaurant.  My thinking was she can get South American food in Washington, seeing as how she took others to at least one such place.  So I offered up as possible place Cuban, Greek, and . . . and . . . wow I have a memory like a steel sieve!  Anyway some third option.  She picked Cuban.  Nice place, as it turns out.  The selection was based on Zagat's restaurant guide.  For those that have never heard of it, think of it as the official rating source of NYC places to eat!  If you come here get it before figuring out where to go!  For other cities it is pretty good too, but for NYC it is priceless!

                        Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                        Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                          Mariposai and her DH are both gems...



                          Francesca, No Seattle for me this year...I'll be running the full in Vancouver in May though...also taking my DW to Hawaii in February, so maybe I can find a race over there to do.


                          Home late from work last night so no run this morning...a light 4 miler is planned for tomorrow.


                          (((((Erika's Foot))))))

                          Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip

                             Leslie, nice midweek 10 miler!  Where do you find the time for it?


                            I just really love trail running, and really don't like running on pavement, so I opted for the mud today.    


                            Thanks, Wildchild.  These will be a staple of my training for the next few months.  I was up by 4:15 and on the road by 5:00.


                            Unfortunately, unlike you, I had no choice to road run this a.m.  Boo hoo!  I would MUCH rather be on the trails, but for some reason The Hub frowns on me running in the forest in the dark all by my lonesome.   However, next Wednesday the office is closed for Veterans Day, so I most definitely will be taking the 10 miles to the trails.

                            Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                            Trail Runner Nation

                            Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                            Bare Performance


                            Marathon Maniac #3309

                              I'm still looking for my Newspaper.....Mary and Brinkster------Ouch Erika, you sound like me last year....and that is NOT a good thing Dear. But sounds like you have a good plan......and I know you will continue running along with your pool running and stuff.-----Geez, I am toast tonight after what my training partner put me through tonight. 15.5 miles at a ave pace of 7:47. And 10 1000 meter repeats at the track at 6:30 ish pace, then 10 1/4 mile hill repeats at an all out effort......good lord I thought. But he has BQed many many times, and we are about the same pace and speed now. He said the hill repeats would help my quads in the last 10K of my Marathon, and I have to agree. I have been doing hill work more than ever, and I have never felt so strong before......really. I am on target for a 80 plus mile week, and feel really greta.....except for my sore legs (grins) 10 more easy miles tomorrow, if that can possible. But I am getting soooooo close to taper time, and gladly looking forward to it actually-----TimBo

                              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                                hey everyone -- trying to catch up here a bit..........


                                ((Sue and Cranium))  thank you for sharing.........not an easy thing to do

                                Nono - the Incredible family looks great!!

                                Mary - beautiful puppy pics

                                Holly - your dd is adorable - i'm sure she's a hoot!!

                                Erika - stress fractures/syndrome that you never really knew about?? you Alaskans are tough!!

                                deb - hope the knee isnt anything serious

                                twocat - sounds like a wonderful dinner


                                dog story from monday's run -- i went out for a 6 mile run that turned into 8.5 because it felt good and was such a beautiful day, but a little over halfway i crossed a street at an angle to avoid a stray dog milling around -- well within a minute the dog was running by my side!!  so weird - had a collar on but was definitely out there on his own - seemed very happy -- he would run next to me, then a little in front of me, then wander off in the woods to play a bit and come back to me --- every once in awhile he would wander towards the street and i could tell people were giving me dirty looks to control my dog - lol ..........anyway, this went on for about 2 miles before he left me -- was fun having th company but i hope he found his way home!!


                                today - put in 3.1 miles on the treadmill doing intervals --wanted to be outside but was crunched for time and was meeting a friend in the pool - did 500 yards in the pool.......went for a nice lunch then had a massage!!  ahhhhh - wish i could have stayed home and slept in my bed tonight tho instead of coming to work - oh well!

