Masters Running


St. Patty's Day runs and green beer .... (Read 566 times)


    Yes--Mariposai--...I figured out the Husband part first and then I just had to figure out the D...Dumb ...Damn...Dear...I figured it it could be either one depending on the situation.  I'm working on the rest.

     MikeE you are going to do just fine around here Wink

    "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

    Marathon Maniac #957

      Yay for Benjamin Daniel!!!


      Mariposai – you DH is indeed doing very well!  Btw, do you have Twocat’s recipe in a format you could e-mail to me?


      Rochrunner – hiya!


      Re OrangeMat’s article – unfortunately, my poor dogs rarely get walked.  We just let them loose in our fenced-in backyard.  The nice thing is thate


      Erika – your negative splits are awesome, and considering you did it in icy conditions – wow!


      Mike E. - Here's one: IRC = Ideal Running Conditions.  Of course, that differs among people.  For me that would be 52-55 degrees.  Soon now...


      7 miles for me this morning in a breezy 40° with four speedy miles (8:51, 8:34, 8:33, 8:33).  Lunges, dead lifts, squats, afterward.  It’s supposed to get up the middle 60’s today, so I may have to run a little more after work.


      I’m thinking I will try 8:55-9:00 for my MP on April 3.  The worst that could happen is that I might crash and burn and have to walk a lot at the end.  I’m okay with that.   Joking

      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

      Mike E

      MM #5615

        Thanks Holly--I was actually working on that one.  I had the "Running Conditions" but couldn't figure out the "I"...I was thinking "Inclement"...but the weather conditions people were describing didn't make sense.  Okay, now, don't tell me any others--it's kind of fun figuring them MP...Marathon Pace...right? 

          Had a dog scare the poo outta me this a.m.  He was outside Devil Dog's fence (who scared the poo outta me yesterday), so I thought it was Devil Dog (it wasn't).  Stopped me dead in my tracks.  He just looked at me, though, then sauntered up the driveway to poop.  I scooted on by while he was busy.


          3 EZ miles this a.m. in a bit colder weather than I anticipated.  It tried to rain on me, but it wasn't too bad.  I am having left calf issues, though.  Ever since Sunday, the sucker has been tightening up on me pretty bad.  I've been massaging and stretching, and started rolling it last night.  I brought my robe tie so I can sit on the floor and stretch it throughout the day.  It doesn't hinder my running once I get warmed up, but the couple of times I stopped this a.m. to adjust clothing or wait for cars, it immediately tightened up.  Not sure what's going on.


          The weather report for this weekend's 50k, again in the Marin Headlands, is going downhill fast.  70% chance of rain, basically from about San Fran north, beginning today and all through next week.  Highs for Saturday in the low 50s.  Boo hoo! Cry  I have a different strategy  for my hands this time.  A friend gave me two pairs of cheap - but warm! - gloves as a joke (bright purple and bright pink).  I'll be wearing a pair under my regular gloves.  If they're soaked when I come through the start/finish, I have another regular pair I'll change into with the cheap gloves.  *sigh*  Guess this what I get for participating in winter trail runs. Blush

          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

          Trail Runner Nation

          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

          Bare Performance


          Mike E

          MM #5615

            I just figured something else out...all on my own, I might add...I had been wondering what the "Marathon Maniac #" some of you have displayed below your pictures...sorry Avatar...meant.  I had never heard of that group.  I now have a new goal in life!  Man, I'm learning a lot from you people!


              Leslie, sorry the weather is looking so crummy!   are you planning on SOB again this year? I am 80% sure I'll run the 15K. this would be my first trail race and it's just 3 wks after my marathon, so not sure how well I'll do (actually I know I won't do well at all), but I think I'd like to give it a try. Would sure like to meet you!


              Nancy, please tell Paul how happy I am that he is sticking with running and doing so well. That's great news!


              Benjamin Daniel!! I love that name. Congrats to your whole family and yes, I think we need to see some pics when you get a chance!


              I like OM's shirt too! I'm feeling like a very bad Irish girl today. Totally forgot what day it was and didn't wear any green. not even green chonies. Undecided

              so, the guys at the coffee stand made me an Irish Cream Coffee drink and put a Green straw in it. I don't think that hardly redeems myself though.


              Today the rain seems to be quite light and I think (hope!) it'll remain dry during the lunch hour so I can get in a run. Need to go pick up my son at my parents house after work, so my lunchhour will be my only chance to run today. I have one mile intervals to do. not sure if I'll be speedy like Mary and her intervals since I haven't run for 5 days now! I'm feeling so non-runner like.


              I wish Timbo was around so I could wish him a Happy Birthday. A guy with the last name Green born on St. Patty's day - how perfect is that. anyways, happy birthday buddy - in case you happen to lurk today.


              ooo - I think I would like that Irish Soda Bread recipe also. I've never made that before, but it's bread, so it's gotta be great right!


                Mike E is drinking the koolaid with gusto. Excellent and you already fit right in indeed.


                Out for 8 miles this lovely St. Paddy's Day---even wore bright green shorts. May hit 60 degrees and while a few snow banks will be with us until May, the running surfaces are pretty much clear. The high school kids had to shovel the outdoor track though. Bit stiff at first after getting in at 1 am from work travel. Just kept visualizing the NYC half-marathon course for the race on Sunday and that helped.


                Welcome to the world Benjamin! Congratulations to all and how fabulous that you celebrated with a return to running! So happy for all of you.


                C-R! My fellow bracketologist....a Big East fan! hurray! You are better than I am though since I have OSU going all the way and no Big East teams in the Final Four (yikes...and I am a Syracuse University faculty brat and daughter of an SU alumnus....slinks away) OSU vs. Kansas in the title game and Duke and BYU rounding out the final four. I did go back and forth between BYU and Pitt. Got to know the late Maggie Dixon and so moved by her story, so I follow her brother and Pitt or used to, but just couldn't advance them. We'll see!


                Where's jdmom3?

                Mike E

                MM #5615

                  Oh-hey Tammy--I know what SOB wife calls me that all the time!


                  MM #6177

                    Benjamin Daniel, welcome to the world!!!! Congratulations grandma Jlynne. We will need a report on how Will reacts to his new brother.



                    Stumpy, you and I are mileage twins today. 3.3 miles: seemed like the right amount to run for a nice short late-morning jaunt. I still have plans to join the group running this afternoon, assuming my doctor's appointment doesn't go unreasonably long.


                    Mike, you seem to be doing just fine here so far. And that's JTWILI. Big grin

                      Tammy - I hemmed and hawed over whether or not to run SOB this year, but some friends coming to town that weekend made the decision for me.  Sad  You'll like it.  It's beautiful up there, even if it is at a ridiculous altitude!

                      Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                      Trail Runner Nation

                      Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                      Bare Performance



                        JTWILI - ha ha! That'll keep him guessing!


                        When I received the running club newsletter in yesterdays mail with all the registration forms for upcoming races, I told my DH that I just have to run a race called SOB - more for the name than anything else.  Just like someday I need to run a Fat Ass run also.


                          Tammy - My buddy, Karen, is having a Fat Ass for her 50th birthday in Forest Park in Portland on April 23.  You wanna join them?? Smile  She's even having special shirts made up for all the runners, and she is wearing a tutu.  (The visual on that actually hurts my brain).  Unfortunately, I can't go as I'm gone the following weekend for Leona Divide.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                          MM #6177

                            Just like someday I need to run a Fat Ass run also.

                            hmm, I do that every day....


                              Tammy, that is funny. I want to do a Fat Ass run someday too even though mine is not. maybe in the  "Narrow Ass " division. Smile


                              Still toying with a 50k later Spring, but I think I better get through Boston first.


                              Happy birthday to missing Tim...


                              and CNY is right, where is jdmom?


                                Tammy - My buddy, Karen, is having a Fat Ass for her 50th birthday in Forest Park in Portland on April 23.  You wanna join them?? Smile  She's even having special shirts made up for all the runners, and she is wearing a tutu.  (The visual on that actually hurts my brain).  Unfortunately, I can't go as I'm gone the following weekend for Leona Divide.


                                ha! that would be great fun!

                                I will actually be up in Portland on the 21st/22nd - but it's because I'm chaperoning an overnight 5th grade field trip. needless to say, I'll be sleeping all day the 23rd, since I doubt I'll get sleep on this field trip. It's an overnight trip to the Zoo - we sleep at the zoo and learn about the nighttime behavior of the animals (well, I would guess that would be for the animals that are nocturnal, otherwise it'd be a pretty boring study). then we sleep in the zoo classrooms - cement floor with a mat . . . I should probably set up my chiropractor appointment now for when I get back. . .


                                why am I doing this again??

