Masters Running


Thursday's Daily, 7.24.14 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    I'm not all that sorry that I didn't have a similar drippy workout to what Marj, Stumpy (with a Sophie sighting), Tramps, Shadow Runner and Opie had yesterday.


    I agree, Tramps: I get enough of "slashers and serial killers" in the news - I don't need to be "entertained" by them in movies.


    Puffy and sore feet are generally not a good sign, Dave. Take it easy till you can figure out what is going on and heal up.


    Aamos, I'm reading "The Chill of Night," a murder mystery set in Portland, ME, by James Hayman. Nice easy 8 following your Tuesday night speedwork. Nice that you got to play in the pool instead of doing the dance yesterday - that's an amusing perspective on what goes on in court! Nasty and sad news about that lightening strike. I can't help with compression sleeves as I've never worn them.


    Nice run, in spite of the moose-sightings, Ribs.


    Leslie, there were no NH cities on either list either. But then again, all our cities are too small (and too happy!). So, which of those delicious dishes did go first? I'm sorry about Karen's casted hand - ouch! Nice double for you yesterday.


    Nice 5 in the cold front, Slo.


    Welcome to the early side, Twocat! Yes - what are you paying Dish for??


    Nice trail run and blueberry find, Evanflein!


    I'm glad you got your swing, Starr - enjoy it!


    I'm still hoping for good news for you from NMSU, Opie.


    Good 4.2 despite the obstacles, Holly.


    It was so wonderful to get a good night's sleep last night - not that I needed it... I even slept an extra 15 minutes this morning, so I didn't get out the door till 4:30. It had rained overnight, so we had plenty of tree-drip and heavy, soggy air this morning. However, it had cooled down to 70, so I was glad for that. I went 4.6 drippy RW miles, and didn't see a single moose.


    Have a greta Thursday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Good morning Jay and all to follow. Once again I have to say thanks for your marvelous recaps! Sounds like you're getting the hot humid weather that just left our neck of the woods.


      Amos - I thought I was the only person who got excited about checking out new bookstores! That's always a favorite part of visiting a new city on vacation - looking for local bookstores and finding something interesting to read.


      Nice to see Slo posting again


      Sorry about your bad weather Erika. If anyone deserves a nice summer and warm temps, it's you.


      Hey all you cooks out there. I've become the owner of a whole lot of Swiss Chard. Anyone got some good recipes for that stuff?


      7 miles this morning in glorious weather. Clear skies, lots of sun, no wind and 51°, JTWILI.  Finally got a day off and will hit farmer's market, cut the grass, trim back some shrubs, scrub some floors, do about ten loads of laundry. Oh - and my buddies Will and Ben are coming over this afternoon. Think we'll be baking some chocolate chip cookies. I think I'll wait to clean up the kitchen until after they leave


      Enjoy your Thursday everyone!


        Good morning.  I'm giving my sore foot another day off running, but I may break out my bicycle later for something different.


        After nearly 40 years of wearing wire frame glasses, I got plastic frames on my latest pair.  I was so distracted by the black frames in my peripheral vision that I almost fell down leaving the eye place.  I missed the last step because I was looking at the frame around my eyes.  I have got used to them now so I should be safe.


        Nerd Alert:




          Hi Jlynne...Jay


          It's good to be posting again. I've been in a slump for over a year. It's time I make a comeback!


          An easy 5+ miles on a very unusually cool but nice July morning.


          Normally this time of year I would be on RAGBRAI eating, drinking and riding my way across Iowa on bike along with 10,000 others. Next week I will be on a Schmitty Vacation with my siblings, thier spouses and kiddos in Table Rock MO with Mom picking up the tab. It's tough to get two weeks in a row off in my department with 3 other guys fighting for the same time period so RAGBRAI had to be sacrificed this year.


          Without exaggeration I'll bet I've been asked well over 100 times this week why I'm not on RAGBRAI. I think I sound like a broken record.


          So, anyway...It will be cool to run with my sisters everyday next week.


            Looks good Dave.





            After nearly 40 years of wearing wire frame glasses, I got plastic frames on my latest pair.


            Nerd Alert:



            Trails are hard!


              Without exaggeration I'll bet I've been asked well over 100 times this week why I'm not on RAGBRAI. I think I sound like a broken record.


              So, anyway...It will be cool to run with my sisters everyday next week.

              Maybe a printed card to hand out?


              5.1 miles at a leisurely pace this morning.  The promised t-storms apparently passed on either side of us, so not much break in Humidity or temperature.

              Need a fast half for late fall.  Then I need to actually train for it.



                Thank you Slo for posting - your post has encouraged me to get active again in this forum.


                Been lurking for a while. Haven't posted very much since the 2012 BM. That race really knocked the desire to run down several notches. Replaced running with a nine month home remodel. Ran a bit then stopped after a flu/breathing problem. All seems to be fine again - been getting back into it since March 23.


                Hope every one has enjoyable runs the rest of the week. Andrew

                God, my Lord, is my strength;
                he makes my feet swift as those of hinds
                and enables me to go upon the heights.
                Hb 3:19

                King of PhotoShop

                  Although swiss chard is one of those cruciferous vegetables, like kale and others that is so highly regarded for its health properties, I'm in that camp that says there are no good recipes for them.  But eat them anyway.  Stem and chop them after washing, and they can be steamed or sautéed, but always with something else.


                  Nice look Dave.


                  Jay, do you like Hayman?  I like that genre so if he's any good, let me know. Love crime thriller and murder mystery.  Reading an 800-page Trollope novel now and almost finished.


                  Racing Saturday with the Saint, so I just did 2.2 at the Park, easy day two days before the race as is my usual approach.  Now conference calls and work all day.  Spareribs

                    Jlynne I have one from the WSJ called Farro With Braised Greens, Pistachios and Ricotta.  You can find it at my Allrecipes link in my signature.  It is one of my favorite recipes.  Another that I like quite a bit is called Sweet and Spicy Swiss Chard.  Also very good, but not quite as good.  It too is on my Allrecipes page.


                    I got up this morning and thought man am I tired, I should go run up and down a ski slope at high altitude.  Then I thought, nah I am not that tired. So I thought, maybe just do hill repeats.  Nah, not tired enough for that either.  So how about speed work at the track.  Nope, too wide awake for that too.  I know, a 20 mile run with say 15 at MP!  Alas, too wide awake to pull that off either.  Unfortunately, given how well rested I felt I ended up doing just 8 miles with a few zombies chasing me around.  Sometimes, in their view, successfully.  Poor avatar!

                    Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                    Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                    Marathon Maniac #957

                      Although swiss chard is one of those cruciferous vegetables, like kale and others that is so highly regarded for its health properties, I'm in that camp that says there are no good recipes for them.  



                      I agree.  I grew them in my garden this year to use in salads or in my Nutribullet smoothies, but the flavor is so strong I decided I will not grow it again.  Kale is just as nutritious and doesn't overpower everything around it.


                      Dave - my DS just got some Ray Ban frames that look similar.  Strange to see the Buddy Holly look becoming vogue with the young people.


                      Blazin' - hiyah!


                      6.45 miles for me this morning in a lovely 62 degrees with 11 x 200m striders.

                      Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                        Dave - my DS just got some Ray Ban frames that look similar.  Strange to see the Buddy Holly look becoming vogue with the young people.



                        See, Dave?  You're in the category of "young people."  SuWEET!


                        Swiss Chard - Chop it and saute it with lots of butter, onion, garlic, and bacon.  Yum!!  Oh wait - - are you wanting it to stay healthy???


                        I just cant' get a taste for kale.  Made kale chips awhile back.  Guess what?  They tasted like kale, albeit a dried out, barely there piece of kale, but kale nonetheless.


                        Jay - The biscuits and eggs and hasbrowns were devoured.  One slice of banana bread remains, as well as almost all the plums.  Although, it is a BIG bowl of plums.  And one slice of banana bread?  Come on people,  I know you can eat.  Surely someone could've eaten the last slice.


                        JLynne - How old are your grandkids now?


                        You've been missed Slo and Cajun.  And I'm with Stumpy, Slo.  Print cards to hand to people with an explanation.  That'd be a hoot!


                        Yes, i got my 4 miles in last night, so for the first time in quite a few years, I had a double workout day.  Felt good.


                        Was going to do another core workout this a.m., but I was sleeping so hard when the alarm went off, I think I fell back to sleep before I finished turning it off.


                        Next month I'm going to volunteer at the Waldo 100k again.  The aid station I work at, we have to pack everything in, and it's a good 3-mile climb.  I asked The Hub over the weekend if he wanted to go and he said no.  This morning he asked if I'd found a backpack yet, and when I said yes, he asked if I'd found one for him.  (What?)  Yeah, he wants to go.  But as he said, "You have to remember I'm not an ultra runner."


                        So I'm glad he wants to go, but I am a bit worried about the physicality of the climb for him.  There should be plenty of people to help pack stuff in, so hopefully we won't have to fill his pack as heavy as we do ours.  It'll be slow going, but that's okay.  Now to make sure he has a pair of shoes comfortable enough to hike in . . . .

                        Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                        Trail Runner Nation

                        Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                        Bare Performance


                        Sayhey! MM#130

                          hiya all!


                          Yes, Jlynne, like you, I always check out the local independent bookstores.  When I was in Seattle, dive made sure he got to their finest shops.  CiIty Lights is an venerable institution (the Beats are associated with it, among many other writers) that I've visited in the past.   While I've put myself on a budget that specifies using the library instead of buying books, City Lights has been grandparented in so I get to make a purchase, in the event I see something I might want to read.


                          Hiya Slo!  Sorry you had to miss the race; sounds as if you have a good philosophical attitude about it.   I bet your sisters are psyched.


                          I've just been cooking a lot with eggplant lately.  Do you think Swiss Chard would go with it??


                          I'd eat some plums, leslie.    Last night, we went to the run store fun run, then came home and I think I just ate for hours.  We had corn on the cob, then I had some cold green beans I'd roasted with garlic while I made supper, then DH had salad ready (to which I added some avocado and mango that needed to be eaten.....a lot of both, it was a HUGE salad....then we had flatbreads with veggie/feta topping, and greek yoghurt and toast with almond butter for dessert. And Bengal Spice tea, anyone else love that?  It's a "pre-Chai" tea, one I've gotten for years (Celestial Seasonings).  It's good with half milk/half water.  Yeow, I rolled off to bed.


                          ...and a very easy 6 for me this am.  About a 9:45 pace.  Not sure if I'll go to Speedsters tonight.   Hope to check in tomorrow from some airport somewhere (a couple hops to get to SF).




                  (for a piece or two of my mind)

                          King of PhotoShop

                            I take back what I said Aamos.  I would love that salad you made.  I make a lot of similar ones, and mango and avocado are often in them.  Today I'm making a big batch of chili, with turkey, very low fat beef and trimmed pork shoulder.  I'll make cornbread from my newest recipe that everyone went ape about over the weekend, and a side salad.


                            Until I decided to make the chili, dinner tonight for just the two of us (Hudson is working) was going to be a frittata and salad.  If you like frittata, Google it with "Alton Brown" in it and see his recipe. It is very good and a frittata can be made in just a few minutes.


                            Let me also comment here on how proud I am of Mariposai. Those fires made national news as we all know, and it can't be pleasant out there.  But she's kept in touch, kept up her running, and stayed upbeat.  I feel for Paul who must be very busy right now, and hope that he is not in danger.  Spareribs

                            Marathon Maniac #957


                              Amos - I thought I was the only person who got excited about checking out new bookstores! That's always a favorite part of visiting a new city on vacation - looking for local bookstores and finding something interesting to read.



                              DS recently found a used bookstore in the Oregon District in Dayton (the old section that still has cobble stone streets and streetcar tracks), and asked me to take him yesterday after work.  It is one of those very deep, narrow shops with floor to ceiling bookshelves in rows with barely enough room to walk between, along with books stacked haphazardly and all sorts if knick-knacks and memorabilia as well - very cool!


                              Leslie - sounds like a great time.  Go slow and DH should hopefully be fine with it.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                For all of you Swiss chard and other similar green haters just now the problem is the way you are preparing them.  Swiss chard, kale, collard greens and other thick, tough leafy vegetables are often referred to as stewing greens for a reason:  they are tough and bitter and not all that good absent some preparation.  Now for the bad news, what works for kale does not always work Swiss chard.  The greens each have their own personality.  The good news is this can add a lot of variety to your menus!  My DW (and her whole family too) all claimed a total distaste for stewing greens.  I now have recipes they all love.  (Although I often have to make sure they do not know what they are eating or they will not even taste the dish!  Yes, even if they had it and liked it previously.)


                                Of the stewing greens I think kale is the easiest to deal with.  It alone seems to be sufficiently broken down by acid that you can eat it raw.  Start by removing the stems and then chopping the kale into bite sized pieces.  Next, combine with some lemon and orange juice (plus the zest from both) along with a bit of some vinegar you like.  Mix them up with some salt and pepper to taste and add to the kale.  Let the kale sit for at least 15 minutes in this acid bath.  Next, make a salad out of it.  An easy way to go is to add some dried fruits, blue cheese and a bit of olive oil.  Adjust the salt and pepper levels to taste and you should be all set!   Want to get fancy?  Take some dried cherries and soak them in red wine vinegar for 15 minutes.  If the cherries are so dry that this will not soften them up, put the mix in the microwave for 15 seconds prior to having the cherries marinate in the vinegar for 15 minutes.  After 15 minutes take out the cherries while reserving the vinegar.  Combine the vinegar with lemon juice  and lemon zest.  Again mix with the kale and let sit for 15 minutes.  Then combine with some random ingredients you like in your salads (toasted almonds work well with the cherry vinegar).  Done!

                                Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                                Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->
