Masters Running


Thursday's Daily, 3.6.14 (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' everyone!


    I got slammed with a wicked cold last Thursday, and spent Friday in bed, exhausted. I began to recover over the weekend, and worked on getting some strength back. For a variety of reasons, I haven't worked out since last Thursday (today, the roads are slushy/slick from yesterday's snow, and it was 7F (WC of -8) at 4 o'dark, which was good enough to keep me on the couch with a book), and I appreciate the time off, but fear it is going to be a steep climb to get back to where I was. I've been lightly lurking, but am not close to being caught up on what you all have been up to - sorry.


    3 meetings today, starting at 8am and ending (hopefully) at 8pm. Along the way, I hope to learn more about the mysteriously canceled York Harbor (ME) Half Marathon. More details tomorrow...


    Have a greta Thursday!



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      Glad you're feeling better, Jay.  And glad to see you back here.


        Hey Jay, sorry you're sick. 12 hours of meetings should be just the thing to fix you right up. 


        NHLA - Sorry about the car accident.  I hope you don't wake up today more sore than yesterday.  I've told Cindy a million times that if I make it to old(er) age, I want to live where I don't need a car.  A nice little condo with a grocery store, family style restaurant and a church within walking distance.  Life would be just about perfect.


        I had "fun" xc-skiing yesterday.  I should not have put it off so long this year because it is a fantastic workout.  I went out for an hour and felt like I had run a half marathon.  After some water and a bit of the chili they serve at the restaurant I went out for another 45 minutes or so.  I woke up some muscles that had been hiding for months.


        I hope to get out and run some today.  Another morning here below zero, but it is supposed to reach 24° by noon.  I'm in the mood for a new pair of shoes too.  I retired 3 pair that were getting worn down.  I had planned to just get the latest version of my favorite shoe, the Brooks Ravenna, but maybe I'll try on a few others too.



        Sayhey! MM#130

          Yay!  Jay is back, and feeling better.  We missed you.   Glad you are back where you belong!

          Erika, cool to see someone excited about snow!  My friends in western Mass were threatening to take to the streets with ice scrapers last time I checked.  They're also rankled about parking meters surrounded by mountains of snow and ice, making access a trek.

          I've been wearing New Balance of late myself--the 890s and the free style version (with Vibram soles).

          Dave, thanks for recognizing the enormity of opening the daily.    Nerve-wracking stuff    Happy the skiing was fun; sometimes that muscle soreness is a good reminder of your workout, yes?

          Mari, a Philly runner I met recently (she's trying to do a sub 4 in 50 states) got into the LATETT marathon.  Looks like a super race.

          TwoCat and Holly,do your respective 19 and 6 milers mean you're healing?

          Enke, a muffin TOP messed up your diet?  A TOP?

          NHLA, at the risk of getting ranked out here, think about visiting with a lawyer.  Sometimes injuries after MVAs sneak up on you.   In addition, some states require you to see a lawyer within a very short time frame after the accident (e.g., 14 days) in order to preserve your claim.

          Mr. divechief ahem David (yup using your first name so you know you're in trouble .)  Thanks for your kind words.  Indeed, I do try and manage to run a fair amount of negative splits, but I often wonder if I shouldn't be more "leaving it all out there on the course."  I do prefer feeling good at the finish to the alternative, which in my case can include losing my gatorade.....which then entails negotiating my way out of the med tent, often times.


          Lovely pre-dawn run at the bridge this am with 4 lovely ladies.  Generous mile each way to and from (we park at a supermarket)  and then seven over and out with a few ladders.  Thursday is Farmers' Market downtown, so I get to see the various flowers, fruits and veggies getting set up on the last mile back to the cars.


          Say, the moon here is really pretty right now.  We have a waxing cresent, but the cresent is situated in the sky just like a bowl. I don't thing we see that farther north; the moon is usually on the right or left, no?


          Have super Thursdays.

  (for a piece or two of my mind)


            Good morning good people. Just another day in paradise here. -12 at 5:00 AM, just the way I like it


            Glad you're feeling better Jay. We are like a ship without a rudder when you're not here to give us our daily recap. No worries about getting back into your normal routine. You have a great base.


            Sounds like you had fun skiing yesterday Dave. Sometimes all you need is to mix things up a little to get out of a funk.


            Nice run with the ladies this morning Aamos. I would LOVE to go to an outdoor farmer's market right now. Flowers? Fruits and vegetables? Being sold outside? What is this madness you speak of?!


            5 miles on the elliptical this morning and 30 minutes of weights and core. Even got the old jump rope out for 3 or 4 songs.


            DH subscribed to Netflix and I am officially addicted to House of Cards. We've been watching an episode every night to try and get caught up. Francis Underwood is a bad dude!

            MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

              Mr. divechief ahem David (yup using your first name so you know you're in trouble .)  Thanks for your kind words.  Indeed, I do try and manage to run a fair amount of negative splits, but I often wonder if I shouldn't be more "leaving it all out there on the course."  I do prefer feeling good at the finish to the alternative, which in my case can include losing my gatorade.....which then entails negotiating my way out of the med tent, often times.

              dave (or is it David?) - is that the same amblin' amy with nearly 90 AG victories to date to say nothing of 20+ and more a year and with more than a dozen in a row several times (14,15,17, etc.)?

              ps - are you the same divechief who thought he could beat her in the Boston Marathon?, . . David, David, David.

              "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                Jay, good to see that you are feeling a little better. I was down with the crud for a while and just this week I feel like I am back to normal again, or at least I think I am back to normal since I have not heard my RP saying to Nancy, you sound horrible .

                Aamos, I really enjoy running the Light at the End of the Tunnel. It is normally on my birthday weekend, so I consider it my birthday celebration. Last year my whole family ran it with me and we had a very nice RA family reunion there as well.

                Dave, XC skiing is hard work and a lot of fun. I always feel like I have ran a marathon after being out there for 3 hours.

                Hi Erika!


                Gorgeous day here today. It rained all night, the air smelled so good, specially when running by the sage brush. 8 dawn miles with zombies chasing me.. I got caught once. Ohhh and I had an Aamos inspired negative split run.

                "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                Sayhey! MM#130

                  Nice run with the ladies this morning Aamos. I would LOVE to go to an outdoor farmer's market right now. Flowers? Fruits and vegetables? Being sold outside? What is this madness you speak of?!


                  DH subscribed to Netflix and I am officially addicted to House of Cards. We've been watching an episode every night to try and get caught up. Francis Underwood is a bad dude!


                  Florida  =  Abundant flowers. 


                  DItto on House of Cards.  I love it when Kevin Spacey turns and talks to the camera.  There's a name for that ....(also love it when a character in a book does it.)

          (for a piece or two of my mind)

                    YAY jay//............glad you're better



                    I thought mikeE was ALREADY smoking Pot.............

                    ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                    King of PhotoShop

                      Aamos, you know perfectly well that the actor speaking to the camera or the audience is called an "aside."  And I love Spacey in this role. He's my idol! I have no idea what jlynne is talking about.


                      Get well Jay!


                      2.2 jog/walk, and then lots of core and stretching.  Still a bit tired.  Spareribs


                        I'll 2nd Aamos' recommendation to consult with an atty NHLA. I worked in personal injury for 10 yrs and have seen my fair share of mva's that resulted in injuries/medical claims. some frivolous, but many not. Usually soft tissue injuries take a day or two to surface, so the fact that you were already feeling pain the very first day indicates you got banged up pretty good.


                        out of the blue, I got hit with a head cold the other day. Haven't been sick in years, and this certainly isn't enough to keep me down and not going to work, but the congestion/sore throat/sneezing have me feeling pretty yuck and exhausted by the end of the day. hoping it goes away as quickly as it came on.


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                          Flowers? Fruits and vegetables? Being sold outside? What is this madness you speak of?!



                          Spring is right around the corner - hang in there Jlynne!

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                          Marathon Maniac #957

                            Hey Jay, sorry you're sick. 12 hours of meetings should be just the thing to fix you right up. 




                            My DS watches House of Cards and was telling me about it last night.  Guess I'll have to check it out.  I have always loved watching Kevin Spacey.


                            Fasting bloodwork today, so no run, just 25 minutes or so of core and weights.


                            Anyone else here hate fasting?  Since I am up at 5am, by the time I get though the 8am dr. appt, then wait at the lab to get my bloodwork (finally out of there at 9:45am), I am practically faint with hunger, a little shaky even.  Maybe it's the lack of coffee.  Anyway, I think of folks who have surgeries scheduled in the afternoon and they have to go all day without anything but a few swallows of water - this would be tough for me.


                            Erika - I just bought a pair of Brooks at the annual half-price sale at our local running store, not sure which model.  I haven't worn anything but Saucony Rides for 16 years, but with the new, narrower toe box, may be shopping around for a new favorite.

                            Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                            Sayhey! MM#130

                              Aamos, you know perfectly well that the actor speaking to the camera or the audience is called an "aside."  And I love Spacey in this role. He's my idol! I have no idea what jlynne is talking about.


                              O Ribs, you made me go look it up, which is so YOU.  It's a technique called 'meta reference' as explained here:


                              One of the earliest metareferences in cinema is in the Marx Brothers' movie Animal Crackers, in which at one point Groucho speaks directly to the camera, saying, "Pardon me while I have a strange interlude."

                              In the Road to... films of the 1940s, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby frequently spoke to the audience and made references to the studio, the movie, and the actors.

                              A more recent example comes from Fight Club. A scene near the end of the movie returns to its opening scene, but instead of saying "I can't think of anything," the narrator now says, "I still can't think of anything," demonstrating that he is aware of having been subjected to a cinematic time-shift; another character responds sarcastically with "Ah, flashback humor."

                              Mel Brooks has made metareference a directorial trademark in several of his films. In Blazing Saddles, a fight within the movie spills over into the film studio where it is being filmed and the characters fight with those from other movies. Several of the main characters flee from the brouhaha to a movie theater to see how their own movie resolves itself. Brooks continued his brand of self-reference in Spaceballs as several characters attempt to figure out what to do next by watching a bootleg of the very movie in which they appear. Brooks continues in similar fashion in Robin Hood: Men in Tights during a scene in which the actors, unsure of the rules of an archery contest, check the movie's script. Later in the same film, Dave Chappelle's character references the plot of Blazing Saddles in his bid to become the new sheriff.

                      (for a piece or two of my mind)

                              King of PhotoShop

                                First time I've ever heard of it. But "aside" is correct, and what I've always called the device.  Spareribs
