Masters Running


Saturday April 11 Celebration Runs (Read 388 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Good Morning! Since DS is 12, this is his last year doing Easter Egg Hunts, so I’m taking the kids to one at 10am, and another one on the other side of town at 11am. Then DD’s swim lesson at 12:30, DS’s soccer game at 2:20, church at 4:00pm, then Easter Egg coloring after that. (whew!) Tomorrow the kids will wake up to an Easter Egg Hunt in our house, with many of the eggs containing clues to other, more hidden eggs, that contain half-dollars. Could be a pretty lucrative holiday for them, but the Easter Bunny has made the clues a little harder this year…. Smile Of course, in our home we celebrate the deeper meaning of this holiday, too, and the great joy it brings. 4.25 easy-paced miles for me today in 39 windy degrees.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

    Hill Runner

      Good morning Holly A beautiful spring morning 55, sunny and the azaleas are in full bloom...doesn't get much better than this. 8.38 miles of hill at 8:46 pace...45 miles for the week. I'll do a MLR tomorrow then it's taper week for me. Good runs to everyone today and {{{healing vibes}}} to everyone that needs it.

      Upcoming Races:

      Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
      Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
      Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

        Our brief midweek weather cool off has ended and this morning it was back up to 70 ° and humid at 5:15 AM. I started off running with the big boys and girls - 6 miles with them chatting away like they're out for a Sunday Drive as I hang on at (for me) near Tempo pace. At this point I split off, slowed to what I thought might be Marathon Pace and tried to just run that for the rest of the run which I planned on 15 miles altogether. This was a good training run - an MLR while already tired. 15 miles at 8:25 pace (below MP). If you want to contrast an IRC Marathon Pace run to a non-IRC MP run, take a look at my Training Log workouts for Thursday vs. Today. Note the HR's. (Of course some of it was due to blasting the 1st 6 miles.) Happy Easter to all my Virtual friends. Bill

        "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


          Go SRLOPEZ go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will run later. Got up early to enjoy the sunrise.

          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


            Good morning good people. 11.5 miles for me, 10:02 pace, perfect weather when I left the house at 6:00 AM. Beautiful blue skies, not much wind - best running day in a long time. We're about 5 weeks out until the half marathon and this was my longest training run to date. Legs felt good - my only stop was around the halfway point at my friendly Super America gas station for a bathroom break and water stop. Holly - enjoy these times with your kids. We won't have any of ours here for Easter. Our daughters are living in Colorado and won't be home, DS#1 and his wife will be at her parents, and DS#2 is doing his Navy duty. Sad Peter - you sound better this morning. Enjoy your taper! Bill - I don't know how you run so well in the heat and humidity you deal with every day. I can only dream of running 8:25 minute miles! Off to make a lemon meringue pie for tomorrow's dinner. Happy Easter everyone! ETA: Lots of MOJO to SrLopez this weekend. Hope you got through O'Hare okay!
              Saturday - 8.1 miles @ MP + 1 min - 1:08:03 - 8:25 - Avg HR 128 Max HR 142 - Overcast with light rain & 36° Good run Bill Big grin
                6.2 miles around the neighborhood w/Dw in 57:00 that's a 9:12 pace her easy pace is continuing to drop. We were talkin politics while we ran, that really gets her going. Big grin I noticed that the bunnies were very active out ther today, Cool Seriously Thursday's run was cut short due to bad pain in right arch. My self diagnosis is tarsel tunnel syndrome. I went to the drugstore Friday an spoke to the pharmacist who recommended Synovium gel. I rubbed it on the arch & ankle Friday & again this morning and it worked very well. Smile Smile Smile Off to umpire 2 high school games then out to dinner. My 3 favorite things all in one day : Smile OK 3 out of 4 ain't bad Big grin Happy Easter Everyone!

                Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

                  You guys don't know about holiday celebrating! Having a mixed religion household means we get both Passover and Easter celebrations! A few days ago we went to a friends for a seder and feast. It was terrific. Tomorrow it is Easter at our place with the goyim. Big grin I have a really good menu planned so I have to avoid eating today and store up calories for tomorrow. Oh yea, today was gym day. The doctor said I could try using a stationary bike. I may get a one month membership in the local gym to do that. But, given how much I hate TMs can I make it more than very occasionally on a stationary bike? Dead I would not bet on me on this one! DW was supposed to run with the jogging club this morning but the damp weather and the fact that she just wanted to lie in bed pretty much put the kibosh on that.

                  Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                  Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                    I'm going to Holly's for Easter Half Dollars......... Three of the four kids made it over last night for egg coloring. SIL and her youngest made it as well as MIL & FIL. GS is 14 months old and was using a paint brush on eggs...Then dropping them on the floor. The dog didn't mind. DS was at his bio dad's place. He's too old to color eggs. He would have been the 2nd youngest there. DD#2 helped me get things together for me yesterday. I've been scattering goodies in the yards of some of the local kids early Easter Morning. She freed up my afternoon today. Sweet. 3.1 with the Tag.



                      Good Morning all on this beautiful Saturday. Fantastic run this morning........lower 40's, just a slight breeze, air was crisp. I did 11.1 miles......comfortable 8:35 pace. I'd liked to have gone 14 but was off to a late start. 2 blocks from home stopped for an ice cold pint of chocolate milk........recovery walk and chug.....Mmmmm Yummy. In at the plant for a few hours this morning. I've snuck into a training class taking place next week in Chicago and need to get a few things in order before I leave Tues morn. The thing I look forward to the most when I'm on these trips is the "guilt free" running. For 4 days I'll be running on my schedule.....not between someone else's Wink Of course the brunt of my household duties will now fall on my DW for those days.......maybe I should feel guilty Roll eyes.........Naw Evil grin Holly......My kids are 18 DD, 16 DS and 11DD. This is the 1st year we will not have an Easter Egg Hunt. We are hiding thier Easter Baskets. Each will have a riddle to solve in order to find it.
                        10 miles at 8:30 am in light rain and 42º---temps dropping through the day with a chance of snow later---I ran with the two Js who are Boston bound (we started with 4 and now there are two!) Dr. J and Iron J were in full taper madness mode when we ran this morning, so I just listened and grinned inwardly as they went over the details obsessively. It was a good run---easy pace and some strides in the final miles for 1:27---8:24ish pace. Iron J will be in corral 6 and is looking great to go under 3:15. Dr J is in corral 17 with Dr. B our other running buddy. They will both try for 3:35s. I am excited for them. I am also looking forward to my volunteer shift at Boston marathon registration next Saturday. I’ll work from 8 am-1pm and then wander the Expo for a bit. The geek in me is excited about spotting running celebs like Kathrine Switzer and Bill Rodgers (who will run Boston if it’s below 70º). I'll also hand in my card to defer officially and enter for 2010. Hockey season may be over for the kiddo, but the NCAA Frozen Four and Championships are on tap this weekend---go BU! I’ll be dusting and vacuuming while my guys extend their hockey fun for as long as possible. Last year I went to an Easter sunrise service led by a minister running friend who led a long run right afterwards. This year I’ll go to a non-denominational service with super granny and then she’ll spend the day with us. All good and pretty mellow. I hope SRL is rocking his 50th state marathon with lots of mojo.
                          Finally got a substantial run in- 10 miles at 8:35, with the last two at 7:45. As much as Ellie has improved, I'm afraid she and I will be spending Easter Sunday (and apparently, all of next week) at the rehabilitation hospital....I was thinking of showing up in a bunny costume, but that might scar the poor girl for life. Good runs, all. And thanks for the well-wishes. Walt
                            I don't think this is worth an RR, but I ran the local "Apple Blossom Run" 9K this morning. It was a point-to-point straight up a paved rail-trail that I usually just use for biking. We went straight into the wind, but once I thawed out it was a pretty good run, and I finished in 47:47 for an 8:32 pace and 4th in the 60+ AG. They handed out medals down to 5th in each AG, so at least I came away with some hardware (and a "PR" for this unique distance). I hope the rest of our weekend racers do at least as well!

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              34K with my buddy this morning, nice and slow until we picked it up at the end. My coach and I decided decided to split ways today as our running philosopies are quite different. He expects me to hit pace exactly or else, I say a second or two off the pace is okay depending on how you are feeling. What are we professional atheletes Big grin He was not happy that I ran my Thursday 6k intervals 12 seconds to fast overall..What the heck is that. A minute or 2 but 12 seconds... Anyway good guy but we are just different on our approaches. Now to cook up dinner to go to my parents place. They got back from Portugal late last night after being away the last 3 months. Happy Easter Tall

                              Recent Best times: None recently

                                12.7 for me this morning...last long run before the Country Music 1/2 marathon in 2 weeks. I haven't done it in several years, and my memories of the last one are not pretty. Hopefully I've trained better this time. It was perfect running weather, although I underdressed. The acu weather said 45 - 50, but I don't think it ever got above 40. My heart goes out to all the surrounding areas near us who got tornado damage yesterday. Cry Next Sat. is a 10K in Huntsville, AL called "music moves me" It is supposed to have a band every mile. Should be fun! Happy Easter to one and all and happy egg hunting, clue deciphering, etc. Gosh I miss those days.