Masters Running


Wed Oct 1 Runs and Workouts (Read 582 times)

    It's hard to believe that it's October already -- what happened to the summer? We have to start thinking of pumpkins and costumes soon, huh? Mmm, Octoberfest! Today's plan was an easy 8 miler with 2 in the middle at MP -- no problem at all. It was a bit raw out, 54° but wet with I think 99% humidity. A little foggy and I felt a couple of raindrops even though I could see the stars Confused 8.2 miles, 1:09, 8:25/mi, AHR 152

    Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

    Marathon Maniac #3309

      Yeah, October already. I guess it's a catch 22 because it will be cooler to run, but also hate Summer coming to an end too. Another nice run for you Lou. 4 easy recovery miles for me last night getting ready for my long mid week run, and track workout tonight with another 2 mile TT. With it being cool here today, I am going to try and run that 2 miles in 12 minutes, but realize too I am not running on fresh legs either..but look forward to the challenge. One problem today that may affect my times on the track is, it is suppose to be super windy here today which is good running one direction, but bad running the other Roll eyes Well, at work again early as I have my end of Month paper work stuff to get done. I was embarrassed yesterday when I thought today was the last day of Sept, but looked at the calender and realized yesterday was the last day Embarrassed...made yesterday a very LONG work day trying to get caught up. Nice picture yesterday deserved that beer with your RP Smile Great 20 miler Steve, and hope your soreness is feeling better. Thanks pressure huh Big grin Your such an awesome runner and great person too. Looks like Holly is over the hump with her injury, which is soooo nice to see as we have followed here through out her ordeal....WTG, and keep being smart about not over doing it and listening to your body. Have a great day all Smile Tim

      Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

      Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

        Happy October!! When I think of October I think of roasting pumpkin seeds and drinking a cold beer Lou. Nice 8 this morning! Good luck with your workout tonight Tim! I hate it when days get mixed up like that!! Oh, it is SO nice to have the bed to myself (shh - don't tell MrHopeful) I really hated to get up this morning. I heard it raining lightly and thought of staying in bed, but then remembered that I have to run even in the rain. Like Lou, I felt a few rain drops but when I looked up the star were shining brightly. It ended up being a lovely 6 miles with Brinkley. 9:48 pace - 155 avg. HR. SteveP - I'd love to get in a run with you, but this is a very short anniversary getaway - maybe next time! Thanks for the offer!! Happy Hump Day!


        "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
        It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



          4 easy miles this morning. I'm just trying to stay loose until the half-marathon on Sunday. It's a first time event called "The Brooksie Way" named after the son of the county manager who was killed in an snowmobile accident. A runner was kind enough to go out and run the course last week and post a great description along with a couple audio files. Someone on the RA Michigan group posted the link: I live and run on some of the most level ground in the world, and this race is either going up or going down so it should be interesting. I'm glad the description got posted because I'm sure I would have gone out too fast and struggled over the last 7 miles that are mostly uphill. I'm in nowhere near PR shape so there is no pressure on me. I'm going out to have some fun and as a reward for finally getting in some consistent training. It's been a couple years since I've kept going on a steady stretch of running.




            Good morning everyone. I took another cross training day - 5 miles on the eliptical trainer and some free weights and ab work. I bought a new pair of Asics and for some reason, I've developed 2 nasty blisters on my left foot. I've been wearing Asics forever - same size, same kind (Gel Nimbus) but for some reason these ain't working. My DH was a runner at one time and he said you should always have two pairs of shoes going so that your rub points are different every day. Guess I'll have to go buy more shoes Big grin Lou- what will you be brewing for your "Octoberfest" beer? I'd love to see your set-up. Could you tell us a little more about the process - how long it takes, ingredients, etc? Nice run this morning, BTW. Mary - way to be brave and tough it out in the rain. I agree - it's great to have a nice big bed to yourself! Tim - you'll knock that workout off with no problems. Six minute miles - I can only dream! Dave - good luck with your half marathon this weekend. Some times your best results come when you're least expecting them. Have a great day, everyone. Jeanne

            Renee the dog

              Poking my head in to say I felt like a truck ran over me this morning but the good news is NOTHING in my ankle or calf areas so no damage from running the 5 mi last night! Whew! Mary, I also forgot to thank you for posting that picture yesterday! That should be used in PR material for a "Running Long is Good for You" campaign. Smile

              GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

              GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

              Hill Runner

                Good morning all, Great morning here..61F and sunny. 10.20 miles of hills @ 9:06 pace. Saw lots of wildlife today including some fawns and turtles. Good runs to everyone.

                Upcoming Races:

                Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                  Lou.. are you ok?? Seeing stars in the rain doesn't sound good Surprised Tim.. Pfitzinger calls the stage you are in "Race Preparation". You sure are doing a great job! The next stage is "Taper and Race" that's where you sit on the couch all day eating donuts and wishing you could run.. enjoy Smile My leg was feeling even better this morning (as we get closer to the magical 6 week mark..). 63F and light rain for 14 miles of hills. Wore my reflective vest with no shirt, cap with headlamp, 4 bottle fuel belt (only drank 2), mp3 with soleburner mix. Leg was stiff at first (better than it's been in awhile) and it improved with distance. Progression run 10:45 to 8:26. Overall 14.1 miles in 2:11:36 (9:20 pace, AHR 153). First 2 miles with Tory.

                  Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                  Marathon Maniac #957

                    Good Morning! Tim – thanks, I do think that I am over the hump on this injury. I still feel it, but not much, it’s almost gone now. Peter - isn't it late in the year for fawns? I thought you only saw them in the spring. 6 easy-paced miles for me today in 50 degrees. Still in the running skirt, but I broke out a long sleeve tech shirt for this one. Time to start remembering how I like to layer as the cooler weather comes in. I think I have a different layering pattern for every 5-degree change in temps, with alterations based on precipitation. Smile Just have to mention that DD scored 3 goals last night, and I’m not talking about those lucky-shot-ball-dribbling-slowly-between-inattentive-goalie’s-legs shots, I’m talking about hard-hitting decisive kicks into the goal. She was really on fire (for a 6-year-old). At half-time she raced me to the restroom (about 100 yds), and I swear I could barely keep up with her she was so fast. I distinctly remember thinking, “I could hurt myself if I kept up this pace.” Hard to tell this early, but DD may be the natural runner in the family.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                      Lou- what will you be brewing for your "Octoberfest" beer? I'd love to see your set-up. Could you tell us a little more about the process - how long it takes, ingredients, etc? Nice run this morning, BTW.
                      Thanks! You can see my setup and ingredients at if you're interested. Click on "Lou's Brewery" for the brewery (obviously), and "Beer Recipes" or "Brewing Sessions" for some of the recipes I use (the Brewing Sessions is a little out of date, it seems Undecided ). For the interested reader, a really good write-up on the process can be found at .

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        Tim.. Pfitzinger calls the stage you are in "Race Preparation". You sure are doing a great job! The next stage is "Taper and Race" that's where you sit on the couch all day eating donuts and wishing you could run.. enjoy Smile
                        I don't like donuts, so that means I don't have to taper, right - insert pizza insteadBig grin I actually do look forward to tapering (resting and healing up), but also know it will drive me nuts when I will want to go out and run long and hard closer to the race, when I am feeling antsy....but know I can't. Wow Steve, your progressing well with your injury, great job on your 14 miler with hills Smile Congrats Holly to your DD that scored 3 goals last night...that is really great. And hopefully you will have a running partner in the near future Smile Tim

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                          Mary—great pic yesterday Lou—go get ‘em! Dave—good luck in that half; remember hills are your friends. Perch—good to see that leg is doing so well. I have a hard time imagining you running 10:45 miles, though. Holly’s got a jock daughter. I’m not surprised. Wink Even if you don’t usually read race reports, you have to read TomD’s Omaha report. ETA: And do not, I repeat, DO NOT read that pie and ice cream thread. October is probably my favorite month of the year. Cool weather, fall foliage; what’s not to like? Easy/recovery 5.5 miles @ 9:05 pace. One of those mornings where it is simultaneously cool and humid

                          Be safe. Be kind.

                            Dave59: I think I mentioned that the Brooksie Way passes almost right by my house and uses some of the roads & trails that I run on all the time. You'll enjoy it, at least for the first half. I would have run it except for my injury this year. I am working at the expo on Saturday morning, but on Sunday am going on a biking event instead. I'll be anxious to read your RR -- good luck! Ran an easy 4 miles today, running back-to-back days for the first time this year. It felt really good and reminded me of how it has often been easier for me to run every day as opposed to skipping days. I also ran earlier than I have been, using my headlamp for the first time this season. So I am feeling really close to normal now and it seems like a long time to wait until I can enter my first event next year...

                            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Just 5 easy miles with T...48 degrees and partly cloudy...
                              Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                                4 miles on the treadmill at 8:40 mile pace. Dark Horse
                                I'm a dark horse, running on a dark race course.