Masters Running


Friday 5/29 Runs, Rests and good bye Puppies ..... (Read 524 times)

Marathon Maniac #957

    Tammy - I was editing while you were posting...  I put the e-mail address in above.

    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


      Once in a while something unearths my longing for the wilderness-an image, a story, a piece of poetry -touching me unexpectedly and maiking me gasp with the depth of the ache. Going to the woods for me is "like going home"... I believe each one of us should have a place where  we "go home", where your whole being is at peace. Where do you "go home"?

      yesterday afternoon I went home to the woods to harvest morel mushrooms. Two hours in the wild was sufficient to harvest just a bit over 4 pounds of morels ; to let the legs walk and the mind to ponder.


      8 easy miles this morning in cool weather. Even the rattlesnakes were out for a stroll Smile I saw 4 of them.


      tramps, so good to see you here.


      good luck to all the races!!!!!!!


      fatozzig, have a blast in your back to back trail runs. How lucky you are.


      bregar, find an ultra Smile

      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

      Marathon Maniac #3309

        Hiya everyone...where have you all been. As Holly told you all, I have not been able to get on RA since some of the changes, and with me having web tv at home....I finally could this morning, albeit it was very slow loading. Boy, from my end everything looks so different, and I am typing this in a very small little box that makes previewing it very difficult. (hope this posts ok once I am finished) I am really lost on what everyone is up to, but Holly has updated me a little bit about things. Bill, I know you didn't have the greatest Marathon that you worked and trained for very well. But it did sound like you had a good weekend with friends regardless. Look forward to your RR. And I totally understand about sometimes being better at training than races. I have not actually ran one yet, but race day for a Marathon or any race is a tricky and funny thing a crap shoot like some has mentioned, and can cause some serious disappointment after all the hard work. Bill, you are still an awesome runner and wish you had another one to run soon (hint hint, Seattle) As Ribs suggested, maybe you could try the "wizard of oz" approach (tinman) sometime....sure heped me a lot...well for 16 miles anyways LOL I feel bad for Tall also, as he had a great training cycle too, but had to DNF. I hope he finds out what ever problems he was having and comes back strong (anyone want to bet that is NOT his last Marathon attempt) Want to tell everyone I am doing much better. Sure, still bummed a little, but each day is getting better. I went through depression - denial - anger - anxiety - fear - severe ups and downs, to only add just a few of the emotions I went through. I did indeed take a week to chill and just goof off....felt like I deserve that for myself. But I was still working on finding work too. Now I my getting up early and trying to use every resource I can to find a new job. I filed for unemployment the following Monday after I was let go the prior Friday night. I have visited many many shops in my area to get a feel for things. Many cell phone calls to important people I know that can help me too. Through my efforts, I have had some leads, but were not good leads but encouraged others are helping me along with me working hard at it too. Nono has been a huge help as I gave her my details about my work history and my finacial situation. With what she Emailed me back she was right on target and had some super ideas for me...thanks Nono, I will be in touch with you later today. Also I Emailed Ribs my resume and my information that needs to be added to update it, and make it better. He said he was happy to help me with this...and I hear his is exceptional doing this...thanks. (sigh) My running has really gone south and I am doing horrible. You all probably remember my strong 23 miler with 18 at MP...I felt strong and confident and felt like I could have went the distance that day. I digress. Since my being fired my running has - well - sucked. Yes, I am still running everyday, but something just is not the same. Last Saturday was suppose to be another 20 plus miler for me. After 1.5 miles I had to stop and sit down as I was winded as if I was running a 5K and my HR was over the ave pace at that point was only 10:45 ave pace which is way below recovery pace for me. I stuggled and only made it 5 miles having to walk most of the way home. Whats bad is, most of my runs have been this way, and I have to stop and rest many times during my runs because my HR is so high. Yes it has been hotter out, but that can't be all of it. I am in great shape, but something is wrong for me to be struggling this bad. Then Nancy Emailed me and said this was perfectly normal for someone who has been through a serious life crisis...she caled it post something something depression (Nancy, you want to fill in the blanks as I forget) Oh well, I am doing a lot better. And thank you all for being there for me during this hard time. RA is like a big family. And it seems when someone hurts....we all hurt with them and have encouraging things to say...thanks. Hey guess what? When I got my mail yesterday there was an envelope from my employer that let me go. There was a...........$3000.00 check and at the bottom of the it simply said "sorry" That is money I will put in my savings account today and makes me feel a little better about my finacial situation. One of my first thoughts was about how I am a giving person and like to give money and do good deeds to even perfect strangers sometimes. I thought hum....maybe this is a pay back and reward for me helping and being generous to others. Big unexpected blessing regardless. LOL, I went swimming with the ducks this morning. I got up early to get a jump start on the day job hunting. Since my running legs have been feeling horrible I thought I would start the day off with a couple mile walk. I stopped at our big duck pond and was noticing the very cute little baby ducks. I ventured down the bank to get a closer look and my feet started slipping on the loose rocks. guessed it. I fell face first into the duck pond and got totally drenched from head to toe. Of course, it is murphys law that there HAS to be someone watching when something stoopid and silly happens, right. Well, the Apt complex manager saw the whole thing as his office was really close. He came up to me laughing and said....hey buddie, didn't you see the "no swimming in the duck pond" sign. LOL, all I could do was laugh at me and what those poor little duckies though about some silly human stumbling into there territory. Hey Slo, I did happen to read about your Triathlon and I have to say I was very....very disappointed with ya dude. Oh not the race itself, but wearing a wussy wet suit with the water a balmy 64 degrees. Heck, I don't even own a wet suit, so I have had some pretty chilly swims in some of my Tri's. I think the coldest water temp during one of my races was 61 degrees, and getting in the water took my breath away. But actually after the race started I felt fine. Just messing with ya, and good job. I of most people here understand everything about what you wrote in your RR, transitions times and all. I have a sprint Tri in a few weeks I am going to race for the fun of it...with the Tet approach biking and training at all So that should be interesting, but I bet I do well though. Mine will be a 1/2 mile swim - 16.5 miles bike - and a 5K run. Oh well, better get back to my day and job hunting. Thanks everyone and TGIF....that sounds strange while not working. Last Tues when I woke up I thought...think about how many people think it sucks going back to work after a 3 day weekend. I then thought...It sucks even more not having a job to go to after a 3 day weekend. Point being - while work may suck at times, and we all don't feel like working sometimes. But let me say - cherish and do your best at your it CAN be taken away in a moments notice and for no reason sometimes (Tims thought of the day) TimBo PS: Has Tampster been a good girl while I was gone...I heard some things, hehe

        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!


          Can somebody tell me exactly *why* Mr Whipple got pissed when folks (invariably, ladies) squeezed/squoze the Charmin?


          This is a real question.





            oh, Sue.   ((((( )))))) !!! 


            Peter, glad your AT's finally 'decent'!   I'd missed that one.


            Bill, happy you're itching. Smile


            ((((George's shin))))


            Imelda..."4 miles with Renee this morning -- after running my older daughter around the block and having my 2 yr old run to the neighbor's driveway and back. (not even 25' each way).  He usually won't even do that much, but deparately wanted to be dressed and out there like his big sis, so I consider this a huge accomplishment for him."    


            Mary, thanks for sharing them with us. 


            Nancy... just reading about that makes me feel good.

            well, except for the rattlers....


            TomS, you've been running really well lately! 


            5.06 miles this morning.  I tried a new route in my neighborhood, first mile is a delicious downhill,   except after the sidewalk ends & there are parked cars so you have to be way too close to people in a hurry probably drinking coffee & using their cellphones while they drive! )(will re-figure that part)(still downhill, just less delicious)   and then the next is uphill.   both loops!   :-).      last time the hills backfired on me but this time I think it was ok.  Will count this run as at least progress.  49F, 12 mph winds. 10:08 av. pace, 8:29 max, hr not bad.  158 ahr, 168 max. 


            Marathon Iowa 2014

              Can somebody tell me exactly *why* Mr Whipple got pissed when folks (invariably, ladies) squeezed/squoze the Charmin?


              This is a real question.


              SR - because it's his (store's) f'in' charmin until you buy it.  Now go to aisle 7, and look at all the rolls of charmin in the discount bin because all those grabby people squeezed 'em into wads that won't fit onto the tp holders.

                  look at all the rolls of charmin in the discount bin because all those grabby people squeezed 'em into wads that won't fit onto the tp holders.

                 An excellent response. But it does serve the altruistic purpose of giving shoppers at the $1 store the opportunity to buy Charmin.



                  good to hear from you Tim - thanks for the update.  What a great surprise to get that check. I got a similar surprise in the mail this week, in the same amount by the way! but it wasn't from your work.  my granny decided to bless all the grandkids now, while the economy is in the toilet, rather than waiting until she dies.


                  and yes, I've been behaving. perfectly as a matter of fact.  how'd you know?



                    Whats up with $3000 checks......I got one this week too.....From the Insurance carrier of the woman who smacked the front end of her car into the rear end of my daughters car.


                    Tim,  good to see ya. BTW.....I was just one of about 796 wussies.....I only saw three without wetsuits.


                      hey, I too handled a $3,000 check

                      but had to mail it to my son's university

                      at least it is the last one for this kid

                      "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                      Marathon Maniac #3309

                        good to hear from you Tim - thanks for the update.  What a great surprise to get that check. I got a similar surprise in the mail this week, in the same amount by the way! but it wasn't from your work.  my granny decided to bless all the grandkids now, while the economy is in the toilet, rather than waiting until she dies.


                        and yes, I've been behaving. perfectly as a matter of fact.  how'd you know?


                        Nothing really. But I am having a real problem with the new RA format. I did find out I can't modify a post after I post it once....was going to go back and correct some grammer ad miss spelled words, because I was typing in this super dinky little box where I could hardly see what I had typed before. Just seeing if I can quote someone now...Tamerilla seemed like a good canidate. Funny, with her post I am quoting, all I see in her post is.... %%^*%$$&))(*^%*())(^%%&**&&*))))*^$#@$%$$##)((*$@ Really, it looks similar to that... or she was cussing me out, lol No emoticons (or what ever they are called) the smilie face - rolling eyes - shy - big LOL face, bugged out eyes, and such. Tim....if this works (guess I am still Tim if it doesn't work)

                        Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!



                          SR - because it's his (store's) f'in' charmin until you buy it.  Now go to aisle 7, and look at all the rolls of charmin in the discount bin because all those grabby people squeezed 'em into wads that won't fit onto the tp holders.

                           Ah, for the integrity of the roll and the cardboard tube.  Got it.  That's very hepful.


                          As for me, 10 easy miles this morning.  Scheduled for lawn mowing and 4.6 easy miles w/ strides this afternoon.  We'll see.


                          Renee the dog

                            Well apparently my 2 yr old has the running bug.  He got up from his nap, and finally consented to wearing his new sneakers (he's refused for at least 5-6 weeks) and then dragged me outside and ran with me halfway around the block.  Then he stopped dead and said, "UP!"  But hey, that's about 1/10 of a mile.  I gladly carried him back.


                            Now he won't take the shoes off. 

                            GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                            GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                              Whats up with $3000 checks......I got one this week too.....

                               That's it.  I'm going home and checking my mailbox!

                              Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                              Trail Runner Nation

                              Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                              Bare Performance



                              Rose Colored Glasses

                                Received no cheque for $3000.

                                Saw no rattlers yet today.

                                But I did have a big ole snapping turtle in my garage. 

                                It started out being on the driveway but, my lovely daughter left the garage door open while she loaded up the minivan to move to Maine for the summer.


                                When I was leaving for work, noticed the big ole turtle on the other side of the car.  So I got the hockey stick out to try and shoo the prehistoric creature out of the garage.


                                Big ole snapping turtles do not shoo.


                                So I left the garage door part way up.

                                When I got home there was no turtle in my garage.


                                Now I will go cut the grass.

                                I hope I don't run into any turtles... snapping or otherwise.

                                "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."
