Masters Running


TGIF July 22 - stay cool folks (Read 514 times)

i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

    It seems the brutal heat has broken in Michigan. How about your neck of the woods?


    Much nicer this morning 73° and dewpoint only 59°... ahhh
    6.8 miles in 57:00 (8:23).  4 faster miles in the middle. The 10K split was 51:52 which is exactly the same time as last week's 10K race!

    Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      It seems the brutal heat has broken in Michigan. How about your neck of the woods?


      Glad to hear it's better up there Perch.  Down here?  No, not yet.  Maybe around November.


      6.1 easy miles in the sweat fest.  That Trout Slap shirt is cool - but not when running in it.  Yuck.


      TwoCat, my Dad's best friend for most of his life was dying and my Dad was unable to get back to see him beforehand, due to a major east coast snow storm.  He's regretted it ever since.  If there is a way, and if the cost isn't totally unacceptable, you'll feel so much better going.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Marathon Iowa 2014

        Well, it just started to get heated here in CT.  Today the temp will hit 100 - but it's supposed to be less humid.


        Lift, step, spin in the air conditioned gym.  Lots of tolerable sweat.  Tomorrow I give blood, so it won't be a long run.


        Got a phone call from PBJster #1 in Jackman, Maine (where the tragic logging accident just happened).  She's in a month long program called WILD (Wilderness Individual Leadership Development).  Next week will be white water rafting and rock face climbing.  The week after is a 5 day hike.  She's tough - but the bugs are tougher.  She already went through a full bottle of bug spray in a week. PBJster #2 and #3 get back from sleep-away camp tomorrow.  Home has been too quiet.


        Have a great weekend everyone.

          5.3 EZ-Bake Oven® miles.  (Does that answer your question, Perch?)


          Just hoping the electrical grid holds up.

          Be safe. Be kind.


            Yes, the heat dome is shifting a little bit east of Michigan.  I haven't been outside, but my thermometer reads 68° today instead of 80° as it did yesterday at this time.


            My alarm went off and my body, mind and soul said, "forget about it."  So I did and continued to sleep another hour or so.  All I will try to do today is a CGAL (cut grass at lunch.) 



            Mike E

            MM #5615

              Hey--good morning!  I just got caught up from yesterday's posts...


              Mary--wow!  Very nice patio!  I'll bring the beer!


              Twocat--I'm with everybody that says you should go see your friend.  I'm really sorry to hear the news.


              Tammy--you asked about my son.  Unfortunately, things have not improved.  After his second stay in the hospital he returned to his sister's house and was there for about 2 days before he took off because she wanted to talk to him about getting a job.  He's staying at his "friends" house.  I guess I've taken the position that I will help him when he really wants to be helped.  When he agrees to go into treatment, I'll do whatever he wants.  Until then, he gets nothing form me.  And I have to tell you--it's ripping me apart.


              I couldn't remember the picture site that I used the last time I posted some pictures on here.  I think I have it figured out, though.  I'm a little slow when it comes to this stuff.  (Actually--I'm a little slow when it comes to a lot of stuff!)


              Leslie--I've been thinking about you these last couple of days--I sure hope everything is okay.


              Okay--gotta go.



                Just hoping the electrical grid holds up.


                ...good point//......


                ......we went

                from 110-heat index

                 to 70's in an hour


                 a bizzare EastWindsStorm rolled thru (which is NOT normal for here)


                that night

                 the WeatherGuys

                were predicting '' 73/90'' for the nighttime temps, since we had TWO sets of temperatures in the state.


                Climate Change anyone??




                ....FlareUp in progress

                20-min xbike,

                skipped run,



                .........................good running guys

                ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                  EZ-Bake Oven .... boy does that bring back the memories!


                  Perch, it is better today, but I still think that 73° at 5 a.m. is not acceptable in Michigan.  Wink


                  I was hoping that things improved with your son MikeE.    Sorry for all you are going through.


                  Nothing again today - I need a kick in the pants.   Last night we worked on our portion of the large retaining wall that holds up this whole project.   Hauling 50 pound blocks around was my cross training.   I slept like the dead and didn't even hear DH get up and shower this morning.   I feel like I could easily go back to bed though, and I sure do not want to be here at work today.   Sad


                  "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                  It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                    Morning Folks.  Still an oven here in CNY.  Ran the 10K route again this morning but earlier.  Earlier helped - 7:20 pace today.  Lots on my mind, none of it good.  Maybe the road trip will help - leaving in a couple hours.


                    Twocat - look at it this way - I know money doesn't grow on trees and airline tickets aren't cheap but in 10 years, will you regret spending the $$$ or regret not seeing your friend one last time?





                      No run today, and none for week, heat, back, and work issues have dampened the week.  I hope to get out this weekend and while on vacation next week on Mackinac Island, maybe a couple 8 circuits of the island would be good.  Warrior dash week from Sunday, i am pumped.  Run well all

                        WOWZA!!!  it's already 92 hazy, hot and humid here -- but i LOVE this weather!!  just not conducive for outdoor running but I cant wait to get outside and start cleaning out my camper for our trip to Old Orchard Beach!! 


                        Last night ran a very slow 3 miles with my running group - then we hung out at the pub for some drinks, food and good conversation.  I know i've said it before but i just love my running group - we have runners at all different levels of fitness and speed and the comraderie and feeling of family makes you feel part of something so much bigger!!  Tomorrow our weekend hosted run is at a friend's house less than 2 miles from mine - looking forward to that!


                        MikeE - hope your son realizes he needs his family soon and seeks the help he needs -- will keep you in my prayers.


                        Justin is doing pretty good - been taking his med and getting up early every day going to the gym.  He's been going fishing and playing basketball with friends and staying away from the drinking scene.   I wish he would realize he is going to need some supports in place because eventually he is going to want to socialize more and needs to know how to do that without the drinking and drugs!  He is going to spend some time with us up at the beach  next week too and then will start looking for another job or try to get into a personal training program. 



                          Sounds like we need a group hug here this morning. So here's a virtual one for those dealing with family issues and injuries. And a package of cool air for those of you out East who are now suffering from the nasy H&H that is slowly moving out of the Midwest.


                          Go TwoCat. If you can get the flight and the price isn't unmanagable, you'll never have regrets.


                          Much cooler here this morning. 69° and still muggy but what a relief. 7 miles, 14:01 pace which included a short run across a busy intersection to beat the light. Whoa - this comeback thing is going to get nasty. I felt like an uncoordinated oaf just running that short distance.


                          Mary - I got in an outdoor craft show tomorrow. They're predicting thunderstorms and high winds. What was I thinking???


                            10 easy miles in 59 degree weather, I have a rare Friday off, it was nice to get out early and run Smile



                              MarathonDerrick, have fun in your vacation and I hope you find a nice property to buy. 

                              KSrnner, I will be looking for your friend. Posie mama and Posie-sun will also start at 7am! Don't worry, we will take care of him. Enkie is bringing the champagne at the end for all of us to celebrate!!!!

                              Speaking of Enkie, I can't wait to see that girl!. I have not seeing her for over 3 years!!!

                              twocat, whether you go or no, I know that your friend knows that you hold him dearly in your heart and THAT fact he will take with him to eternity!  Posie huggs to you through the weekend!


                              Another day of rest today. Funny, I had ran only two days this week, 2 miles each, and I am just fine with resting!


                              Happy HOT Friday my friends!

                              "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                                Twocat, I hope you can get to see your friend.  Mike, sorry to hear your son has backslid.  deez, I'm glad to hear Justin is doing ok.  My thoughts are with all of you.


                                This morning, the temp was  nice, high 60s with humidity and almost calm.  Even though I wouldn't have normally run today, I went out for 5 miles at a 10:35 pace.


                                A good day and good runs for all.


