Masters Running


Friday March 14 Master running (Read 617 times)

    Good Morning! 4 miles at 5 AM at "the pick your pace" of just under 8 minutes---31 minutes for 7:58 pace under partly cloudy skies and 30F---feel fine and slept quite soundly last night. Time to head off to a meeting and then running 6 miles this afternoon. It's a double day--10 total. Good running, traveling, pre-race prepping to all CNYrunner

    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

      Nice run CNY, I like that "pick your pace" I'm in Conover, NC today and have to be in our plant for a trial just past 7 so to squeeze in my planned 14 miler I had to go to bed early (8:30) and get up at 3:30 ala the Beers. Some coughing last night but still good sleep. Ran by HR trying to keep it in the 150's with upper 150's up the rolling hills and low 150's down. Turned out I felt wonderfully sproinky so the uphills were the most fun. The pace was around 8:30 most of the run which is geat! 14.3 mi on rolling hills in 2:04:33 (8:41, AHR 154, max 161.. mission accomplished Smile ) Have great runs! Steve

      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

      The Jogger

        Morning All Nice early run CYN, I was early for me too, 07:40 a hilly, wet, muddy, tree fallen, drizzly trail run. The 305 HR monitor is excellent, uploaded training, thanks Lou, just need to learn how to post a copy here. That run felt good. Anyway: 10m 01:45:39 @ 10:34 pace AHR 152 71% WHR Good Runs All Roy Corrr dear, bed at 08:30 that is dedication, great run Steve, Have a good night out Holly, great sound....

        Marathon Maniac #957

          Holly! Way to go on the house, but wow....speedy action. You can stay with me at the hotel when I am in town next week!
          Whew! Thanks, CNY! Perch and CNY - nice speedy runs to start us out today. Oops, there's Roy with a good run, too. Deez4boys – glad your son’s surgery went well. We got two offers on the house yesterday. Rejected one and countered the other. We should hear back by 5pm. I told DH, we're not desperate or anything. We don't HAVE to move. Both offers wanted us to move out by 4/30/08. That last week of April might be a tough moving week for me...Big grin We asked for another month. No run for me today – light x-training instead: front raises R&L, reverse flies, bent rows, glute raises, various crunches and oblique v-ups. Another leg rest day. (hey, I could get used to this) DH and I are having a rare night out as a late birthday celebration. Dinner and a show, a Celtic concert called Dervish. Happy Friday!

          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

            How ya'll run like that at that time of the morning is beyond me. Great runs however. I'm getting blood test at 8am, so no breakfast or coffee no exercise until after. The good news is I finally have time to post. However not much to say this early so I'll check in later. Have a Nice Day Smile

            Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

            Marathon Maniac #3309

              Happy TGIF everyone..... Hang in there Holly, I remember when I was married and we were in the same position as you a few's quite the experience to say the least. Nice runs CNY, Steve, Roy, hope all goes well with your blood test Sarge...I too am impressed by all the early am runs Not a big deal run for me last night....10 miles at a steady 8:00 to 9:00 pace with a few striders at 6:30 pace and my quickest at 6:18. When I get to about 6:30 pace I wonder how in the world do I hold that pace or faster for a 5K, which is my goal. Hope everyone has a great Friday regardless of what your plans are today Smile Tim

              Running has given me the courage to start, the determination to keep trying, and the childlike spirit to have fun along the way - Run often and run long, but never outrun your Joy of running!

                Good morning all going out this afternoon for my last 20 miler before Martian the first week of April, and then we will start our taper, not much because of my base being so low this year, but taper none the less. Bad night at work last night so I 'll wait and run this afternoon after I wakeup. Temps in mid to high 40's today so I'll not need a jacket, yes!!!! Got my Friday lifting done after work did a 240 Bench press today for 3 reps, not my best but the best since I lost 30 pounds. Have a good day and a better run!!!

                Hill Runner

                  Good morning all, 7.03 miles of hills @ 9:10 last run before the Shamrock Marathon on Sunday. Tomorrow is a travel day. I'm not bringing my laptop since I'm only going to be staying one night and driving back to NC right after the party on the beach. I won't have any time to use my computer. See ya'll when I get back!

                  Upcoming Races:

                  Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
                  Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
                  Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

                    Perchcreek, Now that is what I call dedication, great running everyone. Day off running for me, just resting up before tomorrow's race/jog. Will plan a long run Sunday to see what kind of shape I am in and set a goalf for the Around the Bay 30K road race in two weeks. Goals from early January have been put aside, sub 2 is just not going to happen. So maybe a 2;05 if my body says good to go. Here is one of my favorite new sayings. "Would you rather be happy or rather be right" I find that I and many others are simply expressing ego or trying to express our knowledge when telling someone they are wrong, or pointing out the error of their ways. Everyone is so much happier and supportive when you don't tell them they are wrong. Of course, sometimes you have to fight for your rights or teach people certain things but in your day to day try to catch yourself when your being assertive and see if it's for you or your ego. Happiness is the way to go Take care Tall

                    Recent Best times: None recently

                    Renee the dog

                      Tim, THANKS! I forgot what day of the week it was! I'm feeling even better now!! Perfect 4 miler this morning at what ended up an overall 8:45 pace. That seems to be becoming a more frequent average. When I was a child athlete, I don't think I had any concept that I'd still be improving at a sport at 43. I feel very fortunate. Good runs to everyone and good fortune to weekend racers!

                      GOALS 2012: UNDECIDED

                      GOALS 2011: LIVE!!!

                        Some good (and some @#$% early!) runs today. Since I raced on Sunday I took it easy this week and pushed my tempo run to today. 5 miles @ 7:25 plus 2 miles warm-up/cool down. Temps already 49F at 6:30. Our pear tree is blossoming. That's the official arrival of Spring around here. Have a good weekend.

                        Be safe. Be kind.

                        Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                          Tall - I'd much rather be Happy than right . . . . but if I were to be Happy AND right, well that is just an extra bonus. Holly - that is great about your house selling so fast! I found the whole house selling process very stressful, but I was also very attached to that house as it was our home for 18 years and encapsulated many, many memories. SRD for me today. Took my mom to dinner at Red Lobster last night and a girlfriend of mine came along too. It was a really enjoyable night. My mom is 91 and when I picked her up she looked so cute! Had on a pretty aqua color sweater set with a big modern necklace that I loved! She was stylin'. Couple glasses of wine and good conversation with lots of laughs. Great night! Happy Friday!! ~Mary P.S Speaking of going to be early - Brinkley headed up to bed a 8:00 last night! Smile


                          "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                          It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                            Stepping back in to say GOOD LUCK Peter! Go get 'em on this marathon and all those hills you run in NC should help you fly on the Shamrock Course. One of my running pals ran it last year and he said it's a zippy course. Run the first 20 with your head and the last six with your heart. Since you won't have your laptop, I thought I should say good luck now. More good wishes to all the other weekend racers on the way. CNYrunner
                              Peter: Good luck on Sunday (although you don't need "luck" since you've done your prep!) and stay away from the green beer until after the run. Aamos: Just wanted to say it's nice to see you posting regularly. You have a habit of disappearing for long periods and getting onto the "whatever happened to..." list. Wink Mary: Nice that you had a good time with your mom. My mom would have been 90 next week. Holly: You mean you're able to sell your house without burying a statue of St. Joseph upside down in your front yard? Or is that just a local superstition up here? I hate to admit this, but my wife's family is Catholic and we had our old house up for sale for weeks until I finally said "OK, bury the *** thing out there, but I don't want any part of it", and then a few days later the house was sold! Did 30 minutes of hard spinning on a stationary bike at the rec center this morning. That seems to be easier on my hip than running, so I can at least look forward to cycling when the weather clears up a bit. Speaking of which, it really feels like we've turned the corner: starting to feel and smell like Spring out there the last few days. But Ma Nature can really fool you around here.

                              Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                              "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                              Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                                Holly: You mean you're able to sell your house without burying a statue of St. Joseph upside down in your front yard? Or is that just a local superstition up here? I hate to admit this, but my wife's family is Catholic and we had our old house up for sale for weeks until I finally said "OK, bury the *** thing out there, but I don't want any part of it", and then a few days later the house was sold!
                                Just to clarify here: Are you embarrased that your wife is Catholic, that you actually buried the statue, or both? Wink We buried the statue . . . it really does work! Surprised Chiming in too wish Peter all the best!! ~Mary


                                "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                                It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


