Masters Running


123123 Daily (Read 36 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Good 40 minutes of upper body work, Holly. I hope your foot is better this morning. And I hope the English Toffee came out well. And I'm glad that you found a way to spend time with your childhood friend. If any drug company found a cure for cancer, they would make a fortune from the distribution of whatever that drug is - much more so than from the treatment drugs that are available now. Plus, they would put all their competitors at a distinct disadvantage. So I also don't see a conspiracy there.


    Good almost 3 mile mini hike, Tramps. Did you find any firewood? I've got lots of twigs and branches for kindling to pick up along our driveway today.


    Nice 1-hour walk with a friend, Marj - time well-spent.


    Nice Fleet Feet 8 miles, testing new Asics Novablast, KSA, and with treats afterward. I hope your friend's mother makes it to the 100-year celebration. I'm sorry that Kiley is sick, but it is good news that he doesn't have Covid.


    Tet, I'll ask my PT about doing Zoom sessions. Yes, I have 3 (and 4 and 5) mile routes, but they are approximate distances, and I often vary from them by adding in an extra street here or a small cul-de-sac there. Although I know my approximate distance for each workout, I never check my Garmin until after I've gotten back to the house, which is why I often have odd distances, which never bother me. Gee - some of what you are going through with your knee sounds a lot like what I have been and am going through... I'm also skeptical about a drug shortage preventing you from getting what you need. And, yes, there are still times (like last night) when I'll take some ibu to quiet the knee pain so I can sleep. I also wonder if it is inactivity that is the cause.


    Good 10-miler, Twocat. Sorry that the show didn't quite live up to your and DW's expectations, but it still sounds like a good time. Do you make your Caesar Salad dressing from scratch?


    Welcome back, Wildchild - sounds like a great trip. Tough decision on where to move next, but I'm sure you'll find a location that serves both of your needs. Good 13.1 mile run with friends. And congrats on being so close to ending the month and year Primed.


    I hope you got a better night's sleep last night, dnaff, especially after all the body/core work yesterday. I'm glad you got a near-contact runner's high from the runner you saw yesterday.


    Good hour at the gym with the early resolutionists, Doug. Yes - they won't stick around all that long. Also sounds like a good visit with your "not so young" DS. They do tend to grow up, don't they?


    Good 50 Peleton minutes, bioguy - a good way to unwind from the drive from the beach.


    Enjoy Green Bay and GD's basketball games, Mike, and the vinyl too.


    Good 3.1 pre-work Boston miles, Deeze. And HAPPY 12.31.23 BIRTHDAY!


    Nice 5.5 club running miles, and 8+ on the bike to hit your goal, Norm. I'm glad you had a good day with DW DS1 DS2 DN at the ND hockey game.


    I'm glad the absence of swelling will enable you to get out of the socks after 3 weeks, Erika, and off the aspirin after 6. You're making great progress.


    Good "streaking", Surly Bill, with 3x10 pushups and 50 crunches a day. Sorry to learn that the girl has Covid, and about your former neighbor passing from RSV. We all need to take care of ourselves, regardless of age.


    Last night, we had some pan-roasted salmon and baby potatoes and a head of garlic cloves roasted in parchment, and it was a delicious dinner that we enjoyed in front of the fireplace/wood stove. This morning, we had our usual Sunday jazz breakfast, with loaded scrambled eggs (including some left-over potatoes from last night) and some sourdough bread that DW baked yesterday. We bought a frother a few weeks back, so now we add a dollop or two of froth to our coffee in the morning for an extra little treat.


    Well before breakfast, I headed to the guest room/gym for 85 minutes of knee and core work, plus extra upper and lower body band work, and some stretching. Maybe DW and I will get out for a walk a little later.


    Have a greta New Year's Eve day.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.

      coastwalker yes I make the Caesar salad from scratch. It is actually quite easy. I also make my own croutons. Again, quite easy. It sounds like your body is starting to heal up.


      deez4boyz happy birthday.


      evanflein send some of that snow to Wyoming! Looking at Jackson Hole, the place is barren! All sorts of trails that are never closed, are closed! DW and I just cut back our trip by several days since things look so dire.


      What Surly Bill wrote reminded me of an old finance joke. Questions: What do you call a secret between three people? Answer: Public information.


      Went out to run with the local running club. Nobody running near my pace was there, so I ended up doing 4 miles by my lonesome. It happens. I made birria to bring to a New Year's Eve party tonight. Hopefully, everyone will like it. The recipe required some modification since the hostess cannot eat onions or garlic. Have you ever tried to cook without adding any onions or garlic! I tell you, ever recipe (other than sweets) has them in it.

      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

        mornin' jay........


        tet//............just sent you a reply to your message.................if it's not there I probably didn't hit send..........kinda Wacked at the moment




        been getting in work-outs when I can



        went up

        to Clarksville

        Sunday before Christmas Eve

        to be with our SIL

        since BIL had quit eating and wasn't responsive


        he passed away

        Wed before Christmas.

        we stayed thru Thurs to be with her


        as we left-


        Best Friend and Running Buddy's Wife passed away Thurs before Christmas


        when we got hom

        checked emails-



        DD1 and my GrandSon who live in Spain and weren't going to Kentucky for Holidays-

        had sent me

        an email they were in Kentucky and going back Saturday before New Years'




        everything's been handled,


        so going to hit the soccer fields to Blow Off some Steam


        some of us Exercise for THAT too



        to marginally offset the TOTAL BUMMING OUT I just gave you


        sorry about that)


        Wishing EveryOne Good Work-Outs



        a Hell of a Lot Better 2024

        ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

        MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

          Tom - welcome back after a tough holiday travel but very nice you get to enjoy the last of it with DD and GS.  Have you guys ever been over there to see them?  Have fun.

          Thanks very much for all the information including helpful answers to questions I didn't even know I had. Much appreciated, . . ., except maybe for that part about making sure I do everything I should "because you know how you are." Smile


          Tet, the Minimus I have aren't really "shoes",

          they're more like socks with rubber on the bottom,

          thin rubber.

          A Review of the New Balance HI-REZ | Reviews | Toe Salad


          Surly - thanks, especially neat how something with laces and a rubber sole that you put on your feet isn't actually a "shoe," after all, but, if it isn't, . . . then, maybe, after all, I believe in conspiracy theories too.


          Jay - thanks too. I’ve got my insurance cards up to three PT’s up on Hospital Hill and will be checking with them for coverage an appointments after the Wednesday morning second follow-up with Dr. Knee Surgeon. I’m deeply disappointed in them leaving the PT arrangements all up to me to do it all on my own this time vs DW’s doctor arranging all of her physical therapy, including initial appointments, ensuring insurance coverage, etc., after her tennis knee miniscus arthroscopic surgery in 2016 but, especially after this morning’s hallway back-and-forths having me feeling good about being able to get to wherever I end up if I can get into one or the other of them. We’ll see. Thanks again.


          It didn’t matter because their team's already guaranteed a playoff slot but, probably because I was distracted from the recurring evening knee pain usually bothering me before zzz-time by a certain football team failing to sign in an eligible receiver or some such nonsense that cost them the game, I got by with only one PK last night instead of the usual two so getting better in that regard too.


          In years past from the Y2K fiasco, we used to go to the New Year’s Eve fireworks at the Space Needle but, though neither of us have been able to stay awake that late in recent years, with the Observation decks and on up to the top of the Space Needle visible from our front window, we hope to wake up tonight to start watching them again. We’ll see.

          "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

            ..glad to help tet.........




            40s windy and sunny......


            ...40-min at soccerfields,,,,,,,,,,,,trailboots

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....


              Thanks for the start, Jay.

              (((Tom)))--my condolences on your BIL's passing.  Such sobering way to spend Christmas.

              Carolyn—I missed you…especially on the winter solstice! I’m so sorry to hear you may have to leave your beautiful house. I know you two put so much effort into making it your unique home.  Whatever you end up doing, I hope it works out well for you.  It sounds like you are being thoughtful and deliberate about moving forward.

              Bioguy and Surly—useful responses; thanks for taking the time.

              Holly—I thought this short overview of the “cancer cure” conspiracy did a decent job elaborating on points made here already.


               Regarding NYC,...Reports about the plans by pro-Hamas groups are rather stark.

              Yeah, let’s hope extremists are kept at bay and all is peaceful tonight. Fortunately--while you can never discount the actions of a few--the bulk of recent protests across the country have not been “pro-Hamas” but "pro-Palestinian," calling for a cease-fire in Gaza in solidarity with the Palestinian civilians being killed and displaced in stunning numbers by ongoing Israeli bombardment (supported by the United States). They attract a range of groups and include Christian actions and Jewish-led demonstrations calling for a cease-fire and, yes, also condemning Hamas violence. Let’s hope 2024 finds a way to ensure security for both Palestinian and Israeli civilians and that a process for long-term peace is restarted. It’s hard to be hopeful right now, though.


              On a happier note, we have a beautiful sunny day here today. It was too cold to ride this morning, so I started doing other stuff...and lost track of time. Oops. I did manage to get out for a short 15-mile ride after it had warmed up nicely. Another year's running/riding in the books.


              I hope you all have a pleasant New Year's Eve, however, you choose to spend it. It'll be a quiet one here, as usual. Since we have real internet service now, I think we might go through our photos from this year's travels and do a little cleanup. Party people, I know.

              Be safe. Be kind.



                deez4boyz happy birthday.


                It's not my birthday - just a FUN birthday for all those babies being birthed today!! Judging by the number of vortexes pleading for help today, I am thinking it is a very busy day on the labor floor - or a lot of people out sick!!


                Did a 2 hour Death by Tens workout this morning - the leader designs a stack of 10 classes and whoever wants to join in stacks them on the Peloton and starts the session together - lots of fun seeing people jump from class to class together. Today was a variant from her usual design - usually it is 10 ten minute classes. Today started with Pilates and ended with an arms/weight class then a stretch The class length varied from 5-20 minutes - it was great!!

                Church and then dropped off a few things to Justin but I didn't stay to visit. Apparently he wasn't aware of no visiting during 11-2 and I didn't check myself. Just as well for me - I really just want to be home in comfy clothes the rest of the day.

                Oh but I do need to get out and walk 1.8 miles so I can end 2023 on a prime  number!! I don't separate my running vs walking miles so if/when I get this done I will end the year with 1061 run/walk miles.


                Happy New Year's Eve my friends!!


                  I agree with Surly on conspiracy theories. For instance, if the government really had a crashed flying saucer with alien bodies in it, it would be far too hugh a story to hide. Same for JFK assassination theories that require the absolute silence of 100s (or 1000s) of people in dozens of organizations.


                  Tramps, did you see the other night that one of the players on the Red Wings achieved the famous "Gordie Howe Hat Trick": a goal, an assist, and a fight!?


                  Tom, it really sounds like you had a rough holiday season. I'm starting to have to come to grips myself that it's now many of my contemporaries who are passing away.


                  Tet, I'm really sorry that you're going through so many struggles with pain management. I hope that you get some resolution -- and relief! -- soon.


                  I did a long indoor ride this morning of 20.2 miles at a 17mph average -- pretty high for me over that distance. It was the Fulgaz Weekly Challenge and completed my Strava December Challenge (200km) as well. For the weekly, so far I'm in the middle of the 75-79AG but people have all week to ride it.

                  Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                  "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                  Marathon Maniac #957



                    Wishing EveryOne Good Work-Outs



                    a Hell of a Lot Better 2024


                    YES!  So sorry for all the rough stuff, Tom.  {{{Hugs for you and Pickles}}}


                    Yeah, let’s hope extremists are kept at bay and all is peaceful tonight.

                    YES!  Oh dear Lord PLEASE let us get through New Year's Eve without drama and pain.


                    Okay, you guys do make good points, but I wasn't actually thinking there has been a "cure" for cancer so much as that there may well be some great homeopathic or herbal remedies that can help combat it.  Worth a try, anyway.  The doc told my friend to "get her affairs in order" so at this point there is probably not much to be done, but what could it hurt?  Maybe something could give her a little more time, I don't know.  It's hard to just give up....


                    My DD is daily sending me info and articles on various "cleanses" and remedies and such for all sorts of maladies she thinks we suffer from.  She thinks we need to do a parasite cleanse (she swears in Europe everyone does one annually), and a heavy metal cleanse, and such and such, so she has probably been leaching into my brain with all of it.


                    So, Roch and Tramps and Surly Bill and Jay (and whoever else has an opinion) - what do you think about those congressional hearings on UFOs?  Just curious.  I didn't follow them closely, but was surprised they didn't raise more of a hullabaloo.


                    If anyone is curious, DH and I have been doing really well the last few months.  Both of us have been honoring our agreement/promises, and so things have been going very smoothly.  Fingers crossed.


                    DH and I took both cars to the Kroger gas station, lined up and filled both cars and two gas cans using our December Kroger Fuel Points to get 90 cents off per gallon for 35 gallons.  We have been doing this at the end of every month - pretty sweet deal.


                    Tet - ice baths really do help, since swelling is part of the pain problem. I know they are miserable, but I find that if you try drinking hot tea or coffee (or hot cocoa for that matter) as you are easing into the ice bath, it really helps.


                    Twocat - no onions or garlic? Rough! I'm eating a homemade birria taco even as we speak...


                    Deez - that workout sounds like a lot of fun!


                    Roch - we did some shopping at Kroger and I passed the cracker display you were talking about - so many options!


                    No New Year's Eve plans for us, just the usual "chilling at home" we do most years.  We'll probably be in bed by 10.   


                    No run for me today, but 30 minutes on the stationary bike and 60 weighted squats.

                    Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                      A little decluttering this morning followed by a trip to the grocery and a 3.1 mile run. TRying to motivate myself to do a little school stuff.


                        Doug--I did not see that. Not a lot of those around anymore. Former Wings player, Anthony Mantha, has been one of the few bright spots for a struggling (again) Caps team this year. Seems to have found his groove.

                        Holly--sounds like someone's spending too much time on Tik-Tok.  You know those are well-known "snake-oil" scams, right?  (And now "influencer" Moms apparently cashing in on a similar trend, too.)  As to UFOs, yup, they exist: objects in the air that are unidentified. Eventually, most of them get identified, some have not. Weird natural anomalies? Probably. Secret military research by our or foreign governments? Wouldn't surprise me. Alien life forms? Could be, given the likelihood of life on other planets but I've yet to see or hear about any credible evidence that shows this. It's a giant leap from "We don't know what this is" to "It's aliens!"  That supposed "bombshell" witness this summer turned out to be little more than "Someone told me that there is evidence that I couldn't look at..."

                        Be safe. Be kind.




                          If anyone is curious, DH and I have been doing really well the last few months.  Both of us have been honoring our agreement/promises, and so things have been going very smoothly.  Fingers crossed.


                          Glad to hear that, Holly.   I haven't been curious, but concerned.   Glad you have shared and continue to.


                          Kind of a weird New Year's Day.  I woke up in a quiet house since DW is still down at her Mom's until sometime tomorrow.  We're making plans to go over to my Mom's house for New Year's dinner tomorrow, since she can't navigate stairs at our place.   No way into or out of our place except for 3 steps, and she can't do those, even.   So we're making a ham dinner and bringing it to her.  Reminds me I have to get the ham out of the freezer.


                          I got up and went to the YMCA for another strength workout and final swim workout of '23.   I swam 3,000 yards to push the monthly total out to 61,900 yards, which is 34.66 miles, a new monthly mileage high for me.  Beat out August of this year by around 200 yards.  And it was in about 56 minutes less time.


                          Went to church for just the last 30 minutes or so of the service including our new Vicar's sermon.  He is a retired policeman who is becoming a pastor as a second career.  Very glad this is becoming a trend in my church because there aren't many pastors coming out of seminary in order to start a first career.  Ironically we have been without a seated pastor at our church for just about 4.5 years now, and he will be eligible to be called pastor in 4.5 years.    I'm not optimistic that any other pastor will accept a Call to be our pastor before then, and I've stepped down from the Call Committee as a result of that.  However, he and I talked about my accepting recent nominations for becoming an Elder in the church.  I'm thinking about it.    I've been stepping back from some things in order to free up time and resources for doing the things I'm really called to do, rather than just filling in holes.


                          I went out to lunch at a local sports bar afterward, had a nice fish and chips dinner with a Guinness, and picked up the baby car seat that I accidentally left at my daughter's apartment last night.  I got home and saw the time on the wall was 2:15, and can't figure out how that happened!  Not that it matters....


                          Today, for me, is a day of meditation, and setting goals for 2024.  I swam 325 miles this year and have put a widget on my RA Log for 365 miles in 2024.  As I'm typing this I'm realizing I should change that to 366 miles, since it's a leap year.  I averaged just about 0.9 miles per day this past year, so a jump to 1.0 miles per day seems very reasonable.


                          My retirement countdown app says my target retirement date is 9 months, 30 days!


                            Jay - thanks for the start and recap

                            ((Tom)) - we haven't had friends dying, but we have many that are sick with aging ailments ranging from cancer to dementia to the usual cardiac stuff.  It's hard, but better than the alternative.


                            On that cheerful note, we walked to local coffee shop and hung out for awhile.  Tonight going with DS and GD2 to the family fireworks at 7 pm on the Boston Common.  We haven't stayed up til midnight for many years.


                            Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and fun 2024.




                              Tet, I’m sorry…I wish you were feeling better by now.  I’m glad you have a ringside seat for some good fireworks.


                              Holly, I saw your bike trainer idea yesterday.  I was able to convince my husband to set my bike up on ours in exchange for me taking down the Christmas tree.


                              A while back I mentioned that my DH and I picked out new bathroom flooring for our Christmas gifts.  After taking out the old, we were amazed to find pretty nice hardwood.  I think we originally intended to bring it back to life, but then we had kids, and sloppy bath time fun.  So it appears we’re cancelling our flooring order and rejuvenating the hardwood.  Tedious work but it keeps us busy in a good way.


                              Todays workout was mostly abs and arms.  Free weights, resistance bands, and a yoga mat equals home gym in the living room.


                              See you next year!  I’m anxious to see how many of us ring it in at midnight.  I’ll be in dreamland.

                              Mike E

                              MM #5615

                                Hello everybody!


                                I got up and headed out the door for my run and found a coating of ice on the sidewalk so I turned around and was ready to just forget it.  But, Mikey had some strap on shoe studs, so a put those on and headed back out.  They worked great!  I guess I hadn’t used anything like that since those springy ones and I didn’t like them.  Anyway—I ended up going 11 miles and got my 2023 miles for the year done.

                                Okay—I need to get off this phone and pay some attention to my family.  See ya!
