Masters Running


Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas Dailies (Read 312 times)


    Merry Christmas Peeps!


    A little 5 mile tempo run really early this morning. Couldn't sleep Wink  A pretty big moon out, 55*, and only a handful of cars.


    Have a joyful and blessed day!


      Mornin' and Merry Christmas to everyone!


      The great thing about early workouts, flarunner, is the absence of traffic to deal with - more so on Christmas morning. Sorry you couldn't sleep - maybe you'll get a nap for Christmas!


      Lots of good runs and family activities and good eating yesterday - keep up the good times!


      It was snowing on the way back to our B&B last night, but it had turned to rain overnight - bummer. I racewalked 7.9 miles in a wind-driven, chilly light rain early this morning, exploring different parts of the town we're visiting, getting lost in a couple of neighborhoods, and finding a surprising bypass that helped me avoid the main road. I passed a handful of homes where lots of lights indicated that people were getting an early start to their Christmas celebrations.


      I wish you all a wonderful, memorable day!



      Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      delicate flower

        Merry Christmas, gang!  I hope you all have a great holiday.  Smile


        Low key day for me and DW.  We had our family gathering Sunday, so today looks like a movie (Lincoln) and turkey.  Day off from running...I could use it.


          Merry Christmas people!

          No running for me today. I planned on sleeping till the little ones woke us to open presents,so I planned the day off.

          Well it's 8:30am and I'm the 1st one up!  When I was a kid I was up before the sun!

          Legs a little sore from running hills yesterday (Well we call them hills here in WI,I don't live in Colorado)


          My sister always hosts my side of the familys Christmas get together. Her husband passed away a few years ago,and she is not doing great health wise,but she does not want to give up hosting the family's Christmas get together,but the stress of cleaning the house before and after is getting to her. Anyway, she is a teacher and has rented her schools gym and cafeteria to have our get together at.  So no sitting around the fire place feeling all warm and fuzzy sharing eggnog., but we will be playing a few games of basketball! The little ones will have room to run without trashing aunt Debbies house too. This is the first year she is doing this,so we will see how it goes. I know one thing,we're not sitting around on out butts watching TV.

          Again,Merry Christmas everybody!

          shadow runner

          The Shirtless Wonder

            Merry Christmas all.


            No running for me today.  But did manage to do half-hour or so of core excercises before the family got up...or at least DW.  Teenagers still much of Santa excitement.

            Joe Suder

            Nulla camisia et nulla problematum 


            Marathon Maniac #957


              Well it's 8:30am and I'm the 1st one up!  When I was a kid I was up before the sun!



              DD was up at 4:44am.  I begged/grouched for more sleep (mostly because I am back to work tomorrow, and wanted one more day to sleep in), but she was so restless, waiting for the rest of us to get up, that we gave up and got up.


              Today's plans are lazing around the house playing games with the kids and puttering on the computer.  The Dark Knight Rises will be our family movie later.


              6 miles for me this morning, followed by 30 minutes of core and weights.


              Enjoy your day!

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                Merry Christmas everyone. We had an awesome night watching Will and Ben hand out everyone's gifts, then tear into theirs. Got lots of great pictures and even better memories. My DIL is very pregnant with baby #3 (Nicholas Joseph) and there were even a few gifts for him. Got up for a leisurely pot of coffee and the viewing of "A Christmas Story." I swear I've never seen that movie from start to finish - always pick it up somewhere in the middle.


                It's a beautiful sunny day here but temps are around 16° and it's a little icy. DH and I are going to take our snowshoes over to one of the local golf courses and bring our camera.


                Have a wonderful Christmas!

                Jeff F

                Free Beer

                  Merry Christmas everyone!


                  We did our family Christmas last night.  It was a little crowded around the tree opening presents but we had a great time.  After presents we played Wii bowling and cards.


                  Today will be the Ralphie marathon and prime rib for dinner.


                  Got to use my new Garmin 610 for my run this a.m.  Easy 5 miles on the bike path; it was very quiet only saw two other runners and one walker.



                  King of PhotoShop

                    Prime Rib, who has an apartment in Dallas, stayed over with us last night, so that was a lot of fun.  I got up early and ran, but had to cut it short because of lightning.  Heavy rain here today as well.  Soon as everyone else gets up, we'll open presents, then I'll cook dinner.


                    Last night I made a wild rice, shrimp and scallop casserole which was delicious. SpareTire can't have gluten or cheese, so cooking for him is a challenge.  This dish hit the spot.  Spareribs

                      My DW's family does not open presents until Christmas evening so we have some time to go as I write this before the ceremonies begin.  In the meantime I have a crown pork roast to produce for dinner.  It is an experiment seeing as I have never made one before.  I sure hope it comes out well!  No surprises for me.  I got my, no doubt, best present of the season for Hanukkah and I know what my DW got me to open for Christmas.  But my DW should be surprised!  She has no idea what I got her.  One little gift was to engrave all of her finisher medals with her name, date (if not already on it) and time.  I have an Amazing Race lookalike envelope in one present with a hint to go check the back of the medals.  The hint is a bit cryptic so I hope she figures it out without any more from me!  More hints would ruin the whole presentation so to speak.


                      A merry Christmas to all of you here on RA that celebrate!

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                        Feilz Chanakwanzamas, as I like to say in my house, where every Nativity scene features a sombrero.

                        7.7 easy miles this and gifts later.

                          Feilz Chanakwanzamas, as I like to say in my house, where every Nativity scene features a sombrero.

                          7.7 easy miles this and gifts later.


                          Big grin


                          Merry Christmas, Everyone ~


                          I haven't been around much so don't know what's going on, but I wish the best for you and all your families as we speed toward the new year.


                          I'm on the injured reserve list.  Saturday toward the end of my LR, my foot (the one I injured in 2011) suddenly started hurting like before.  I wasn't running fast, downhill, or anything.  Just a nice easy road run.  Once I got home, it stopped bothering me and I completely forgot about it.  Then yesterday, about a mile into 4 EZ, it hit again and I had to limp 1.25 miles home .  It's the same sensation as before, plus the same swelling and discoloring, so I fear the ligament is damaged again.  I'm really worried.  I'm waffling about whether to get back on the crutches until I can get in to see my ortho as I don't know if I'm doing more damage when I walk on it.

                          I have had absolutely no problems with my foot in over a year and I"m not running excessive mileage right now, so I don't understand. Suffice to say, all plans for next year are officially on hold until I find out what's going on.

                          Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                          Trail Runner Nation

                          Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                          Bare Performance



                            5.2 miles for me this morning.  Fun morning with the grandkid. She passed out the gifts and had fun opening hers.  We've already made snow cones with one of them.


                            My younger daughter is off to Green Bay.  I guess she officially doesn't live here anymore.  After 3 days of contract work this week, she starts full-time on Monday and gets her first ever paid holiday on Tuesday.  I signed the title of the car she has been using over to her.


                            (((Leslie))) That's really sucks.  Try to stay off the foot as much as possible and hopefully it isn't as serious as last time.



                              Merry Christmas to my RA family.  It sounds like many of you are off to a great start celebrating the season with your families.   We had our Christmas Sunday with our son and his wife and our daughter and her boyfriend.  It was great.  Yesterday we hung out at our son's, inclluding seeing "Lincoln" which we thought was  good.  My son and his wife went to his in laws last night so my wife and I have had his house to ourselves last nignt and so far today.  Later, we will head out to my son's inlaws where we will be joined by our daughter and her boyfriend for some more celebrating.  We've done this for several years and it's always a good time.  This morning, It was in the low 20s and I expected the roads to be slippery so I went out with my yaks.  I was lacking in motivation and energy but got in 6 miles at an 11:09 pace.


                              C-R, nice 5K.  Drake, great your son is home for Christmas.  Tag, good racing and pictures.  fatozzig, what a bummer that your foot problem has resurfaced.  Having been there before, I hope realizing what's going on, allows you to start dealing with it right away and quickly getting back to normal.


                              Nice long runs for Dave, CNY, evan, and Holly.  Good jjob on the speedwork for baboon (9 miles of 1/4 mile repeats - holy carp).


                              A good day and good runs for all.



                                Merry Christmas everyone.


                                We had a relaxing evening with the in-laws last night and some great fun opening presents this morning. Santa was nice to the occupants of our house. Its always fun to see the smiles on the kids faces. My present was a healthy DW and kids. That with my special coffee was plenty for me. Oh and I managed a nice 10 miler just before lunch.


                                Drake and enke - please thank your boys for their service and enjoy their time at home. I have several classmates stills serving with a few away from family during the holidays. Having grown up in a miltary family, its not easy to be separated so here's wishing them a safe and quick return.


                                Leslie - that stinks. I would stay off as much as possible. Hope it isn't serious.


                                There's some good eating in this group. Makes me hungry for lunch.


                                We have another celebration tonight at SIL. My BIL's sister is a professional pastry chef and she always brings her best. I'm skipping meals for extra.


                                Have a wonderful day all.

                                "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                                "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel

