Masters Running


Tuesday, November 10 Daily Runs and such (Read 476 times)

Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

    Good Morning!!   I hope baby Will made it home yesterday and that they had a peaceful night as a family. 


    I decided today was interval day - 1/4 mile segments with .15 mile rest periods:

    1 mile W/U - 10:23
    1 - 2:06
    2 - 2:09 (Brinkley break)
    3 - 2:00
    4 - 2:01
    5 - 1:59
    1 Mile C/D - 9:54

    Overall 9:38 pace.

    Brinkley picked up what looked to be a freshly dead opposum this morning!!   I may have awakened a few people getting him to drop it - UGH!    Then I was thinking maybe it was just playing dead .... but it was still there on our return trip.  Sad


    ETA a picture of my girls and I at the game last weekend.   MSU played WMU which is where my DD#2 is attending college now.   It was a beautiful day for football!




    "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
    It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."


      Brinkley would like running here.  I see opposums, raccoons, and armadillos almost daily.


      6 GA miles this monring.  I have very little zip right now so just putting in some miles.  My right leg is still talking to me.  This may take a while.  No big deal - I'm just being cautious.



      "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


        Good Morning Crew.


        I think I've entered that critical junture that my Bone Doc warned me about. I've had zero pain for a few days now and the tenderness is almost completely was so tempting as I walked across the parking lot this morning to break into a little jog......kinda test things out......But I know, maybe .


        Don't worry....I won'r do anything too stupid.


        I did get a good garage workout in. 30 mins of strength training followed by a good heart pounding 30 mins on the evil-liptical.


        Happy miles to all master runners !



          Nice run, Mary.

          Good to see Bill and Slo-Hand being cautious and smart about recovery.


          Tempo Tuesday for me--abbreviated taper edition. 

          8 miles total:  2 easy miles + 4@ 7:09 + 2 easy.


          Have a good day.


          Be safe. Be kind.


            Good morning good people. Slo - do we have to come down there and tie you up? Listen to your doctor! You've been so patient about waiting this out, don't risk reinjuring yourself now.


            Bill - nice to hear from you. Hope you find your zip, and take care of that right leg. How is Hurricane Ida affecting your weather today? My DS#2 stationed in Pensacola said the wind and rain was just incredible.


            Must be the morning for critters, Mary. Only I saw two dead fish laying by the side of the road! I live no where near water, and these looked to be two pretty good sized rainbow trout. Hopefully some hungry animal will find them for lunch. 


            Baby Will did indeed come home yesterday. The kids stopped here on their way home from Milwaukee, but  I was still at work and I missed seeing them.  But grandpa got the camera and took some pictures which was almost as good. I'll try to send some to Mary so she can post them for me. I haven't talked to them yet this morning, but my DS#1 sounded awfully nervous last night. Hope everythng went all right



            Forgot my run! 5.5 miles, 32°. 9:47 pace. Have a good day everyone

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Jlynne- I think that if anything did not go right, you would have heard from them.  I am so happy they are all home now.    I saw a fish on the side of the road like that a couple of years ago.  I couldn't figure it out!  Big grin


              Slo - good job listening to your doctor.   Hopefully it won't be much longer now!!


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                Jlynne, it looks like Ida is taking a U-turn and heading back toward our area.  It's been quite windy for several days now and it'll likely continue for a few more.



                "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong

                  Glad Will is home.  His parents will be nervous for a while -- this would be true even if he didn't go through what he went through.  Smile

                  Sometimes I see a sneaker on the side of the road and wonder how that happened.

                  Nice pic, Mary!

                  8.2 miles, 1:05:11, 7:59/mi, AHR 163 (83% MHR)

                  Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |


                  Rose Colored Glasses

                    Sometimes I see a sneaker on the side of the road and wonder how that happened.

                     Me too.  I always worry about what happened to the other shoe.

                    "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."

                    i'm lovin' it... MM#1949

                      Mary.. nice interval Tuesday

                      Byll... it will come

                      Slo.. good will power

                      Tramps.. lookin good!

                      JLynne - nice 5


                      Nice 55° and cloudy this morning for 7 miles incl 2 with Tory and Sadie (1:04:50 (9:16 pace, AHR 153)

                      Perch's Profile "I don't know if running adds years to your life, but it definitely adds life to your years." - Jim Fixx "The secret is to make in your mind possible what was not possible before. The secret is to make easy what was difficult, instead to make difficult what really is easy." - Coach Renato Canova

                        Nice running Lou, Tramps and others.

                        Good that baby Will is going home. Thoughts for continued strength.

                        7.67 in 1:03:50....miles 4, 5 and 7 sub-8 pace.


                        Marathon Maniac #957

                           Me too.  I always worry about what happened to the other shoe.


                          I think it’s about to drop....


                          Mary – yuck!  (re dead opossum)  Similarly, yesterday as I was watching our dogs in the backyard out my kitchen window, I saw Daisy joyfully rolling in something, over and over.  I knew for certain that it was something dead or otherwise really gross.  A moment later, I saw her eating it.    I don’t even want to know.  Great picture, btw!


                          Jlynne – perhaps no news is good news.


                          51° this morning – what may be the last warmish day of the year before the cold front moves in tonight.  I decided to do 6 x 800 today, but lost count and ended up doing only 5.  How on earth do I lose count at a number that small?


                          Anyway, 8 miles today, including 5 x 800m with 90 sec. recoveries:


                          3:59  (7:59)

                          4:00  (8:01)

                          3:55  (7:51)

                          3:58  (7:58)

                          3:48  (7:37)


                          Obviously my fast-twitch fibers have gone to sleep.  Doesn’t seem to take any time at all for the paces to slow wayyyy down when I’m not constantly working at speed.


                          At the end of my run I did 5 x 50 slow, bounding leaps uphill, followed by 60 lunges on each leg.  A real quad-toaster today. 

                          Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                            Look at that gorgeous mother with her daughters.


                            I too am happy to hear that Will is back home. I hope they had a good night rest.


                            It is great tosee how well the fall marathoners are recovering. Take it easy with the legs Bregarcito and you too Slo_Hand.Speaking of recovery, do you guys see how fast marathon dg has recovered from her first race?


                            Erika, when are you coming to Seattle. I will be there Thursday and Friday. I will have meetings all day, a gala event at night and meetings again all day on Friday, but I may be able to squeeze in a meet up if you are in town also.


                            Late to bed and early to rise for me this week. I am preparing for my presentations as well as planning next week's...and here I thought that my life as an unemployed person would be filled with nothingness


                            I wish you good news and good luck at your doctor's visit twocat (hehe...I am on the right day today, right?)


                            Hi Francesca!


                            tetsujin, a belated congrats on your happy marathon in Japan. How many have you ran there to date?


                            Holly, send that kid of yours my way...I can always use some more slaves


                            I think I am going to be running every other day all this week. My left leg is still pretty stiff, even after the one hour pilates I did last night. Just to be coutious. My next race is not until April , so no need to hurry.


                            Have a terrific day folks!

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard


                              Wonderful picture of you and your daughters, Mary. Love that Michigan green!


                              Have fun in Seattle, Mariposai. Pike's Market is a neat area to run by.


                              GOOD LUCK TWOCAT!!! Hope you get good news this morning - please keep us posted.



                                good morning!


                                Mary, great picture!   What a great day to watch a game, even though, well, I'd skip the game part!  Wink

                                Nice intervals!  .      I'd have woken the neighbors too.  eww.


                                byllllqger, I was wondering about that leg.   yes, please be careful.   thank you.  


                                Oh, Slo, I know that point well. Probably most of us do.   Will hold you to that not too stoopid comment.   I thought about you this morning as I was crunching through the leaves.    ((( )))


                                Now I wonder what Twocat's doctor said. 


                                It was really nice here too, although it rained enough just to wet the path, then I worry about slipping.  but was happy it wasn't raining , or worse.  6.06 miles, 9:43 average pace, 8:18 max.  I did 2 (or 3, see Holly you're not alone) strides at the end.  I meant to do more but had side stiches.   Miles were 10:14, 9:44, 9:34, 9:29, 9:40, & 9:32.   As soon as I got home I threw on a dry jacket & took Sadie for a short walk.   I was soo cold!! because everything else I had on was soaking wet (sorry, another eww) & it was windy.   But, no dead animals which I now appreciate more fully. ;-)


                                better get back to work, more catch up a little later. 

