Masters Running


1st Saturday of 24 (Read 40 times)


    Morning masters


    No recap for me but I enjoyed the weight lifting discussion. 

    10k in fresh snow with the club this morning. i forgot how beautiful it is to run in snow in the morning. Has ne jazzed for the rest of the day. 

    Some chores and then Colts day with tailgate and the game. Pretty excited. Oh and DS2 got 100 proficiency on his first pilot trst in USAF  

    Have a super day all



    "He conquers who endures" - Persius
    "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel


      Thanks for the Start C-R!


      I just finished a workout in the pool, but, well, it had to be considered finished because the pool closes to members on Saturdays at 8:15, for swimming lessons, until noon.  So it had to be considered finished even though it was short of the plan.  Instead of following my planned workout, I used a workout sheet that I found under my bed (long story) that looked like it was probably from September or earlier.  Instead of 4 x 100's for everything, it was 10 x 50's at a faster pace and more rest.   Pretty enjoyable, actually.  The last full set I got in was 10 x 50 freestyle wearing the new nose clip, doing flip turns.   Those reps were pretty rough and I hit 40 seconds for each one and rested 20 seconds between reps.  Actually I rested 1:20 between #5 and #6, which may have just been a mental necessity.   I was nearly finishing a set of 6 x 50 dolphin kick on back with swim fins on my feet when I was told the pool was closing.   Total of 2,400 yards.


      Next up - over to the church to help take down and store the Christmas decor.  


      DW gets home from her Mom's this afternoon, then our friend who is doing carpentry comes over to see what the next thing is we have on his plate, should he accept the mission.  Then we have reservations at our favorite Italian restaurant, and then the storm hits.  Hopefully it will follow that sequence.   Weather forecast says it's supposed to start snowing lightly around 7, and our reservations are at 4:45.  Should give us plenty of time to get home before it starts. 6" to 12" with locally higher amounts, up to 15".    So I know what Sunday's workout will be,  Might mean a day off from Church, at least the one that's 20 minutes from our house.   Might be a day to try a local service instead.


      Have a great Saturday, everyone.


        Mornin' Masters.


        Thanks for the start, Norm. I'm glad you had a jazzing run in the snow this morning. Congrats to DS2! Have fun a the tailgating and the game.


        Good quick workout (from under the bed!), BTY. How did the nose clip work out? Have fun at your pre-storm dinner tonight.


        DW and I had a quiet night in front of a great fire in the stove last night, with dinner made up of various left-overs from earlier in the week - what we call a 'gamish'. They are often pretty tasty, as last night's was, but can never be duplicated because the ingredients are always different.


        I woke at 4:30 this morning and took a while to ensure that I wasn't hankering for a few more zzzz's. I wasn't, so I got up and dressed and was out the door a little before 5 for 4.42 EZ walking miles in 30° temps, and under overcast skies. Then I did 20 minutes of knee work and stretching before moving on.


        I write right-handed, and eat and play sports left-handed, so no wonder my balance is all screwed up! 


        Like BTY, we're going out to dinner with friends this evening, to our favorite French restaurant. Also like BTY, we are expecting snow to start this evening, perhaps while we are still dining, but I'm not worried about being able to get home safely. We are also expecting at least 6+ inches before the storm quiets down early tomorrow evening. So, at the least, I'm anticipating a snowblower workout tomorrow. Meanwhile, I'll move the snowblower from the shed to the garage today, make sure I have extra gas for the snowblower, clear remaining branches and twigs from our deck and walks and driveway, and bring in some more firewood for tomorrow.


        Have a greta Saturday.



        Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


          Beautiful morning before the snow arrives. Went out for a 30 minute walk/run amidst the hordes of charity marathon trainers.

          This afternoon we’re off to a cinema to see the Met opera Nabucco. Should be home before the snow starts. Many of our friends are off to various winter vacation spots either today or tomorrow. Hope the weather doesn’t impact them. We’ll stay home and catch up on various tasks. Fortunately we have a gym in the basement of our condo building if we get restless.


            Parkrun #27. 38° and raining.


            Gave it everything I had.

            Official time: 28:15


            Missed my Parkrun PR by 1 second!



              quick post


              I am absolutely AMAZED at fatozzig's  knowledge of Exercises



              let me add to it


              a book from  1907 I have-


              ''Exercising  in Bed''

              by Sanford Bennett




              like many

              of the Early Fitness Pioneers


              Ol' Sanford

              kinda went off in a different direction with some of his theories



              ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

                Thanks, Norm, and congrats to your son!  We had rain overnight- no snow.  BTY-  maybe I should look under my bed to see if there are any stray workouts?  Smile  Love it.  Have you done any online services or does your church broadcast theirs?  In our denomination, that is one thing that stuck around from COVID.  Our church even got a new sound/video system.  I enjoy watching my daughter's sermons, too.


                Good job, Jay.   I hope all of you get home without any weather issues.  We have a Vandy basketball game at 2:30 (unlikely to go well) and will probably stop for some dinner on the way home. It's all sort of weird timing.   My son did make it back to PA last night in advance of the snow getting there.


                I'm fighting a cold/sore throat, but went over to the path at a different starting point for 5.5 not too pleasant miles.  My legs felt sore and tired and I just didn't have it today.  I did it, though.  Now for a dog walk.


                Remember electric blankets?  I know we talked about the heated mattress pads, but are electric blankets still a thing?

                Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




                  Good quick workout (from under the bed!), BTY. How did the nose clip work out? Have fun at your pre-storm dinner tonight.


                  DW and I had a quiet night in front of a great fire in the stove last night, with dinner made up of various left-overs from earlier in the week - what we call a 'gamish'. They are often pretty tasty, as last night's was, but can never be duplicated because the ingredients are always different.



                  I'd like to say the clip worked out great but I think it's going to be a learning curve, to learn how to swim fast, breathe through my mouth only, and do pretty flip turns.  Today was that single step that begins a 1,000 mile journey, or swim, I guess.   Speaking of many miles, I've already fallen 1/10 of a mile behind the pace bunny in my quest for 366 miles of swimming for 2024.


                  What you and your DW call a garnish, we call 'tovers (lef 'tovers I guess).   Sometimes they are way better than any of the meals that preceded them, especially when you like variety.


                  Karen, our on-line services are very depressing.   The angle the camera provides from the balcony makes it look like the church is empty.   Only the first few rows are shown, and everyone in my church likes to sit in the back.  During COVID, we had the camera right up close to the preacher d'jour, so it wasn't so apparent that he was in an empty church.   Our home-bound seniors do watch the services on-line each Sunday but I can't bring myself to do it.


                    I have a couple electric throw blankets. I tried a heated mattress pad but I didn't like the way in would bunch up at times and even on low it was a bit too much heat. So I went back to my electric throw blanket. I have it on top of the bed and I turn it on an hour before I go to bed. It makes it "just right" like Goldilocks.


                    Regarding workouts, my doctor told me 20 some years ago to "just do something", and that has been my motto ever since. For a while it meant going the gym and doing about 30 minutes on various machines and now it is a 20-30 minute kettlebell workout 3 times a week. I just want to be able to sit, stand, and walk for as long as I am breathing. My bar is pretty low.


                    More information on my Parkrun today:

                    I've run this race 25 previous times and it has measured 3.14 miles every time. My PB from May of 2022 was 28:14. So I knew I needed to have a pace of 9:00 or better to break that. As I mentioned, for about 8-9 weeks I trained with an aim to get a PB. I did speedwork with my target intervals to be 9:00 pace or faster.  Then I got too busy to keep up the plan and my running volume and intensity went down.


                    I went to the race today but instead of a PB effort I was just going to see what I could do. When I left home it was 34° and pouring rain. By the time the race started it was up to 38° and a manageable amount of rain. I didn't warm up. I just huddled under my umbrella until the race started. I felt really good at the start. I make it a point not to look at my pace when I run but it felt pretty good. First mile was 9:13, so I assumed that a PB was out of reach. Mile 2 was 9:04. I kept switching places with a few folks and that kept me focused but I knew I was 17 seconds behind a PB.  I didn't feel like I sped up but mile 3 was 8:47 and I thought, "holy carp, I am pretty close to a PB", and I tried as hard as I could to "sprint" to the (uphill) finish.  And as I said previously, I missed by 1 second. 


                    This was my fastest run in over a year so I am pleased with the effort.

                    9 of 28 overall

                    6 of 16 male

                    1 of 2 in my new age group but the only other 65-69 male was the tail walker so he came in last place overall.


                    There is some big trail race today and many of the good runners were off doing that. "Frozen Sasquatch 25k/50k".  I can not even imagine doing that in this weather on hilly trails at Kanawha State Forest.



                      BTY and coastwalker I am happy to say that just to the south of you both, we are supposed to be relatively snow free. Not free enough, that tomorrow's 10k race will go off. That race has been postponed to next Sunday, when I will be away.


                      C-R I am glad you got out for your 10k in the snow. I should explain that the local 10k race that was postponed is on some steep roadway. A few years ago it went off despite a cold rain coming down (same as forecast for tomorrow). The road was so icy! I am amazed nobody was killed. Now they are a lot more likely to just put it off a week.


                      Dave59 almost congratulations on an almost PR!


                      RunnerKSA I am not sure about electric blankets, but electric clothing seems to be coming into its own. My DW got an electric jacket for Christmas and I got a pair of electric ski gloves for Hanukkah.


                      I went out for 11 really cold miles today. I am still a long way from recovered from my bloodletting. As I expected, Garmin is wagging its virtual finger at me now, says my training is unproductive and that my performance condition sucks.  Garmin is sooo mean!!


                      If anybody wants a really good crispy roast potato recipe, this one landed in my inbox. I have tried it a few times and it has been a big hit:

                      Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                      Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                      MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

                        Steve - sounds like another letter

                        to add to an e-mail/letters compendium


                        BTY - how do you keep track not only of laps but of lap times?


                        Dave - nice, nice another one-second-off-PB rainy day run.

                        You should be shaving off a lot by spring/summertime.


                        Slim possibility of faint traces of snow next weekend

                        when temps get down to freezing for the first time

                        since ever-so-briefly-and-barely over Thanksgiving

                        as Seattle’s mild winter continues.

                        "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)


                        5K Specialist

                          I started over in July 2023. Scar tissue in my left hamstring has destroyed my running for a few years. A have a great LMT who is in the process of fixing me. I started with 30 minute workouts on July 4 (6 one minute runs / 24 minute walks) to now I can run up to 5.25 mile runs and 17-18 miles a week. Starting over is hard at 53. Yesterday, I did a 4.5 mile run. Slowed it down a little and enjoyed the park.

                          Personal Bests:

                          800M - 2:38 (5/28/13) | 1 Mile -5:54 (5/28/13) | 3K - 11:55 (12/29/12) | 2M - 13:00 (12/1/12) | 5K - 20:00 (4/12/13) | 13.1M - 1:37:24 (2/3/13)


                            Ran 5 miles with a friend my age and a three college aged kids. Started overcast and finished in some really light sleet. My heart rate keeps going high despite my being fairly conversational. Am I just out of shape or trip to cardiologist? Lifted weights after running, low reps and fairly heavy.

                            I had a short session with a therapist to discuss my inability to decide whether or not to retire. She suggested trying to only think about it during specific times instead of letting it pervade my mind so often and trying to plan out what my day to day life would look like were I to stop teaching. My son who is a CFP and whose firm is handling our retirement investments is coming over to do a financial review with us in a couple weeks.

                            Back to ra


                              Good afternoon,  There is a lot going on here already.  I’m going against the grain with light weights and lots of reps.  What I’ve read here makes sense.  For the time being though, 5 and 10 pound dumbbells are all I have.  And, I’m just getting started again.  I think I’ll be fine for awhile.


                              I’ve done some sort of workout each day since Christmas so I’m off to a good start.  I usually do Yoga with Adrienne’s 30 days of yoga each January and I really enjoy it.  The bike goes on the trainer tomorrow or Monday so there’s that too.  My yoga mat is on permanent display in the living room.  Right next to it are my weights and a rainbow of therabands.  Hard to be a slacker if I keep it right in front of me.


                              Im like Dave with the electric blanket.  On low for one hour before I go to sleep.  Just right.  I use the throw size on a queen bed so I only heat my half.


                              And Dave, even missing it by a second is still worth a big congratulations!

                                I write right-handed, and eat and play sports left-handed, so no wonder my balance is all screwed up! 


                                Is that because you were "forced" to learn to write right-handed? I worked for a guy once who was totally ambidextrous. I remember he'd be in front of a meeting writing on the whiteboard, starting from the left with his left hand. When he got to a certain point he would just reach up, switch the marker to his right hand, and keep going across the board without a hitch!


                                Good job on the time, Dave, regardless of the close PR miss. Once you hit a certain age, beating a younger PR gets very tough! I don't think I could run that time at your age.


                                Tet, I don't know about BTY, but my Garmin watch records swimming lap times.


                                I rode 15.1 miles on the trainer at about a 15.3mph average. It was a good session.


                                After my ride, I started my project to clear out my basement shop to do a proper job of painting the floor and generally reorganizing things. The plan is also to move slightly less crap stuff back into the shop than I'm moving out. Time to make some more cuts on things that have been hanging around for years even though I know I'll never use them again. As I get older, what I may and may not do in the future gets clearer, allowing me to get rid of various tools and special-purpose items. I feel bad just tossing some of it out but it's not worth the effort to get it someplace where it might actually be of some use, although maybe one good run to the Salvation Army store is in order. In any case, this should take care of my strength and flexibility workouts for a while, not to mention stair repeats. 

                                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"
