Masters Running


Thursdaily, 12.7.23 (Read 37 times)


    Mornin' Masters.


    Lotta talk about meatloaf (the food, not the singer) yesterday. Erika's and her DH's recipe sounds pretty interesting. Decades ago, I went to college with a guy who would make meatloaf, burying a 'surprise' hard boiled egg in the middle...


    Foods we could associate with Thursday: Tapas; Tartare; Tater Tots; Tempura; Toast; Tomato soup; Tamales; Tandoori chicken; Tuna salad - the list goes on and on.


    Good workouts/runs/etc yesterday by Jlynne, Henrun, KSA, RCG, Tramps, Enke, Leslie, Stumpy (!), moebo.


    Good luck to Tet today, and to Erika next week. I believe that because both of you have been doing a lot of walking/biking, etc., it will help ease and quicken your post-surgery recovery.


    I hope you feel better today, Holly.


    Thanks for the great phamily photos Steve. That is distressing news about DD#2 - 10 years is a long time to have to wait. You're going to have to start charging for that reindeer food if the demand keeps up.


    I've never left two spaces between sentences when typing. I guess missed that class. And I still don't understand the point of it, or the need for the extra space.


    I went for my first post-surgery massage yesterday, and there was a lot of work to be done, especially on my shoulders and neck. It was challenging at the time, but it sure felt a lot better afterward. We also discussed how much my leg muscles, especially on my left leg, have atrophied since I stopped racewalking, and how much rebuilding there will be to do once I get back on two feet. It's always good to have something to look forward to...


    I slept in about 20 minutes late this morning, but still made time for 60 predawn minutes of stretching, knee exercises, and core work. I have a 2-hour in-person meeting this morning, and may try to get in some driveway crutching when I get back.


    Have a greta Thursday.



    Without ice cream there would be darkness and chaos.


      Thanks for the start, Jay.

      I forgot to mention yesterday that, for years, I used to regularly make a "tofuloaf" as part of our then-vegetarian diet. There are lots of variations out there and they can be quite good. No, really!


      I've never left two spaces between sentences when typing. I guess missed that class. And I still don't understand the point of it, or the need for the extra space.

      Two spaces after a period originated with typewriters where, unlike with digital type, all characters received the same amount of space. (So, for example, a narrow "i" took up as much space as a wide "w".) Having only one space after a period bunched up the end of one sentence and the beginning of the next making it more difficult to read, thus the extra space. Those of us who took typing classes in high school, as I did, learned this convention. I had to "unlearn" it years later, as editors would invariably strip out that extra space. I learned the"search and replace" trick as I was transitioning and eventually internalized the single space norm.


      Leslie--speaking of grammar and conventions, I'm a little surprised firms don't use some standardized "style sheet" for basic business communication, or is that not a thing? In publishing, it's a huge deal--and constantly evolving--and I'm sometimes chafing at the convoluted conventions publishers enforce.

      Good luck on the big adventure today, tet!

      KSA--every time I see/hear Glycerine, that old Bush song pops in my head...which I kinda like even though I'm not a Bush fan.

      Steve--I always get a kick out of reindeer pancakes.


      Up and out early today, which meant cooler temps.  Not bad, though, at 30F.  5 miles for me.

      Be safe. Be kind.

        Thanks, Jay.  Happy crutching!    Good luck, Tet.    Steve- that's terrible about your daughter.  I hope there are some advances in the next couple of years.  Tramps-  I never heard that sone


        3.5 chilly, sunny miles this morning and off to my church group and then a ribbon cutting for one of the chartities our church supports and that does a lot in our community serving physically or sexually abused children.  They are opening a new facility that will house more children in need.


        We successfully got Ken into the Vandy basketball game last night.  He knee scootered all the way from the parking garage and into the arena and a nice usher guy stored it behind a door for us.  Fortunately, our seats are right at the top of the lower section so he could crutch down two tiny steps easily.  It was a process....


        Happy Thursday, Masters.

        Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth



          Ohhhh....did somebody say tater tots? I'm not sure if anyone has heard of "The Manitowoc Minute," but the creator - Charlie Berens has a really good tater tot casserole recipe (it's a Wisconsin thing )


          Thanks for the start Jay, and good on you for grabbing a few extra zzz's this morning.


          I want to go to Steve's for reindeer pancakes!


          I can't "unlearn" the two spaces after a period either. Too much time in Mr. Sconzert's typing class. And Tramps? "Fargo!!"


          I'll bet Ken was glad to get out of the house for the game Karen. Cabin fever isn't fun.


          Thinking of Tet this morning, and hoping everything goes smoothly.


          5.74 run/walk miles this morning in absolutely beautiful conditions for December 7. It was 34 degrees with no wind, with just a little slice of moon and some stars. I really enjoy getting out early this time of the year since a lot of people still have their Christmas lights on.


          Off to the Salvation Army. Have a great Thursday everyone!


            4 mile run this morning. The park is all lit up with Christmas lights. One section has light displays for the 12 days of Christmas. I can never remember all the items that are mentioned in the 12 Days of Christmas song so I try to figure out what the lights are trying to display. I figured them all out except for 11 Pipers Piping. When I got back to my car I had to Google the 11th day.


            The middle 2 miles were tempo miles but my legs were dead this morning and I was about 20 seconds off the pace I would have liked. The effort was there and that is enough.


            I use spaces however I feel like. One or two or more. If I write something I consider important or profound, I'll leave extra room for the reader to have time to ponder the brilliance. 


            My meatloaf recipe has tomato sauce as one of the ingredients. And then tomato sauce mixed with Worcestershire sauce on top for the last 10 minutes of cooking.  Please keep the ketchup to yourselves (NOMFOM - Not on my fries or meatloaf). 


            Actually, I have a recipe for sloppy joes that uses ketchup as an ingredient but it tastes good despite that.



            Marathon Maniac #957

              Holly and others, I thought we agreed, ketchup should only be used on french fries. 


              Well, no, cheeseburgers definitely need ketchup, and meatloaf is almost a cheeseburger...without the cheese, of course....Hmmm, does anyone make meatloaf with cheese?


              At our house, meatloaf is used the next day for meatloaf sandwiches, usually for packed lunches.


              Erika - I have no idea how DD gets anything done with those nails.  I really wonder how she gets her contact lenses out!


              Tramps - I did not take typing in high school.  I took keyboarding in college, though.  But the text book did indeed say to type two spaces at the end of a sentence.


              Steve - why does she have to wait 10 years for a hip replacement if she is suffering now?  Is it the insurance?  If that is the case, they need to code it differently.


              Tet - is today the day?


              Erika - hang in there...


              What I have been thinking was a headache originating from the arthritis in my neck is I think originating from a pulled neck muscle instead.  Regardless, my neck pain/headache pain continues to be annoying, although it seems to be diminishing little-by-little.  Oofff-duh.

              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                I put BBQ sauce into my burger recipe, but no ketchup!


                Thanks Tramps for that history, I had no idea! I used to love the double space. Then I noticed the trend was to single space. I am now an avid single spacer and can never go least for work documents, which we do have a style guide for that I have to stick to.


                Last night me and 39 other company employees did an Iron Chef event. It was incredibly fun! We were split into 5 teams of 8, with our own chef, and had to come up with a meal and cook it, based on a meat we were given. My group had pork loin, and someone right away said we should do a maple ginger marinade. Then maple-ginger became the theme and I roasted some delicata squash with those seasonings (it turned out well), we also made a citrus coleslaw and an apple/pear crisp. I was so impressed with our team....until I saw what the other teams cooked!!!  One team made cream puffs as their dessert and they were SO GOOD!  We got to sample everyone else's creations and everything was amazing. We did not win.


                Anyway, after my run yesterday and then standing on my feet most of the night, I was really achy before bed and had a hard time falling asleep. So a bit sleep deprived today, and the company Holiday party is tonight.... hope I can sneak in a nap sometime.

                "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Ohhhh....did somebody say tater tots? I'm not sure if anyone has heard of "The Manitowoc Minute," but the creator - Charlie Berens has a really good tater tot casserole recipe (it's a Wisconsin thing )




                  "Step 1 - Crack a beer.  You can stay at this step as long as you need."  


                  And I like how he uses a lot of "You'se" this and "You'se" that.


                  Enke - that event sounds like so much fun!  DH and I have been watching lots of cooking shows lately, including Iron Chef, and Iron Chef America.  We tried Iron Chef Mexico, but the antics of the show's hosts were just too cheesy, and annoying.  Our current favorite is Bobby's Triple Threat.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                    I love meatloaf, and I make a decent one.  A dear friend of mine LOVES meatloaf sandwiches, so I try and remember to make a big enough meatloaf to take her a slice the next day so she can make a sandwich during the week.  I haven't made a meatloaf in a long time and she had a very rough 2023, so maybe it's time for a surprise.


                    Although you won't see this until everything's done - Good luck, Tet!


                    Steve, that's too bad about your daughter.  As we all know, chronic pain is debilitating in so many other ways other than just the body part that's hurting.


                    Mmmmm, tater tots!  Mmmmm, tomato soup!


                    The Hub's lasagna last night turned out really good, although he made WAY too much.  We'll be freezing some of it.  Just like Stouffer's! 


                    It was pouring buckets this a.m., so no run for me.  Nope.  In the off season, I shall not run when it's pouring down rain.  Instead, I'm getting a massage after work on my hamstrings and lower back.  I really hope it helps loosen things up.  I think I'm in a Catch 22 - I need to be stretching and foam rolling, but my hamstrings so PO'd I think all the stretching and foam rolling is being a bit of a hinderance.  Cripes, I don't know . . .

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance



                      So I think we may need a calendar of masters docs appt so we can remember who is doing what and when.

                      gee, what does that say when a masters running forum has to track medical procedures and doc appts? 

                      speaking of doc appts, had my yearly, which never ends up being yearly - more like every 2-3 yrs - dermatology check. I debated even keeping it but I've met my deductible for the year and we are switching insurance carriers next year, so figured I might as well keep this appt incase anything needs to be done instead of just the usual office visit charge. Good thing because she found two small pre cancerous spots that she burned with liquid nitrogen. Other than that, she said my skin looks great and commented that I must use good sunscreen when I'm out running because there are very few sun spots or damage. I confessed that it's almost never that I use sunscreen but will try to change that habit. 

                      I may run after work today - depending on the rain. It was pouring buckets all night and we an "atmospheric river" dominating the NW. But if it lightens up a bit this afternoon I'll run since I haven't run even once yet this week. Now that my team is out of the running game playoffs, I'm taking it easy.  Speaking of running game  - is anyone playing in it next year? I've played several years and it's a good motivator for me to get out there and run to add miles to our team on those days when I might otherwise find some excuse to not run. And I've enjoyed meeting some folks outside of the masters forum since I rarely, like never, wander outside of this little comfort bubble. 


                        LOL on that video, Holly! And I'm glad that his shirt referenced the Bears and not the Lions...


                        I'm going to ask my DW why we haven't had meatloaf in years. I'm pretty sure it used to be a regular for us (funny how you can get into and out of culinary ruts frequently). Our favorite cooking show is the Great British Baking Show. The contestants all seem so nice and there's never any nasty or snarky stuff. It also goes to show that the U.K. is just as much of a "melting pot" as we see ourselves as.


                        Jeanne, our favorite show right now is Slow Horses (3rd season) on Apple TV+. It's a British MI5-type spy thriller and I like it so much that I've been reading the series of books that it's based on.


                        I'm also thinking of Tet. No matter what you think the outcome is going to be, the post-op experience is never pleasant.


                        Tammy, with all the outdoor stuff I used to do in my younger years without the benefit of sunscreen, and especially with my general dermatological issues, I'm surprised that I've only had one tiny basal cell carcinoma removed. I do frequently have other skin growths frozen off with that liquid nitrogen stuff. I hope that you don't run into anything serious either, and maybe we should both start paying attention to "Dr. Robin"! On the other hand, do people in the PNW generally know what the sun looks like?


                        I walked 2.2 miles around the neighborhood this afternoon, staying close to home in case of urgency .

                        Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                        "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"


                        Rose Colored Glasses



                          5 miles.


                          I walked the bridges and waddle shuffled the rest. And loved every minute out there beneath the Cheshire moon. Calm winds, heck, no wind under the star studded sky across the farmer's field and through the wooded swamp trails. The owls hooted back and forth. A goose occasionally honked like the horn on an old red bicycle.  And the mallards. I swear they sound just like The Penguin from the original Batman TV series. The deer tried to stealthily move further into the forest when I plodded by, to no avail, I could see them sneaking away.


                          I am glad I started driving to the trail. By subtracting the there and back, I get to spend 3 more miles in the swamp. I thank Sub7 for some post he wrote about my complaint about accidentally running too far. And I thank Tet for helping me reframe my way of thinking about this.


                          Anybody want to see what the swamp looks like in broad daylight  ?



                          Topics of today. Two spaces after a period.  My thumb automatically hits the space bar twice after a period, too! I took typing in 9th or 10th grade. Mrs. Anasson was a good teacher. A tall, heavy set woman with an ample bosom. She wore an old timey skirt and white blouse and sensible shoes and cat-eyed glasses.


                          Oh My Goodness!  I just Googled her and she was nothing like I had imagined as I did, the stupid teenager I was!

                          My typing teacher was much more than a typing teacher



                          Where was I before I strolled down Memory Lane?


                          Oh yeah.  Meatloaf. Now I feel like I should Google my old home economics teacher, Mrs Eller!  No.


                          Meatloaf. It used to be a staple in our meal menu rotation until DS Joe said, "I don't really like any dinner with the word "loaf" in it unless it's bread"


                          Like Tramps, when I was a vegetarian for 3 years, a million years ago, I made a really good meatless loaf. I made the recipe myself. It included mashed garbanzo beans and oatmeal and rice and Morning Star crumbles and ketchup and seasoning. Doesn't sound good now,  Trust me, though, it was delicious.


                          And Meatloaf.  Well you took the words right out of my mouth it must've been while you were kissing me...

                          Let me sleep on it, baby baby, let me sleep on it. Let me sleep on it, I'll give you an answer in the morning...

                          I could sing more but two out of three ain't bad...


                          Now. I have completely lost the rest of things I was going to comment on today.

                          "Anytime you see the word "inflation" in the news, replace it with "record-breaking corporate profits" and you'll get what's happening."


                            Happy Thursday everyone!   I went to the "other" YMCA this morning and got in a decent swim.   The main set was supposed to be a total of 12 repetitions of 150 yards of backstroke / breaststroke / freestyle on 3:30.  (Swim fifty yards of each stroke for a total of 150, in about 2:15, rest about 1:15, for a 3:30 Interval).   I only got in one set of 4 reps instead of 3 sets.  I wanted to be work on time (missed by this | | much) and also noticed that I forgot to bring my water/Powerade mix and really didn't want to get dehydrated on a day I was scheduled to give blood for the first time in about 15 years.  I wound up rescheduling the blood donation to next week due to dog responsibilities directly after work, and didnt want to leave them along from 7:00 when DW left for her Mom's until after 6:00 PM (they are 12 and 13 years old).


                            But the main swimming news is that I passed 300 miles for 2023 today.  A little bookkeeping showed that I was about 4/10 of a mile short when I finished my previous swim workout, so this one was a good one to meet and surpass the distance goal with.   Looks like I got  ~ 160 in 2022, ~225 miles in 2021, and just under 100 in 2019.   2020 barely counts due to pool closures and restrictions.   So it was a Hugh increase over all recent years, but I have to note that I did no bicycling either this year or last.   I hope to increase the miles in 2024 but it will likely be a modest increase since 300 miles through 11 + months has been challenging enough!


                            On the subject of spaces after periods, I defer to Tomwhite.   How many periods one puts at the end of a sentence, or phrase, is certainly a matter of artistic license, in my mind.


                              I too enjoyed the video.  We often have the discussion of what is the proper name; hot dish or casserole.  There is the occasional dispute as to whether the tots go on the bottom or the top.


                              Thinking of Tet today. I hope he is able to get good rest when he needs it.


                              I took the dog for a stroll along the canal today.  There is a trail as well that is more of a hike.  We stayed down on the tow path and I even mixed in a couple small sections of running. She chased a squirrel and then rolled in fresh goose poop.  Probably a win win for both of us!



                                Tammy, with all the outdoor stuff I used to do in my younger years without the benefit of sunscreen, and especially with my general dermatological issues, I'm surprised that I've only had one tiny basal cell carcinoma removed. I do frequently have other skin growths frozen off with that liquid nitrogen stuff. I hope that you don't run into anything serious either, and maybe we should both start paying attention to "Dr. Robin"! On the other hand, do people in the PNW generally know what the sun looks like?



                                When I lived in the Seattle part of the PNW, I probably didn't have too much sun exposure, at least not for very many months of the year. But So. Oregon gets so much heat and sun that we probably shouldn't even be considered part of the PNW and maybe we are not. And then growing up in MN, I remember as a teen that my idea of sunbathing/tanning was mixing iodine with baby oil and that is what I used when I would lie in the sun. Yes, I'd actually just lie there in the sun for an hour or more, probably in my own pool of sweat because it was so humid, all to get some color on my pasty white skin.

                                Even now, I'm so fair that I intentionally just let myself get a mild sunburn in the spring so that I get some color on my skin. Eventually it turns into a light brown, then fades. Repeat.  It's amazing that I don't have much sun damage and sun spots. 
                                If Dr. Robin were lurking and reading, she'd probably be giving me the "eye" with a stern look.  Because I do know better. And I will try to be better about applying sun screen. Maybe that can be my 2024 resolution. 

