Masters Running


Monday, Jan 14/08 Daily running thread (Read 800 times)

    Good morning everyone I will try to start us off for the day and week. Tramps....Great picture yesterday. You mentioning TV 38 out of Boston reminds me of watching Esposito/Orr/Bucyk/Cheevers/Cherry in the great run they had in the NHL. Tall.....Great picture there too. Your lady and her daughter are certainly lovely looking. Your temperatures this winter should be feeling about 10 Celsius degrees warmer with her around Big grin Runningindc.......Great start to your blog. You will enjoy it and I will keep track of it as the year goes on. It is fun to record your running this way. My chest is STILL sore and certainly a rainbow of colors from my fall last week. Hopefully I can get back to running today. Have a great day
      Morning all, No running (planned rest) today with some weights and abs later after I help with the shoveling. It's still snowing and since I live near the hill towns of Western, MA we'll see almost a foot before it's all said and done. The kiddo wore his PJs inside -out to guarantee a snow day and he got his wish. My scheduled drive to Boston for a client visit was cancelled as well. Tramps---love the picture! My husband played youth hockey in Rochester, NY from 1968--1979 and his photos look quite similar to yours. Cool! We also have a collection of Rochester Americans jerseys in the closet. Some amazing race results out there and I hope we'll hear about more as people have time to report. MC Solar, I replied to your race report and Mustang Sally, I loved your report and loved that you kicked it in all the way to the finish. Great racing! CNYrunner Thanks for starting us off Vista and take care of yourself!

        Good Monday Boomers. That weather headed to the East Coast just dumped almost a foot here. It was messy running in it yesterday. Cars see you on the side of the road and try to see how much slosh they can throw in your direction. Opted for the treadmill this morning - 5 miles in 45:10. Legs felt carpy after doing 7 with the YaxTrax yesterday. Weekend company for the football game left this morning so life is back to normal Smile. Everyone will be back again next weekend, though, as the Packers got another home game with the Dallas loss. A Sunday night game (5:30) in Green Bay on January 20th? It WILL be cold! Have a great day, everyone.

        Hill Runner

          Good morning, Damp & foggy here this morning..low 30's. but once I got warmed up it was fine. 10.07 miles of hills @ 9:11 pace. My resting HR this morning was pretty low..around 48 right before I started my run. Congrats to MC & Econo on great races. {{{VIsta}}} ..hope you feel better. Good running to everyone today.

          Upcoming Races:

          Boston Marathon, Boston,MA 04/15/13
          Grandfather Mountain Marathon,Boone NC 07/14/13
          Thunder Road Marathon, Charlotte NC 11/13

            Congratulations to the weekend runners, especially MC's fine performance regardless of how he feels about it. But I do have to say, MC, that I have never in my life pinched another guy's butt (NTTAWWT). Sally also had a good run and result at an unusual distance of 17K, and of course there was Econo's greta HM PR. An easy 3.2-mile run today with an old friend. The snow was starting to fall, but we got our run in before anything got too slippery. Have a great running day, everyone.

            Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

            "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

            Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

              Vista - I hope you are able to get back out there tomorrow. I had to quick visit yesterday's thread to see the greta photo's!! No time to post over the weekend. My sister-in-law was involved in a terrible car accident - she is okay physically but a pedestrian was killed. I know the power of Boomer prayers - so if you could think of her on your run I'd truly appreciate it. She'll have a long road ahead of her. I did get in a 6 miler Saturday and a 9 miler yesterday. I have a question about my heart rate as it always seems a bit on the high side no matter how slow I run. During yesterday's 9 miler I was running with a friend. Average pace was around 11 m/m and I was chatting it up the whole time - yet my heart rate was averaging 171/172. Doesn't that seem high when I didn't feel like I was excerting myself? I always carry my cell phone - do you think that may be causing an interference?? Thanks! ~Mary


              "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
              It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                During yesterday's 9 miler I was running with a friend. Average pace was around 11 m/m and I was chatting it up the whole time - yet my heart rate was averaging 171/172. Doesn't that seem high when I didn't feel like I was excerting myself?
                Sorry to hear about your SIL, Mary. Having gone through the consequences of a serious car accident last year, I know how this can be an ordeal for an entire family. I sure hope things work out for you all. That HR reading does seem more than a bit high. At an easy "conversational pace", my HR is in the mid-130s, and at a faster pace in the 140s. Of course my max HR should be lower than yours. My DW is closer to your age, and when she runs a good pace on the TM, she's just into the 150s I think. For what it's worth, I've never been very happy with the HRM performance of my 305, and rarely use it since it tends to be inconsistent and I often lose the signal completely during a run. I tried running with it at the Grand Rapids HM, and according to the readings my HR dropped down to about 80 for the 2nd half of the race. Shocked

                Doug, runnin' cycling in Rochester, MI

                "Think blue, count two, and look for a red shoe"

                Marathon Maniac #957

                  Good Morning! Tall – lovely picture yesterday! {{{Hopeful’s sister and the family of the pedestrian}}} Mary - re HR, have you checked your RHR? Also, do you put a few drops of water on the sensors of the band around your chest when you put it on? We have carpet being laid this afternoon, so I spent my morning workout time helping DH move furniture out of 2 bedrooms and into the dining room. Still, I got in a partial workout: weighted squats, butt-blasters, upright rows, butterflies, and push-ups. I’ll try to do some core work tonight after we move everything back tonight.

                  Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                    Rest day, but first one in a while I don't feel I need. Resting anyway, jjj
                    Iron Mt. Trail Runners blogsite .... JJJessee blogsite ....Spring is here. Go outside and play.

                    Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

                      Mary - re HR, have you checked your RHR? Also, do you put a few drops of water on the sensors of the band around your chest when you put it on?
                      Holly - yes I put water on the sensors before putting it on. Also - my RHR the two times I took it were 57 and 59. Does that help??


                      "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
                      It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."



                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        Mary - 170's seem so high then for a conversational-pace. Do you have someone else's HR monitor you could borrow for a run? Mustang Sally - just caught your race on yesterday's thread - congratulations on your PR - excellent racing!

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."


                          Six easy recovery miles this morning. I ran Ash hill x2 plus a few strides to stay ahead of the snow plow. Off to work now. It promises to be a wild Monday around here. Tall- thanks for sharing the picture with us. Your lady seems to be very sweet and her daughter is adorable. How did your kids handled the visit? Jlynee-do you find that your legs are always in the carpy side the day after you use the yack track. That sure is the case for me. {{{{Hugs and prayers}}} to Mary's sister in law. What a terrible thing to happen. JJJ--I am proud of you for resting!!!. Remember...resting is an intricate part of our training. Happy recovery to last weekend racers and sweet tapering for this weekend racers.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Jlynne you need to move east where the snow forecasts are typically way overblown! Our "big" snowstorm that was going to drop potentially 10" here in CT left us with maybe a quarter inch of slush in places. The roads, except for a few small stretches, were fine. I just got a pair of YakTraxs from my DW and thought I was going to get to try them out today. Fortunately that day will have to wait. Congratulations to all our weekend racers. I will try to catch up with the RR through the day. I have only read MC's so far. He did run a great race, if you have not read his report you should just so you have something to envy shoot for. Nice MLR today: 14.42mi@8:39. Good day all.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->


                              I had a good workout at the gym this morning. This may only last a day, or maybe a week, but I feel like I am finally serious about eating better, getting back into a more regular workout routine, and hoping to get in shape for a fall half-marathon PR attempt. It seems ridiculous based on the past few months and the astronomic reading on the scales this morning. (Actually, I don't even care about a PR that much, but just want to have a strong race.) It's going to be a long road so I hope I don't get distracted and give up. Once you've been through the cycle of getting in shape a few dozen times it gets harder to pull it off again.




                                Thanks for getting the show on the road Vista. We'll try not to make you laugh cause I'm sure it hurts. Get well fast. Sweet pictures TallRunner and Tramps. Sorry to hear about your SIL Mary. Sad. We'll pray for all involved. I may move furniture around today cause Holly has all the best work outs. It's a little brisk and windy here with the snow that stings when it hits your face. This time the dog hid when I asked if she wanted to go. I was planning a 6 mile out and back. After going a mile into the wind and pelting snow I asked my self, "WWED?'. (What would evanflein do). Then I thought..."I ain't doing that"...Or "That's nuts"....Or something along that line. At the next intersection I made the route a loop instead. The last 1.5 miles was back into the wind, but I could stagger it and the trees blocked a good part of it. 6.5 miles Since Valentine's Day is only a month out, I need to work on a poem for Mrs. P. SO far all I have is: Fee Fie Foe *art. You're the one who has my heart. If any Master runners can help finish it, that would be kewl. Thanks.

