Masters Running


Isn't today Monday?... the 6/6 daily (Read 585 times)


    ok, thanks. I'll have to see what my dad has then on his plan. I do have a basic cell phone with texting capabilities, but it's company paid and I don't use it that often and don't ever see a bill, so wasn't sure exactly on how those worked.


    I'm a bit technologically backwards. . . Roll eyes



      I agree with you guys re: Mariposai's BQ goal. I think it's very doable, just a matter of all the pieces falling into place.


      Wow, it's hot here! In Scottsdale and just finished a 3.6 mile run that was supposed to be easy, but ended up a bit too fast. I must've wanted to get over with it and onto the pool or whatever else I find here. Stopped at Safeway and picked up some things like sunscreen, then walked back to the hotel.

      New skirt in town

        Add me to the list of folks who don't share Mari's pessimism about a BQ!


        I'm back on my regular computer instead of my iPad, so I can do paragraph breaks!


        Alas, I have no great paragraphs to write, as today is a rest day after my HM yesterday.  Leslie...when we arrived home today, there was a package delivery on our front doorstep. DH had ordered a chinup bar!  Maybe I'll actually learn how to do these...I can do pushups like a madwoman (like, 25 consecutive "men's" pushups, with good form!), but I can't do a single pull-up.  What am I missing?


        Happy running!



        NO  MO MELANOMA! Help me run 26.2 miles and raise $5000 for the Melanoma Foundation of NE.  Visit this page to learn more:


          Nice to see Erika, and how are your legs?  I agree on Mari's BQ. Maybe in the fall, on a cool day, for 2013. 


          Robin, I am with you on the pull ups. I swim regularly and I can do 20-25 mens push ups too, but only 1-3 pull ups.  My Dd who is a strong rock climber can do 17 if she is in shape.  Must be certain muscles..


          I swam my 1500 at lunch. Pondering the logistics of a triathlon I think I agreed to do with my sister. I am more worried about  the transitions and clothing than the exercise. Seems too complicated...  

            ....palms out is triceps, palms in is biceps.........




            rest day today


             I don't have to do Squat


            Doodley-Squat, that is.

            ..nothing takes the place of persistence.....

              Mari—meh, Boston’s overrated. But…you had a hot day; not optimal….and the older you are, the easier the times get, so if you really want it, go for it!


              Robin—I missed the HM news.  Hope it went well!


              Who was talking about graduation/prom parties last week?  Here’s more fuel for the anxiety fire: designer prom dresses. (Who says we’re in a recession?  Let them eat cake!)


              Busy morning but I did get 8 miles done in comfortable weather.

              Be safe. Be kind.


                Lamerunner, my legs feel really good! I was a little stiff after sitting for so long in car/plane yesterday, but today they felt good to go. It was just so darn hot... but my "easy" run ended up at 8 m/m average with no soreness so I'm happy about that! I'll try to get out earlier tomorrow so "maybe" it won't be so hot out.


                I can do pull-ups, but not so good at chin-ups. Then again, I don't practice them either so that's not surprising.

                  Mariposai, the fat lady hasn't sung have many more years to chase this dream, I guess the question becomes how important is it to you.

                  MikeE - very promising I think.  Have fun.


                  I survived the sleepover with the 3 nine year old girls, they didn't make it past 11 awake so that was good.


                  Lord help me, I ran into that personal trainer again today on my run......I can't get away from her!!!  I tried cutting off the trail towards my car but she had parked in the same place as me!  At least she wasn't too pushy today.


                  66 and sunny, and hot.  I know, doesn't sound hot but it felt like 72.  I only did 3 miles.

                  "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."

                    I can do pushups like a madwoman (like, 25 consecutive "men's" pushups, with good form!),


                    Well, I can't even do a manly pushup (well, I can.  but it's ugly).  I'm working on the girly ones, though, on the flip side of my BOSU.  I'm able to get my hands in a more neutral position on the BOSU, so it doesn't irritate my wrists.  My upper body strength S-U-C-K-S.  Always has.  Which is why I want a pull up bar.  Tired of being a wimp that gets sand kicked into her face.  Oh wait - that's a cartoon I once saw:


                    Enke - Big grin re the trainer!

                    Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                    Trail Runner Nation

                    Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                    Bare Performance


                      3.3 miles this morning and then 1.5 hours lifting.  4.6 miles last night before work.  I have bench pressed over 300 pounds and can do about 100 pushups in 2 minutes, but pull ups or chinups do me in, maybe 8-10 max.  So do not feel bad about not being able to do a pullup.

                      Marathon Maniac #957

                        I agree with you guys re: Mariposai's BQ goal. I think it's very doable, just a matter of all the pieces falling into place.


                         +1 - never give up, Mariposai.  Marathons are more than just training, they're a matter of all the pieces falling into place at the right time.  It  could happen at any time, you just never know when.


                        Mike - this sounds like a wonderful opportunity.  Just take it easy, and you might be surprised at how much impact you make, even if he doesn't show it out loud.


                        Another super busy day for me - didn't even take a lunch break because I was engrossed in what I was doing, although I did eat my sandwich while I was working.  Every day I come home feeling like I have learned something new, but there's so much yet to learn - I love it!  Then picked up DS from the golf course, went to the grocery, the library - where has the day gone?


                        Rest day, workout-wise.


                        DS14 spent the day playing golf, first 18 holes, then cheeseburgers at the grill, then 9 more.  What a life!  Smile

                        Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                        Mike E

                        MM #5615

                          It was 91 and sunny with hardly any wind, today, for my run.  Kind of glad it was only a 2 miler.


                            Ok, Ok... I get it! You guys are not going to let me surrender, unless it is my choice. What an awesome crowd. Thanks for your words on encouragement  and tough love demonstration here and offlineWink.


                            A mile walk today! It felt wonderful! I visited the river to see it's mighty power as it carried some big logs and debris downstream!. Some meadow larks were singing so beautifully for me. I saw some gorgeous ires too!

                            "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                              66 and sunny, and hot.  I know, doesn't sound hot but it felt like 72.  I only did 3 miles.


                              How about 94 (when I finished)?  I had an excellent run this evening in spite of the heat.  The trick for me is avoiding the humidity and it was only 40-something %.  A little over 5 miles easy, the first 3/4 of a mile with Maddy the puppy then 3 x 10-sec. hill sprints, which I had planned to be 8-sec.  Then a mile very easy back here.


                              Mariposai, how cool would it be if we both BQ'ed at the same time in a few years?!

                              eta-good job, Leslie!

                              "I didn’t run a race until I was 41 and that was a marathon! Let that sink in for a minute." -me

                                1 hr pool run tonight.  I'm pooped and my arms are exhausted after this morning's strength training.  I was doing my "run as fast as I can with my arms at the sides of my head" routine.  One of the swim instructors commented it was a hard exercise, and it is.  I had a hard time catching my breath at the end.  I do it for a minute, and my goal has been to get to 80 "steps" (L/R = 1 step), and I try hard to keep my chin out of the water (which means I really have to churn my legs).  I made it!  Three out of 4 times, and twice I hit 82.  I could hardly breath afterward, but I did it!  Sweet!  I pointed out one of the other swim instructors and told her I'd seen him do it, but he had half his body out of the water and that was without a flotation belt.  She said two words, "Water polo."  Ah!  I see.

                                Living and Running Behind the Redwood Curtain

                                Trail Runner Nation

                                Sally McCrae-Choose Strong

                                Bare Performance

