Masters Running


Wednesday August 20 Boomer/Master Runs (Read 379 times)

    Hmmm. Everyone must be sleeping in. 4.5 GA miles in 40 minutes. Just wanted to get out there again after 2 days off and test the lower extremities. Everything feels normal, so hopefully 9 or 10 tomorrow. T.S. Fay went by and just left a bunch of rain and some wind. I assume many of you saw the video of that "brilliant" young man who went kite surfing yesterday. I think he is seriously hurt. I hope he recovers okay. He won't do that again any time soon I suspect. Bill

    "Some are the strong, silent type. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is they bring to the table until you run without them and then you realize that their steadiness fills a hole that leaks energy in their absence." - Kristin Armstrong


      Good morning Bill. Everyone seems unusually late today, don't they? Must be sneaking in some last zzz's and vacation time before school starts. Glad you're back out there and not feeling any soreness. I tried to run this morning, but my right leg wouldn't consider it. So, I was up at 4:45 and walked 4 miles in 55 minutes, then did some weights and ab work. Beautiful weather here, considering it's August - nice 55F and no humidity. While everyone is considering vacation spots for next year, could I throw in a plug for Wisconsin? We have a "thumb" too, and Door County is beautiful - a little like Cape Cod. Nice sand dunes and long stretches of beach along Lake Michigan, and some real friendly people. Prices aren't too bad, either. Okay, commercial over. Steve, way to use the "baby in the stroller" routine as a babe magnet! I'm sure your DW has other thoughts... Enjoy your Wednesday, everyone. Jeanne
        FIL passed away on Monday morning, the last 4 days were very hard on on the family. Mercifully it didn't last much longer. Still very hard on MIL after 52 years of marriage. Thanks to everyone for your kind thoughts & prayers. I get 3 days bereavement leave. Calling hours Thur. evening, & funeral Fri. Will run the final event of a cross country race series tonight, so no run this morning. It's my turn to spend day with MIL. No MIL jokes from me, they have been fantastic for 29 years.

        Courage ! Do one brave thing today...then run like hell.

          Good morning, all! Bill - I'm so glad Fay didn't do much damage down your way. Also glad that the rest days left you feeling good. {{{{{{{nonoruns and Sarge}}}}}}} Jeanne - 4 miles in 55 minutes is pretty fast for walking! Good job! It was a stellar morning for running - 50 degrees with little humidity. This is a step back week for me, and I had planned to do an easy 7 miles on the track. The first two miles were easy, then I eased into a 5 mile tempo run (9:03, 9:00, 8:57, 8:56, and 8:44) with a half mile cooldown. Overall pace was 9:15 with 158 average HR. Good runs to all!

          Sue Running is a mental sport...and we're all insane! Anonymous

          Mr. Chip & Mizz Rizzo

            {{{Sarge}}} JLynne - I second your nomination of Door County. It is absolutely beautiful country and lots of great shopping too!! We used to travel over there on our boat and just loved it. My computer at home is really acting up, so I have to wait until I get to work to do any posting I guess. I was up at 4:25 a.m. to get out for my 8 mile run. Spent a good 10 minutes looking for my Garmin - not a good sign. Finally found it and was out on the road at 4:40 a.m. Nice cool 52 degrees with a light wind out of the southeast. Mile 6, I had to ditch into the woods for a pit stop. Really hated to do it - but sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do. I did remember to turn off my head lamp and arm light though! Tongue Over all - 8 miles at 10:43 pace. I'm sure glad I didn't see this on one of my runs!!: Cheers!


            "My sunshine doesn't come from the skies,
            It comes from the love in my dog's eyes."




              Sarge--Condolences on the loss of your FIL. Easy 5.2 miles @ 8:40 pace today.

              Be safe. Be kind.

                Not sleeping in -- I just forgot to post when I got back. Another beautiful morning in the mid-atlantic (59°F, humidity 72%), but what happened to the daylight? It's a little disappointing to finish a run about 6am and see that dawn is only just beginning. 5.1 miles GA, 42:27, 8:22/mi, AHR 143 Sarge - so sorry about your father in law.

                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews |

                  5 easy with T this morning...8:11 pace Speedwork with Coach tonight...
                  Looking for a place to Happen, making stops along the way - The Hip
                    Good Morning...3 easy slow miles for me last night. The first mile was with DS. He's been running 1 mile of my runs for 2 weeks now, but didn't feel up to par last night, so we had some walk breaks. I sure enjoy the time with him. My ankle is still giving me fits. I purchased a new pair of shoes but don't know if they're helping or making it worse. I've decided to back off on the mileage for a few weeks. It felt pretty good this weekend, but wait, that's probably 'cuz I was eating ibuprophen like candy to curb the headache caused by the hardwood floor finishing products Tongue Anyway, the ankle is frustrating, but then again, what's the rush? Hugs to nonoruns with the loss of your Dad. It's so sad and never quite the same. Hugs also to SteveP. The loss of a pet is extremely hard... Spareribs - your walking would pass me when I was running. Good runs all, Janet

                      I'm sure you're all wondering why NBC is showing all the sissy stuff like swimming & track during prime time and ignoring freestyle wrestling. Pretty simple...the True Wrestling Fans of America sent in a petition signed by 75 zillion people stating that we refuse to watch any of the Olympic wrestling because they wouldn't put Sting & The Undertaker on the team. There's no way that any opponent would survive a Scorpion Death Drop or a Tombstone Piledriver. How sad... Ribs: Just to remind you of the same advice you gave me when I couldn't run due to groin injury:
                      Don't short sell the value of walking. You will build strength in the hip flexor muscles and other muscles not used in running. And if you really concentrate on form, a shorter, quicker turnover in your stride, I bet you can bring down your times too, which will soon give you more aerobic benefit than you first thought it did. I bet you come to enjoy walking after a while. I hope your injury heals soon, but while you are healing, you will gain a great benefit from walking.
                      Sounds to me like you're taking your own advice pretty well. Bruce: You're getting too good for this league.. Twocat:
                      The good news is that it was the fastest I have managed to pull off a tempo run since last winter! The 5 miles came in at 7:04! I am very happy about that.
                      Can I assume now that you're over your funk about slower times...sounds like you're really rounding into form. Sorry I can't help with the eye situation. Breger: Glad you're recovered...and glad Fay only made a glancing blow.. were worried about Queen Pam's folks but no big deal. Sarge: Well, you were expecting it, but...well, you know. All the best to you & family. Sue: That's an excellent track're way ahead of me. Craneium: Volleyball comments? I think we're looking pretty good. Ran a very poor 4.2 miles in 38:47 (9:15)...don't know what happened but I walked numerous times for about 10-15 seconds to catch my breath. I'm now having serious doubts about being able to break 50 minutes in October 10K. DickyG

                      King of PhotoShop

                        Sarge, I'm sorry for your loss. Dicky, I remember when I posted that. Good reminder. You know, Paavo Nurmi, the Flying Finn, incorporated tons of walking into his weekly routine. He would often start each day by walking a tenK. I'm off to do some now, after a poor night's sleep. Spareribs

                          Historical run day two. 1.5 miles warm up from my hotel to the National Mall. 10 miles from Capitol Hill to the Lincoln Memorial times 2 plus some side streets to complete the planned 10 miles and then 1.5 back to my hotel. Total miles: 13. Average pace 10 m/m with mile 9 at 7:30. I never even knew I could run that fast. It must have been the Capitol Building in the horizon that was pulling me to cover the distance so fast. Now it is time to rest up a bit and then walk to the Grand Station to meet up with Hally. I am sure we will be doing some serious walking today. Yesterday alone I covered 7 miles by visiting a few museums. Since my hotel is right in downtown I can pretty much walk to all the places I want to go. My condolences to sarge and the whole sarge family.

                          "Champions are everywhereall you need is to train them properly..." ~Arthur Lydiard

                            Sarge my sympathies to you and your family. Any loss of a close relative is always difficult. Jlynne thanks for your story from yesterday. I am going to try and get a pair of glasses and use them through the weekend. Then on Monday decide what to do. DickyG thanks for the reply. Alas, the funk only ends when in an actual race I manage a time comparable to last year! Tongue We will see how that goes this Saturday. Sorry to cut the replies short but I got to get my tail out of here. Today was 20 miles with my TP. Great morning for a run IRC here in SW CT. Good running everybody.

                            Live like you are dying not like you are afraid to die.

                            Drunken Irish Soda Bread and Irish Brown Bread this way -->

                            Marathon Maniac #957

                              {{{Sarge, Nonoruns, and their families}}} SteveP and Tet – alas, we’re trying to keep the drive time to less than 8 hours, if possible, and that puts northern Michigan out of reach. Jlynne – I did consider Wisconsin, but again the drive time limitation. Roch and Mary – someone just told me that the water is too cold for swimming in Lake Michigan – is that true of the western beaches that you’re talking about Mary? I’m thinking about Grand Haven, Saugatuck, maybe? Karin – sounds like a lot of fun planned for your DS’s birthday – enjoy! Breger – I saw the kite surfer on the news as well. Apparently he’s in critical condition. (sigh) Hate to be mean, but what an idiot. 6.55 mile run for me today, ave HR 134, ave pace for the run 10:36, including 20 x 100m striders at MP (8:45-ish). More like “surges” than striders, I suppose, but that seemed to be about as fast as this stiff old broad could go today. Besides, since I believe one of the main causes of this injury was using poor form in acceleration, I am very tentative about pushing pace for a while. Open house/carnival for DS’s new school tonight – new house, new town, new school – he seems to be taking it well. Thankfully, he’s on the same soccer team he’s been on for years, so he at least has those friends to keep in touch with during this transition.

                              Life is a headlong rush into the unknown. We can hunker down and hope nothing hits us or we can stand tall, lean into the wind and say, "Bring it on, darlin', and don't be stingy with the jalapenos."

                                No sleeping in here either---just ran long like Twocat. 20.2 miles at 6:30 AM with Iron J in Longmeadow, MA at 8:20-25 pace. We grabbed the chance to run together since I’ll be away this weekend. She is my swiftest training partner and is coming on strong. We push each other in a good way and have such fun too. She’s a fifth grade teacher and had plenty to share about the school year ahead (no contract and cranky parents already---school doesn't start until 9/4). It was a great run owing to the fantastic weather---51F and low humidity with clear skies. We found our groove at 8:25 pace and just stayed there until mile 18 and then pushed it in with mile 18 at 8:00, mile 19 at 7:30, 19.5 at 7:00 pace and then the last half at a jog. The speed wasn’t really a plan. Iron J needed to get home for an appointment. Spectacular day here and warming up to 79F. My legs are feeling fatigued now with less than 12 hours between runs, but that's the whole plan. Twocat, Iron J is the friend who was with me at the Ironhorse race. You’ll probably get more of a race from her, but neither of us plan on any couch training! Roar! The kiddo is excited about his upcoming baseball birthday adventure, but seemed most pleased that we moved his bedtime to 9 PM. Little does he know that going to bed early is the true gift! I am sorry for your loss Sarge and hope the many great memories will sustain you and your family in the rough moments. My In-laws are fabulous as well and quite precious to me. What a great run Maraposai. I love running around all the monuments and on the Mall. Have a great time in DC and Kudos to you. Happy trails Karin/CNYrunner